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P. A. CarterPro SQL Server 2022 Administrationhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8864-1_18

18. SQL Server Metadata

Peter A. Carter1  
Metadata is data that describes other data. SQL Server exposes a vast array of metadata including structural metadata, which describes every object, and descriptive metadata, which described the data itself. Metadata is exposed through a series of
  • Catalog views

  • Information schema views

  • Dynamic management views and functions

  • System functions

  • System stored procedures

In this chapter, we will discuss how metadata can be used to perform actions at the instance level, such as expose registry values, examine how metadata can assist in capacity planning, and discuss how metadata can be used for troubleshooting and performance tuning. Finally, we will see how metadata can be used to drive automated maintenance.


Metadata is a huge topic, worthy of a book in its own right. I therefore encourage you to play with other metadata objects, which may not be covered in this chapter.

Introducing Metadata Objects

Catalog views reside in the sys schema. There are many catalog views; some of the most useful of which, such as sys.master_files, are explored in this chapter. Listing 18-1 shows an example of how to use a catalog view to produce a list of databases that are in FULL recovery model.
FROM sys.databases
WHERE recovery_model_desc = 'FULL' ;
Listing 18-1

Using Catalog Views

Information schema views reside in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema. They return less detail than catalog views but are based on the ISO standards. This means that you can port your queries between RDBMS (relational database management systems). Listing 18-2 shows an example of using information schema views to produce a list of principals that have been granted SELECT access to the Chapter10.dbo.SensitiveData table.


A script for creating the Chapter10 database can be found in Chapter 10.

USE Chapter10
        AND TABLE_NAME = 'SensitiveData'
Listing 18-2

Using Information Schema Views

Many dynamic management views and functions are available in SQL Server. Collectively, they are known as DMVs and they provide information about the current state of the instance, which you can use for troubleshooting and tuning performance. The following categories of DMV are exposed in SQL Server 2022:
  • AlwaysOn Availability Groups

  • Big Data Clusters

  • Change data capture

  • Change tracking

  • Common language runtime (CLR)

  • Database mirroring

  • Databases

  • Execution

  • Extended events

  • FILESTREAM and FileTable

  • Full-text search and semantic search

  • Indexes

  • I/O

  • Memory-optimized tables

  • Objects

  • Query notifications

  • Replication

  • Resource Governor

  • Security

  • Server

  • Service broker

  • Spatial

  • SQL Server operating system

  • Stretch Databases

  • Transactions

We demonstrate and discuss how to use DMVs many times throughout this chapter. DMVs always begin with a dm_ prefix, followed by two to four characters that describe the category of the object—for example, os_ for operating system, db_ for database, and exec_ for execution. This is followed by the name of the object. In Listing 18-3, you can see three things: an example of how to retrieve a full list of dynamic management views and functions, an example of how to use a dynamic management view to find a list of logins that are currently connected to the Chapter16 database, and a dynamic management function you can use to produce details of the pages that store the data relating to the Chapter17.dbo.Customers table.


A full list of DMVs and DMFs can be exposed by querying sys.all_objects demonstrated in Listing 18-3. I strongly encourage you to explore the full range of dynamic management objects available.

--Retrieve a list of all DMVs and DMFs
FROM sys.all_objects
WHERE name LIKE 'dm%'
USE Chapter17 –This database will exist if you followed the examples in Chapter17 of this book
--Find logins connected to the Chapter16 database
SELECT login_name
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
WHERE database_id = DB_ID('Chapter17') ;
--Return details of the data pages storing the Chapter17.dbo.Customers table
FROM sys.dm_db_database_page_allocations(DB_ID('Chapter17'),
                                         'DETAILED') ;
Listing 18-3

Using Dynamic Management Views and Functions

SQL Server also offers many metadata-related system functions, such as DB_ID() and OBJET_ID(), which we used in Listing 18-3. Another example of a metadata-related system function is DATALENGTH, which we used in Listing 18-4 to return the length of each value in the LastName column of the Chapter17.dbo.Customers table.
USE Chapter17
FROM dbo.Customers ;
Listing 18-4

Using System Functions

Server-Level and Instance-Level Metadata

Many forms of metadata are available for the server and instance. Server-level metadata can be very useful for DBAs who need to find configuration information or troubleshoot an issue when they do not have access to the underlying operating system. For example, the dm_server category of DMVs offers views that allow you to check the status of server audits, view SQL Server’s Registry keys, find the location of memory dump files, and find details of the instance’s services. In the following sections, we discuss how to view the Registry keys associated with the instance, expose details of SQL Server’s services, and view the contents of the buffer cache.

Exposing Registry Values

The sys.dm_server_registry DMV exposes key registry entries pertaining to the instance. The view returns three columns, which are detailed in Table 18-1.
Table 18-1

sys.dm_server_registry Columns




The name of the Registry key


The name of the key’s value


The data contained within the value

A very useful piece of information that you can find in the sys.dm_server_registry DMV is the port number on which SQL Server is currently listening. The query in Listing 18-5 uses the sys.dm_server_registry DMV to return the port on which the instance is listening, assuming the instance is configured to listen on all IP addresses.
                WHEN value_name = 'tcpport' AND value_data <> ''
                        THEN value_data
                WHEN value_name = 'tcpport' AND value_data = ''
                        THEN (
                                SELECT value_data
                                FROM sys.dm_server_registry
                                WHERE registry_key LIKE '%ipall'
                                        AND value_name = 'tcpdynamicports' )
        END PortNumber
        FROM sys.dm_server_registry
        WHERE registry_key LIKE '%IPAll' ) a
WHERE a.PortNumber IS NOT NULL ;
Listing 18-5

Finding the Port Number

Another useful feature of this DMV is its ability to return the startup parameters of the SQL Server service. This is particularly useful if you want to find out if switches such as -E have been configured for the instance. The -E switch increases the number of extents that are allocated to each file in the round-robin algorithm. The query in Listing 18-6 displays the startup parameters configured for the instance.
FROM sys.dm_server_registry
WHERE value_name LIKE 'SQLArg%' ;
Listing 18-6

Finding Startup Parameters

Exposing Service Details

Another useful DMV within the dm_server category is sys.dm_server_services, which exposes details of the services the instance is using. Table 18-2 describes the columns returned.
Table 18-2

sys.dm_server_services Columns




The name of the service.


An integer representing the startup type of the service.


A textual description of the startup type of the service.


An integer representing the current status of the service.


A textual description of the current service state.


The process ID of the service.


The date and time that the service last started.


The account used to run the service.


The file name of the service, including the full file path.


1 indicates that the service is clustered; 0 indicates that it is stand-alone.


If the service is clustered, this column indicates the name of the node on which the service is running.

The query in Listing 18-7 returns the name of each service, its startup type, its current status, and the name of the service account that runs the service.
SELECT servicename
FROM sys.dm_server_services ;
Listing 18-7

Exposing Service Details

Analyzing Buffer Cache Usage

The dm_os category of DMV exposes 41 objects that contain information about the current status of SQLOS, although only 31 of these are documented. A particularly useful DMV in the dm_os category, which exposes the contents of the buffer cache, is sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors. When queried, this object returns the columns detailed in Table 18-3.
Table 18-3

sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors Columns




The ID of the database that the page is from


The ID of the file that the page is from


The ID of the page


The index level of the page


The ID of the allocation unit that the page is from


The type of page, for example, DATA_PAGE, INDEX_PAGE, IAM_PAGE, or PFS_PAGE


The number of rows stored on the page


The amount of free space on the page


A flag that indicates if the page is dirty


The NUMA node for the buffer


The amount of time taken to read the page into cache, specified in microseconds

The script in Listing 18-8 demonstrates how we can use the sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors DMV to determine the percentage of the buffer cache each database is using on the instance. This can help you during performance tuning as well as give you valuable insights that you can use during capacity planning or consolidation planning.
CachedPages INT,
Database_name NVARCHAR(128),
database_id INT
) ;
SELECT COUNT(*) CachedPages
                WHEN database_id = 32767
                        THEN 'ResourceDb'
                ELSE DB_NAME(database_id)
        END Database_name
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors a
GROUP BY DB_NAME(database_id)
                ,database_id ;
DECLARE @Total FLOAT = (SELECT SUM(CachedPages) FROM @DB_PageTotals) ;
SELECT      Database_name,
            SUM(cachedpages) over(partition by database_name)
                    / @total * 100 AS RunningPercentage
FROM        @DB_PageTotals a
ORDER BY    CachedPages DESC ;
Listing 18-8

Determining Buffer Cache Usage per Database


More DMVs within the dm_os category are discussed in the “Metadata for Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning” section of this chapter.

Metadata for Capacity Planning

One of the most useful ways you can use metadata is during your pursuit of proactive capacity management. SQL Server exposes metadata that provides you with information about the current size and usage of your database files, and you can use this information to plan ahead and arrange additional capacity, before your enterprise monitoring software starts generating critical alerts.

Exposing File Stats

The sys.dm_db_file_space_usage DMV returns details of the space used within each data file of the database in which it is run. The columns returned by this object are detailed in Table 18-4.
Table 18-4

sys.dm_db_file_space_usage Columns




The ID of the database to which the file belongs.


The ID of the file within the database. These IDs are repeated between databases. For example, the primary file always has an ID of 1, and the first log file always has an ID of 2.


The ID of the filegroup in which the file resides.


The total number of pages within the file.


The number of pages within the file that are in extents that have been allocated.


The number of pages within the file that are in extents that have not been allocated.


The number of pages reserved to support transactions using snapshot isolation. Only applicable to TempDB.


The number of pages reserved for user objects. Only applicable to TempDB.


The number of pages reserved for internal objects. Only applicable to TempDB.


The number of extents that have pages allocated to different objects.


The total number of modified pages since the last time a full database backup was taken

The sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats DMV returns I/O statistics for the database and log files of the database. This can help you determine the amount of data being written to each file and warn you of high I/O stalls. The object accepts database_id and file_id as parameters and returns the columns detailed in Table 18-5.
Table 18-5

sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats Columns




The ID of the database to which the file belongs.


The ID of the file within the database. These IDs are repeated between databases. For example, the primary file always has an ID of 1 and the first log file always has an ID of 2.


The number of milliseconds since the computer started.


The total number of reads against the file.


The total number of bytes read from the file.


The total time waiting for reads to be issued against the file, specified in milliseconds.


The total number of write operations performed against the file.


The total number of bytes written to the file.


The total time waiting for writes to complete against the file, specified in milliseconds.


The total time waiting for all I/O requests against the file to be completed, specified in milliseconds.


The total space used by the file on disk, specified in bytes.


The Windows file handle.


Total I/O latency for read operations against the file, caused by Resource Governor.


Total I/O latency for write operations against the file, caused by Resource Governor.


I/O stalls are the amount of time it takes the I/O subsystem to respond to SQL Server.

Unlike the previous two DMVs discussed in this section, the sys.master_files catalog view is a system-wide view, meaning that it returns a record for every file within every database on the instance. The columns returned by this view are described in Table 18-6.
Table 18-6

sys.master_files Columns




The ID of the database to which the file belongs.


The ID of the file within the database. These IDs are repeated between databases. For example, the primary file always has an ID of 1 and the first log file always has an ID of 2.


The GUID of the file.


An integer representing the file type.


A textual description of the file type.


The ID of the filegroup in which the file resides.


The logical name of the file.


The physical path and name of the file.


An integer indicating the current state of the file.


A textual description of the current state of the file.


The current size of the file, specified as a count of pages.


The maximum size of the file, specified as a count of pages.


The growth setting of the file. 0 indicates autogrowth is disabled. If is_percent_growth is 0, then the value indicates the growth increment as a count of pages. If is_percent_growth is 1, then the value indicates a whole number percentage increment.


Specifies if the media on which the file resides is read only.


Specifies if the file is in a read-only filegroup.


Specifies that the file belongs to a database snapshot.


Indicates if the growth output is a percentage or a fixed rate.


Specifies if the filename is reusable.


The LSN (log sequence number) at which the file was created.


The LSN at which the file was dropped (if applicable).


The most recent LSN at which the filegroup was marked read only.


The most recent LSN at which the filegroup was marked read/write.


The LSN at which changes in the file started being marked in the DIFF pages.


The GUID of the full backup on which differential backups for the file are made.


The time of the full backup on which differential backups for the file are made.


The LSN at which the next roll forward will start.


The GUID of the recovery fork.


The LSN at which an online roll forward for the file can stop.


The GUID of the recovery fork.


The most recent LSN at which a full or differential backup was taken.

Using File Stats for Capacity Analysis

When combined together, you can use the three metadata objects described in the previous section to produce powerful reports that can help you with capacity planning and diagnosing performance issues. For example, the query in Listing 18-9 provides the file size, amount of free space remaining, and I/O stalls for each file in the database. Because sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats is a function as opposed to a view, we CROSS APPLY the function to the results set, passing in the database_id and the file_id of each row as parameters.
SELECT m.name
        ,CAST(fsu.total_page_count / 128. AS NUMERIC(12,4)) [Fie Size (MB)]
        ,CAST(fsu.unallocated_extent_page_count / 128. AS NUMERIC(12,4)) [Free Space (MB)]
FROM sys.dm_db_file_space_usage fsu
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats(fsu.database_id, fsu.file_id) vfs
INNER JOIN sys.master_files m
        ON fsu.database_id = m.database_id
                AND fsu.file_id = m.file_id ;
Listing 18-9

File Capacity Details

The script in Listing 18-10 demonstrates how you can use sys.master_files to analyze drive capacity for each volume by detailing the current size of each file, the amount each file will grow by the next time it grows, and the current free capacity of the drive. You can obtain the free space on the drive by using the xp_fixeddrives stored procedure.
DECLARE @fixeddrives TABLE
    Drive        CHAR(1),
    MBFree        BIGINT
) ;
INSERT INTO @fixeddrives
EXEC xp_fixeddrives ;
    ,SUM([File Space Used (MB)]) TotalSpaceUsed
    , SUM([Next Growth Amount (MB)]) TotalNextGrowth
    , SpaceLeftOnVolume
        ,size * 1.0 / 128 [File Space Used (MB)]
                WHEN is_percent_growth = 0
                        THEN growth * 1.0 / 128
                WHEN is_percent_growth = 1
                        THEN (size * 1.0 / 128 * growth / 100)
                END [Next Growth Amount (MB)]
        ,f.MBFree SpaceLeftOnVolume
FROM sys.master_files m
INNER JOIN @fixeddrives f
        ON LEFT(m.physical_name, 1) = f.Drive ) a
GROUP BY Drive, SpaceLeftOnVolume
ORDER BY drive ;
Listing 18-10

Analyzing Drive Space with xp_fixeddrives

The issue with xp_fixeddrives is that it cannot see mapped drives. Therefore, as an alternative, you can employ the script in Listing 18-11, which uses PowerShell to return the information.


The drawback of this approach is that it requires xp_cmdshell to be enabled, which is against security best practice.

USE [master];
        name varchar(150),
        minimum tinyint,
        maximum tinyint ,
        config_value tinyint ,
        run_value tinyint
DECLARE @psinfo TABLE(data  NVARCHAR(100)) ;
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'Powershell.exe "Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk -filter "DriveType=3"| Format-Table DeviceID, FreeSpace, Size"'  ;
DELETE FROM @psinfo WHERE data IS NULL  OR data LIKE '%DeviceID%' OR data LIKE '%----%';
UPDATE @psinfo SET data = REPLACE(data,' ',',');
;WITH DriveSpace AS
        SELECT LEFT(data,2)  as [Drive],
                , LEN(data))),CHARINDEX(',',
                , LEN(data))))-1)),',','') AS FreeSpace
                , LEN(data))),PATINDEX('%,%',
         (SUBSTRING(data,(PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',data)) , LEN(data))))) ,',','')
        AS [Size]
        FROM @psinfo
    ,CAST(sizeMB as numeric(18,2)) as [File Space Used (MB)]
    ,CAST(growth as numeric(18,2)) as [Next Growth Amount (MB)]
    ,CAST((CAST(FreeSpace as numeric(18,2))
                    /(POWER(1024., 3))) as numeric(6,2)) AS FreeSpaceGB
    ,CAST((CAST(size as numeric(18,2))/(POWER(1024., 3))) as numeric(6,2)) AS TotalSizeGB
    ,CAST(CAST((CAST(FreeSpace as numeric(18,2))/(POWER(1024., 3))) as numeric(6,2))
                    / CAST((CAST(size as numeric(18,2))/(POWER(1024., 3))) as numeric(6,2))
                    * 100 AS numeric(5,2)) [Percent Remaining]
FROM DriveSpace
         (        SELECT DISTINCT  LEFT(physical_name, 2) Drive, SUM(size / 128.0) sizeMB
                        WHEN is_percent_growth = 0
                                THEN growth / 128.
                        WHEN is_percent_growth = 1
                                THEN (size / 128. * growth / 100)
                        END) growth
                FROM master.sys.master_files
                WHERE db_name(database_id) NOT IN('master','model','msdb')
                GROUP BY LEFT(physical_name, 2)
        )                mf ON DriveSpace.Drive = mf.drive ;
Listing 18-11

Analyzing Drive Space with PowerShell

A third way of working with drive information is the sys.dm_os_enumerate_fixed_drives DMV. This DMV returns the path of the drive, for example, C: as well as the free space on the drive, expressed in bytes. Additionally, columns are returned for a drive type ID and description.

Metadata for Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning

You can use many metadata objects to tune performance and troubleshoot issues within SQL Server. In the following sections, we explore how to capture performance counters from within SQL Server, how to analyze waits, and how to use DMVs to troubleshoot issues with expensive queries.

Retrieving Perfmon Counters

Perfmon is a Windows tool that captures performance counters for the operating system, plus many SQL Server–specific counters. DBAs who are trying to diagnose performance issues find this very useful. The problem is that many DBAs do not have administrative access to the underlying operating system, which makes them reliant on Windows Administrators to assist with the troubleshooting process. A workaround for this issue is the sys_dm_os_performance_counters DMV, which exposes the SQL Server Perfmon counters within SQL Server. The columns returned by sys.dm_os_performance_counters are described in Table 18-7.
Table 18-7

sys.dm_os_performance_counters Columns




The category of the counter.


The name of the counter.


The instance of the counter. For example, database-related counters have an instance for each database.


The value of the counter.


The type of counter. Counter types are described in Table 18-8.

The sys.dm_os_performance_counters DMV exposes different types of counters that can be identified by the cntr_type column, which relates to the underlying WMI performance counter type. You need to handle different counter types in different ways. The counter types exposed are described in Table 18-8.
Table 18-8

Counter Types

Counter Type



You will use PERF_LARGE_RAW_BASE as a base value in conjunction with the PERF_LARGE_RAW_FRACTION type to calculate a counter percentage, or with PERF_AVERAGE_BULK to calculate an average.


Use PERF_LARGE_RAW_FRACTION as a fractional value in conjunction with PERF_LARGE_RAW_BASE to calculate a counter percentage.


PERF_AVERAGE_BULK is a cumulative average that you use in conjunction with PERF_LARGE_RAW_BASE to calculate a counter average. The counter, along with the base, is sampled twice to calculate the metric over a period of time.


PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER is a 32-bit cumulative rate counter. The value should be sampled twice to calculate the metric over a period of time.


PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT is a 64-bit cumulative rate counter. The value should be sampled twice to calculate the metric over a period of time.


PERF_COUNTER_LARGE_RAWCOUNT returns the last sampled result for the counter.

The query in Listing 18-12 demonstrates how to use sys.dm_os_performance_counters to capture metrics of the PERF_COUNTER_LARGE_RAWCOUNT type, which is the simplest form of counter to capture. The query returns the number of memory grants that are currently pending.
FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE counter_name = 'Memory Grants Pending' ;
Listing 18-12

Using Counter Type 65792

The script in Listing 18-13 demonstrates capturing the number of lock requests that are occurring per second over the space of one minute. The lock requests/sec counter uses the PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT counter type, but the same method applies to capturing counters relating to In-Memory OLTP, which uses the PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER counter type.
DECLARE @cntr_value1 BIGINT = (
SELECT cntr_value
FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE counter_name = 'Lock Requests/sec'
        AND instance_name = '_Total') ;
WAITFOR DELAY '00:01:00'
DECLARE @cntr_value2 BIGINT = (
SELECT cntr_value
FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE counter_name = 'Lock Requests/sec'
        AND instance_name = '_Total') ;
SELECT (@cntr_value2 - @cntr_value1) / 60 'Lock Requests/sec' ;
Listing 18-13

Using Counter Types 272696576 and 272696320

The script in Listing 18-14 demonstrates capturing the plan cache hit ratio for the instance. The Plan Cache Hit Ratio counter is counter type 537003264. Therefore, we need to multiply the value by 100 and then divide by the base counter to calculate the percentage.


Before running the script, you should change the instance name to match your own.

        100 *
        SELECT cntr_value
        FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
        WHERE object_name = 'MSSQL$PROSQLADMIN:Plan Cache'
                AND counter_name = 'Cache hit ratio'
                AND instance_name = '_Total')
        SELECT cntr_value
        FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
        WHERE object_name = 'MSSQL$PROSQLADMIN:Plan Cache'
                AND counter_name = 'Cache hit ratio base'
                AND instance_name = '_Total') [Plan cache hit ratio %] ;
Listing 18-14

Using Counter Type 537003264

The script in Listing 18-15 demonstrates how to capture the Average Latch Wait Time (ms) counter. Because this counter is of type PERF_AVERAGE_BULK, we need to capture the value and its corresponding base counter twice. We then need to deduct the first capture of the counter from the second capture, deduct the first capture of the base counter from the second capture, and then divide the fractional counter value by its base value to calculate the average over the time period. Because it is possible that no latches will be requested within the time period, we have wrapped the SELECT statement in an IF/ELSE block to avoid the possibility of a divide-by-0 error being thrown.
ID        INT        IDENTITY,
counter_name NVARCHAR(256),
counter_value BIGINT,
) ;
        FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
        WHERE counter_name IN('Average Latch Wait Time (ms)',
                              'Average Latch Wait Time base') ;
--Adds an artificial delay
WAITFOR DELAY '00:01:00' ;
        FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
        WHERE counter_name IN('Average Latch Wait Time (ms)',
                              'Average Latch Wait Time base') ;
    FROM @cntr
    WHERE counter_name = 'Average Latch Wait Time (ms)') > 2
                SELECT TOP 1 counter_value
                FROM @cntr
                WHERE counter_name = 'Average Latch Wait Time (ms)'
                ORDER BY [Time] DESC
                SELECT TOP 1 counter_value
                FROM @cntr
                WHERE counter_name = 'Average Latch Wait Time (ms)'
                ORDER BY [Time] ASC
                SELECT TOP 1 counter_value
                FROM @cntr
                WHERE counter_name = 'Average Latch Wait Time base'
                ORDER BY [Time] DESC
                SELECT TOP 1 counter_value
                FROM @cntr
                WHERE counter_name = 'Average Latch Wait Time base'
                ORDER BY [Time] ASC
        ) [Average Latch Wait Time (ms)] ;
        SELECT 0 [Average Latch Wait Time (ms)] ;
Listing 18-15

Using Counter Type 1073874176

Analyzing Waits

Waits are a natural aspect of any RDBMS, but they can also indicate a performance bottleneck. Analyzing these waits, with a view to reducing them, often improve performance. A full explanation of all wait types can be found at msdn.microsoft.com, but all wait types break down into three categories: resource waits, queue waits, and external waits.


A query in SQL Server is either running, waiting for its turn on the processor (runnable), or waiting for another resource (suspended). If it is waiting for another resource, SQL Server records the reason why it is waiting and the duration of this wait.

Resource waits occur when a thread requires access to an object, but that object is already in use, and therefore, the thread has to wait. This can include the thread waiting to take a lock out on an object or waiting for a disk resource to respond. Queue waits occur when a thread is idle and is waiting for a task to be assigned. This does not necessarily indicate a performance bottleneck, since it is often a background task, such as the Deadlock Monitor or Lazy Writer waiting until it is needed. External waits occur when a thread is waiting for an external resource, such as a linked server. The hidden gotcha here is that an external wait does not always mean that the thread is actually waiting. It could be performing an operation external to SQL Server, such as an extended stored procedure running external code.

Any task that has been issued is in one of three states: running, runnable, or suspended. If a task is in the running state, then it is actually being executed on a processor. When a task is in the runnable state, it sits on the processor queue, awaiting its turn to run. This is known as a signal wait. When a task is suspended, it means that the task is waiting for any reason other than a signal wait. In other words, it is experiencing a resource wait, a queue wait, or an external wait. Each query is likely to alternate between the three states as it progresses.

The sys.dm_os_wait_stats returns details of the cumulative waits for each wait type, since the instance started, or since the statistics exposed by the DMV were reset. This is important, as it gives a holistic view, as to the source of bottlenecks. You can reset the statistics by running the command in Listing 18-16.
DBCC SQLPERF ('sys.dm_os_wait_stats', CLEAR) ;
Listing 18-16

Resetting Wait Stats

The columns returned by sys.dm_os_wait_stats are detailed in Table 18-9.
Table 18-9

sys.dm_os_wait_stats Columns




The name of the wait type that has occurred.


The number of tasks that have occurred on this wait type.


The cumulative time of all waits against this wait type, displayed in milliseconds. This includes signal wait times.


The maximum duration of a single wait against this wait type.


The cumulative time for all signal waits against this wait type.

To find the wait types that are responsible for the highest cumulative wait time, run the query in Listing 18-17. This query adds a calculated column to the result set, which deducts the signal wait time from the overall wait time to avoid CPU pressure from skewing the results.
       , wait_time_ms - signal_wait_time_ms ResourceWaits
FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats
ORDER BY wait_time_ms - signal_wait_time_ms DESC ;
Listing 18-17

Finding the Highest Waits

Of course, signal wait time can be a cause for concern in its own right, potentially identifying the processor as a bottleneck, and you should analyze it. Therefore, use the query in Listing 18-18 to calculate the percentage of overall waits, which are due to a task waiting for its turn on the processor. The value is displayed for each wait type and it is followed by a row that displays the overall percentage for all wait types.
SELECT ISNULL(wait_type, 'Overall Percentage:') wait_type
                SELECT wait_type
                         ,CAST(100. * SUM(signal_wait_time_ms)
                               / SUM(wait_time_ms) AS NUMERIC(20,2)) PercentageSignalWait
                FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats
                WHERE wait_time_ms > 0
                GROUP BY wait_type WITH ROLLUP
    ) a
ORDER BY PercentageSignalWait DESC ;
Listing 18-18

Calculating Signal Waits

To find the highest waits over a defined period, you need to sample the data twice and then deduct the first sample from the second sample. The script in Listing 18-19 samples the data twice with a ten-minute interval and then displays the details of the five highest waits within that interval.
wait_type NVARCHAR(128),
wait_time_ms BIGINT
) ;
wait_type NVARCHAR(128),
wait_time_ms BIGINT
) ;
SELECT wait_type
FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats ;
WAITFOR DELAY '00:10:00' ;
SELECT wait_type
FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats ;
        ,w2.wait_time_ms - w1.wait_time_ms
FROM @Waits1 w1
INNER JOIN @Waits2 w2
        ON w1.wait_type = w2.wait_type
ORDER BY w2.wait_time_ms - w1.wait_time_ms DESC ;
Listing 18-19

Calculating the Highest Waits over a Defined Period

Database Metadata

In previous versions of SQL Server, if DBAs needed to discover information about specific pages within a database, they had no choice but to use the well-known, but undocumented DBCC command, DBCC PAGE. SQL Server addresses this issue, by adding a new dynamic management view, called sys.dm_db_page_info. It is fully documented and supported by Microsoft, and provides the ability to return a page header, in a table-valued format. The function accepts the parameters detailed in Table 18-10.
Table 18-10

Parameters Accepted by sys.dm_db_page_info




The database_id of the database that you wish to return details for.


The file_id of the file that you wish to return details for.


The page_id of the page that you are interested in.


Mode can be set to either LIMITED or DETAILED. The only difference between the modes is that when LIMITED is used, the description columns are not populated. This can improve performance against large tables.

In order to populate these parameters, an additional system function has been added, called sys.fn_PageResCracker. This function can be cross applied to a table, passing %%physloc%% as a parameter. Alternatively, if cross applied to the sys.dm_exec_requests DMV, or sys.sysprocesses, a deprecated system view, an additional column has been added, called page_resource, which can be passed as a parameter to the function. This is helpful if you are diagnosing an issue with page waits. When passed a page resource/physical location object, the function will return the database_id, file_id, and page_id of each row in a result set.


When used with %%physloc%% as opposed to a page_resource object, the sys.fn_PageResCracker function returns a slot_id, as opposed to a database_id. Therefore, when used with %%physloc%%, the DB_ID() function should be used to obtain the database_id and the database_id column returned by the function should be discarded.

Table 18-11 details the columns that are returned by the sys.dm_db_page_info DMF.
Table 18-11

Columns Returned by sys.db_db_page_info




The ID of the database


The ID of the file


The ID of the page


The internal ID associated with the page type description




The type of page. For example, data page, index page, IAM page, PFS page, etc.


Hexadecimal value representing the page flags


A description of the page flags


The ID of the object that the page is a part of


The ID of the index that the page is part of


The partition ID of the partition that the page is part of


The ID of the allocation unit where the page is stored


The level of the page within a B-Tree structure


The number of slots within the page


The number of records of the page that have been marked for deletion, but have not yet been physically removed


Used to detect data corruption, by storing 1 bit for every torn write detected


Indicates if the page is an IAM page


Indicates if the page is part of a mixed extent (an extent allocated to multiple objects)


The file ID of the file where the page’s associated PFS (Page Free Space) page is stored


The page ID of the PFS page that is associated with the page


The amount of free space on the page


The value of the page’s PFS byte


A description of the page’s PFS byte


The file ID of the file where the page’s associated GAM (global allocation map) page is stored


The page ID of the GAM page, which is associated with the page


Indicates if the page is allocated in GAM


Describes the GAM status marker


The file ID of the file where the page’s associated SGAM (shared global allocation map) page is stored


The page ID of the SGAM page, which is associated with the page


Indicates if the page is allocated in SGAM


Describes the SGAM status marker


The file ID of the file containing the page’s associated differential bitmap page


The page ID of the differential bitmap page associated with the page


Indicates if the page has changed since the last differential backup


Describes the differential status marker


The file ID of the file that stores the page’s associated minimally logged bitmap page


The page ID of the minimally logged bitmap page, associated with the page


Indicates if the page is minimally logged


Describes the minimally logged status marker


The amount of free space on the page (in bytes)


The page offset, to the start of the free space on the page


If the page is a leaf-level index page, indicates the amount of rows awaiting ghost cleanup. If the page is on a heap, then indicates the number of free bytes reserved by all transactions


Used for MSFT support for debugging


Used for MSFT support for debugging


The file ID of the previous page in the IAM chain


The page ID of the previous page in the IAM chain


The file ID of the next page in the IAM chain


The page ID of the next page in the IAM chain


The length of fixed width rows


The last LSN (log sequence number) to modify the page


The version of the page header

The potential occasions where this data may prove invaluable are almost limitless. The script in Listing 18-20 demonstrates how this data could be used to determine the maximum log sequence number in a critical table, in preparation for a restore activity. The DBA can then use the maximum LSN to ensure that a point-in-time restore captures the latest modifications to the critical data.
USE Chapter18
CREATE TABLE dbo.CriticalData (
      ID            INT      IDENTITY      PRIMARY KEY      NOT NULL,
      ImportantData                        NVARCHAR(128)    NOT NULL
INSERT INTO dbo.CriticalData(ImportantData)
VALUES('My Very Important Value')
SELECT MAX(page_info.page_lsn)
FROM dbo.CriticalData c
CROSS APPLY sys.fn_PageResCracker(%%physloc%%) AS r
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_page_info(DB_ID(), r.file_id, r.page_id, 'DETAILED') AS page_info
Listing 18-20

Find the Most Recent LSN to Modify a Table

Metadata-Driven Automation

You can use metadata to drive intelligent scripts that you can use to automate routine DBA maintenance tasks while at the same time incorporating business logic. In the following sections, you see how you can use metadata to generate rolling database snapshots and also to rebuild only those indexes that are fragmented.

Dynamically Cycling Database Snapshots

As discussed in Chapter 16, we can use database snapshots to create a read-only copy of the database that can reduce contention for read-only reporting. The issue is that the data becomes stale, as data in the source database is modified. For this reason, a useful tool for managing snapshots is a stored procedure, which dynamically creates a new snapshot and drops the oldest existing snapshot. You can then schedule this procedure to run periodically, using SQL Server Agent. (SQL Server Agent is discussed in Chapter 21.) The script in Listing 18-21 creates a stored procedure that, when passed the name of the source database, drops the oldest snapshot and creates a new one.

The procedure accepts two parameters. The first specifies the name of the database that should be used to generate the snapshot. The second parameter specifies how many snapshots you should have at any one time. For example, if you pass in a value of Chapter18 to the @DBName parameter and a value of 2 to the @RequiredSnapshots parameter, the procedure creates a snapshot against the Chapter18 database but only removes the oldest snapshot if at least two snapshots already exist against the Chapter18 database.

The procedure builds up the CREATE DATABASE script in three parts (see Listing 18-21). The first part contains the initial CREATE DATABASE statement. The second part creates the file list, based on the files that are recorded as being part of the database in sys.master_files. The third part contains the AS SNAPSHOT OF statement. The three strings are then concatenated together before being executed. The script appends a sequence number to the name of the snapshot, and the name of each file within the snapshot, to ensure uniqueness.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.DynamicSnapshot @DBName NVARCHAR(128), @RequiredSnapshots INT
        DECLARE @SS_Seq_No INT
        SET @DBID = (SELECT DB_ID(@DBName)) ;
        --Generate sequence number
        IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.databases WHERE source_database_id = @DBID) > 0
                SET @SS_Seq_No = (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(SUBSTRING(name, LEN(Name), 1) AS INT)
                                  FROM sys.databases
                                  WHERE source_database_id = @DBID
                                  ORDER BY create_date DESC) + 1
                SET @SS_Seq_No = 1
                --Generate the first part of the CREATE DATABASE statement
        SET @SQLStart = 'CREATE DATABASE '
                         + QUOTENAME(@DBName + CAST(CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) AS NCHAR(10))
                         + '_ss' + CAST(@SS_Seq_No AS NVARCHAR(4))) + ' ON ' ;
        --Generate the file list for the CREATE DATABASE statement
        SELECT @SQLFileList =
                        '(NAME = N''' + mf.name + ''', FILENAME = N'''
                          + SUBSTRING(mf.physical_name, 1, LEN(mf.physical_name) - 4)
                          + CAST(@SS_Seq_No AS NVARCHAR(4)) + '.ss' + '''),' AS [data()]
                FROM  sys.master_files mf
                WHERE mf.database_id = @DBID
                        AND mf.type = 0
                FOR XML PATH ('')
        ) ;
        --Remove the extra comma from the end of the file list
        SET @SQLFileList = SUBSTRING(@SQLFileList, 1, LEN(@SQLFileList) - 2) ;
        --Generate the final part of the CREATE DATABASE statement
        SET @SQLEnd = ') AS SNAPSHOT OF ' + @DBName ;
        --Concatenate the strings and run the completed statement
        SET @SQL = @SQLStart + @SQLFileList + @SQLEnd ;
        EXEC(@SQL) ;
        --Check to see if the required number of snapshots exists for the database,
        --and if so, delete the oldest
        IF (SELECT COUNT(*)
                FROM sys.databases
                WHERE source_database_id = @DBID) > @RequiredSnapshots
                SET @SQLDrop = 'DROP DATABASE ' + (
                SELECT TOP 1
                FROM sys.databases
                WHERE source_database_id = @DBID
                ORDER BY create_date ASC )
        END ;
Listing 18-21

Dynamically Cycling Database Snapshots

The command in Listing 18-22 runs the DynamicSnapshot procedure against the Chapter18 database specifying that two snapshots should exist at any one time.
EXEC dbo.DynamicSnapshot 'Chapter18', 2 ;
Listing 18-22

Running the DynamicSnapshot Procedure

Rebuilding Only Fragmented Indexes

When you rebuild all indexes with a maintenance plan, which we discuss in Chapter 21, SQL Server supplies no intelligent logic out of the box. Therefore, all indexes are rebuilt, regardless of their fragmentation level, which requires unnecessary time and resource utilization. A workaround for this issue is to write a custom script that rebuilds indexes only if they are fragmented.

The script in Listing 18-23 demonstrates how you can use SQLCMD to identify indexes that have more than 25% fragmentation and then rebuild them dynamically. The reason that the code is in a SQLCMD script, as opposed to a stored procedure, is because sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats must be called from within the database that you wish to run it against. Therefore, when you run it via SQLCMD, you can use a scripting variable to specify the database you require; doing so makes the script reusable for all databases. When you run the script from the command line, you can simply pass in the name of the database as a variable.
USE $(DBName)
                   + i.name
                   + ' ON ' + s.name
                   + '.'
                   + OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id)
                   + ' REBUILD ; '
        FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID('$(DBName)'),NULL,NULL,NULL,'DETAILED') ps
        INNER JOIN sys.indexes i
                ON ps.object_id = i.object_id
                        AND ps.index_id = i.index_id
        INNER JOIN sys.objects o
                ON ps.object_id = o.object_id
                INNER JOIN sys.schemas s
                        ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id
        WHERE index_level = 0
                AND avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 25
                FOR XML PATH('')
) ;
Listing 18-23

Rebuilding Only Required Indexes

When this script is saved as in the root of C: as RebuildIndexes.sql, it can be run from the command line. The command in Listing 18-24 demonstrates running it against the Chapter18 database.
Sqlcmd -v DBName="Chapter18" -I c:RebuildIndexes.sql -S ./PROSQLADMIN
Listing 18-24

Running RebuildIndexes.sql


SQL Server exposes a vast array of metadata, which describes the data structures within SQL Server as well as the data itself. Metadata is exposed through a series of catalog views, dynamic management views and functions, system functions, and the INFORMATION_SCHEMA. Normally you only use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA if you need your scripts to be transferable to other RDBMS products. This is because it provides less detail than SQL Server–specific metadata but conforms to ISO standards, and therefore, it works on all major RDBMS.

This chapter also covered much useful information about the underlying operating system, as well as SQLOS. For example, you can use the dm_server category of DMV to find details of the instance’s Registry keys and expose details of the instance’s services. You can use the dm_os category of DMV to expose many internal details regarding the SQLOS, including the current contents of the buffer cache.

SQL Server also exposes metadata that you can use for capacity planning, such as the usage statistics for all files within a database (e.g., I/O stalls) and the amount of free space remaining. You can use this information to proactively plan additional capacity requirements before alerts start being triggered and applications are put at risk.

Metadata can also help in the pursuit of troubleshooting and performance tuning. The sys.dm_os_performance_counters DMV allows DBAs to retrieve Perfmon counters, even if they do not have access to the operating system. This can remove inter-team dependencies. You can use sys.dm_os_wait_stats to identify the most common cause of waits within the instance, which can in turn help diagnose hardware bottlenecks, such as memory or CPU pressure. The dm_exec category of DMV can help identify expensive queries, which may be tuned, to improve performance.

DBAs can also use metadata to create intelligent scripts, which can reduce their workload by adding business rules to common maintenance tasks. For example, a DBA can use metadata for tasks such as dynamically rebuilding only indexes that have become fragmented, or dynamically managing the cycling of database snapshots. I encourage you to explore the possibilities of metadata-driven automation further; the possibilities are endless.

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