
images  A

Analytic functions

    aggregate functions

        analytic mode/nonanalytic mode

        default window specification

        granular window specifications

        MAX function

        sum(sale) function

    anatomy of




    conventional SQL statements

    denormalized fact table

    dense_rank function

        FIRST|LAST KEEP function

        vs. rank function


    dynamic SQL statement

    execution plans

    first value function

    lag functions

    last_value function

    lead functions

    listagg function

    nesting analytic functions

    nth_value function



    NTILE function

    organizational behavior



    percentile_cont function


        median value


    percentile_disc function

    percent_rank function

    PGA size


    rank function




    ratio-report function

    row_number function

    stddev function




    alternative syntax


    instance level

    nested loop antijoin

    NOT IN and NOT EXISTS queries

        LEFT OUTER statement

        MINUS operator

        NOT NULL constraint

        with NVL function

    null aware(NA)



    venn diagram

Application characteristics

    compressed indexes



        index/validate structure statement


    descending indexes

    Function-Based Indexes

    Reverse key indexes



images  B

images  C

images  D

Data Manipulation Language (DML)


    INSERT (see also DML error logging)

        conditional processing

        direct path inserts

        multitable insert


        performance comparison

        syntax and usage

    truncate command


        Create Table As Select

        INSERT APPEND technique

images  E

Execution plans See also SQL monitor reports

    association and view

    collecting plan operations

    cost of


    DBMS_XPLAN package

    definition of

    executing and fetching rows

    EXPLAIN PLAN statement

        access and filter predicates

        ACCESS_PREDICATES column

        bind variable datatypes

        breaking plan

        FILTER_PREDICATES column

        iterative operations


        parent-child relationships

        pass-thru operations


        producing plan output


        row-source execution statistics

        TRACEONLY EXPLAIN option

        use of

        working operations

    later plan retrieve



    problem solving

        missing/suboptimal index

        stale statistics

        TABLE ACCESS FULL operation





    using, for problem solving

    viewing recently generated SQL

images  F

Full scan access methods

    full scan operations

        COUNT aggregate function


        random vs. sequentially stored row values

        TABLE ACCESS FULL operation

        test table

    high-water mark



        normal operations

    multiblock reads


images  G

images  H

Hint-based mechanisms

    Outlines/Stored Outlines

        CREATE_OUTLINE Procedure


        OL sqlid planhash


    SQL Patches

    SQL Plan Baselines

        12c, plan evolution

        create_baseline_awr.sql script

        create_baseline.sql script



        fixed set

    SQL Profiles



        sql_profiles.sql script


        SQL Tuning Advisor (STA)


        USE_STORED_OUTLINE parameter


    SQL Profiles creation

        create_sql_profile_awr.sql Script


        create_sql_profile.sql script



        move_sql_profile.sql script


images  I

Indexes See also Application characteristics

    access path

    Bitmap Indexes

        BITMAP AND operation


    B-tree indexes


        tree traversal algorithms

    buffer cache


    global indexes

    hash partitioning scheme





        right-hand growth index

    index-organized tables (IOTs)

        primary key


        secondary indexes

        unique indexes

    Local partitioned indexes

        partition elimination

        table partition

    management problems

        Bitmap join indexes

        invisible indexes

        virtual indexes

    NULL handling


    range partitioning scheme


Index scan access methods

    block accesses

    B-tree index

    column value and rowid

    fast full scan

    full scan

    index structure


        B-tree indexes

        leaf blocks

        logical view


        root block

    index unique scan

    range scan


    scan types

        clustering factor

        computing clustering_factor

        different table blocks

        random vs. sequentially loaded row values

        TABLE_CACHE_BLOCKS parameter

    single-block reads

    skip scan


    PRESENTV function

        vs. PRESENTNNV function



images  J

Join methods

    cartesian join


    driven-to table

    driving table


    FROM and WHERE clause

    hash joins

    inner table

    nested loops joins


    outer joins

        ANSI join syntax

        full outer joins

        oracle–equivalent syntax

        sample query

    PRIMARY KEY constraint

    sort-merge joins

    UNIQUE constraint

images  K

images  L

images  M

Model clause See also Iteration

    aggregate functions

    execution plans

        ACYCLIC algorithm

        ACYCLIC FAST algorithm

        CYCLIC algorithm

        sequential order

    for loop


    inter-row reference

        array elements

        denormalized fact table

        inventory formula calculation

        rules and formula

        SQL statement

    lookup tables


        main model section

        reference clause

        using Iso_code rule

    material views


        IGNORE NAV clause

        KEEP NAV clause


    partition pruning

    positional notation

    predicate pushing


    row evaluation order

        cell level

        sequential order

        using DESC keyword

    rule evaluation order

        automatic order

        sequential order


    subquery factor

        in SQL Access

        WITH clause

    symbolic notation

images  N

images  O

images  P

Plan stability and control


        aggregating statistics

        diagnostic scripts queries

        history of a statement’s performance

        statistical variance

        variations around a point in time

    plan instability

        adaptive cursor sharing

        bind variable peeking

        CBO inputs

        environmental values change

        no_invalidate parameter

        object-level statistics

        OLTP-type environment

        rolling invalidation

        SQL statement

    statistics feedback

        execution plan

        SQL plan directive

images  Q

Query transformation See also SQL execution

    join elimination


        outer join guarantees

        primary key–foreign key constraint

    materialized view

    NO_MERGE hint

    NO_PUSH_PRED hint

    ORDER BY elimination

    predicate pushing

    query blocks

    REWRITE hint

    rownum pseudocolumn

    SELECT keyword


    subquery unnesting

        correlated subquery

        FILTER operation

        HASH JOIN join

        NO_UNNEST hint

        subquery caching

        uncorrelated subquery

        views and subqueries

    view merging


    building logical expressions

        AND condition

        bind variables

        CASE statements


        conditional logic

        conditional WHERE clause

        UNION ALL

        WHERE clause


        common types




    intellectual habit and habits



images  R

Rank function




images  S


    ANY keyword

    correlated vs. noncorrelated subquery


    EXISTS syntax


        FILTER operation

        NO_SEMIJOIN hint

    IF statement

    inner join

    inner join with DISTINCT

    instance level

        nested loops semijoin


        valid values parameter

    nested loop semijoin


    ugly INTERSECT

    using EXISTS query

    using IN query

    venn diagram

Set(s) See also Set operations


        aggregate functions

        comparisons and expressions

        GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses

        set operations

        two-value logic

        unintuitive results


    procedural vs. set-based approach

        EMP and DEPT sets

        logical reads

        process flow diagram vs. nested set diagram


        thinking approach

    thinking in sets

Set operations

    INTERSECT operator

    MINUS operator


    SELECT statements

    UNION ALL operator



        HASH UNIQUE operation

        ORDER BY clause

        venn diagram

    UNION operator


    database interface

    DELETE statement

    INSERT statement

        multitable insert

        single-table insert


    MERGE statement


    SELECT statement


        female customers

        FROM clause

        GROUP BY clause

        HAVING clause

        ORDER BY clause

        query processing

        SELECT list

        WHERE clause


        command execution


        database connection


        login.sql file

        set command

        slash (/)


    UPDATE statement

SQL Constructs See also Conditional logic constructs

    PIVOT function


        execution plan

        GROUP BY clause

        vs. Old pivot query formulation



        using aliases

        using XML

        WHERE clause

    test data generation

        MODEL clause

        using big table

        using CONNECT BY clause

        WITH clause

    UNPIVOT function


        execution plan


        table creation



        using aliases

        VIEW operation

SQL execution

    buffer cache



        logical and physical read

        soft and hard parse

        touch count

    executing and fetching rows


        FETCH calls

        SELECT statements

    execution plan

        cost of

        definition of





    identical statement

        bind variables

        different executions

        hard parsing


        serialization devices


    library cache

    Oracle architure


    shared pool and

SQL optimization

    cost calculation

    FROM clause

    modified income search

        INLINE hint


    using WITH clause

    WITH PL/SQL function


        and INLINE hint


System global area (SGA)

    buffer cache



        logical and physical read

        soft and hard parse

        touch count

    shared pool

images  T

Testing and quality assurance

    data model

    execution plan

    ILO (see Instrumentation Library for Oracle (ILO))

    regression testing

    schema changes

        and new product data

        historical data

        object recompilation


    test cases

    unit tests

        and scripts

        invalid objects


        verification task

Transaction processing

    ACID compliance

    ACID properties

    active transactions


        SCN number



        calling transaction

        order logging transaction

        use of


    control statements




        set constraints

        set transaction


    dirty read


    grouping operations into


    isolation levels

    multi-version read consistency

    non-repeatable read

    Order Entrey (OE) schema

        confirmation queries


        order transaction

        sales manager

        schema changes


    phantom read

    redo logs


        data returning



    undo blocks

images  U

images  V

images  W, X, Y, Z

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