
Another important thing to learn, which will require that the preceding rules are applied, is hierarchy.

Its been explained in the previous chapter, it's application in the Web world is pretty straightforward.

Don't do it wrong, don't just use p with different ids. There are HTML elements since the first versions that will be rendered are better, they will be correctly read from SEO robots: the Headings elements.

They are numbered and ordered from the first to the sixth, from H1 to H6, they render correctly and differently, by default, on any browser but they are modifiable through all the preceding rules.

So you can modify their appearance any way you want, just remember to address that part correctly, with h1 being the most prominent and h6 the least. As much as they are important for your website SEO, in this book we're covering more than the writing and the visual aspect of the matter; so as a general rule, remember that every text is readable at a glance if it incorporates three levels: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.

Primary is an h1 or h2 (if the h1 is already present somewhere on the page, remember that you can correctly use more than one h1 in the same page, if each one is in a different section of the page, but this will still create some confusion for the SEO). The secondary level must be the following heading in this order and Tertiary is your principal informative text.

All said and done, remember that the above CSS rules and properties apply to every part of the text you want, be it a link, a title, or a focus point.

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