1. A Lesson from Professor Marvel, a.k.a. The Wizard of Oz: How to Customize Your Presentation

In the opening scenes of The Wizard of OzF1.1, Dorothy runs away from her Kansas home and promptly encounters Professor Marvel, a seedy, itinerant con artist whose tacky traveling wagon advertises him as “Acclaimed by The Crown Heads of Europe.” He offers his services to “Read Your Past, Present, and Future in His Crystal Ball.”

Professor Marvel, played marvelously by Frank Morgan, takes one look at the naive girl, glances down at her suitcase, and says, “You’re running away!”

Having missed his glance, Dorothy asks wondrously, “How did you guess?”

The Professor replies, “Now, why are you running away? No, no, don’t tell me!” He looks off pensively, as if conjuring some magical power. Then, as if having divined a vision, he says conclusively, “They don’t understand you at home!”

The wide-eyed girl smiles and says, “Why, it’s just like you could read what was inside me!”

The Professor then offers Dorothy a crystal ball reading and asks her to close her eyes and concentrate. As she does, the Professor quickly rummages around in her basket. He then proceeds to describe what he pretends to see in the crystal ball, referencing the items in the basket.

Clearly, Professor Marvel is a charlatan, but we can learn a positive lesson from his trickery. He was able to connect with Dorothy and establish her trust by referencing relevant facts about her. The lesson here is that presenters can connect with their audiences by making references to relevant facts about individuals in the audience or about the audience as an affinity group.

Such connections are rare in today’s presentations. Pressed by the demands of business, most presenters pirate their colleagues’ slides, do minimal preparation, and then dump a load of generic data on their audiences, who, to all intents and purposes, would have been better off accessing a canned webinar.

Finding relevant facts that can customize any presentation doesn’t require manipulative glances, the covert services of a private investigator, or an army of academic researchers. You can use seven simple techniques to build powerful connections with any audience.

  1. Direct References. Schmooze. Just before your presentation, mingle with your audience. Chat with several different individuals. Talk with strangers and people you know. Ask them questions. Listen to their conversations. Gather information, names, and data points. Then when you step up to the front of the room, weave the names and information you’ve collected into your presentation.
  2. Mutual References. Before your presentation, learn as much as you can about your audience. Visit their home pages. Cross-reference with a web search. Find links to persons, companies, or organizations that are in some way related to both you and your audience. Then at appropriate moments during your presentation, speak about those connections. Think of this as a tasteful, appropriate form of name-dropping.
  3. Ask Questions. During your presentation, ask your audience questions; seek their opinions instead of answers to factual or true/false questions. Invite them to share their ideas, reactions, or stories.
  4. Contemporize. On the day of your presentation, scour the Web, read the newspapers, listen to the radio, or watch television and find events or items that are relevant to your subject and your audience.
  5. Localize. Prepare specific references to the venue of your presentation. Some information about a locale is common knowledge; some is available on the Web. In addition, you can go to the web site www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/flash/F1.2, where you can access that day’s front pages of local daily newspapers around the country and around the world by city. Make your presentations fresh with up-to-the-minute references.
  6. Data. Find specific information that links to and supports your message. The more closely linked your data is to your audience, the better. If the information you cite is new to your audience, they will be impressed by the depth and currency of your knowledge. If your audience is already aware of the data, they will be pleased that you made the effort to relate to them.
  7. Customized First Slide. Begin your presentation with a slide that includes the location, date, and logo of your audience or event.

You don’t have to pose as a Professor Marvel, but you can make your audience marvel at your efforts to connect and personalize.

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