About the Technical Reviewers


Ian Devlin is interested in all things web, and currently works as a senior web developer at a web agency based in Düsseldorf, Germany. He is an HTML5 Doctor and a founding contributor to Intel’s HTML5 Hub and has written articles for a number of developer zones such as Mozilla, Opera, Intel, and Adobe, and for net magazine. He has also written a book on HTML5 multimedia and has been technical reviewer for a number of Apress books.


Mark Nenadov is a software developer with around 15 years of experience, predominantly with open source technologies. Mark lives in Essex, Ontario, Canada with his lovely wife and their two adorable daughters—with a son on the way. When he’s not developing software or spending time with his family, he is usually hiking, observing wildlife, reading, researching history, reviewing/editing manuscripts, or writing. Mark is an avid poet and his poems have appeared in publications in the United States, Canada, Pakistan, India, Australia, England, and Ireland.

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