Saving and Loading Bindings

All that remains is the actual change or definition of a binding and some way to remember the bindings the next time the application is run. The BindDefine procedure attempts a bind command that uses the contents of the entries. If it succeeds, then the edit window is removed by unpacking it.

The bindings are saved by Bind_Save as a series of Tcl commands that define the bindings. It is crucial that the list command be used to construct the commands properly.

Bind_Read uses the source command to read the saved commands. The application must call Bind_Read as part of its initialization to get the customized bindings for the widget or class. It also must provide a way to invoke Bind_Interface, such as a button, menu entry, or key binding.

Example 43-7 Defining and saving bindings.
proc BindDefine { f } {
   if [catch {
      bind [$ get] [$f.edit.key.e get] 
         [$f.edit.cmd.e get]
   } err] {
      Status $err
   } else {
      # Remove the edit window
      pack forget $f.edit
proc Bind_Save { dotfile args } {
   set out [open $ w]
   foreach w $args {
      foreach seq [bind $w] {
         # Output a Tcl command
         puts $out [list bind $w $seq [bind $w $seq]]
   close $out
   file rename -force $ $dotfile
proc Bind_Read { dotfile } {
   if [catch {
      if [file exists $dotfile] {
         # Read the saved Tcl commands
         source $dotfile
   } err] {
      Status "Bind_Read $dotfile failed: $err"

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