

ABBs (architecture building blocks), 8, 20, 77

dependencies between, 11

of ARA

Analytics Solutions ABBs, 222

Cognitive Computing ABBs, 228

Consumers ABBs, 223

Data Acquisition and Access ABBs, 218-219

Data and Information Security ABBs, 224

Data Integration and Consolidation ABBs, 221

Data Repository ABBs, 219

Data Type ABBs, 217

Descriptive Analytics ABBs, 225

Metadata ABBs, 223-224

Models ABBs, 219

Operational Analytics ABBs, 227

Predictive Analytics ABBs, 225-226

Prescriptive Analytics ABBs, 226

access layer, 173

accuracy, 112

adapters, 158, 248

addressing nonfunctional capabilities, 12-13

aggregation, 164

agility, 231-233

infrastructure framework, 233

MVP paradigm, 234-235

analytics, 199

cognitive computing, 204

descriptive analytics, 202

governance, 212

need for, 200-201

operational analytics, 201-202

predictive analytics, 202, 235-236

prescriptive analytics, 203-204

semi-structured layer, 217

structured data, 217

unstructured data, 218

analytics architecture reference model

foundation, 205-206

systems of engagement, 206

systems of insight, 206

Analytics as a Service, 178

Analytics Solutions ABBs, 222

Analytics Solutions layer (ARA), 210

“Analytics: The Speed Advantage,” 200

API-level integration, 158-160

APIs, 158

application architecture, 41

application HA, 188

application servers, capacity planning, 191

application viewpoint, 16

approaches to systems integration, 152



Analytics Solutions ABBs, 222

Cognitive Computing ABBs, 228

Consumers ABBs, 223

Data Acquisition and Access ABBs, 218-219

Data and Information Security ABBs, 224

Data Integration and Consolidation ABBs, 221

Data Repository ABBs, 219

Data Type ABBs, 217

Descriptive Analytics ABBs, 225

Metadata ABBs, 223-224

Models ABBs, 219

Operational Analytics ABBs, 227

Predictive Analytics ABBs, 225-226

Prescriptive Analytics ABBs, 226

horizontal layers, 208

Analytics Solutions layer, 210

Consumers layer, 210

Data Integration and Consolidation layer, 209

Data Repository layer, 209

Data Types layer, 208

Models layer, 209

Layered view, 207

pillars, 207

Cognitive Computing, 216

Descriptive Analytics, 213

Operational Analytics, 215

Predictive Analytics, 214

Prescriptive Analytics, 214

vertical layers, 210

Data Governance layer, 211-212

Metadata layer, 212

architecturally significant use cases, 11

architecture, 20, 39

baselining on core strengths of technology products, 240-241

blueprints, 9

conceptual architecture of the IT System, 40

Enterprise view, 40-43

Core Business Processes component artifacts, 44

Data and Information component artifacts, 45

Technology Enablers component artifacts, 46

upgrading, 47

Users and Delivery Channels component artifacts, 44

IT System view, 52

banking example, 53

nodes, 54-55

nonfunctional characteristics, 55

Layered view, 40, 47-52

need for, 41

principles, 245

process architecture, 247-248

SOA reference architecture, 49

technology-driven, 237-238, 248

versus design, 9

views, 39

architecture decisions, 20, 65

attributes, 68-69

case study, 72-74

compliance factors, 66-67

creating, 67, 69-72

DLTs, 67

documenting, 66

example of, 70-72

for Elixir, 74-75

importance of, 65-66


for IT subsystems, 82

traceability, 79

As-a-Service models, 176

Analytics as a Service, 178

IaaS, 177

PaaS, 178

SaaS, 178

Solution as a Service, 178

assigning components to layers, 94-96

associating data entities with subsystems, 90-92


of architecture decisions, 68-69

of NFRs, 112-113

attributes of leaders, 237

availability, 112

HA, 180

application HA, 188

database HA, 188

disk subsystem HA, 184

hardware HA, 181-182

operating system HA, 182

SPoF, 180

availability viewpoint, 16


back office zone, 142

banking example of IT System view, 53

Batch integration pattern, 162

best practices for software architecture, 13

Best West Manufacturers case study, 1-4

BI (business intelligence), 202

business architecture viewpoint, 11, 41

Business Context, comparing with System Context, 23

business operating models, 42

business processes, 11

Business Process layer (Layered view), 50

business process modeling, 29

business rules, 87

business use cases

identifying, 85

versus system use case, 4


capacity planning, 189, 192

application servers, 191

database servers, 191-192

web servers, 190


architecture decisions, 67-70

interface details, 89

System Context, 25

case study, 30-31, 36

information flows, 28-29

case studies

architecture decisions, 72-74

Best West Manufacturers, 1-4


architecture overview, 57, 60-62

functional model, 99-103, 106, 261, 264-267

infrastructure, 192-194

Integration view, 166-170

OM, 141, 144-147

System Context, 30-31, 36

CBM (Component Business Modeling), 79-81

accountability levels, 80

business competencies, 79

CEP (complex event processing), 250

channels, 27

cloud computing, 256-257

As-a-Service models

IaaS, 177

PaaS, 178

SaaS, 178

deployment models, 257-258

hosting, 176

CMS, 178-180

hybrid cloud deployment models, 177

private cloud deployment models, 177

public cloud deployment models, 176

virtualization, 139

CMS (Cloud Management Services), 178-180

cognitive computing, 204, 216, 228

collaboration diagrams, 85

COM (conceptual operational model), 114

developing, 114

defining zones and locations, 115-116

identifying components, 116-117

placing the components, 118

DUs, linking, 122

for Elixir case study, 141, 146

rationalizing, 123-125

retail example, 114, 122

validating, 123-125

communicating best practices, 13


architecture and design, 9

Business Context and System Context, 23

compatibility, 112

completeness DLT, 67

complexity of integration, 152

compliance factors for architecture decisions, 66-67

component architecture, 20

component meta-model, 94

component responsibility matrix, 86


assignment to layers, 94-96

of COM

defining, 116-117

placing, 118

identifying, 83-84

interaction at specified design level, 92-94

interface details, capturing, 89

composite business services, 159

Composition Service topology, 160

conceptual architecture of the IT System, 40

conceptual-level design, 81

conceptual models, 245

conceptual nodes, 121

connections, implementing in POM, 131-137

Consumers ABBs, 223

Consumers layer (ARA), 210

containers, Docker technology, 258-259

Core Business Processes component artifacts, 44

core layer, 173

creating architecture decisions, 67-72

cross-cutting viewpoints, 16-17

CRUD, 92

custom enterprise models, 220


data, velocity, 201

Data Acquisition and Access ABBs, 218-219

Data Acquisition and Access layer (ARA), 208

Data and Information component artifacts, 45

Data and Information Security ABBs, 224

database HA, 188

database servers, capacity planning, 191-192

data centers, 176

data entities, associating with subsystems, 90-92

Data Governance layer (ARA)

analytics governance, 212

integration governance, 211

Data Information and Security layer (ARA), 212

data/information architecture, 41

Data Integration and Consolidation ABBs, 221

Data Integration and Consolidation layer (ARA), 209

data-level integration, 154-155

Data Repository ABBs, 219

Data Repository layer (ARA), 209

data type ABBs, 217

data types layer (ARA), 208

data virtualization, 221

DDUs (data deployable units), 118-119

decisions, architecture decisions, 20

DeepQA, 204, 252-253


components of COM, 116-117

location of system components, 115-116

software architecture, 8

System Context, 23

delivery channels, 27

dependencies between ABBs, 11

deployment models, cloud computing, 257-258

Descriptive Analytics, 202, 213

Descriptive Analytics ABBs, 225

descriptive modeling, 225


best practices, 13

versus architecture, 9


architecture decisions, 67-72

functional model, 81

associating data entities with subsystems, 90-92

component assignment to layers, 94-96

component interaction, 92-94

component responsibility matrix, 86

interface specification, 88-90

logical-level design, 82-85

physical-level design, 96-99

specified-level design, 85


COM, 114-118, 123-125

POM, 131-141

SOM, 125-128, 131

technical services, 125

development of OM, 113


architecture overview, 39

Business Context, 24

Enterprise view, 42-43

Core Business Processes component artifacts, 44

Data and Information component artifacts, 45

Elixir case study, 57-60

Technology Enablers component artifacts, 46

upgrading, 47

Users and Delivery Channels component artifacts, 44

IT System view, 52

banking example, 53

Elixir case study, 61-62

nodes, 54-55

nonfunctional characteristics, 55

Layered view, 47-52

Elixir case study, 60-61

vertical layers, 49

System Context

channels, 27

external systems, 27-28

for Elixir, 30

users, 26

dimensional analysis, 225

Direct Connection topology, 160

disadvantages of multitasking, 235

disk subsytem HA, 184

distribution layer, 173

DLPARs (dynamic LPARs), 182

DLTs (Decision Litmus Tests), 67

DMZ, 141

Docker technology, 258-259

documenting architecture decisions, 66

DR (disaster recovery), 189

DUs (deployable units), 118

DDUs, placing, 119

EDUs, placing, 120

linking, 122

PDUs, placing, 119-120

Dynamic Binding, 160

dynamic view of System Context, information flows, 28-29


EAI (Enterprise Application Integration), 160

EDA (event-driven architecture), 246-247

EDUs (execution deployable units), 118-120

EDWs, 249-250

Eggen, Bert, 135

elaboration, 109

Elixir case study

architecture decisions, 72-75

architecture overview

Enterprise view, 57-60

IT System view, 61-62

Layered view, 60-61

functional model case studies, 99-103, 106, 261-267

infrastructure, 192-194

Integration View case study, 166-170

operational model, 141, 144

COM, 141, 146

POM, 147

SOM, 146

System Context, developing, 30-31, 36

ensuring QoS, 138-139

enterprise data warehouse, 221

enterprise-level views, 20

enterprise mobile applications, 223

enterprise search, 223

Enterprise view, 40-43

Core Business Processes component artifacts, 44

Data and Information component artifacts, 45

Elixir case study, 57-60

Technology Enablers component artifacts, 46

upgrading, 47

Users and Delivery Channels component artifacts, 44

entities, semantic model, 155

establishing traceability

between architecture and design activities, 78

between requirements and architecture, 79

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), 218

example of architecture decisions, 70-72

external systems, 27-28


fault tolerance. See also capacity planning

application HA, 188

database HA, 188

disk subsystem HA, 184, 187

hardware HA, 181-182

operating system HA, 182

RAID, 184, 187

SPoF, 181

federated data integration technique, 154

filters, 165

flexibility DLT, 67

functional architecture viewpoint, 11, 15

functional model, 20

developing, 81

Elixir functional model case study, 261-267

logical-level design, developing, 82-85

need for, 77

physical-level design, developing, 96-99

purpose of

establishing traceability between architecture and design activities, 78

establishing traceability between requirements and architecture, 79

linking with operational model, 78

managing system complexity, 78

semantic levels, 81

specified-level design, developing, 85-96


gathering requirements, 233-234

Governance layer (Layered view), 52

HA (High Availability), 180

application HA, 188

database HA, 188

disk subsystem HA, 184

hardware HA, 181-182

operating system HA, 182

RAID, 184, 187

SPoF, 180

HADR (High Availability & Disaster Recovery), 188

horizontal layers, ARA, 208

Analytics Solutions layer, 210

Consumers layer, 210

Data Acquisition and Access layer, 208

Data Integration and Consolidation layer, 209

Data Repository layer, 209

Data Types layer, 208

Models layer, 209

horizontal scalability, 138

hosting, 176

CMS, 178-180

hybrid cloud deployment models, 177

private cloud deployment models, 177

public cloud deployment models, 176

hybrid cloud deployment models, 177


IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), 177

IBM IT System Viewpoint Library, cross-cutting viewpoints, 16-17


business use cases, 85

components, 83-84

data entities, 90

specification nodes, 126

subsystems, 82-83

technical components, 126-128, 131

IDUs (installation deployable units), 118

“-ilities,” 111

impact analysis, 13

implementing nodes and connections in POM, 131-137

independence DLT, 67

industry standard models, 219

influences planning, 11-12

Information Architecture layer (Layered view), 51

information flows, 28-29

infrastructure, 21

cloud computing

As-a-Service models, 177-178

CMS, 178

deployment models, 176

components, selecting, 131-134

Elixir Systems case study, 192-194

HA, 180

application HA, 188

database HA, 188

disk subsystem HA, 184

hardware HA, 181-182

operating sytem HA, 182

SPoF, 180

hosting, CMS, 178-180

network infrastructure model, 173-175

topologies, 174

yin and yang analogy, 172

infrastructure framework for agile development, 233

insight, 222

integration, 151

API-level integration, 158-160

approaches to, 152

complexity of, 152

data-level integration, 154

federated technique, 154

replication technique, 155

Elixir Integration View case study, 166-170

layers, 152

message-level integration, 156-158

service-level integration, 160

user interface integration, 153-154

integration governance, 211

Integration layer (Layered view), 51

integration patterns, 21, 161

Batch, 162

message routers, 165-166

message transformers, 166

pipes and filters, 165

Synchronous Batch Request-Response, 163

integrity DLT, 67

intercomponent dependencies, 12

interface details, capturing, 89

interface specification, 88-90

IT subsystems, 78

artifacts, 82

identifying, 82-83

IT System view, 20, 40, 52

banking example, 53

Elixir case study, 61-62

nodes, 54-55

nonfunctional characteristics, 55


KPIs, 227

Kruchten, Philippe, 14

Layered view 20, 40, 47, 52

ARA, 207

horizontal layers, 208-210

pillars, 207

vertical layers, 210-212

Elixir case study, 60-61

vertical layers, 49


assigning components to, 94-96

integration, 152

leadership, 237

legacy adapters, 158


DUs, 122

functional model with operational model, 78

location of system components, defining, 115-116

logical data model, 90

logical-level design, developing, 82

business use cases, identifying, 85

component identification, 83-84

subsystem identification, 82-83

LPAR (logical partitioning), 181

LXC (Linux Containers), 258


MAA (Maximum Availability Architecture), 188

maintainability, 112

managing system complexity, 78

matrix algebra, 134

message-level integration, 156-158

message routers, 165-166

message transformers, 166

metadata ABBs, 223-224

micro design, 98

mirroring, 184

Models ABBs, 219

Models layer (ARA), 209

modifiability, 112

MOM (message-oriented middleware), 156

MPLS/VPN (Multiprotocol Label Switching VPN), 175

MPP (massively parallel processing) systems, 252

multitasking, disadvantages of, 235

MVP (minimal valuable product), 234-235


network infrastructure model, 173-175

access layer, 173

core layer, 173

distribution layer, 173

networks. See also infrastructure

cloud computing

As-a-Service models, 177-178

hosting, 176

hybrid cloud deployment models, 177

private cloud deployment models, 177

public cloud deployment models, 176-180

HA, 180

application HA, 188

database HA, 188

disk subsystem HA, 184

hardware HA, 181-182

operating sytem HA, 182

SPoF, 180

segmentation, 175

topologies, 133, 174

network switch blocks, 249

next best action, 222

NFRs (nonfunctional requirements), 12-13, 86

attributes, 112-113

HA, 180


implementing in POM, 131-137

IT System view, 54-55

nonfunctional characteristics, IT System view, 55


OM (operational model), 109

COM, 114

developing, 114-118, 123-125

Elixir case study, 141-146

retail example, 114, 122

development, 113

elaboration, 109

“-ilities,” 111

linking with functional model, 78

need for, 110

NFR attributes, 112

POM, 114

developing, 131-141

Elixir case study, 147

QoS, ensuring, 138-139

SOM, 114

developing, 125-128, 131

Elixir case study, 146

technical viability assessment, 128-129

traceability, 111

ontology, 220, 253-254

OOAD (object-oriented analysis and design), 244-245

open source technologies, 238-239

operating system HA, 182

Operational Analytics, 201-202, 215, 227

operational architecture, 11, 16

operational dashboard, 223

Operational layer (Layered view), 50


PaaS (Platform as a Service), 178

parallel development, 82

parity bits, 187

party checksum, 187

PDUs (presentation deployable units), 118-120

performance, 112, 138-139

performance viewpoint, 16

physical-level design, developing, 96-99

physical models, 245

pillars of ARA, 207

Cognitive Computing, 216

Descriptive Analytics, 213

Operational Analytics, 215

Predictive Analytics, 214

Prescriptive Analytics, 214

pipes, 165


components of COM, 118

DDUs, 119

EDUs, 120

PDUs, 119-120

POM (physical operational model), 114, 246

developing, 131-137

for Elixir case study, 147

nodes and connections, implementing, 131-137

QoS, ensuring, 138-139

rationalizing, 139-141

validating, 139-141

portability, 112

“The Practical Software Architect,” 7

precision, 112

Predictive Analytics, 202, 214, 225-226, 235-236

predictive asset optimization, 222

predictive customer insight, 222

Prescriptive Analytics, 203-204, 214, 226

private cloud deployment models, 177

problem solving, 239

process architecture, 247-248

process breakdown, 29

public cloud deployment models, 177

Publish-Subscribe, 164

purpose of functional model

establishing traceability between architecture and design activities, 78

establishing traceability between requirements and architecture, 79

linking with operational model, 78

managing system complexity, 78


QoS (quality of service), 138-139, 176

QoS layer (Layered view), 51

quality attributes, 111


RAID 0, 184

RAID 1, 184, 187

RAID 5, 184

RAID 6, 185

RAID 10, 186


COM, 123-125

POM, 139-141

SOM, 128, 131

real-time analytics, 201-202

real-time model scoring, 227

recommender systems, 222

recursive use of software architecture, 9-10

reliability, 67, 112

replication data integration technique, 155

reporting dashboard, 223

reporting workbench, 225

representing information flows, 28

requirements gathering, 29, 233-234

requirements viewpoint, 15

retail example of COM, 114, 122

road analogy for network topologies, 133

roles of users, 27


SaaS (Software as a Service), 178

scalability, 113, 138

horizontal scalability, 138

vertical scalability, 138

scale out, 138

scale up, 138

schema at read techniques, 251

schema at write techniques, 251

secured zone, 141

security, 112

security viewpoint, 17

segmentation, 175

selecting infrastructure components, 131-134

semantic integration, 221

semantic levels of functional model, 81

semantic model, 155, 220

semi-structured layer, 217

send and forget processing model, 158

Service Components layer (Layered view), 50

service-level integration, 160

service registries, 249

Services layer (Layered view), 50

SLAs, 173

SOA (service-oriented architecture), 49, 246

software architecture, 7-8

ABBs, 8

addressing nonfunctional capabilities, 12-13

best practices, 13

defining, 8

impact analysis, 13

influences planning, 11-12

recursive use of, 9-10

representations, 11

viewpoints, 10

business architecture viewpoint, 11

functional architecture viewpoint, 11

operational architecture viewpoint, 11

Solution as a Service, 178

solution viewpoint, 15

solving problems, 239-240

SOM (specification operational model), 114

developing, 125

identifying specification nodes, 126

identifying technical components, 126-128

for Elixir case study, 146

rationalizing, 128-131

technical viability assessment, 128-129

validating, 128-131

Spark, 254-255

specification nodes, identifying, 126

specified-level design, developing, 85

associating data entities with subsystems, 90-92

component assignment to layers, 94-96

component interaction, 92-94

component responsibility matrix, 86

interface specification, 88-90

specified models, 245

SPoF (single points of failure), 180

store and forward processing model, 158

stream computing, 250

striping, 184, 187

structured data, 217

subsystems, 78

artifacts, 82

associating with data entries, 90

identifying, 82-83

supervised learning techniques, 253

Synchronous Batch Request-Response, 163

Synchronous Request-Response, 162

system complexity, managing, 78

system context, 20, 24

capturing, 25

case study, 30-31, 36

defining, 23

diagrams, 26

channels, 27

external systems, 27-28

dynamic view, information flows, 28-29

systems integration, 151

API-level integration, 158-160

approaches to, 152

complexity of, 152

data-level integration, 154

federated technique, 154

replication technique, 155

Elixir Integration View case study, 166-170

integration patterns, 161

aggregation, 164

Batch, 162

message routers, 165-166

message transformers, 166

pipes and filters, 165

Publish-Subscribe, 164

Store and Forward, 164

Synchronous Batch Request-Response, 163

Synchronous Request-Response, 162

layers, 152

message-level integration, 156-158

service-level integration, 160

user interface integration, 153-154

systems management, 16, 113

systems of engagement, 206

systems of insight, 206

system use cases, 4, 85


tabular format for capturing architecture decisions, 69-70

taxonomies, 220, 253-254

technical architecture, 41

technical components, identifying, 126-128, 131

technical services, developing, 125

technical viability assessment of SOM, 128-129

technical viewpoint, 16

technology adapters, 29

technology agnostic views, 39

technology-driven architecture, 237-238, 248

Technology Enablers component artifacts, 46

ThePSA, 7

three-tier hierarchical network model, 173-175

TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework), 41

Tonnage Per Hour, 213

top-down functional decomposition, 244

topologies, 174

traceability, 79

CBM, 79-81

accountability levels, 80

business competencies, 79


between architecture and design activities, 78

between requirements and architecture, 79

OM, 111

traits of leaders, 237

triple stores, 251

TSA (Tivoli System Automation), 188


UML (Unified Modeling Language), 83, 90

unstructured data, 218

unsupervised learning techniques, 253

untrusted zone, 141

upgrading Enterprise view, 47

usability, 112

use cases

architecturally significant use cases, 11

BWM case study, 2-4

business use cases, 4, 85

identifying, 85

system use cases, 85

user interface integration, 153-154


roles, 27

System Context diagram, 26

Users and Delivery Channels component artifacts, 44



COM, 123-125

POM, 139-141

SOM, 128, 131

validation viewpoint, 16

validity DLT, 67

value creation, 200

velocity, 201

vertical layers

ARA, 210

Data Governance layer, 211-212

Data Information and Security layer, 212

in Layered view, 49

vertical scalability, 138, 191


cross-cutting viewpoints, 16-17

of software architecture, 10, 14

business architecture viewpoint, 11

functional architecture viewpoint, 11

operational architecture viewpoint, 11

views, 39

Enterprise view, 40-43

Core Business Processes component artifacts, 44

Data and Information component artifacts, 45

Elixir case study, 57, 60

Technology Enablers component artifacts, 46

upgrading, 47

Users and Delivery Channels component artifacts, 44

IT System view, 40, 52

banking example, 53

Elixir case study, 61-62

nodes, 54-55

nonfunctional characteristics, 55

Layered view, 40, 47-52

Elixir case study, 60-61

vertical layers, 49

technology agnostic, 39

virtualization, cloud-based, 139

VLANs, 176

VPNs (virtual private networks), 175


Watson, 252-253

Web APIs, 160

web servers, capacity planning, 190

Web Services, 160

work products, 26

writing down your problems, 239


XOR logic, 187

yin and yang analogy of infrastructure, 172

zones, 115-116

back office zone, 142

DMZ, 141

secured zone, 141

untrusted zone, 141

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