

2D charts and graphs, generating with Spark primitives, 150164

bar charts, 151153

pie charts, 153155

sketching program example, 158

using FXG, 158

2D shapes, rendering with Spark primitives, 130

3D effects, 142145


Accelerometer class, 270272

AccelerometerEvent class, 270272

accelerometers, 269272

accentColor style, 108



ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission, 179

ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permission, 179

ActionBar buttons, 425

ActionBar class, 401, 405, 407, 418, 425

ActionBar object, 8587

ActionBars, 72, 74, 8183, 8586, 90

actionBarVisible, 86

actionContent, 85

actionLayout, 85

ActionScript, 364

ActionScript (AS) files, 355, 358

ActionScript language, performance of, 393394

ActionScript Mobile Project, 422

ActionScript3 Code, 206

actionScriptProperties: [internal], 16

activate event, 76

Activities, 216217

Activity, 234

Activity class, 215217, 235

activity elements, 215216

Activity HelloWorld, 217

activityLevel property, 245, 287288

ADB, Android Debug Bridge, 171

adb install command, 189

addedToStage event, 46

addEventListener method, 5657

addEventListener/callback paradigm, 58

addPerson( ) method, 209210, 232

addWebsiteInfo( ) method, 233

ADL, AIR Debug Launcher, 166

Adobe AIR runtime emulator, 357

Adobe Device Central, 340346

creating new document from, 341343

custom profiles, 344346

previewing content in, 343344

Adobe Fireworks, 353354

Adobe Flash Builder

4.5, workflow, 357358

exporting release builds from, 188189

setting initial application permissions in, 177178

workflow from Adobe Fireworks to, 353354

workflow from Adobe Photoshop to, 349350

Adobe Flash Capability Reporter application, 1013

Adobe Flash Catalyst 1.5, 7

Adobe Flash music player, 294323

adjusting volume, 298299

implementing pause functionality, 296298

reading ID3 tag metadata, 295296

Adobe Flash Platform system, 528

running applications

from Adobe Flash Builder, 1326

from Adobe Flash Professional, 1013

from command line, 2628

runtime, 57

Adobe Flash Player, 5

Adobe Flex SDK, 7

AIR, 6

tooling, 79

Adobe Flash Builder software, 8

Adobe Flash Catalyst platform, 9

Adobe Flash Professional software, 8

Device Central application, 8

workflow, 9

Adobe Flash Player, 5

Adobe Flash Professional, 355356

changing application permissions in, 176177

publishing from, 187188

workflow, 356

from Adobe Illustrator to Adobe Flash Professional, 352353

from Adobe Photoshop to, 347348

Adobe Flex SDK, 7

Adobe Illustrator, workflow to Adobe Flash Professional from, 352353

Adobe Integrated Runtime. See AIR

Adobe Photoshop, workflow, 346350

to Flash Builder, 349350

to Flash Professional, 347348

ADT (AIR Developer Tool), 175176

AIR Developer Tool, 175

Android Development Tools, 167

creating code signing certificates using, 185186

adt command, 193

adt -installApp -platform android -package command, 189

adt -installRuntime -platform android command, 171

afterOrientation, 46

AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime), 6, 175193, 199241

accessing SQLite database in, 208211

ADT, 175176

applications, 221227

main files in, 223227

permissions, 176179

sending notifications in, 227238

structure of, 222223

uploading, 195196

basic Android concepts, 212221

Activities, 216217

Broadcast receivers, 220

downloading and installing, 214

Intents, 217219

life cycle, 220221

major features, 213214

Services, 219220

code signing certificates, 183186

deploying from command line, 191193

emulator runtime, 171

exporting release builds from Adobe Flash Builder, 188189

HTML pages

launching custom, 203204

navigating to, 205207

icons and resources, 179183

installing released versions, 171

installing within Android Emulator, 171

invoking URI handlers in, 200202

and native Android integration, 239241


from Adobe Flash Professional, 187188

to Amazon Appstore, 196198

to Android Market, 194196

running Flex applications in Android Emulator, 189190

runtime, 171

AIR Application Descriptor

application section, 183

icon section, 182

AIR Debug Launcher, 166

AIR Developer Tool. See ADT

AIR for Android Settings option, 176, 182183, 187

AIR Intermediate files, 192

AIR_SDK path, 175

airbootstrap.jar file, 227

-airDownloadURL option, 197

AIRI files, AIR Intermediate, 192

albumCover bitmap, 313

albumCover property, 313, 318

albumTitle, 404

Alert dialog, 280

allowMultipleSelection property, 116

alpha attribute, 132

Amazon Appstore, 188, 194, 196198


basic concepts, 212221

Activities, 216217

Broadcast receivers, 220

downloading and installing, 214

Intents, 217219

life cycle, 220221

major features, 213214

Services, 219220

native functionality, AIR and, 239241

permissions, 250

Android Debug Bridge, 171, 189

Android Development Tools plugin, 167

Android Emulator, 165174

Android devices keys to desktop keys mapping, 173

AVD, 168170

development options, 170

dial button, 170

hang-up button, 170

hidden features, 173

installing AIR within, 171

installing Android SDK, 166168

key bindings, 172174

keyboard special keys, 172

launching from command line, 174

limitations, 166

multitouch support, 166

running Flex applications in, 189190

special key binding, 173174

android executable, 168

Android Icon Templates, 180

Android Market, publishing to, 194196

developer account, 194

packaging application, 194195

uploading Adobe AIR application, 195196

Android OS, 165

Android SDK, installing, 166168

Android Service, 215

Android Virtual Device (AVD), 168170, 250

android:icon attribute, 225

android.intent.action.MAIN, 218

android.intent.category.LAUNCHER, 218

android:label attribute, 225

AndroidManifest.xml file, 214216, 218–219, 225226, 233, 238

AndroidNative.apk, 240

android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission, 274

android.permission.CAMERA, 250

android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO setting, 245

Animate element, 137138

animation. See also graphics

effects, 136140

Animate element, 137138

parallel and sequence, 139140

of View transitions, 8790

APIs (application programming interfaces)

for monitoring, 388390

Flash Builder profiler, 390

Hi-ReS! Stats widget, 388389

PerformanceTest v2 Beta tool, 389390

touch point, 6470

APK file, 176, 182, 188189, 193

.apk file, 214, 227

APP_HOME variable, 240

app_name variable, 225226

app-desc, 27

AppEntry class, 225

AppIconsForPublish directory, 182

Apple App Store, 194

Apple Operating System (iOS), 425426

application architecture, 355

Application class, 16

application descriptor file, 179

application element, 225226

Application MXML file, 73

Application object, 33

application programming interfaces. See APIs

Application.applicationDPI, 35

applicationDPI property, 3334, 37, 40, 43, 302

applicationDPI setting, 42

applications, 71, 120165, 198227. See also mobile applications

Adobe Flash music player, 299323

MusicService implementation, 303306

Presentation Model pattern, 300301

SongListView view, 306309

SongView view, 310318

ViewNavigatorApplication, 301302

AIR, 175193

ADT, 175176

application permissions, 176179

code signing certificates, 183185

deploying from command line, 191193

exporting release builds from Adobe Flash Builder, 188189

icons and resources, 179183

publishing, 187188, 194198

running Flex applications in Android Emulator, 189190

uploading, 195196

Android Emulator, 165174

AVD, 168170

installing AIR within, 171

installing Android SDK, 166168

key bindings, 172174

constructing mobile UIs with Flex Mobile, 7196

blank application option, 8283

events, 7577

passing data between View objects, 9394

persisting View and session data objects, 9496

TabbedViewNavigatorApplication option, 7782

ViewNavigator container and View objects, 8492

ViewNavigatorApplication option, 7374

descriptor file, manually changing application permissions in, 178179

main files in, 223227

packaging, 194195

permissions, 176179

changing in Adobe Flash Professional, 176177

manually changing in application descriptor file, 178179

setting initial in Adobe Flash Builder, 177178


with Adobe Flash Builder, 2326

from command line, 2628

sending notifications in, 227238

settings, 250

structure of, 222223

visual controls, 96120

BusyIndicator, 117

button, 107112

Flex List, 112115

HSlider, 116

sample with combined HSlider, Scroller, and BusyIndicator controls, 117120

Scroller, 117

soft keyboard support, 104107

text, 99103

[App-Name]-app.xml, 16

[AppName]HomeView.mxml, 16

[AppName].mxml, 16

Appstore, Amazon. See Amazon Appstore

AppWidgetMyHelloWidget, 220

*-app.xml file, 44

ArrayCollection variable, 80, 113, 152, 416

AS (ActionScript) files, 355, 358

assets package, 313, 414

assets/app.swf, 228, 403

attributeName.portrait, 403

attributeName.portraitPhone, 403

audio and video support, 5

autoClose property, 317

automatic flipping, 4850

autoOrients property, 44, 250

autoPlay property, 336

autoRepeat property, 110

AVD (Android Virtual Device), 168170


backgroundAlpha style, 99

backgroundColor style, 99

bar charts, 151153

beforeOrientation, 46

Bezier curves, cubic, 126129

bin folder, 26

Bindable variable, 207, 209, 230, 307, 314

bin-debug folder, 16, 189

bindings, with SongView view, 315317

bitmap caching, scene, 368376

cacheAsBitmap property, 368369

cacheAsBitmapMatrix property, 369371

Mobile Bench application, 371376

bitmap-based images, 353

bitmapContainer, 259

BitmapData object, 260, 318

BitmapImage, 117, 263

blank application option, 8283

blinking lights, 12

Bluetooth, 4

BlurFilter, 133

BorderContainer control, 37, 60, 97

borderVisible style, 99

Bounce easer, 88

Broadcast receivers, 215, 217, 220

Browse button, 341

Browse workspace, 345

browseForImage( ) method, 263

browsing images, 261263

BusyIndicator control, 97, 117120

Button class, 148

Button controls, 97, 107112

Button elements, 138, 140, 143144, 147, 162

ButtonBar control, 97, 109

ButtonBarButtons, 109

ButtonBase class, 92

buttonReleased, 110

Button's click event, 74, 329

Button's mouseDownEffect, 280

ButtonSkin1.mxml file, 146148

ButtonSkin2.mxml, 147

ByteArray, 245, 286287, 294

bytesAvailable property, 287


cacheAsBitmap property, 368369, 371, 378, 385

cacheAsBitmapMatrix property, 368371, 375

caching, bitmap scene, 368376

cacheAsBitmap property, 368369

cacheAsBitmapMatrix property, 369371

Mobile Bench application, 371376

Camera class, 247250

application settings and Android permissions, 250

checking for camera support, 248249

initializing camera, 249

manipulating video stream, 251260

capturing and saving images from, 258260

displaying FPS counters, 257

image filter effects, 252256

CameraBasic-app.xml, 250

CameraRoll class, 258, 260266

debugging, 264266

image browsing, 261263

CameraRoll.supportsAddBitmapData property, 260

CameraRoll.supportsBrowseForImage property, 263


checking for support for, 248249

initializing, 249

CameraUI class, 266267, 335336

Capabilities class, 11, 35, 37

Capabilities.cpuArchitecture, 425

Capabilities.os, 425

Capabilities.screenDPI, 35

capabilityScroller movie, 11

Captivate file, 341

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), density support in, 4043

Cassandra4.jpg, 142, 144

category element, 218

caterpillar generator example, 6670

certificate.p12, 240

certificates, code signing, 183186

change event, 110, 299

change handlers, 299

chartData, 152

chartdata element, 151

ChartData.xml folder, 151153


2D, generating with Spark primitives, 150164

bar, 151153

pie, 153155

CheckBox control, 97, 107, 369

CheckBoxes, 1719, 21

checkpointsXMLList variable, 230

checkstore command, 186

chevron160.png file, 309

chromeColor, 87

clearAll function, 69

click handler, 334

clickHandler function, 110, 112

cloneModelForEntry function, 307

code, reducing execution time of, 364365

Code Monkey sound effects, 283

code signing certificates, 183186

color style, 99, 108

ColorMatrixFilter, 251, 253254

ColumnChart element, 152

com.apress.hello package, 217

com.apress.hello.HelloWorld, 217

ComboBox control, 97

command line

deploying from, 191193

running applications from, 2628

command line launch, Android SDK and AVD Manager, 168

complete event, 333

completeHandler( ) method, 233

component class, 320

components, custom, 318323

components folder, 156157

components package, 414

com.proandroidflash package, 235

concurrency, 394

configurator, Flex Mobile, 1619

connect method, 329

content property, 110

Content Providers, 214

contentBackgroundAlpha style, 99

contentBackgroundColor style, 99

ContentCache class, 382

context object, 94

controls, visual, 96120

BusyIndicator, 117

button, 107112

combined HSlider, Scroller, and BusyIndicator controls, 117120

Flex List, 112115

HSlider, 116

Scroller, 117

soft keyboard support, 104107

text, 99103

ConvolutionFilter, 251, 253254

Create Editable Copy, 345

createMusicEntryForFile, 306

creationComplete events, 7677

creationComplete handler, 76, 248, 252

creationCompleteEffect, 280

CrossFadeViewTransition, 87

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), density support in, 4043

cubic Bezier curves, 126129

cuePoint event, 330

currentIndex property, 417, 419

currentIndex variable, 416

currentState variable, 291292

currentTimeUpdateInterval property, 333

customization, state-based, 402419

project-based customization, 410416

tablet interface, 416419

using state groups, 403410

CustomSkin.mxml, 147


data attribute, 130

data element, 151, 218

data objects, session, persisting, 9496

data property, 286, 301, 308, 337

DataGrid control, 97

DataGroup, 60

dataProvider property, 113114, 419

dataTipFormatFunction, 116

db_opened( ) method, 210, 230

ddWebsiteInfo( ) method, 232

deactivate event, 77

debug token, 424

debugging, 1923, 264266

Declarations element, 138, 140, 143144, 152, 154

decorator property, 113

DEFAULT_DIR constant, 306

defaultButtonAppearance, 8687, 425

defaultPopTransition property, 90, 223

Definition element, 135


Density Explorer application, 3439

overview, 3334

screen resolution vs., 3132

support in CSS, 4043

Density Explorer application, 3439

DensityExplorer-app.xml file, 34

DensityExplorerHomeView.mxml, 34

DensityUtil, 35

deploying, from command line, 191193

descriptor file, applications, manually changing application permissions in, 178179

designer-developer workflow, 339358

developer's role, 355358

visual designer's role, 340354

Adobe Device Central, 340346

Adobe Fireworks, 353354

Adobe Illustrator, 352353

Adobe Photoshop, 346350

graphic file formats, 350352

developer accounts, Android Market, 194

developers, toolbox, 355358

Adobe Flash Builder 4.5, 357

Adobe Flash Professional, 355356

Developing understanding, 355

Device Central application, 78, 341, 343344, 346. See also Adobe Device Central

deviceDensity, 37

deviceDPI setting, 3435

device-independent pixels, simulating, 3233

dial button, Android Emulator, 170

digital interactive media. See rich media integration

DISABLE_KEYGUARD permission, 179

dispatchEvent( ) method, 207

DisplacementFilter, 254

DisplacementMapFilter, 251, 253

Display panel, 344

displayAsPassword property, 101

DisplayList, 367

displayNotification( ) method, 237238

displayObject property, 247, 318, 333, 337, 368370

Document class, 355

doNotification( ) method, 236237

downloading Android, 214

dpi media, 42

dpi selector, 41

DraggableGroup class, 58, 60, 62

drawable-hdpi directory, 225

drawable-ldpi directory, 225

drawable-mdpi directory, 225

DropDownList control, 9798

DropShadowFilter, 131, 133


Eclipse IDE, 167

Eclipse-based development tool, 357

editable property, 101


3D, 142145

animation, 136140

Animate element, 137138

parallel and sequence, 139140

scaled, 134135

Elastic Racetrack model, 363364

Ellipse element, 123, 125, 157

ellipses, 122123

Embed metadata tag, 279280

embedding, SoundEffect class example, 281283

emphasized property, 110

Emulation workspace, 344

Emulator, Android. See Android Emulator

emulator -avd command, 174

emulator executable, 175

emulator version application, using AIR Developer Tool, 189

ENTER_FRAME event, 363, 372, 374

entries collection, 307

entries property, 307

Entrypoint class, 394

ErrorEvent.ERROR, 262

Event.CANCEL, 262

Event.COMPLETE event, 262 property, 263, 267

EventDispatcher, 314

Event.ID3 event, 296

event.preventDefault( ) method, 252

events, 7577


pan, 6061

two-finger-tap, 6061

portrait/landscape switching in Flex with, 4647

event.stopImmediatePropogation( ) method, 68 parameter, 281

execution time, of code, reducing, 364365

explodeRadius attribute, 155

extdir directory, 27

extract method, 294


field attribute, 155

file formats, graphic, 350352

File menu, 349

file protocol, 295

File.applicationStorageDirectory, 306

File.documentsDirectory, 306

files, in applications, 223227

FileStream, 306

File.userDirectory, 306

fill element, 125

fill_parent attribute, 226

filter effects, images, 252256

filterEntriesBySong function, 417

fingersketch.jpg file, 161, 163

Fireworks. See Adobe Fireworks

firstView attribute, 301

firstView property, 7374

firstViewData properties, 76

FirstView.mxml file, 74

FLA workflow, 358

Flash apps, 350

Flash Builder, 15, 358, 390. See also Adobe Flash Builder

Flash Capability Reporter application, Adobe, 1013

Flash Platform system, Adobe. See Adobe Flash Platform system

Flash player, 4, 6. See also Adobe Flash music player

Flash Professional. See Adobe Flash Professional

Flash XML Graphics (FXG) format, 156158, 351352, 367

flash.display.Bitmap, 382

flash.display.Loader, 318 package, 286, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284

flash.filesystem package, 306 package, 283, 285 class, 246, 249 class, 247, 247 class, 247, 249

flash.sensors package, 267

Flex 4.5 SDK, 7

Flex applications, running in Android Emulator, 189190

Flex Display Densities, 33

Flex framework (MXML), 301, 358

Flex image classes, 382383

Flex Library Project, 411

Flex List control, 112115

Flex Mobile

configurator, 1619

constructing mobile UIs with, 7196

creating new projects, 1316

Flex Mobile project creation wizard, 14

Flex UIComponent, 370

.flexProperties: [internal], 16

flipping, automatic, 4850

FlipViewTransition, 87, 90

float numeric type, 393

focusAlpha style, 100, 108

focusColor style, 100, 108

fontFamily style, 100, 108

fontSize style, 100, 108

fontStyle style, 100, 108

fontWeight style, 100, 108

for loop, 288

Form control, 97

FPS (frames per second), 257, 388

FPSComponent, 379

frameRate property, 371

frames per second (FPS), 257, 388

freqMultiplier variable, 288

<fx:Declaration> tag, 89, 309

FXG (Flash XML Graphics) format, 156158, 351352, 367

<fx:Script> tag, 251, 300, 329, 407


garbage collection, 391392

geolocation, 273277

Geolocation class, 273274

GeolocationEvent class, 273274

GeolocationEvent.UPDATE, 273

geometric shapes, applying transformations to, 133135

Gesture Check, 13

gesture* event, 60





swipe, 5960

zoom and rotate, 5657

multitouch and, 5270

Flash scrapbook example, 5664

mobile gestures, 5455

touch point API, 6470

get function, 417

getCamera method, 249

getCurrentSkinState function, 320

getCurrentViewState method, 404, 407

getDPIScale(sourceDPI:Number, targetDPI:Number):Number function, 35

getMusicEntries, 306

getProperty function, 95

getRuntimeDPI( ):Number function, 35

getStyle method, 41

getWedgeLabel function, 155

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), 350351

GlowFilter, 133

Google Account, 194

Google Android Developer Phone, 167

Google Android Market, 188, 194

GPS compass, 4

GPU (graphics processing unit), rendering, 376378

gpu mode, 378

GradientEntry elements, 125, 132

gradients, linear and radial, 123125

graphic clip layer, 11

Graphic element, 157

graphics, 121164, 362378

3D effects, 142145

applying transformations to geometric shapes, 133135

Elastic Racetrack model, 363364

file formats, 350352

FXG, 351352

GIF, 350351

JPEG, 351

PNG–24, 350

GPU rendering, 376378

reducing code execution time, 364365

scene bitmap caching, 368376

cacheAsBitmap property, 368369

cacheAsBitmapMatrix property, 369371

Mobile Bench application, 371376

Spark primitives

animation effects, 136140

creating skins with, 146149

generating 2D charts and graphs with, 150164

rendering 2D shapes with, 121133

speeding up rendering, 365368

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), 350351

graphics processing unit (GPU), rendering, 376378

GraphicsElements, 367368, 372373

graphs, 150164

Group class, 58

Group container, 408

Group element, 125, 135, 162

GSM telephony, 4


handlers, URI, invoking in AIR, 200202

hang-up button, Android Emulator, 170

Hard-Coded HTML Page, 203

hardware inputs. See inputs

hello variable, 225

HelloView, 78, 80

HelloWorld class, 216 file, 216217, 220, 223224

HGroup containers, 313

HGroup element, 144

hideActionBar/showActionBar, 85

Hi-ReS! Stats widget, 388389

HomeView, 16

horizontalAxis element, 152

horizontalCenter attributes, 163

HorizontalLayout, 408

hostComponent, 322323

HSlider class, 34

HSlider control, 97, 116120

HTML pages

launching custom in AIR, 203204

navigating to, 205207

htmlStr variable, 204, 167, 166 Home, 194 android?p=com.adobe.air, 197

H/VGroup classes, 16

Hypertext Markup Language pages. See HTML pages


icon style, 108

icon variable, 225

iconField, 113

iconFunction, 113

IconItemRenderer class, 113115, 386387

IconItemRenderers class, 309, 323

iconPlacement style, 108

icon.png file, 225

icons, 179183

ID3 tags, reading metadata in, 295296

ID3Data object, 318

ID3Info class, 296, 317

ID3Reader class, 317

Illustrator, Adobe. See Adobe Illustrator

Image class, 56, 382383

Image control, 97

Image element, 144

Image source, 42


browsing, 261263

capturing and saving from video stream, 258260

filter effects, 252256

ImageView class, 6264

IMetaData interface, 318

import statements, 204, 209

includedIn property, 48

includeIn property, 405

incrementProgramState function, 291

IndexChangeEvent, 80

init function, 19

initFilters( ) method, 252, 254

initialize event, 76, 301, 329

initialize function, 1819, 389

initialWindow, 44, 250, 377

input-package option, 192

inputs, 243277

accelerometer, 269272

Camera class, 247250

application settings and Android permissions, 250

checking for camera support, 248249

initializing camera, 249

manipulating video stream, 251260

CameraRoll class, 260266

debugging, 264266

image browsing, 261263

CameraUI class, 266267

geolocation, 273277

microphone, 243245

installing Android, 214

Intent Filters, 214215, 218

intent-filter element, 215, 225

Intents, types of, 217219

InteractiveObject event, 57, 65

interface class, 303

interfaces, tablet, 416419

INTERNET permission, 178, 194

invalidateProperties, 59

invokeMontastic( ) method, 232

ioErrorHandler( ) method, 233

iOS (Apple Operating System), 425426

isDrag flag, 293

isPlaying flag, 297298, 314, 320

isplayObjectContainer, 247

isPortrait variable, 404

isPrimaryTouchPoint, 67

isSong property, 304

isSupported property, 243, 249, 270

isTablet flag, 407

isTablet variable, 404, 407

isTruncated property, 101

item renderers, 378387

built-in, 385387

Flex image classes, 382383

text component performance, 383385

ItemRenderer Code, 385

ItemRenderer element, 5960

itemRenderer property, 113114, 379, 381382

itemRendererFunction property, 379

IViewport interface, 117


Java SDK, 166


JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format, 351

JRE_HOME path, 175


key bindings, 172174

Keyboard.BACK, 252

keyboards, soft, support for, 104107

Keyboard.SEARCH, 252


Label components, 80, 99, 104, 112

Label control, 97, 257, 261

Label element, 147

label property, 110

labelField, 113

LabelItemRenderer, 113, 386

labelPosition attribute, 155

Label's text property, 82

landscape orientation, 4448

landscape state, 402

landscapeTablet state, 408

LanguageView class, 78, 80

lastFPSUpdate, 373

leading style, 100, 108

leftPeak property, 288

letterSpacing style, 100, 109

library project, 411414

libs folder, 16, 412

life cycle, of Android, 220221

LightweightVideoElement constructor, 333

linear gradients, 123125

LinearGradient element, 125, 128129

LinearLayout element, 226

List component, 309

List control, 113

ListItemRenderers, 98

List's dataProvider, 308

load method, 284

loadCurrentSong method, 315

Loader object, 263

locale style, 100, 109

LocalMusicService, 302, 304


MainApp class, 234, 234

main.xml file, 224226

manually permission settings, 177

mapBitmap, 255

Market, Android. See Android Market, publishing to

Math.max function, 68

maxChars property, 101

maxDisplayedLines property, 101

media, rich. See rich media integration

MediaEvent object, 263

MediaEvent parameter, 267

MediaEvent.SELECT, 262

MediaPlayer class, 333334, 336337

MediaPromise object, 263, 267

mediaSizeChange event, 333

memory usage, 388

MergedAIRApp.apk, 240

messageField, 113

messageLabel, 261, 265

messageStyleName class, 115

metadata, in ID3 tags, reading, 295296

Metadata element, 148

metaData event, 330

Metaphile library, 317318

Metaphile.swc file, 412

Microphone class, 243, 286

Microphone.getMicrophone( ) method, 244

microphones, 243245

minutes:seconds string, 331

mnt/sdcard directory, 306

mnt/sdcard/Music directory, 306

mobile applications, 2970

multitouch and gestures, 5270

Flash scrapbook example, 5664

mobile gestures, 5455

touch point API, 6470

performance tuning, 360


orientation of, 4352

size of, 2943

Mobile Bench application, 371376

Mobile browser, 4

mobile devices, optimizing video for, 324325

Mobile Flash

development, 352, 355

on platforms other than Android, 23

mobile gestures, 5455

mobile project, 341

MobileBenchHomeView, 371

mobileDevice profile, 26

MobileVideoPlayerSkin, 327

monitoring, APIs and tools for, 388390

Flash Builder profiler, 390

Hi-ReS! Stats widget, 388389

PerformanceTest v2 Beta tool, 389390

montastic_table, 231, 233

montastic.db, 230

month element, 151

mouse events, press and drag, 5859

mouseDownEffect, 281

mouseEnabled property, 261

mouseEnabledWhereTransparent, 58

MouseEvent handlers, 322

Move element, 140

Move3D element, 143

MoveEffect element, 143 ) method, 143

MovieClips, 367

MP3 (MPEG–1 Audio Layer 3) files, playing, 295299

adjusting volume, 298299

implementing pause functionality, 296298

reading ID3 tag metadata, 295296

MultiDPIBitmapSource class, 34, 37, 41, 78, 310

multitasking, 4

multitouch, and gestures, 5270

Flash scrapbook example, 5664

mobile gestures, 5455

touch point API, 6470

Multitouch class, 4, 11, 18, 53, 55, 64

multitouch support, Android Emulator, 166

MultitouchImage class, 56, 60, 62

MultiTouch.inputMode variable, 65, 160

MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE, 57

Multitouch.supportedGestures, 55

Multitouch.supportsGestureEvents, 55

music players, Adobe Flash. See Adobe Flash music player

musicEntries collection, 417

MusicEntry class, 300, 303304, 306307, 309, 317

MusicService implementation, 303306

muted property, 270, 274

MX Label, 384

MX Text, 384

mx.controls.Image, 382

mx.core.SoundAsset, 280

mx.effect.Effect class, 280

mx.effects package, 134

MXML (Flex framework), 301, 358

mx.utils package, 35

My_Multitouch_320x480, 345

MyAIRApp, 239

MyAnimate1, 138

MyHelloWidget, 220

MySound class, 280


name:value pair, 155

native Android integration, AIR and, 239241

NativeApplication class, 77, 9495

navigateToURL( ) method, 202, 283

navigationContent, 83, 85

navigationLayout, 86

navigator.poppedViewReturnedObject.object, 93

navigator.pushView function, 306, 308

needsSoftKeyboard, 104

NET_STATUS event, 330

NetConnection, 328329

NetStream class, 328332

NetStream code, 332

NetStream-based video players, 332

NetStream.Play.Complete, 331

NetStreamVideoView, 331, 333

NetworkInfo API, 179

New->MXML Skin, 146

nodebug, 26

Notification instance, 238

notifications, sending in applications, 227238

nteractiveObject, 60

nullability, 393

NumberFormatter, 251

numeric optimizations, 393

NumericStepper control, 9798


onBind( ) method, 235

onBrowse handler, 261, 263

onCameraRollError( ) method, 262

onCaptureComplete, 267, 337

onCaptureImage( ) function, 259, 267

onCaptureImage handler, 337

onChange handler function, 80, 89

onChanged event, 51

onClick handler, 297

onCreate( ) method, 216, 220221, 234236, 238

onCreationComplete( ) method, 244, 252, 262, 265, 267, 271

onCreationComplete handler, 287, 297

onCuePoint, 331

onDestroy( ) method, 221, 238

onDiscardImage( ) method, 259

onDurationChange handler, 334

onFilterChange handler, 252

onHTTP( ) method, 202

onID3 handler, 296

onInitialize function, 80

onInitialize handler, 301, 306, 308, 329

onLoaded callback, 263

onMetaData handler, 317318, 331

onNetStatus handlers, 331

onPanChange, 299

onPause( ) method, 221

onPlayPause function, 331, 418

onPlayStatus handler, 331

onRestart( ) method, 221

onResume( ) method, 221

onSaveComplete( ) method, 262

onSaveImage( ) function, 259260

onSelect( ) handler, 263

onSelectCanceled( ) method, 262

onSize handler, 334, 337

onSongEnded, 312

onStop( ) method, 221

onTimeChange handler, 335

onTouchBegin handler, 293

onTouchMove, 293

onTouchTap function, 291

onVideoComplete handler, 335, 337

onViewActivate function, 404, 407

onViewDeactivate handler, 329, 334

onVolumeChange, 299

Open Source Media Framework (OSMF), 332335

optimizing, video for mobile devices, 324325

orientation, of screens, 4352

automatic flipping, 4850

portrait/landscape switching in Flex, 4448

rotating smiley flash example, 5052

OSMF (Open Source Media Framework), 332335

OSMF MediaElement, 333

OSMF MediaPlayer class, 333, 336

OSMFVideoView code, 332, 334, 337

overSample value, 288

overSample variable, 288

P, imageQ

package command, 192

Package Explorer tab, 414

-package option, 191

packaging applications, 194195

pan event listener, 6061

pan property, 299

panEasingFunction property, 283

Panel control, 97

Panel element, 125, 127, 162

parallel animation effects, 139140

Parallel element, 140

parentApplication, 37

partAdded function, 320

partRemoved function, 320

Path element, 127130, 149

PATH environment variable, 175

pause functionality, 296298

pausePosition variable, 297298, 316

peak memory usage, 388

people.db, 210

percentageComplete, 316

percentComplete property, 313, 315316, 320, 323

performance tuning, 359398

future of, 391398

concurrency, 394

faster ActionScript language performance, 393394

faster garbage collection, 391392

Stage3D technology, 396398

threaded render pipeline, 395396

graphics, 362378

Elastic Racetrack model, 363364

GPU rendering, 376378

reducing code execution time, 364365

scene bitmap caching, 368376

speeding up rendering, 365368

item renderers, 378387

built-in, 385387

Flex image classes, 382383

text component performance, 383385

mobile, 360

monitoring APIs and tools, 388390

Flash Builder profiler, 390

Hi-ReS! Stats widget, 388389

PerformanceTest v2 Beta tool, 389390

perceived vs. actual performance, 360362

PerformanceTest v2 Beta tool, 389390


Android, 250

application, 176179

changing permissions, 176179

setting initial permissions in Adobe Flash Builder, 177178

PersistenceManager class, 9496

persisting, View and session data objects, 9496

persistNavigatorState, 96

person_table, 211

phone project, 414416 file, 266

photoContainer, 263

Photoshop, Adobe. See Adobe Photoshop

physicalDPI, 38

pie charts, 153155

PieChart element, 155

pipelines, threaded render, 395396

pixels, simulating device-independent, 3233

platforms, Adobe Flash system. See Adobe Flash Platform system

platform-tools directory, 171

play( ) method, 284, 286, 292, 298

PlayBook directory, 421

PlayBook tablet, porting to, 421425

playEffect method, 281

player.displayObject, 337

playing state, 289, 293

PlayPauseButtonSkin, 328

playSong utility methods, 316

playSongAtCurrentIndex function, 417418

playStatus, 330

PNG–24 (Portable Network Graphics), 350352

popAll, 85

poppedViewReturnedObject.context property, 94

popToFirstView, 85

Popular Android Tablets, 401

popView, 85

Portable Network Graphics (PNG–24), 350352

porting to PlayBook tablet, 421425

portrait rotation, 48

portrait View state, 402

portrait/landscape orientation switching, in Flex, 4448

with events, 4647

with states, 48

portraitTablet state, 409

position property, 296297

prepare command, 192

Presentation Model pattern, 300301

press and drag mouse events, 5859

profilers, Flash Builder, 390

profiles, 26, 344346

ProgressButton class, 318322

ProgressButton control, 313, 319, 414

.project: [internal], 16

project-based customization, 410416

library, 411414

phone and tablet, 414416

<project-name>-app.xml file convention, 179

projects, creating new, 10, 1316

prompt property, 101

PropertyChangeEvent, 317

PSD files, 347, 349


from Adobe Flash Professional, 187188

to Amazon Appstore, 196198

to Android Market, 194196

developer account, 194

packaging application, 194195

uploading Adobe AIR application, 195196

push mode, 87

pushView function, 62, 74, 84, 93


radial gradients, 123125

RadioButton class, 34, 37

RadioButton control, 98, 107

RadioButtons, 107

readyToPlay state, 289, 293

receiver elements, 215

receivers, Broadcast, 220

recorded sound, playing. See sound, playing recorded

recordedBytes array, 287288, 292

recording state, 289, 293

Rect element, 122123, 125, 149, 157

rectangles, 122123

RectEllipse1 element, 157

RectEllipse1.fxg file, 156157

refreshDataGrid( ) method, 210211, 232

release builds, 188189

remove( ) method, 232

removeAll( ) method, 232

removePerson( ) method, 209, 211

render pipelines, threaded, 395396

renderers, item, 378387

built-in, 385387

Flex image classes, 382383

text component performance, 383385


2D shapes, with Spark primitives, 121133

cubic Bezier curves, 126129

linear and radial gradients, 123125

path element example, 130

rectangles and ellipses, 122123

Spark filters, 131133

GPU, 376378

speeding up, 365368

Reparent tag, 48

repeatBehavior, 143

repeatCount attribute, 143144

repeatDelay style, 109

repeatInterval style, 109

requestSoftKeyboard( ) method, 104

Reset Browse option, 345

resize event, 407

res/layout directory, 225, 227

resolution, of screens, vs. density, 3132

resources, 179183

resources element, 226

restrict property, 101

result( ) method, 211, 232

res/values subdirectory, 225

revenue element, 151, 155

rich media integration, 279338

Adobe Flash music player, 294323

application, 299323

custom component, 318323

playing MP3 files, 295299

playing video, 324338

with NetStream class, 328332

optimizing for mobile devices, 324325

with OSMF, 332335

Spark VideoPlayer component, 325328

VideoRecorder example application, 335338


effects, 279283

playing recorded, 286294

solutions, 283285

RichEditableText control, 9899, 384

RichText control, 9899, 384

rightPeak property, 288, 223

root-dir, 27

rootPath string, 306

Rotate element, 140

rotate gestures, handling, 5657

Rotate3D element, 143 ) method, 144

rotating smiley flash example, 5052

rotationInterval, 117

run( ) method, 236

runtime, 57, 26

Adobe Flash Player, 5

Adobe Flex SDK, 7

AIR, 6

runtimes/air/android/emulator/Runtime.apk file, 171


SAMPLE_DATA event, 245

sampleData events, 286, 292

sampleData handler, 294

SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA event, 245

Save for Web and Devices option, 349

saveImageToFileSystem, 161

saving images from video stream, 258260

scaled effects, 134135

scaleXBy attribute, 144

scaling, screens of tablets, 399401

scene bitmap caching, 368376

cacheAsBitmap property, 368369

cacheAsBitmapMatrix property, 369371

Flash Mobile Bench application, 371376

ScrapbookPage, 6162


orientation of, 4352

automatic flipping, 4850

portrait/landscape switching in Flex, 4448

rotating smiley flash example, 5052

resolution vs. density, 3132

size of, 2943

density, 3134

simulating device-independent pixels, 3233

of tablets, scaling, 399401

screenshots, of app, 196

screensize, 27

Script element, 62, 154, 159

Scroller control, 98, 117120

Scroller drag operation, 118

sdks/<version> directory, 171

sdk/tools directory, 168, 174

selectable property, 101

selected property, 110

selected state, 19

selectedIndex property, 416, 419

selectionActivePosition property, 101

selectionAnchorPosition property, 101

sequence animation effects, 139140

Sequence elements, 140

Service class, 216

service elements, 215

services, 219220

session data objects, persisting, 9496

setCurrentState function, 407

setElementIndex function, 58

setFocus( ) method, 104

setMode method, 249

setRequestedUpdateInterval( ) method, 270271, 273

setSilenceLevel( ) method, 245

settings, applications, 250

.settings: [internal], 16

setUseEchoSuppression( ) method, 245

Shape layers, 347

shapes, geometric, applying transformations to, 133135

Shared Library Project, 413

showDataTip, 116

showMessage( ) function, 244, 265

showRedrawRegions, 369

showTruncationTip property, 101

<s:IconItemRenderer> tag, 309

signing certificate

using AIR Developer Tool, 185186

using Flash Builder, 184185

using Flash Professional, 183184

sketching program example, 158

Skin classes, 322323, 327

SkinnableComponent, 318319

SkinnablePopupContainer, 83

skins, creating with Spark primitives, 146149

slideDuration style, 116

SlideViewTransition, 8788

<s:navigators> tag, 78

soft keyboards, support for, 104107

softKeyboardActivating event, 104

softKeyboardDeactivate events, 105

SolidColorStroke element, 122, 125

SONG_ENDED event, 314

SongListView view, 300, 306309

SongListViewModel, 300, 302

SongListView.mxml file, 414

SongView interface, 310, 312, 315, 321, 407, 416

SongView MXML file, 418

SongView view, 310318

integrating Metaphile library, 317318

two-way bindings with, 315317

SongViewModel class, 314315, 404, 419

SongView.mxml file, 414


effects, 279283

playing recorded, 286294

generating sound data, 286288

handling state transitions, 289294

solutions, 283285

Sound class, 283284, 294295, 317

SoundChannel class, 283284, 288, 296, 298

soundComplete event, 292, 297298

SoundEffect class, 280283 method, 284, 297299

SoundTransform object, 283284, 298299, 316

soundTransform property, 284, 299

source attribute, 251, 281282, 300

Source-level debugging, 356

Spark filters, 131133

Spark graphics library, 365

Spark primitives

animation effects, 136140

Animate element, 137138

parallel and sequence, 139140

creating skins with, 146149

generating 2D charts and graphs with, 150164

bar charts, 151153

pie charts, 153155

sketching program example, 158

using FXG with Spark primitives, 156158

rendering 2D shapes with, 121133

cubic Bezier curves, 126129

linear and radial gradients, 123125

path element example, 130

rectangles and ellipses, 122123

Spark filters, 131133

using FXG with, 156158

Spark VideoPlayer component, 325328

spark.components.Button, 146

spark.components.Image, 382

spark.effects package, 134

spark.filters package, 131

Spinner control, 98

sqlconn variable, 210

sqlError( ) method, 233

SQLite database, accessing in AIR, 208211

SQLite1HomeView.mxml, 209, 209

sqlstmt variable, 210

src folder, 16

<s:states> section, 311, 403

Stage object, 46, 49

Stage3D technology, 396398

stageInit function, 46

StageOrientationEvent, 46

StageWebViewExample( ) method, 206207, 206

stand-alone Flex/ActionScript applications, 357

start( ) method, 210, 230

startService( ) method, 235

state groups, state-based customization using, 403410

state transitions, handling, 289294

state-based customization, 402419

project-based customization, 410416

library, 411414

phone and tablet, 414416

tablet interface, 416419

using state groups, 403410

states, portrait/landscape switching in Flex with, 48

states element, 148

StatusChange event, 274

StatusChange.STATUS, 274

StatusEvent.STATUS, 270

stickyHighlighting property, 110

stop( ) method, 51, 296

stopped state, 289, 292

string element, 226

String.indexOf, 364

strings.xml file, 225, 227

stroke element, 122, 125, 129, 132

stroke-width attribute, 122

StyleableTextComponent, 386

StyleableTextField class, 99, 104, 113, 384385

supportedGestures, 1819

<s:ViewNavigatorApplication> tag, 301

SWF delegation, 394

SWF file, 192, 357

swipe gestures, handling, 5960

symbolColor style, 109

System.gc( ) method, 392

SystemIdleMode API, 179


TabBar control, 98

TabbedViewNavigatorApplication option, 7782

tablet project, 414416

tablets, 399426

porting to PlayBook tablet, 421425

scaling screen, 399401

state-based customization, 402419

project-based customization, 410416

tablet interface, 416419

using state groups, 403410

target attribute, 144

targetImg, 144

television (TV), transitioning to, 420421

Templates tab, 10

Test Devices panel, 342344 class, 235 class, 234

text attribute, 226

text components, performance, 383385

text controls, 99103

Text Devices panel, 341

text label properties, 354

text property, 101

textAlign style, 100, 109

textAlpha style, 109

TextArea component, 103

TextArea control, 98, 105, 384

textDecoration style, 100, 109

textIndent style, 100

TextInput control, 82, 98, 103, 384

textShadowAlpha style, 109

textShadowColor style, 109

TextView element, 227

this.height, 249

this.width, 249

threaded render pipelines, 395396

timeDisplay Label, 331, 335

Timer class, 209, 220

Timer event, 363

title attribute, 407

titleAlign property, 8687, 425

titleContent, 86

titleLayout, 86

ToggleButton control, 98, 328, 331, 334

togglePlayPause function, 322

toolboxes for developers, 355358

Adobe Flash Builder 4.5, 357

Adobe Flash Professional, 355356

tooling, 79

Adobe Flash Builder software, 8

Adobe Flash Catalyst platform, 9

Adobe Flash Professional software, 8

Device Central application, 8

workflow, 9

tools for monitoring, 388390

Flash Builder profiler, 390

Hi-ReS! Stats widget, 388389

PerformanceTest v2 Beta tool, 389390

touch point API, 6470

TOUCH_BEGIN constant, 65

TOUCH_END constant, 65

TOUCH_MOVE constant, 65

TOUCH_OUT constant, 65

TOUCH_OVER constant, 65

TOUCH_POINT constant, 65

TOUCH_ROLL_OUT constant, 65

TOUCH_ROLL_OVER constant, 65

TOUCH_TAP constant, 65

touchAnchor variable, 293

touchDelay style, 109

touchEnd( ) function, 160

touchMode, 55

touchMove function, 161

touchMoveCount, 160

touchMoveHandlerImage function, 161, 163

touchOver/Out events, 66

touchRollOver event, 66

touchSingleTap, 161

touchSingleTapCount, 161

touchTapHandler function, 161

touchTapHandlerImage function, 161, 163

trace( ) function, 264

trace messages, 265

transformations, applying to geometric shapes, 133135

transformer1, 140

TransformGestureEvent, 57

transitionControlsWithContent property, 90


state, handling, 289294

View, animated, 8790

transitionToPlayingState function, 292

transitionToReadyToPlayState, 292

transitionToRecordingState function, 292

transitionToStoppedState function, 292

try/catch block, 236

tuning, performance. See performance tuning

TV (television), transitioning to, 420421

two-finger-tap event listener, 6061

two-way bindings, with SongView view, 315317

type-based optimizations, 393

typicalText property, 101


UIComponents, 247248, 258, 261, 328329, 367368

UIs (User Interfaces), mobile, 7196

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) handlers, invoking in AIR, 200202

URLResource, 333

USB connectivity, Windows users, 167

USB Debugging, 171, 187, 192

useDuration attribute, 281

User Interfaces (UIs), mobile, 7196

UserGroupRenderer, 379

User-Specified URL, 205


value property, 116

Vector datatype, 364

Vector.<float>, 393

verticalCenter attributes, 163

VerticalLayout, 408

VGroup element, 34, 60, 147, 157, 409, 418

video, playing, 324338

with NetStream class, 328332

optimizing video for mobile devices, 324325

with OSMF, 332335

Spark VideoPlayer component, 325328

VideoRecorder example application, 335338

Video class, 247, 332

Video display object, 328, 330, 332

video stream, manipulating, 251260

capturing and saving images from, 258260

displaying FPS counters, 257

image filter effects, 252256

videoContainer, 259, 333

VideoElement, 333, 337

VideoPlayer class, 326328

VideoPlayerSkin, 327328

VideoRecorder example application, 335338

View class, 59, 247, 290, 300301, 306307, 314

View code, 371, 379, 386, 406

View menu class, 9192

View objects

passing data between, 9394

persisting, 9496

ViewNavigator container and, 8492

ActionBar object, 8587

animated View transitions, 8790

View menu class, 9192

View states, 418

View transitions, animated, 8790

viewActivate event, 407

View-Based Application template, 15

viewDeactivate event, 77, 94, 329

View.initialize method, 37

ViewMenuItems, 251252

ViewNavigator container, and View objects, 8492

ActionBar object, 8587

animated View transitions, 8790

View menu class, 9192

ViewNavigator pop functions, 94

ViewNavigatorApplication, 7374, 8587, 301302, 371, 409, 414

ViewNavigators class, 7273, 80, 8283, 85, 88, 9394, 96

views package, 414

views.FirstView, 74

ViewTransitionBase class, 88

visual controls, 96120

BusyIndicator, 117

button, 107112

Flex List, 112115

HSlider, 116

sample with combined HSlider, Scroller, and BusyIndicator controls, 117120

Scroller, 117

soft keyboard support, 104107

text, 99103

visual designers, 340354

Adobe Device Central, 340346

creating new document from, 341343

custom profiles, 344346

previewing content in, 343344

Adobe Fireworks, 353354

Adobe Illustrator, 352353

Adobe Photoshop, 346350

graphic file formats, 350352

FXG, 351352

GIF, 350351

JPEG, 351

PNG–24, 350

volume, adjusting for MP3 files, 298299

volume property, 299

volumeEasingFunction, 282

volumeFrom attribute, 282

volumeTo attribute, 282

VSlider control, 98


WAKE_LOCK permission, 179

webView variable, 207

width.portraitPhone, 403

Wi-Fi, 5

workflow, 9

WorldView, 81

wrap_content attribute, 226

writeFloat, 288


XML action element, 218

XML Button element, 209

XML Group element, 162

XML-based format, 351, 353, 358


zoom gestures, handling, 5657

ZoomViewTransition, 87

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