
This book is for professional software developers who already have a working understanding of C# and general web development concepts such as HTML and HTTP. Many readers will have background knowledge of traditional ASP.NET (now known as Web Forms, to distinguish it from MVC), so in many places I point out the similarities of and differences between the two ASP.NET technologies. But if you've used PHP, Rails, or another web development platform, that's fine too.

To get this most out of this book, you'll need to have a fair level of passion and enthusiasm for your craft. I hope you're not satisfied just to throw together any old code that appears at first to work, but instead would prefer to hone your skills by learning the design patterns, goals, and principles underpinning ASP.NET MVC. This book frequently compares your architectural options, aspiring to help you create the highest quality, most robust, simple, and maintainable code possible.

You Don't Need to Know ASP.NET MVC 1 Already

This book primarily targets developers who are new to ASP.NET MVC; it doesn't assume any existing knowledge of ASP.NET MVC 1. Most readers won't care whether a given feature is new in version 2 or already existed in version 1, so this book is structured to best teach the whole of ASP.NET MVC 2 in the most approachable order, not in the order of when each framework feature was first invented.

This is a new edition of a 2009 book about ASP.NET MVC 1. Much of the material is based on the original book—thoroughly updated and revised, of course, to account for the latest technologies and developments in industry best practices. If you have already read the previous edition of this book, you may wish to skim Part 1 of this new book and then go more slowly over the details in Parts 2 and 3.

Which Technologies Are Used in This Book

It doesn't matter whether you want to work with .NET 3.5 SP1 with Visual Studio 2008 or .NET 4 with Visual Studio 2010—ASP.NET MVC 2 supports both, so all the code samples and explanations in this book account for both possibilities. As the primary focus is on .NET 4, readers using .NET 3.5 SP1 will need to make certain syntactical adjustments that I'll explain in due course.

All the code samples in this book are written in C#. That's not because Visual Basic or any other .NET language is inadequate, but simply because experience shows that C# is by far the most popular choice among ASP.NET MVC developers. If you're totally new to C#, you might also like to pick up a copy of Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform, Fifth Edition, by Andrew Troelsen (Apress, 2010).

Code Samples

You can download completed versions of each of the major tutorial applications in this book, plus many of the more complex code samples shown in other chapters.

To obtain these files, visit the Apress web site at and search for this book. You can then download the sample code, which is compressed into a single ZIP file. Code is arranged into separate directories by chapter. Before using the code, refer to the accompanying readme.txt file for information about other prerequisites and considerations.


The author, the technical reviewers, and numerous Apress staff have made every effort to detect and eliminate all errors from this book's text and code. However, I'm sure there will still be one or two glitches in here somewhere! To keep you informed, there's an errata sheet on the book's page on If you find any errors that haven't already been reported, such as misspellings or faulty code, please let us know by e-mailing .

Contacting the Author

You can e-mail me at , or contact me through my blog at I'll do my best to reply even if sometimes there's a bit of a delay before I can do so!

If you're looking for general ASP.NET MVC support, then instead please use the product's online forum at

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