About the Authors

image Tugberk Ugurlu is a software developer and a Microsoft MVP who specializes in software for the tourism industry, where he has worked for the past 10 years. He works mostly with ASP.NET and its different frameworks such as ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET SignalR. After studying travel management at college, he was dragged into programming and has been passionate about .NET and its siblings ever since. Although he gets paid for building software applications for tourism services and products, he is also a very involved member of the community and likes to share his knowledge with others through his blog (http://tugberkugurlu.com) and webcasts, by authoring books, and giving talks on various topics. He currently lives in Istanbul, Turkey, and is married to his lovely wife, Nihan.

image Alexander Zeitler is a self-employed developer at PDMLab. He has spent over 17 years developing software and web applications, mainly for the tool industry, as well as machinery and plant engineering, where he works mainly with ASP.NET Web API and ASP.NET MVC on the server side and HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript on the client side. He has been rewarded repeatedly with the Microsoft MVP award in ASP.NET for his engagement with the German .NET community, and he maintains a blog at http://blog.alexonasp.net.

image Ali Kheyrollahi left medicine for his love of programming after years of study and five years of practicing. Thirteen years later, he is a solutions architect for a blue chip company, yet at heart he is the same kid in the toy shop enjoying coding and discovering new shiny technologies. Ali loves HTTP, API design, and business modeling DDD style. In his spare time, he is a blogger and open source author and contributor, working on a few popular projects such as CacheCow, an HTTP-caching solution for ASP.NET Web API. He also has a passion for computer vision and has published a few papers on the subject in scientific journals, including Machine Vision and Applications. He has a taste for avant-garde films and music and enjoys watching films with his lovely wife, Khatereh.

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