

Part 1: Time Series as a Subject for Analysis

Chapter 1 Time Series Data

1.1 Time Series Questions

1.2 Types of Time Series: Theoretical Considerations

1.3 Types of Time Series: Practical Considerations

1.4 Time Series Procedures in SAS

1.5 References for Data Used in this Book

Part 2: Time Series in SAS

Chapter 2 Datetime Variables in SAS

2.1 Datetime Variables

2.2 Output Formats

2.3 Importing Datetime Variables

2.4 Handling Datetime Variables

2.5 Time Series Data Sets

Chapter 3 Aggregation Using PROC TIMESERIES

3.1 Aggregation


Chapter 4 Interpolation Using PROC EXPAND

4.1 Interpolation of Time Series


Part 3: Forecasting

Chapter 5 Exponential Smoothing of Nonseasonal Series

5.1 Simple Exponential Smoothing

5.2 Double Exponential Smoothing

5.3 Forecasting Danish Fertility by Exponential Smoothing

5.4 Forecast Errors

5.5 Forecast Errors for the Prediction of Danish Fertility

5.6 Moving Average Representations

5.7 Calculating Confidence Limits for Forecasts

5.8 Applying Confidence Limits for Forecasts

5.9 Confidence Limits for Forecasts of Danish Fertility

5.10 Determining the Smoothing Constant

5.11 Estimating the Smoothing Parameter in PROC ESM

5.12 Holt Exponential Smoothing and the Damped-Trend Method

5.13 Forecasting Fertility by the Damped-Trend Method in PROC ESM

5.14 Concluding Remarks about Exponential Smoothing for Forecasting

Chapter 6 Forecasting by Exponential Smoothing of Seasonal Series

6.1 Seasonal Exponential Smoothing

6.2 Using the Winters Method for Seasonal Forecasting

6.3 Forecasting the Number of Overnight Stays by US Citizens at Danish Hotels

6.4 Forecasting Using Additive Seasonal Exponential Smoothing with PROC ESM

6.5 Forecasting US Retail E-Commerce Using the Winters Method

6.6 Forecasting the Relative Importance of E-Commerce by PROC ESM

6.7 Forecasting the Relative Importance of E-Commerce Using a Transformation in PROC ESM

Chapter 7 Exponential Smoothing versus Parameterized Models

7.1 Exponential Smoothing Expressed as Autoregressive Models

7.2 Autoregressive Models

7.3 Fitting Autoregressive Models

7.4 Autocorrelations

7.5 ARIMA Models

7.6 Estimating Box-Jenkins ARIMA Models in SAS

7.7 Forecasting Fertility Using Fitted ARMA Models in PROC VARMAX

7.8 Forecasting the Swiss Business Indicator with PROC ESM

7.9 Fitting Models for the Swiss Business Indicator Using PROC VARMAX

Part 4: Seasonal Adjustments

Chapter 8 Basic Adjustments Using the Census X11 Method

8.1 Seasonality

8.2 Seasonal Adjustment Using Census X11

8.3 Seasonal Adjustment of US E-Commerce

8.4 Seasonal Adjustment of UK Unemployment

Chapter 9 Additional Facilities in PROC X12

9.1 Model Fitting and Forecasting Using PROC X12

9.2 Seasonal Adjustment of US E-Commerce Data Using the Additional Features in PROC X12

9.3 Seasonal Adjustment of the Number of Overnight Stays

Part 5: Unobserved Components Models

Chapter 10 Models with Unobserved Components

10.1 Formulation of the Basic Model

10.2 ARIMA Representation

10.3 Extensions of the Model

10.4 Estimation of Unobserved Components Models

10.5 State Space Models in SAS

Chapter 11 Analysis of Danish Fertility Using PROC UCM

11.1 ComponentEstimation

11.2 Outlier Detection

11.3 Extensions of the Model

Chapter 12 Analysis of US E-Commerce Using PROC UCM

12.1 Estimation of the Components

12.2 Regression Components

12.3 Model Fit

Chapter 13 An Analysis of the Arctic Ice Coverage Series Using Unobserved Components

13.1 The Time Series

13.2 Aggregation to Yearly Averages

13.3 Aggregation to Monthly Averages

13.4 Aggregation to Weekly Averages

13.5 Aggregation to a Series Observed Every Second Day

13.6 Analysis of the Daily Series

13.7 Concluding Remarks



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