Appendix B. Elixir Functional Model (Continued)

This appendix picks up from where we left the functional model of Elixir in Chapter 7!

Logical Level

Component Identification

The components for the first subsystem—that is, Asset Onboarding Management—were covered in Chapter 7. Tables B.1 through B.4 cover the identified components for the remaining subsystems.


Table B.1 Responsibilities of the KPI Manager Component


Table B.2 Responsibilities of the Alert Manager Component


Table B.3 Responsibilities of the Failure Analysis Manager Component


Table B.4 Responsibilities of the Report Manager Component

Apart from the list of components illustrated here, two components were identified: Error Logger and Security Manager. These components are, respectively, responsible for logging all application or system errors into a file system or database and managing the authentication and authorization of users accessing the Elixir system.

Component Collaboration

Figures B.1 and B.2 illustrate the following two component collaborations for Elixir:

• Generate Machine Alerts

• Recommend Work Orders


Figure B.1 Component collaboration for Generate Machine Alerts use case.


Figure B.2 Component collaboration for Recommend Work Orders use case.

Specified Level

Component Responsibility Matrix

The components for the first subsystem—that is, Asset Onboarding Management—were covered in Chapter 7. This section covers the components for the remaining subsystems.

Note: Tables B.5 through B.8 are similar to the corresponding tables illustrated earlier in this appendix. The only difference is that these tables augment the component responsibilities with the nonfunctional requirements. For the sake of brevity, the existing responsibilities (illustrated in the earlier tables) are not repeated.


Table B.5 Component Responsibility of the KPI Manager Component


Table B.6 Component Responsibility of the Alert Manager Component


Table B.7 Component Responsibility of the Failure Analysis Manager Component


Table B.8 Component Responsibility of the Report Manager Component

Interface Specification

The interfaces for the components in the first subsystem—that is, Asset Onboarding Management—were covered in Chapter 7. Tables B.9 through B.11 cover the component interfaces for the remaining subsystems.


Table B.9 Specification for the KPI Calculation Interface


Table B.10 Specification for the Alerting Interface


Table B.11 Specification for the Recommender Interface

The Reporting Manager component would be implemented by a COTS product, so a custom interface on the component is not deemed of much value.

Two technical components were identified in this step: Security Manager and Error Logger. Figure B.3 provides a diagrammatic representation of the components and their interfaces.


Figure B.3 The two technical components of Elixir and their interfaces.

Note: The SecurityManager component can either be considered as a technical component or as a functional component, based on the architect’s choice! However, capturing its specifications is independent of its classification.

Associate Data Entries with Subsystems

The association of core data entities to the subsystems of Elixir was addressed in Chapter 7. However, a few data entities were not owned by the functional subsystems. These data entities are actually owned by the two technical components: the Security Manager and the Error Logger (see Figure B.4).


Figure B.4 Associating data entities to the technical components of Elixir.

Component Assignment to Layers

Because all the components were assigned to the Layered view as covered in Chapter 7, there are no additional artifacts to address.

Physical Level

Because all the components were assigned to an infrastructure topology as covered in Chapter 7, there are no additional artifacts to address.

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