
Microsoft Office Integration and Office Web Applications

SharePoint 2013 is a sophisticated web-based information platform that stands tall alongside many of Microsoft’s accomplishments. The SharePoint platform succeeds in being the central storage hub for enterprise and organization data, engages users in collaboration, and integrates external data to facilitate business intelligence in a modern-day organization. However, SharePoint is not an island, and Microsoft designed the platform to work alongside and integrate with Microsoft Office—one of the most widely used pieces of software installed on office computers today.

In this chapter I will take the reader on a tour of the main Microsoft Office applications and show how they integrate with SharePoint 2013. As with previous versions of SharePoint, Microsoft designed many of the new integration features to work with the latest version of Office—in this case Office 2013. This is not to say that users of Office 2003, 2010, and even Office XP cannot integrate with SharePoint 2013, but the feature set and end-user experience are better when working with Office 2010 or 2013.

Office 2013 and an Overview of Integration

Pay a visit to any typical corporate or government office today and you are certain to see a number of people in front of computers. Statistically, most of these computers will be running Microsoft Windows, and I would bet you they also have a copy of Microsoft Office installed.

With the exception of software developers, most organization workers use Office applications several times a day. Take Outlook, as an example; despite several rather appealing alternatives, Microsoft Outlook is one of the most popular business applications in use in organizations each day. As another example, Word is the most widely used word processing application and is the application I chose to write this book.

What are all those users doing with the files that they create from Microsoft Office applications? Sadly, many documents, spreadsheets, presentation decks, diagrams, etc. end up on shared drives (on the network) or embedded in e-mail messages. A typical Microsoft Word document ranges in size from a few kilobytes to megabytes. Now imagine a large Word document floating around the e-mail system—several copies in every recipient’s e-mail box, different versions in multiple e-mail messages. Aside from the confusion in ascertaining the most recent version, the IT department has a hard time dealing with Exchange e-mail boxes that continue to grow over the life of an employee at an organization.

In Chapter 11, I wrote about the document management features of SharePoint. I demonstrated how SharePoint provides a central location for all documents, to meet the needs of users. This is all good, but how tedious is it if a user working on a masterpiece in Microsoft Word has to exit the application and then remember to upload the document to SharePoint, and what about the nice metadata and categorization of documents in SharePoint? Users would love to access this same metadata in the Office application. Fortunately, Microsoft designed SharePoint and Office applications to communicate with each other.

Users can access SharePoint features from the comfort of their Office application, and may access their Office application from the web interface of SharePoint. Earlier versions of SharePoint (2003/2007) and Office (2003/2007) made similar claims but, honestly, the integration was somewhat half-baked. Since SharePoint 2010, SharePoint and Office have gone a step further and truly provide seamless integration.

By now, I assume you are familiar with the Windows 8 look and feel of SharePoint 2013. Users of Office 2013 also experience a similar look and feel as part of the user interface. Figure 14-1 shows a screenshot from PowerPoint 2013, which has a clean crisp look to it, similar to that of SharePoint 2013.


Figure 14-1. Windows 8 look and feel in PowerPoint 2013

The Backstage Area

All Office 2010 and 2013 applications have a File tab in the main menu of their main screen; clicking this tab navigates you to the backstage area. Clicking the File tab in Microsoft Word shows a page like that in Figure 14-2.


Figure 14-2. The backstage area in Microsoft Word 2013

On the left of the page shown in Figure 14-2, you can see the familiar Save, Save As, Open, and Close options—similar to what you came to expect of the File menu in pre-2010 versions of Office applications.

The middle area of the Backstage page typically displays operation and action buttons and links for the tab selected on the left. To give you a sense of capabilities of the backstage area, Table 14-1 lists the various actions available in Word 2013, depending on the tab selected in the left navigation. Table 14-1 is not exhaustive, and the actions available will likely differ between the Office applications in the suite. The far right panel, shown in Figure 14-2, also changes depending on the selected left tab; it currently shows properties of the document, since I have the Info tab selected.

Table 14-1. Action Buttons in the Backstage Area of Word 2013

Tab Button Action
Info Protect Document Allows author to add restrictions to the document to prevent further editing, mark the document as a final version, encrypt the document contents, and digitally sign the document.
Info Inspect Document Allows author to review hidden properties, check for accessibility issues, and check for compatibility with earlier versions of Office.
Info Versions and Check Out Allows author to check in and check out the document via the source document library in SharePoint, and to manage version history.
New - Selects a new document template to create a new document.
Open Recent Documents Lists recent documents edited.
Open SkyDrive Opens an existing document from SkyDrive (more on SkyDrive later in this chapter).
Open Other Web Locations Browses HTTP/HTTPS locations, such as SharePoint, for existing documents to open.
Open Computer Browses the local computer for existing documents to open.
Open Add a Place Adds locations for easier opening of existing documents and saving, locations such as Office 365 and SkyDrive.
Save - Saves the current document to the last known location (otherwise same as the Save As tab).
Save As SkyDrive Saves the current document to a SkyDrive location.
Save As Other Web Locations Saves the current document to an HTTP/HTTPS web location, such as SharePoint.
Save As Computer Saves the current document to a folder on the local computer.
Save As Add a Place Adds locations for easier opening of existing documents and saving, locations such as Office 365 and SkyDrive.
Print - Allows author to choose a printer associated with the local computer, change print options, and print the current document.
Share Invite People Changes permissions of the current document in the SharePoint document library, such that other users can read or edit the document from SharePoint.
Share E-mail Allows author to convert the current document to different formats (such as PDF) and add as an attachment to e-mail, using the default e-mail application.
Share Present Online Uploads document to a temporary cloud location on and provides author a unique URL—author can then send link to other users for presentation purposes. After closing the presentation, deletes the document from the cloud.
Share Post to Blog Allows the author to post a blog, hosted on SharePoint,, Blogger, etc.
Export Create PDF/XPS Document Creates a PDF or XPS document version of the current document.
Export Change File Type Allows the author to change the file type of the current open document, such as DOC to DOCX format.
Close - Closes the current document; the Office application will ask you if you wish to save any unsaved changes.
Account - Accesses connected account information, such as Facebook, Flickr, SkyDrive, Twitter, etc.
Options - Accesses preferences of the Office application.

image Note  If you have opened an Office document from SharePoint, the details in the Info tab change to those when opening a document from disk.

Opening and Saving to SharePoint

Office and SharePoint are like husband and wife, especially in enterprise environments (although perhaps not for the real husband and wife relationship in the workplace). After opening an Office document on your local PC, you surely want to upload it to SharePoint for version management and collaboration.

As a general practice, I upload any document in process to SharePoint immediately, because this gives me peace of mind that my document is in a safe place and available, should my local PC crash. You will see later that uploading unfinished documents to SharePoint also allows for co-authoring and editing, which is possible only when your document resides in a shared location.

I assume that by now you are familiar with SharePoint document libraries and how you upload documents to these libraries via your web browser. However, there must be a better way—can you open and save documents from and to SharePoint directly from the Office application?

Saving to SharePoint

I shall start with a scenario in which you might have opened a new instance of PowerPoint—or any other Office application—have made some edits to a new document, and now wish to save the document to SharePoint. As described earlier, you start from the backstage area by clicking the File tab on the ribbon.

  • 1.  Click the File tab in the Office application (my example uses PowerPoint 2013).
  • 2.  Click the Save As left navigation tab.
  • 3.  You should see some saving options, like those in Figure 14-3.


Figure 14-3. Save As tab in PowerPoint 2013

Looking at the Save As tab in Figure 14-3, you can see three options: save to SkyDrive, save to the local computer, or add another place. I shall cover saving to SkyDrive further on in this chapter. Saving to the computer is self-explanatory: clicking this option and the Browse button on the right will bring up a familiar Save As dialog with locations on disk to save the open document.

Saving to SharePoint from Office 2013 is different from that of Office 2010. Forget looking for the Send to SharePoint operation under the Save and Send heading—Microsoft has changed the save operations to: Saving to the cloud via SkyDrive and Office 365, Saving to on-premise SharePoint via SkyDrive Pro, and publishing for a specific purpose, such as publishing to a blog from Word, or publishing to a slide library from PowerPoint.

Personally, I miss the very explicit option to save to SharePoint within Office 2010 but can understand Microsoft’s need to reduce confusion, now that SharePoint exists both as an on-premise service and in the cloud. I shall leave the theorizing on this topic to the books on business and strategy.

Fortunately, Office 2013 and SharePoint still support saving to a URL (via WebDAV). The following steps continue to demonstrate how to save an open document to SharePoint by providing the URL of the destination document library:

  • 4.  Select the option to save to the computer.
  • 5.  Click the Browse icon.
  • 6.  In the dialog that appears, enter the on-premise SharePoint document library URL in the location field (at the top of the dialog).
  • 7.  Give the file a name.
  • 8.  Click the Save button.

Opening from SharePoint

Opening an existing Office document from SharePoint is less confusing than Save As, but just as easy. In this scenario and my example, a document resides in a document library in a SharePoint 2013 team site.

Figure 14-4 shows a screenshot of my example document library in my SharePoint 2013 team site. Depending on whether you have installed Office Web Applications (OWA), clicking on the document name (link) will either open the document on the Office application on the local computer (assuming you installed Office) or within OWA. The following steps demonstrate how to open the document in the local Office application:

  1. Click the ellipsis to the right of the document name in the document library.
  2. A pop-up should appear.
  3. Click the Edit link.
  4. Accept the warning about opening files from the web (assuming you trust the document).


Figure 14-4. Document in SharePoint 2013 document library

Now that you have opened a document from SharePoint (or successfully saved a new document to SharePoint, I would like to point out a few user interface changes in the Office application. Figure 14-5 shows the quick save icon at the top left of the application, with synchronization symbol. This indicates that the document resides in a location that supports collaboration (such as SharePoint); clicking this icon will save any local changes and retrieve any changes from the server.


Figure 14-5. New quick save icon

From within your Office application, click the File tab and then the Save As tab in the left navigation, as I demonstrated earlier. You should notice a new option in the list of save options: Other Web Locations (Figure 14-6). Office is smart enough to know that you opened/saved your document to a location accessible via web browser. This option in the Save As tab now provides a list of recent locations that you have saved documents to and the familiar Browse button to browse to another web location (via WebDAV).


Figure 14-6. Save to Other Web Locations

You can also open a document from SharePoint via the Office application user interface, as follows:

  1. Click the File tab in the Office application.
  2. Click the Open tab in the left navigation tabs.
  3. If you saved the document to a SharePoint location earlier, you may see the same location in Recent Folders under the Other Web Locations.
  4. You can browse the location of a SharePoint document library, similarly to how you browsed to a save location. Either use the Browse button under Other Web Locations or under Computer and paste a URL of a SharePoint site.

SkyDrive and Office 365

Thanks to a large proliferation of online storage services and hosted solutions, consumers and organizations are now taking advantage of the “cloud.” As the days of saving sensitive and important data on local computers and servers become outdated, so does the complexity that typically associates with maintaining recent and relevant backups.

As with most new inventions, the home market was the first to embrace the cloud with services to sync and host working files, such that home users could save files to a working folder on their computer and software would ensure that these files replicated on a cloud service, somewhere on the Internet. The commercial and government markets soon followed the home market when organizations began to realize the cost savings and benefits of hosting important data on secure replicated cloud services.

Microsoft has long been a player in the race to provide cloud-computing services, competing with such organizations as Google and Amazon. You may have heard of Microsoft Windows Azure Services—a cloud solution for hosting scalable server infrastructure and services like SQL Server, Exchange, and now SharePoint.

After the release of SharePoint 2010, Microsoft launched Office 365, an online-hosted Office solution for small, medium, and large businesses to take advantage of Microsoft Office Enterprise software solutions for a monthly fee. Office 365 has gained a lot of interest over the last few years because organizations no longer need to purchase and own costly network infrastructure and pay licenses for Windows Server, Exchange, SQL Server, SharePoint, and Office on workstations. As a result, Microsoft has increased marketing for Office 365 and targeted this platform as the way forward for all business organizations to embrace SharePoint in the cloud.

In the previous sections of this chapter, I mentioned Office 365 and SkyDrive. Microsoft is pushing integration of these online services in Office 2013, and you saw brief examples of this integration in the screenshots I provided earlier. Although specific discussion about Office 365 is outside the scope of this book, I shall cover the integration points with Office 2013 applications, before discussing SkyDrive and SkyDrive Pro.

Office 365

As I mentioned in the previous section, Office 365 (O365) is Microsoft’s hosted Office solution, which includes SharePoint. For the purposes of this discussion, I shall focus only on the SharePoint aspects of O365 and leave discussion of the Enterprise services to another book.

The great thing about Office 365 is that organizations can host SharePoint solutions, be it an intranet, extranet, or publishing site, via Microsoft’s O365 platform and make the service available to their audience of choice seamlessly. The end user has no idea that the SharePoint solution is in the cloud, rather than on-premise (hosted by the organization). Office 365 will federate with an organization’s Active Directory and can host on any purchased domain name; thus, SharePoint in O365 looks and feels like an on-premise hosted version of SharePoint, accessible via a common organization-specified URL.

Because Office 365 is a large topic and beyond the scope of this book, I shall cover only the integration with Office 2013. For the following text, assume that you have a hosted version of a SharePoint team site in O365, complete with a document library for saving Office documents.

image Note  At the time of writing, Office 365 provides both SharePoint 2010 for older customers and 2013 for new customers. Microsoft is in the process of migrating customers from 2010 to 2013.

In the following set of steps, I shall demonstrate saving a new Word document to a team site that I have hosted in Office 365 Preview (SharePoint 2013).

  • 1.  Open Word 2013 and create a new blank document.
  • 2.  Add some content/text.
  • 3.  Click the File tab.
  • 4.  Click the Save As tab in the left navigation tabs.
  • 5.  Click the Add a Place option and then select Office 365 SharePoint (Figure 14-7).


Figure 14-7. Saving to Office 365 SharePoint

  • 6.  Sign in to your O365 SharePoint—unless your organization has federated authentication, your username will likely be something like user
  • 7.  After signing in, click the Browse button.
  • 8.  Similar to how we saved a document to an on-premise SharePoint site, Word displays a Save As dialog with browse capability in the O365 SharePoint site (Figure 14-8).


Figure 14-8. Save As Dialog to save to SharePoint

  • 9.  Navigate to the Documents document library.
  • 10.  Provide a file name for the new document.
  • 11.  Click the Save button.

As you can see, saving to Office 365 SharePoint is almost identical to saving to a SharePoint on-premise instance. This is exactly the point—Microsoft has achieved the same user experience with Office 365 as users would experience with an on-premise hosted version of SharePoint 2013.

Opening a file from Office 365 SharePoint is as easy as opening a document from on-premise SharePoint. You can navigate to the document via the SharePoint web interface and edit the document or open the document from within the Office application, as I demonstrated in the section “Opening from SharePoint.”

SkyDrive and SkyDrive Pro

SkyDrive is Microsoft’s answer to synchronized files in the cloud, and part of the suite of services. SkyDrive is a free service with a limited amount of disk space (7GB at the time of writing), but it offers users the ability to increase the storage with a paid subscription. SkyDrive requires software installed to your local computer, which then handles the task of keeping local folders on your computer in sync with the storage account in the cloud. Users can synchronize as many computers as they wish with a single account, meaning multiple computers retain the most recent version of files.

image Note  For more information on SkyDrive, visit .

Similar to the experience with Office 365 SharePoint, Microsoft has integrated SkyDrive into the Office 2013 suite of applications. Opening and saving documents to your SkyDrive is as easy as opening and saving documents from the synchronized folder on your local computer. The Office 2013 applications also have the option to open and save to SkyDrive if you have previously configured a SkyDrive account within Windows 8. Figure 14-9 shows a screenshot from Excel 2013. I have configured my SkyDrive account as part of my identity in Windows 8, so Office 2013 understands that I have a SkyDrive location to save and open my files.


Figure 14-9. Save to SkyDrive

There appears to be some confusion in the marketplace regarding the existence of SkyDrive Pro with on-premise and O365 SharePoint. SkyDrive Pro is a version of SkyDrive that ships with Office 2013 and allows synchronization of files with on-premise and 0365 SharePoint. SkyDrive Pro caters to business and enterprise users.

For many of those who are not developers or prerelease software advocates, Office 2013 is out of mind until it releases to the general populous, whereas SkyDrive and are very much mainstream, which may have contributed to confusion on the role played by SkyDrive Pro. Some thought that SkyDrive Pro was the paid subscription service of SkyDrive. SkyDrive Pro is very different from SkyDrive on, but both offer similar functionality for management and synchronization of Office files in the cloud and enterprise. For the remainder of this section, I shall concentrate on how SkyDrive Pro relates to SharePoint.

Figure 14-10 shows the SkyDrive and SkyDrive Pro tiles that I have installed in my Windows 8. I included this figure to illustrate that SkyDrive and SkyDrive Pro are very different applications. For the following examples, I assume that you have SkyDrive Pro installed on your Windows 7 or Windows 8 computer.


Figure 14-10. SkyDrive Pro and SkyDrive tiles in Windows 8

  • 1.  Click the tile to launch SkyDrive Pro on your local computer (Figure 14-10).
  • 2.  When launching SkyDrive Pro for the first time, you should see a dialog like that in Figure 14-11.


Figure 14-11. SkyDrive Pro opening dialog

  • 3.  Provide the URL of a SharePoint (on-premise or O365) document library in the text box.
  • 4.  Optionally, change the local sync folder location on disk (click the Change link).
  • 5.  Click the Sync Now button when ready.

If you followed all the previous steps, you should now have a synchronized folder on your computer, which synchronizes with the document library in SharePoint. You can open, edit, and save documents on the local computer and SkyDrive Pro will synchronize the changes to SharePoint. Similarly, you (or someone else on your team) can open, edit, and save documents via SharePoint, and SkyDrive Pro ensures that all changes synchronize with those on the local disk. By default (unless you changed the location), SkyDrive creates sync locations in the profile folder for the current user (c:usersusernameSharePoint).

SkyDrive Pro is smart enough to handle multiple SharePoint locations. I created a sync location for a document library in my O365 SharePoint team site, and a sync location for a document library in my on-premise SharePoint. Looking in the c:userusernameSharePoint folder on my disk, I see the two locations, as in Figure 14-12.


Figure 14-12. SkyDrive Pro sync locations

Look at the screenshot in Figure 14-12; if you cast your eyes to the favorites in the left pane, you can see that SkyDrive Pro has created an entry for SharePoint, so you can get at your files quickly from within Windows Explorer.

There is a more convenient method for adding sync locations via the SharePoint web interface.

  1. Open your SharePoint 2013 site.
  2. Navigate to any document library to which you have permissions.
  3. Click the Sync link in the top left of the page (Figure 14-13).


    Figure 14-13. Sync link from within SharePoint 2013

What do you think happens if you open a file from SharePoint, via SkyDrive Pro, and another user on your team performs the same action? The good news is that SharePoint and SkyDrive Pro understand live co-authoring, which is the topic in the next section. Both users can edit the same document and save whenever they wish, and SharePoint will manage live editing and keeping changes to the same file in sync. SharePoint 2010 and Office 2010 included the capability to live co-author, but third-party disk sync tools did/do not support it.

Live Co-Authoring

Prior to Office 2010, any user wanting to edit a document checked out by another user in SharePoint had to wait until the other user checked the document back in. This situation did not present a big issue in small groups, but when many users collaborated and worked on a large document, checkout on a central document prevented efficient progress.

With the integration of SharePoint, users of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and OneNote may now co-author a document in real time. The following steps demonstrate live co-authoring in action, using Office 2013:

  1. Have User 1 open a PowerPoint 2013 document from a SharePoint document library, and ensure that this user opens the document in Edit mode.
  2. Have User 2 open the same document from SharePoint, also in Edit mode (on a different computer).
  3. Look to the bottom bar of PowerPoint 2013 and you should see a notification, like that in Figure 14-14, that multiple users are editing the document. You may click this notification to see the users editing the document.


    Figure 14-14. Multiple users editing a document

Office 2013 supports co-authoring in Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Word and PowerPoint support formal co-authoring, meaning that the application buffers changes until the user saves the changes. Conversely, Excel and OneNote support semiformal co-authoring, meaning anyone can make changes in real time.

image Note  Co-authoring requires at least Office 2010 or Office Web Applications. Previous versions of Office do not support co-authoring. For more information on co-authoring, see

Document Information Panel

In Chapter 9, I demonstrated metadata in SharePoint. Metadata is data associated with a document in a SharePoint document library. Metadata exists as site columns (fields) in content types and lists. For example, metadata about a proposal document might consist of the client name and proposal unique identifier.

Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2013 display metadata of documents sourced from SharePoint via the Document Information Panel. To view the Document Information Panel in Word 2013, complete the following steps:

  • 1.  Click the File tab to enter the backstage area.
  • 2.  Ensure that the Info tab in the left navigation tabs is selected.
  • 3.  Click the Properties drop-down on the far right of the page (Figure 14-15).


Figure 14-15. How to show the Document Panel in Word 2013

  • 4.  Word will show the Document Information Panel (Figure 14-16).


Figure 14-16. Document Panel in Word 2013

SharePoint maintains default settings, per document library, for the Document Information Panel for documents of given content types contained in the document library. The following steps demonstrate accessing these settings and changes administrators may apply:

  • 1.  Open the document library to the default view.
  • 2.  Click the Library tab from the ribbon.
  • 3.  Click the Library Settings icon from the ribbon.
  • 4.  Click the Advanced Settings link.
  • 5.  Ensure that the library allows management of content types.
  • 6.  Navigate back to the Settings page for the library.
  • 7.  Click the name of the content type that classifies documents where you wish to make Document Information Panel Settings changes.
  • 8.  Click the Document Information Panel Settings link.
  • 9.  SharePoint shows a page like that in Figure 14-17.


Figure 14-17. Document Information Panel Settings for a document content type

  • 10.  The Template section allows you to provide a default document template to use; for example, you may have a proposal document template from which you start all new proposals.
  • 11.  Check the check box in the Show Always section to ensure that the Document Information Panel displays whenever a user opens a document of this content type in the Office application.

image Note  Perform the same steps for content types in the site Content Types Gallery if you want to enable Document Information Panel Settings globally to documents of the content type at the site level.

Integrating SharePoint 2013 with the Office Applications

SharePoint allows export of most lists and libraries to Office applications. Depending on the list/library type, the Connect & Export section of the ribbon shows enabled options to export list items to the relevant Office application.

  1. Navigate to the default view of any document library.
  2. Click the Library tab on the ribbon.
  3. See Figure 14-18 as an example of the Connect & Export section.


    Figure 14-18. Connect & Export options for a document library

Table 14-2 details the various options available for a given list type.

Table 14-2. Connect and Export Options for Lists and Libraries

Export Function List/Library Type Description
Connect to Office Lists and Libraries Creates a favorite link in your My Site, under My Links; these links appear in the backstage area of Office applications when opening and saving to SharePoint. Requires My Site and User Profile Service working.
Connect to Outlook Document Libraries, Tasks, Contacts, Calendars, Discussion Boards, and External Content Lists When exporting lists of the available type to Outlook, the list becomes a particular type of folder in Outlook (for example, a Calendar list becomes a Calendar folder in Outlook). Users may read and edit the list items from Outlook.
Export to Excel Lists and Libraries Exports all metadata of a list or library to columns and row data in an Excel sheet.
Open with Project Tasks Opens the tasks from the task list in Microsoft Project as a new series of project tasks.
Open with Access Lists and Libraries Opens Microsoft Access and shows the list or library metadata in an Access table. Editing the data in Access updates the list data in real time.

The great thing about interacting with SharePoint lists and libraries from Office applications is that most of the export capabilities work with external lists (Business Connectivity Services; see Chapter 13). For example, you can use Excel to open and edit a list in SharePoint that connects to a table in SQL Server via BCS.

Thus far, you have seen common and general Office application integration with SharePoint, both from the backstage area of Office and as export from SharePoint 2010. The following sections of this chapter address the specific areas of Office application integration for each application.

Microsoft Word

In addition to the aforementioned integration features, Microsoft Word works with SharePoint to allow users to write blog posts, compare document versions, and add Quick Parts. The following sections discuss these features.

Writing Blog Posts

Microsoft Word includes a template to author blog posts. Microsoft Word works with many blogging engines, not just SharePoint, but because this book is about SharePoint 2013 administration, I will focus on creating blog posts for the SharePoint platform.

  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Click the File tab and then the left tab item, named New.
  3. Search for the Blog Post template.
  4. Click the Create button (Figure 14-19).


Figure 14-19. Blog post template in Word 2013

If you have not registered a blogging service (such as SharePoint), Word will give you the option to do so, with a dialog, as shown in Figure 14-20.


Figure 14-20. Notice to register a blog account

image Note  You may register new blogging service accounts at any time by clicking the Manage Accounts icon in the Blog section of the ribbon. Then click the New button.

  1. Click the Register Now button.
  2. Change the blog provider to SharePoint Blog and then click the Next button.
  3. Enter the URL of the blog site in your SharePoint site collection.
  4. You may click the Picture Options button to configure where Word saves images; by default, SharePoint stores the pictures in the Photos library of the blog site.
  5. Click the OK button.
  6. After editing the blog post in Word, click the Publish icon on the ribbon to publish the document to the SharePoint blog.

You may wish to publish a regular Word document to SharePoint without creating a new blog post document and using copy-and-paste.

  1. From an open Word document, click the File tab.
  2. Click the Share tab in the left navigation.
  3. Click the Post to Blog Post link.

image Note  You may launch Word with a fresh instance of a blog template from within a SharePoint blog site by clicking the Launch Blogging App link from the Blog tools callout on the left of the blog site pages.

Compare Document Versions

Microsoft permits users to manipulate versions of a document opened from a SharePoint document library with versioning enabled. The following steps demonstrate how to enable version settings for a document library, and how to compare versions of a document from Microsoft Word:

  1. Navigate to the default view of a document library in SharePoint.
  2. Click the Library tab on the ribbon and then click the Library Settings icon.
  3. Click the Versioning Settings link.
  4. Under the section Document Versioning History, enable the desired version scheme.

    Create Major Versions: Every document version represents a major version, therefore published for each save or check-in.

    Create Major and Minor Versions: Every check-in or save creates a minor version, meaning that the document is in draft mode; users must publish a major version to make the document changes available to other users, which may involve approval workflow.
  5. Click the OK button.
  6. Navigate back to the default view of the document library.
  7. Select the name of a Word document in the document library (click the Upload icon on the ribbon and upload a Word document if none exists).
  8. Click the ellipsis and then click the Edit option.
  9. Provide credentials for SharePoint, if asked.
  10. Wait for Microsoft Word to open.
  11. Make some changes to the document.
  12. Save the document (which saves it back to SharePoint).
  13. Click the Review tab on the ribbon in Microsoft Word.
  14. Click the Compare icon in the Compare section of the ribbon.
  15. See Figure 14-21 for the options available.


    Figure 14-21. Options for comparing document versions in Microsoft Word

Most of the options available in Figure 14-21 are self-explanatory. Users may compare the current open document with a major version, the latest version, or another specific version, and they may combine document versions.

Quick Parts

Microsoft Word documents allow authors to enter Quick Parts, which, when you open a document from SharePoint, allow inclusion of field values from metadata attached to the document library. The following steps demonstrate adding a Quick Part to your open Word document:

  1. Navigate to the default view of the document library.
  2. Select the name of a Word document in the document library (click the Upload icon on the ribbon and upload a Word document if none exists).
  3. Click the ellipsis, and then click the Edit option.
  4. Provide credentials for SharePoint, if asked.
  5. Wait for Microsoft Word to open.
  6. Click the Insert tab on the ribbon in Word.
  7. In the Text section of the ribbon, click the Quick Parts icon.
  8. Select the Document Property menu item and then select the metadata field from the sub-menu.
  9. Figure 14-22 shows an example where I added the author Quick Part—whenever the author of the document changes in SharePoint, Word will update this value, because the author property is part of the document metadata.


Figure 14-22. Quick Part property added to a Word document

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel does a phenomenal job of managing columns and rows in a sheet. Users can import Excel spreadsheets as custom lists into SharePoint with the same columns and row data as list items. Users may also reverse the process, exporting existing lists as new Excel sheets. SharePoint also includes Excel Services, a business intelligence service to host Excel spreadsheets within SharePoint for BI data manipulation, sourced from Excel. I covered business intelligence and Excel Services in Chapter 12, so I will not cover BI in this section. However, I shall demonstrate the simple aspects of importing and exporting Excel data into SharePoint 2013.

The following steps demonstrate how to import an existing Excel spreadsheet into SharePoint as a new custom list. Before starting, ensure that your Excel sheet contains the correct formatting. The first row of the sheet defines the columns (fields) of the new custom list, so make sure to use nice neat short column names. Start data from row two in the sheet. The first column of the sheet maps to the mandatory Title column in the list, so ensure that this contains text data. I created my columns as described in Table 14-3.

Table 14-3. Columns Created in Excel

Column Number Column Name
Column 1 Name
Column 2 Address 1
Column 3 Address 2
Column 4 City
Column 5 State
Column 6 ZIP

After adding the first row for the column headings, add some data in the successive rows. Complete the following steps to import your Excel sheet as a new list in SharePoint:

image Note  If you have trouble with import and export of Excel data, ensure that your SharePoint site is in the IE browser Trusted Sites Zone or Local Intranet Zone.

  • 1.  Open the SharePoint site to import the Excel sheet as a new list.
  • 2.  Click the gear icon in the top right.
  • 3.  Select the menu option for Site Contents.
  • 4.  Click the tile to add an app.
  • 5.  Page through the available apps until you find the tile for Importing from a Spreadsheet; click this tile.
  • 6.  Provide the name and description of the custom list and then click the Browse button to browse your local disk for the Excel Spreadsheet file (Figure 14-23).


Figure 14-23. Import spreadsheet as a new custom list

  • 7.  Click the Import button.
  • 8.  Excel opens with a dialog asking what data to import—Table Range, Range of Cells, or Named Range. I went with Range of Cells and then highlighted the cells in the sheet.
  • 9.  Click the Import button on the dialog. After a brief pause, SharePoint will load the page with the default view of the new column.

image Note  SharePoint makes an educated guess about the types of columns to create in SharePoint, based on column formatting and data in the Excel column. For example, ZIP codes may come over as numeric fields unless formatted correctly as text in Excel.

An alternative way to import data into SharePoint from Excel is as follows:

  • 1.  Open Excel and the file to import into SharePoint.
  • 2.  Select the cells to import.
  • 3.  Click the Format as Table icon from the Home tab on the ribbon and choose a style (it does not matter which you choose).
  • 4.  Click the Design tab on the ribbon.
  • 5.  Click the Export icon from the Export Table Data section on the ribbon.
  • 6.  Choose the Export Table Data to SharePoint List menu item.
  • 7.  Enter the URL of the destination SharePoint site in the dialog that appears.
  • 8.  Give the list a name and description and then click Next.
  • 9.  Ensure that the correct columns and data types appear in the dialog (Figure 14-24).


    Figure 14-24. Export table to SharePoint dialog

  • 10.  Click the Finish button.
  • 11.  Excel shows a final dialog with export result (hopefully successful) and a link to the new list in SharePoint. Click the link to see the Datasheet view of the new list in your browser.

The following steps demonstrate the reverse of the above—exporting data from an existing SharePoint list to Excel:

  • 1.  Navigate to a Datasheet view of a list, to export to Excel, from within SharePoint.
  • 2.  Click the List tab on the ribbon, and then the Datasheet View icon (Figure 14-25).


Figure 14-25. Datasheet view of SharePoint list

  • 3.  Click the Export to Excel icon on the ribbon.

image Note  If this button is disabled, check the settings for the list to make sure Datasheet is permitted; also check if the site is in either the Trusted Sites Zone or Local Intranet Zone in your browser.

Excel Services

Since SharePoint 2007, SharePoint has included Excel Services. Excel Services allows the hosting of Excel sheets and Excel data within SharePoint pages, without the need for Excel installed on the SharePoint Server, nor installed on the client. I covered Excel Services as part of business intelligence in Chapter 12.

Microsoft PowerPoint

Office 2013 includes functionality to present documents to others. PowerPoint 2010 included this functionality with SharePoint 2010. Now with the cloud taking an active presence in the workplace, you can share your Office documents with others via Office in the cloud. The following steps demonstrate how to broadcast PowerPoint slides:

  • 1.  From an open PowerPoint deck, click the File tab to enter the backstage area of the application.
  • 2.  Click the Share tab in the left navigation tabs.
  • 3.  Click the option to present online.
  • 4.  If you Lync installed, change the drop-down option to Office Presentation Service.
  • 5.  Click the Present Online button.
  • 6.  Click the Broadcast Slide Show item and then click the Broadcast Slide Show button.
  • 7.  PowerPoint provides a link to give to viewers of the broadcast (Figure 14-26).


    Figure 14-26. Present Online dialog

  • 8.  Click the Start Presentation button to begin.

Slide Libraries

Since SharePoint 2007, SharePoint has included a Slide Library list type (available only with SharePoint Standard edition and above). Slide libraries consist of collections of slides, taken from one or many PowerPoint decks. The idea is to collect a repository of popular and commonly used slides for new presentations.

As of SharePoint 2013, the slide library template is no longer available in the list of app/list templates accessed from the site contents area. Microsoft might depreciate slide libraries completely in later versions of SharePoint, but for now you can still access the Create page for slide libraries by typing the following link into your browser:

  • 1.  Give the library a name and description.
  • 2.  Click the Create button.
  • 3.  Open PowerPoint and a slide deck with a selection of slides.
  • 4.  Click the File tab to enter the backstage area.
  • 5.  Click the Share tab in the list of left navigation tabs.
  • 6.  Click the option to publish slides and then the Publish Slides button.
  • 7.  PowerPoint then displays a dialog asking you which slides to publish (Figure 14-27).


Figure 14-27. Select slides to publish to SharePoint

  • 8.  Check the check boxes (or click the Select All button for all) for publishing.
  • 9.  Enter the URL of the slide library location in the Publish To box (note that you do not need the filename.aspx in the URL, such as AllItems.aspx).
  • 10.  Click the Publish button.

image Note  You may need to authenticate with your username and password.

Head over to your slide library in SharePoint, and you should start seeing the slides appearing (hit Refresh a few times). You may not see all the slides immediately, as SharePoint processes and creates thumbnails for each slide before showing the slide in the library.

Now that you have a set of slides in your slide library, I can demonstrate creating a new PowerPoint deck from a selected number of slides from the new slide library, as follows:

  • 1.  Navigate to your slide library.
  • 2.  Check the check boxes next to the slides in the SharePoint slide library that you wish to include in the new presentation (deck).
  • 3.  Click the Copy Slide to Presentation link at the top of the list, just below the ribbon.
  • 4.  PowerPoint opens and presents a dialog, like that shown in Figure 14-28, asking the user whether to copy to a new presentation or an open presentation (if PowerPoint was already open with a deck loaded), with some other options, as shown.


    Figure 14-28. Copy to presentation dialog

  • 5.  Click the OK button to commit the slides to your PowerPoint deck.

Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneNote is a powerful note-taking application, allowing textual notes, images, media, and handwriting note-authoring capabilities. With the integration with SharePoint, OneNote goes beyond a personal note-taking tool and becomes a collaborative tool, much like the rest of the Office suite applications. Similar to Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft OneNote works with live co-authoring—discussed earlier in this chapter. OneNote also works with SkyDrive; thus, you can store all of your important notes in the cloud.

There is not a whole lot to demonstrate with OneNote’s integration with SharePoint, except the following steps to save a new OneNote notebook to a SharePoint document library from the backstage area of the application:

  • 1.  Click the File tab to enter the backstage area.
  • 2.  Click the New tab from the left navigation tabs.
  • 3.  Choose the option to store on your computer (for the moment).
  • 4.  Provide a new name for your notebook.
  • 5.  Click the link to create the note in a different folder; a dialog appears.
  • 6.  Enter the SharePoint site URL in the notebook name box.
  • 7.  Navigate to a document library to save the notebook.
  • 8.  Provide the notebook file name in the document library.
  • 9.  Click the Create button.
  • 10.  OneNote asks if you wish to share your notebook with others (Figure 14-29).


Figure 14-29. Invite others to share your notebook

  • 11.  Click the Invite People button.
  • 12.  Enter names or e-mails of people to invite (Figure 14-30).


Figure 14-30. Share notebook

  • 13.  Click the Share button.
  • 14.  Users with collaboration permissions may now co-author content in the new OneNote notebook.

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a small file-based Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Microsoft Access is less powerful than, and does not scale for performance and enterprise use like, SQL Server, but it is portable and ideal for manipulation of small chunks of data in relational form.

Similar to SQL Server and other RDBMS applications, Access uses terminology to define certain features and functionality, as described in Table 14-4.

Table 14-4. Microsoft Access Terminology

Terminology Description
Table Stores all data, just like SQL Server and SharePoint lists. A table consists of columns and rows, where the columns define the data fields and the rows define the data itself (the records).
Queries Think of queries like saved T-SQL queries in SQL Server. Queries produce result data by querying one or many tables, using T-SQL syntax.
Forms Forms allow users to interact with data in tables. Defining a form allows a user to enter data into text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, drop-down list controls, and the like.
Reports Reports in Access, as in any other data reporting system, display data queried from Access in a readable format for end users.

With the terminology out of the way, I shall demonstrate how to export data in a SharePoint list to Access from SharePoint, and how to import lists in SharePoint to Access.

  1. Open a SharePoint list at the default view.
  2. Click the Library tab on the ribbon.
  3. In the Connect & Export section of the ribbon, click the Open with Access icon.
  4. Microsoft Access opens and displays a dialog, asking if you wish to link the list or export the data as a copy (Figure 14-31).


    Figure 14-31. Open in Microsoft Access dialog

image Note  SharePoint disables the Open with Access button if you do not have Access installed. This icon does not exist at all for document libraries.

Link Tables in Access allow users to work with data, as they would any other Access table, except that the data does not reside in Access—in this case, it is within a SharePoint list. With Microsoft Access, SharePoint, and Link Tables, you could create a lightweight Access application that provides a business intelligent interface for entering data into SharePoint.

Connecting to SharePoint from Microsoft Access, and importing data, is just as painless as exporting from SharePoint.

  • 1.  Open Access.
  • 2.  Choose to create a blank desktop database from the list of templates (Figure 14-32).


Figure 14-32. Access—create a blank desktop database

  • 3.  Give the new database a name and location on disk.
  • 4.  Click the Create button.
  • 5.  Define a table that you will import into SharePoint.
  • 6.  Add some data; my table looks like that in Figure 14-33.


Figure 14-33. My table in Access 2013

  • 7.  Save the file.
  • 8.  Click the Database Tools tab on the ribbon.
  • 9.  Click the SharePoint icon on the ribbon.
  • 10.  Access opens a dialog, asking where to export data into SharePoint (Figure 14-34).


Figure 14-34. Export table to SharePoint dialog

  • 11.  Provide the URL to your SharePoint site.
  • 12.  Click the Next button.
  • 13.  Authenticate with SharePoint, if asked.
  • 14.  Access makes the necessary connection to SharePoint. If all goes well then Access shows a confirmation of completion dialog.

You now have a table in your Access database that connects directly with SharePoint. Your table data is no longer contained in the Access database, but in SharePoint, which is why Access created a backup database of your original database file.

Access Services

SharePoint includes a managed service application for Access—Access Services. With Access Services, users can do much more than just host an Access file in a document library, or link lists with Access tables. Access Services integrates the complete Access functionality into SharePoint, so legacy Access users need not rely on the Office Access application to host forms, run queries, and provide reports.

Access Services provides several benefits to collaborative users of data retained in an Access file using SharePoint.

  • Access Services locks objects and not the entire file when users make changes (unlike the full Access application).
  • Access Services secures data in an Access database using the same SharePoint permissions model.
  • Access Service is a middle-tier service and web service application, so users can share access to their Access data across the farm and other connecting SharePoint farms.
  • Everything runs in the world of the browser; users do not need the Access Office application on their computer.

The following steps demonstrate how to set up Access Services, via Central Admin, and how to leverage the capabilities of Access Services:

  1. Open Central Administration.
  2. Click the Manage Services on Server link, under the System Settings heading.
  3. Make sure the Access Database Service is in a started state.
  4. Click the Manage Service Applications link, under the Application Management heading, from the Central Admin home page.
  5. Scroll down the list and see if an Access Services application already exists. If not, continue.
  6. Click the New icon on the ribbon and select Access Services from the menu.
  7. In the dialog, give the service a name and create an application pool.
  8. Click the OK button and wait while SharePoint creates the new service application.
  9. You may configure the settings for Access Services by selecting the service application; then click the Manage icon on the ribbon.

image Note  Access Services is different from Access Services 2010, the latter being the service to support Access applications created in SharePoint 2010.

Now that you have Access Services configured, I shall demonstrate how to create an Access web application. This is an Access database application residing in SharePoint. Much like Excel Services, Access Services allows you to host Access databases in SharePoint and manipulate them without the requirement of Access installed on client computers.

  • 1.  Navigate to your SharePoint site, to host your Access web app.
  • 2.  Click the gear icon in the top right.
  • 3.  Select the menu item to add an app.
  • 4.  Page through the available templates until you find the Access app.
  • 5.  Click the tile and then the button to add it.
  • 6.  SharePoint will prompt you for a name for your app (Figure 14-35).


Figure 14-35. Add an Access app to SharePoint 2013

  • 7.  Provide a name and click the Create button.
  • 8.  Wait a moment while SharePoint creates the Access app.

If you prefer to start your Office applications from the Office application, you can also create a new Access application using Access 2013, as follows:

  1. Open Access 2013.
  2. Choose the Custom Web App template.
  3. Give the application a name.
  4. Provide the location of the app as your SharePoint site.
  5. Click the Create button.
  6. You may need to authenticate, as necessary.

Microsoft InfoPath

Microsoft introduced InfoPath in Office 2003 as an application to visually create forms and deploy them to an audience to fill out. As a stand-alone Office application, InfoPath provides good form design capabilities, and the author of a form has various deployment options.

In 2007, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 included InfoPath Server as an Enterprise license feature. The purpose of InfoPath Server was to render forms, designed in InfoPath, within the SharePoint environment, to users with a web browser. InfoPath 2007 included the new SharePoint InfoPath Server deployment path.

The problem with InfoPath Server in MOSS 2007 was that the expectation from Microsoft that InfoPath Server would provide site designers the overarching solution for integrating custom forms into the SharePoint platform missed the mark. InfoPath Server came to SharePoint as an additional feature and did not fully integrate into the platform, and so InfoPath-hosted forms in MOSS 2007 looked more like an afterthought.

Since SharePoint 2010, InfoPath and SharePoint now fully integrate. For example, SharePoint 2013 allows administrators to customize any list-based form, via SharePoint Designer 2013, which consists of converting the form to an InfoPath form. Most of the annoying branding that informed the user that InfoPath Server was powering the form rendering is gone, and forms render within the same SharePoint site chrome.

The InfoPath 2013 Office application itself is in two parts: Designer and Filler. You use the Designer part of the application for designing and deploying new forms, and the Filler for users to complete forms. Form designers may deploy both browser-based forms and those that are not browser based to SharePoint. Forms that are browser based and sourced from a form library with setting to render InfoPath forms in the browser will do so. Forms that are not browser based or those sourced from a forms library that does not permit browser rendering will open InfoPath Filler on the client desktop.

SharePoint supports three deployment options for browser-based InfoPath forms, as follows:

  • Form Library: A SharePoint Form Library is a special type of document library that contains XSN files—the XML definition of an InfoPath form. Form Libraries work well when deploying forms to a single location at the current site level and when the form creator has no expectation of hosting the form in other sites or libraries.
  • Site Content Type: Forms may now deploy as content types in SharePoint to the site or site collection Content Type Gallery. This method supports reuse of the form across sites and libraries in the hierarchy.
  • Administrator-approved Form Template: This type of form deployment involves deploying the form to the InfoPath Forms Services application in the farm (via Central Admin). Administrator-approved forms are reusable across the farm as templates wherever the farm has access to the InfoPath Forms Services.

Before you dive into the various deployments of InfoPath forms and see InfoPath Forms Services in action, you must first configure InfoPath Forms Services, via Central Admin.

  1. Open Central Administration.
  2. Click the General Application Settings heading.
  3. Click the Configure InfoPath Forms Services link, under the InfoPath Forms Services heading.
  4. SharePoint shows a page like that in Figure 14-36.


Figure 14-36. Configure InfoPath Forms Services

Most of the settings on this page are self-explanatory. The User Browser-enabled Form Templates are specifically of interest because unchecking these options prevents browser-based forms from rendering in the browser.

  1. Go back to the General Application Settings page and review the various links under the InfoPath Forms Services heading:
  • Manage form templates: Navigates the administrator to the master form templates list. By default, this list contains forms for use in various workflows across the farm.
  • Configure InfoPath Forms Services: As described previously, this link takes the administrator to a page to configure the general settings for InfoPath Forms Services.
  • Upload form template: Provides a page where the administrator can upload an administrator-approved form to the master list.
  • Manage data connection files: InfoPath forms typically use data connection files to define how to integrate data into the form (such as for drop-down list values) and where to submit posted data. This link provides the administrator with a place to upload and manage data connection files.
  • Configure InfoPath Forms Services Web Service Proxy: Allows the administrator to enable a web service proxy for forms.

Deploying a Form Via Central Administration

Forms deployed to Central Admin by administrators are available for use by other users in designated site collections. The following steps detail how to upload an InfoPath template (XSN file) to Central Administration:

  1. Open Central Administration.
  2. Click the General Application Settings heading.
  3. Under the InfoPath Forms Services heading, click the Upload Form Template link.
  4. Browse to the location of the XSN on disk.
  5. You may click the Verify button to confirm that the form has no errors (I recommend doing this).
  6. Click the Upload button and then look to the Status page, which should read success.
  7. From the Manage Form Templates page, hover over the name of the form template you just uploaded.
  8. Click the Activate to a Site Collection link.
  9. Choose a site collection to activate the form; after completing this step, SharePoint makes the form available as a content type in the Content Type Gallery, for users to add to new and existing lists/libraries.

Rendering a Form Using the InfoPath Form Web Part

SharePoint 2007 used to render forms in a new browser window executed by SharePoint, or site designers could host InfoPath forms in a Forms Server User Control. Neither option was particularly compelling. SharePoint now provides an InfoPath Web Part.

The InfoPath Web Part allows any page contributor to host an existing InfoPath form on pages that support Web Parts, such as wiki pages and pages with Web Part zones. After inserting the Web Part on the page, you should see something like Figure 14-37. Click the link to show the tool pane and follow these steps to configure the Web Part to an existing InfoPath form:

  1. The list or library drop-down control contains all lists and libraries using InfoPath form content types. Select the desired list to render the form.
  2. Select the appropriate InfoPath form content type in the next drop-down control.
  3. The check box Show InfoPath Ribbon or Toolbar instructs the Web Part to display the InfoPath ribbon in the Web Part rendering. Unchecking this option will cause the Web Part to render only the form (which is often desirable for end users).
  4. The check box Send Data to Connected Web Parts When Page Loads instructs the Web Part to activate any Web Part connections during page load.
  5. The remaining controls pertain to rendering, such as the default view to render and what happens to the form after submission.
  6. Click the OK button at the bottom of the tool pane to save your changes.


Figure 14-37. The InfoPath Web Part

Customizing the Document Information Panel and List Forms

Earlier in this chapter, I introduced the Document Information Panel, which displays the metadata of a document from within the Office application. The Document Information Panel associates with a particular SharePoint content type for the open document. Using InfoPath and SharePoint, administrators may customize the look of the Document Information Panel, following these steps:

  • 1.  Open InfoPath Designer 2013.
  • 2.  In the list of available templates shown, click the Document Information Panel template.
  • 3.  Click the Design Form button on the right.
  • 4.  A wizard dialog appears (see Figure 14-38). Enter the URL of the SharePoint document library and then click the Next button.


Figure 14-38. Data Source Wizard for editing the Document Information Panel from InfoPath Designer 2013

  • 5.  Select the content type to edit the Document Information Panel and click the Next button.
  • 6.  The wizard displays a message about publishing the content type for the InfoPath form to work; click the Finish button.
  • 7.  InfoPath Designer 2013 now shows you a form to edit, complete with the Document Information Panel fields (see Figure 14-39).


Figure 14-39. Document Information Panel in InfoPath Designer 2013

  • 8.  Experiment with editing the form; for example, change some colors, fonts, and so on.
  • 9.  To publish your changes to SharePoint, click the File tab and then the Quick Publish button.

InfoPath Designer also allows administrators to edit List Form pages, such as the Edit form, or the New Item form. The following steps demonstrate this:

  1. Navigate to the SharePoint list or library.
  2. Click the List tab on the ribbon and then click the Customize Form icon on the ribbon.
  3. InfoPath Designer opens, showing the Edit form with the active fields.
  4. Customize the form. You may change the presentation any way you like, even adding or removing fields.
  5. To publish your changes to SharePoint, click the File tab and then the Quick Publish button.
  6. Once published, your changes apply to the Edit (EditForm.aspx), New Item (NewForm.aspx), and Display (DispForm.aspx) forms.
  7. Navigate to the list in SharePoint and add a new item. You should see the new InfoPath form loaded.

How do you revert to the SharePoint stock list forms?

  1. Using Internet Explorer, navigate to the default view of the list.
  2. Click the List tab on the ribbon and then click the List Settings icon.
  3. Click the Form Settings link under General Settings.
  4. Revert back to the SharePoint list forms and click OK.

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is probably the most used Office application in the suite. Microsoft Word and Excel are certainly popular, but business users look at their e-mail in Outlook most often. It seems that Outlook is central to the world of the business user.

Despite this popularity, Microsoft is working to break users from the practice of storing all their business information in e-mails contained in Outlook. Storing multiple copies of documents in Outlook burdens the e-mail server (typically Microsoft Exchange), and users who maintain personal folders effectively retain important data on their personal computers—not ideal for data integrity. So, how does Microsoft release user cohesiveness with Outlook and encourage these users to leverage SharePoint 2013 as a centralized collaborative repository for their data? The short answer is by making Outlook communicate with SharePoint, so users do not have to leave the comfort of their favorite e-mail client.

Lists and Libraries

Users may connect many types of lists or document libraries to Outlook. These lists and libraries then appear in the hierarchy of folders with which users of Outlook are familiar. Furthermore, the list type determines how Outlook displays the folder and the types of items contained. The following steps demonstrate how to connect a shared calendar in SharePoint with Outlook:

  • 1.  Open SharePoint and navigate to a shared calendar, default view.
  • 2.  Click the Calendar tab on the ribbon and then click the Connect to Outlook icon in the Connect & Export section of the ribbon (Figure 14-40).


Figure 14-40. Connect to Outlook from SharePoint 2013

  • 3.  Outlook launches and displays a dialog asking you to confirm connecting the list to Outlook.
  • 4.  You may click the Advanced button to see additional options, such as to edit the name of the folder in Outlook.
  • 5.  Click the Yes button; Outlook displays the new calendar in the calendar area of the folder hierarchy.
  • 6.  If you have events in your SharePoint calendar, you should see them in Outlook (after the next Send & Receive); you can also make direct changes to the calendar in Outlook and see the changes reflected in SharePoint.

Outlook allows users to connect the following lists to Outlook in a similar process to the preceding steps: Document Libraries, Calendars, Tasks, Contacts, Picture Libraries, Document Sets (Individual Owned), Discussion Boards, and Project Tasks.

Outlook stores all connected list data in an offline PST file, called SharePoint Lists.pst. Readers should note that SharePoint downloads all content to this PST file, so if you have a large document library connected to Outlook, the combination of documents and metadata may take up considerable space on the client machine (not the e-mail server). Fortunately, administrators and list owners may prevent download of list content with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the list in SharePoint.
  2. Click the List or Library tab on the ribbon.
  3. Click the List or Library Settings on the ribbon.
  4. Click the Advanced Settings link.
  5. Change the setting for Offline Client Availability to No. SharePoint then disables the Connect to Outlook icon on the ribbon. Users with previous downloaded content still retain the offline copy in Outlook but can no longer sync with SharePoint.

Office Web Applications

Office Web Applications (Office Web Apps) are web browser–based applications that enable users to edit Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote files without needing Microsoft Office applications installed on client machines. The Windows Live service provides an Office Web Apps service for personal users and consumers, and enterprise organizations may install Office Web Apps within the SharePoint 2013 infrastructure, which is what I shall discuss in this section of this chapter.

SharePoint Office Web Applications (OWA) no longer exists as a service application in a SharePoint farm. Instead, OWA 2013 installs a separate server farm. You must now install Office Web Apps Server on a different server from SharePoint 2013. This has the advantage that you can maintain patches to OWA separate from SharePoint and can maintain both farms differently from a user load perspective.

Unlike SharePoint, the Office Web Applications installer does not include a prerequisites installer application. Make sure you install the following prerequisites before installing OWA 2013:

After completing installation of the prerequisites, open a new PowerShell window on the server and execute the following Cmdlets—for Windows 2008 R2:

Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Static-Content,Web-App-Dev,Web-Asp-Net,Web-Net-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Includes,Web-Security,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Filtering,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Mgmt-Console,Ink-Handwriting,IH-Ink-Support

Restart the server if/when prompted. If you are running Windows Server 2012, execute the following PowerShell Cmdlets instead of those preceding:

Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Static-Content,Web-Performance,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Security,Web-Filtering,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-App-Dev,Web-Net-Ext45,Web-Asp-Net45,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Includes,InkandHandwritingServices

Now, you are ready to install the OWA 2013 binaries. Run the setup.exe file in the OWA installation media. If you have a single IMG or ISO file, you may need to burn this to a DVD, or extract the package using a tool, such as WINISO or WINRAR.

I recommend that you install the OWA language packs if you plan to display multi-language documents from your OWA Server. Installation of the language packs is straightforward and requires you to run the installer.

Configuring OWA for SharePoint 2013

I hope that you have installed the Office Web Apps prerequisites and binaries without error. If so, now you are ready to configure OWA for SharePoint 2013. Simply installing OWA is not enough, SharePoint requires configuration to communicate with the OWA Server, now that it is not an included service application with SharePoint.

  1. Create an OWA farm—execute the following PowerShell on the OWA Server:
    New-OfficeWebAppsFarm –InternalURL " http://servername " –AllowHttp –EditingEnabled

    image Note  If you receive 500 server errors when executing OWA Cmdlets, try the following command, followed by an IISRESET: %systemroot%Microsoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319aspnet_regiis.exe -iru.

  2. Verify the OWA Server is serving data via HTTP by navigating to http://servername/hosting/discovery.
  3. You should see some XML returned, which is the WOPI (Web app Open Platform Interface) discovery file.
  4. Ensure that your SharePoint web applications use Claims-Based-Authentication.
  5. Open the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell (PowerShell) as ELEVATED.
  6. Execute the following Cmdlet to bind SharePoint to the OWA Server; if you forget the parameter to allow HTTP, the Cmdlet will assume HTTPS:
    New-SPWOPIBinding -ServerName <WacServerName> -AllowHTTP
  7. Run the following Cmdlet to determine the zone that SharePoint uses to connect to OWA:
  8. If the preceding Cmdlet returns the zone as internal-https, then change the zone to internal-http with the following Cmdlet:
    Set-SPWOPIZone –zone "internal-http"
  9. Ensure that you can use OAUTH to communicate with the OWA Server with the following Cmdlets:
    $config = (Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig)
    $config.AllowOAuthOverHttp = $true
  10. Test that you can open Office documents from SharePoint 2013 via OWA.

Of course, the previous steps should work fine for a non-production environment, but for production deployment, I recommend using HTTPS between SharePoint and your OWA Server. In this case, drop the -AllowHTTP parameter in step 6, and use “external-https” in step 8.


In this chapter, I covered most of the default applications part of the Microsoft Office 2013 suite. I showed you how these applications integrate with SharePoint 2013. You learned the basics of exporting and importing data, the commonalities in the backstage area, live co-authoring, and the Document Information Panel.

As you progressed through the chapter, you looked at each application in turn, and I demonstrated some of the specific integration features with SharePoint 2013.

You took a quick tour of InfoPath 2013—the Filler and Designer applications. You saw how to customize SharePoint 2013 list forms and the Document Information Panel.

At the end of this chapter, you tackled the installation and configuration of Office Web Applications, so your users can view and edit Office documents without the Office applications installed on client machines.

In the next chapter, I shall tackle the mammoth topic of SharePoint search.

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