The place Command

Table 25-1 summarizes the usage of the place command.

Table 25-1. The place command.
place win ?win ..? ?options?This is just like place configure.
place configure win ?win ...? ?options?Places one or more widgets according to the options, which are given Table 25-2.
place forget win ?win...?Unmaps the specified windows.
place info winReturns the placement parameters of win.
place slaves winReturns the list of widgets managed by win.

Table 25-2 summarizes the placement options for a widget. These are set with the place configure command, and the current settings are returned by the place info command.

Table 25-2. Placement options.
-in winPlaces inside (or relative to) win.
-anchor whereAnchors: center, n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, or nw. Default: nw.
-x coordX position, in screen units, of the anchor point.
-relx offsetRelative X position. 0.0 is the left edge. 1.0 is the right edge.
-y coordY position, in screen units, of the anchor point.
-rely offsetRelative Y position. 0.0 is the top edge. 1.0 is the bottom edge.
-width sizeWidth of the window, in screen units.
-relwidth sizeWidth relative to parent's width. 1.0 is full width.
-height sizeHeight of the window, in screen units.
-relheight sizeHeight relative to the parent's height. 1.0 is full height.
-bordermode modeIf mode is inside, then size and position are inside the parent's border. If mode is outside, then size and position are relative to the outer edge of the parent. The default is inside.

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