
We would like to thank Aaron Houston, Adobe Community Manager and long-time friend, for his unbridled support of the author team. He provided essential, up-to-date information on the evolving technology, enabled us to participate in the Adobe pre-release programs, and ensured we had the latest software and licenses to continually make progress.

We are also heavily indebted to James Ward and Duane Nickull for advice and feedback on the technology. They volunteered time from their busy schedules as Adobe Technology Evangelists to answer floods of questions from a very inquisitive set of authors.

It is also impossible for us not to acknowledge the dedication and work that went into building an amazing mobile platform by the entire Adobe Flash and Flex development staff. Arno Gourdol, director of engineering for the Adobe Flash Platform, deserves special mention for driving the engineering teams to hit a very aggressive schedule and providing insight into the future direction of technology with respect to platforms and performance.

Finally, this book would not have been possible without the hard-working folks at Apress—in particular, the foresight and guidance of Steve Anglin in conceiving this title, the insightful comments and commentary from Tom Welsh, and the tactful pressure and organization of Jennifer Blackwell.

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