Accountability: and feedback; peer-to-peer, leveraging

Acknowledgment, importance of

Active practice

Activities: back-pocket; engineering for success; giving names to; mistaking for achievement; repetition of

Analyzing the game

Anderson, A. L.

Apgar score

Apgar, V.

Approaches, naming


Assertive Discipline (Canter)

Attentiveness, lack of, as time waster

Audible format

Audience: associations made by; delivery of speech/presentation to

Automated skills, building layers of

Awareness, conscious


Back-pocket activity

Bambrick-Santoyo, P.

Barber, M.

Bardem, J.

Barkley, C.

Barriers to entry; end goal; getting over by practicing; identifying/naming barriers; proactively addressing

Barrows, H.

Basic skills, retraining in

Beane, B.

Believable models, seeking

Bender, M.

bin Laden, O.

Black box, use of term

Brain, relying unconsciously on behaviors learned by rote

Bright spots, practicing

Buckingham, M.


Candidates: feedback of school leaders to; performance on tasks; sample lesson

Canter, L.

Catnip, use of term

Cheung, S.

Classroom teachers, school teachers vs.

Coaches; and barriers to entry; “changing things up,”; coaching during the game; collecting/measuring data on performance; correction; drilling; encoded failure; failing to instruct; feedback; “getting past nice,”; and imitation; need to focus on fewer things; plans; and scrimmaging; and success; time wasters; training; videotape, observing

Cold Call technique; observing for

Commitment to practice, leveraging


Complete sentence format

Conscious awareness

Conscious problem solving and automaticity, synergy of

Consortium for Policy Research in Education

Corazza, J. C.

Correction; in private; self-; shortening the feedback loop; Wooden on

Coyle, D.

Creativity, unlocking

Cruyff, J.

Culture of practice


Daly, T.



DePodesta, P.

Discrete skills: development of; and feedback; practicing; surfacing

Discussion, too much time spent on

Driggs, C.

Drills: and coaches; defined; differentiating from scrimmages; level 2; one v. one drill

Drive-by trainings

Dweck, C.


Eagleman, D.

Effective practice: executing; shifts in thinking of what constitutes

Eichten, M.

80/20 rule, organizing practices around

Encoded failure

Ericsson, A.

Error: fixing; framing; normalizing; practicing failure/responding to; responding to

Exit tickets

Eye contact


Failure, and practice

Feedback; and accountability; applying/reflecting on; candidate response to; delivering; describing the solution; exit tickets; focusing on strengths; getting people to use; limiting; locking in; and modeling; next action; and observation; positive; practicing using; prioritizing; quality of; and recognition/praise; sentence starters; and shaping of behavior; summarizing; as team-building exercise; using

Feedback loop, shortening

First Break All the Rules (Buckingham)

Foer, J.

Format; audible; complete sentence; grammatical; identifying an error; RTQ

Frame, N.

Fundamentals, automating



Gawande, A.

Gladwell, M.

Goldstein, M.

Grammatical format


Hands-down gesture, meaning of

Hard work, overrating

Harmon, B.

Harnessing the wisdom of crowds

Heart of the Game, The (documentary)

Heath, C.

Heath, D.

Hernandez, X.

Horng, E. L.

Houston Independent School District (HISD)



If/then questions, use of


Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain (Eagleman)

Inner expert, taming

Integrating skills; game environment; game-like scenarios; matching

Isolation: of skills; training workshops at Uncommon Schools


Jackson, J.

Johnson, M.

Joint Special Forces Operations Command


Kang, Y.

Klasik, D.

Krzyzewski, M.


Lambert, C.

Language, being thoughtful/intentional about

Law of the vital few, See 80/20 rule

Learning skills, stressing

Lemov, D.; on champions; on common ability in high performers; on corrections; if/then questions, use of

Leverage Leadership (Bambrick-Santoyo)

Lewis, M.

Limiting feedback

Listening; to feedback; by nodding/taking notes

“Living the Learning” template

Loeb, S.

Long directions, as time waster

Looking for the right things; discrete skills; observation tool, creating; observations; use of term


Made to Stick (Heath/Heath)

Mastery, checking for

Mathews, J.

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing

McCurry, D.

Messi, L.

Meulensteen, R.

Mickelson, P.


Milling around, as time waster

Modeling; asking for feedback; backfires of; calling your shots; danger in using; defined; and description; e-mailing your shots; framing as a B+ version; imitation; jumping into; making models believable; of path; shadowing; as skill; of “skinny parts” of skills; supermodeling; video, use of

Monday Morning Test; key to passing; for a mentee/small team; for organizations; for yourself

Moneyball (film)

Moonwalking with Einstein (Foer)

Morrish, R.


Naming skills

New skills, practicing for improved performance

New Teacher Project, The (TNTP)

NewBrands marketing (hypothetical)

No Opt Out technique; iterative practice


Noel, S.

Noncompliance with teacher’s lesson

Nonverbal: hand gestures, use of; interventions; redirections, practice of; role play; signals

Note taking


Objectives: integrating previously mastered skills; replacing purpose with

Observations: aligning; and goal setting; transparency of; and video

Occam’s Razor

Off-task behaviors, defined

OK Plateau

One v. one drill

100% technique


O’Reilly, D. P.

Outliers (Gladwell)


Patient agitation, and doctor practice

Patient safety, and integration of simulated practice/role plays

Peer-to-peer accountability, leveraging

Performance profession

Perlman, I.

Plan: with data-driven objectives in mind; down to the last minute; rehearsing/revising

Porter, C.

Positive: feedback; framing; outliers; using the power of

Post-practice; coaching during the game; collecting/measuring data on performance; effectiveness of, measuring; keeping a common vocabulary alive during; looking for the right things; observations; observations, aligning; practicing the right things; reflection; success, measuring; walking the line between support and demand

Practice: activity repetition; breaking down barriers to; bright spots; building an organization around; cheers; clear object/purpose to; correction instead of critique; creativity, unlocking with repetition; critical goal of; culture of; differentiating drill from scrimmage; effective, executing; effectiveness of; engaging in, as leader; and failure; giving names to activities; growing through; hiring for; letting the mind follow the body; leveraging commitment to; leveraging the camaraderie of; making a competition; making it fun to; of nonverbal redirections; as opportunity to invent/reinvent ourselves; organizing around the 80/20 rule; overlooked moments/opportunities; pervasive ineffective use of; as punishment; random role assignment; realistic; replacing purpose with an objective; resistance to; rethinking assumptions about; skepticism about; as social activity; and teachers; as a team; as team sport; of technical terms unique to profession; and transformation of individual performance; unharnessed; value of; without intentionality; youth sports

Practice activities, engineering for success

Practice sessions, videotaping

Praise: effective use of; impact on student achievement; precise/sincere; public; systems of recognition

Predictability, and goal setting

Preobrazhenskaya, L.

Professional development program, and practice

Public praise

Purpose, replacing with objectives


Real-time coaching

Realistic practice

Recognition, systems of

Reflection; on feedback; post-practice

Repetition; of activities; overuse of; unlocking creativity with; with variation; and workshops

Resistance to practice

Resler, W.; collecting/measuring data on performance

Results, importance of practice to driving

Rethinking practice execution

Richard, R.

Right Is Right technique

Rohter, L.

Rote algorithms


Schnabel, J.

“School Reform” blog (Tilson)

“School teacher” mentality

Scope and sequence, defined

Scrimmages: defined; differentiating from drills; success in

Segal, D.


Sentence starters; and feedback


Shanahan, M.

Shaw, G. B.

Skills: integrating; isolating; isolation of; naming

Small, L.

Socks-first mentality

Special Forces failed mission

Speed of consequence vs. strength of consequence

“Starting an Ed School” blog (Goldstein)

State-dependent learning

Strategies, naming

Strong Voice technique; lay-up drill

Student achievement, and praise

Success: encoding; measuring; rate of; self-reporting, unreliability of

Sundaresan, S.


Surowiecki, J.

Svrluga, B.

Switch (Heath/Heath)


Talent: growing; practicing areas of

Talent Code, The (Coyle)

Teach Like a Champion (Lemov)

Teacher training, and practice lab

Techniques, naming

Tilson, W.

Time wasters

Training, trust in

Transaction costs

Transparency; about leaders’ demand and support roles; of observations

“Twilight of the Lecture, The” (Lambert)


Uncommon Schools (nonprofit); systems of recognition

Unconscious habits

University of Southern California, student practice with actor-patients

U.S. Department of Education


Vague constructiveness

Video: and observation of skills; of practice sessions; uses of


Waiting time, as time waster

Walking the line: to ensure practice sticks; between support and demand

Weill Cornell Medical College; design of skills center at; Margaret and Ian Smith Clinical Skills Center; practice as cornerstone of culture at

“What They Don’t Teach Law Students: Lawyering” (Segal)

What to Do technique


“Whose turn is it?” technique, use of phrase

Why Don’t Students Like School? (Willingham)

Wilder, G.

William of Ockham

Willingham, D.

With All Due Respect (Morrish)

Wooden, J.; catnip, use of term; on correction; and drilling; on keeping track of activities; on mistaking activity for achievement; on practice; on testing how much students have learned; on unexpected challenges

Wooden on Leadership (Wooden)

Woods, T.

Woolway, E.; as presenter; sample lesson; and sentence starters

Words, as teaching tools

Workshops; practice in; and repetition; and senior-level leaders; training principals/mentor teachers


Yezzi, K.; Cold Call technique, use of; on failure and success; on feedback; on imitation; shoe tying, modeling to daughter

Young Frankenstein (film)

Youth sports practice

YouTube, as practice tool

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