
List of Figures

List of Tables

About the Author

About the Technical Reviewer



Part 1  Exploring Silverlight

Chapter 1  Understanding Silverlight

Web 2.0 and RIAs

Key Attributes of Web 2.0

Rich Internet Applications

RIA Architecture

The Five Usability Dimensions for RIAs

Technologies That Support RIAs

Examining the Silverlight Platform

Different Versions of Silverlight

Silverlight Architecture

Silverlight Is Platform Independent

Presentation Core

Microsoft .NET for Silverlight

Quick Overview of Silverlight 2's Key Components

Defining User Interfaces in Silverlight

Third-Party Silverlight Controls

Event Integration: Managed Code and Scripting
Programming Models

Data Binding

Microsoft Tools to Developing Silverlight Applications

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1

Microsoft Expression Studio 2 SP1

Microsoft Silverlight Streaming by Windows Live


Additional References

Links from the Microsoft Web Site

Apress Reference Books

Chapter 2  Setting Up: Developing a Simple Silverlight Application

Defining the My Album RIA Project

Application Features

Design and Development Considerations

Supported Media Types

Technology Platform Used to Develop the My Album RIA

Development Tools Used to Develop the My Album RIA

My Album RIA Design Considerations

Application Capabilities

User Interface Framework

Defining User Controls

Defining Code-Behind Scope

Other Considerations

Developing the My Album RIA

Creating the My Album Silverlight Project Using the
Silverlight Application Project Template

Defining the Left Navigation Pane

Defining the Preview Pane

Defining a Container for Pictures

Defining a Container for Media

Defining Full-Screen/Normal-Screen Mode

Defining the Play/Stop Command

Defining Animations Using a Storyboard

Preparing Thumbnails for the Preview Pane Using Microsoft Expression Encoder

Adding Image and Video Files

Defining Application Behavior Through the Code-Behind

Finishing the Development of the My Album Application

Packaging the My Album Silverlight Application

Build Action As Content

Build Action As None with the Copy to Output
Directory Property Set Relatively

Build Action As Resource

Deploying the My Album Silverlight Application on
Microsoft Silverlight Streaming by Windows Live

Method 1: Embed the Application As a Frame

Method 2: Using a Live Control


Additional References

Links from the Microsoft Web Site

Part 2  Enterprise Application Development with Silverlight

Chapter 3  Silverlight: An Enterprise-Ready Technology Platform

What Is an Enterprise-Ready Technology Platform?

Defining Enterprise 2.0

Goals for the Enterprise-Ready Technology Platform

Is Silverlight an Enterprise-Ready Technology Platform?

Silverlight-Based Applications Are Business-Enabled RIAs

Silverlight-Based RIAs Follow the Seven Key Principles of
Building RIAs As a Service

Silverlight Is Platform Independent

Conclusion: Silverlight Is an Enterprise-Ready Technology Platform

Design Concepts for Silverlight-Based Enterprise RIAs

Architecture Components for Enterprise RIAs

Current Design for the My Album RIA

Designing the My Album Application As an Enterprise RIA

Defining a Modular Presentation Layer

Defining Loosely Coupled Custom Web Services

Defining the Business Components Layer

Setting Up the Application Environment


Additional References

Links from the Microsoft Web Site

Chapter 4  Silverlight and Service-Oriented Architecture

Defining Service-Oriented Architecture

Key Objectives of SOA-Based Applications

Technical Overview of SOA

Key Components of Services

Silverlight and SOA

Device and Platform-Independent Applications

Abstracted Presentation Layer

Integration with Platform-Agnostic Services

Modularity and Reusability

SOA-Based RIAs: Seven Key Principles








Microsoft Silverlight and the Seven Key Principles



Building a Dynamic Service-Oriented Silverlight Application


Chapter 5  Developing a Service-Oriented Enterprise RIA

Recapping the My Album RIA

Defining the Enterprise Training Portal RIA Project

Enterprise Strategic Vision

Application Features

Design and Development Considerations

Supported Content Types

Technology Platform Used to Develop the Enterprise
Training Portal RIA

Development Tools Used to Develop the Enterprise
Training Portal RIA

Designing the Enterprise Training Portal

Application Features to Be Implemented in This Chapter

Application Architecture

Presentation Layer

Business Service Layer and Data Access Layer

Data Platforms

Understanding Silverlight Custom Controls

Key Components of Custom Controls

Visual State Manager

Developing a Sample Custom Control

Deploying a Custom Control

Developing the Enterprise Training Portal

Project Structure of the Enterprise Training Portal

Developing the Data Access WCF Service: getContents

Developing the Core Data Access Component: tpDataLayer Class Library

Developing Custom Controls Enterprise Library

Developing the Main Silverlight Application Project: TrainingPortal

Centralized Deployment of the Enterprise Training Portal RIA


Additional References

Links from the Microsoft Web Site

Chapter 6  Deploying Silverlight Applications

Defining the Deployment Process




Support and Maintenance

Deploying Silverlight Applications

Silverlight Deployment Package Definition

In-Package and On-Demand Files

Hosting Silverlight Applications

Server-Side Silverlight RIA Deployment

Embedding Silverlight Plug-ins into the Web Page

Custom Error Handling for Better User Experience

Silverlight Applications Supporting Globalization and Localization


Additional References

Links from the Microsoft Web Site

Part 3  Silverlight for Mobile

Chapter 7  Mobile Applications and Silverlight

Enterprise Mobility for Enterprise 2.0

System and Application Virtualization

Virtual Meeting Space

Mobile Applications

Basics of Mobile Applications

Usability and Simplicity

Flexibility and Reusability

Scalability and Maintainability


Architectural Considerations

Mobile Application Types

Communication Patterns

Synchronization Models

Mobile Application Design Considerations

Silverlight for Mobile Applications

Silverlight Is Based on the .NET Framework

Same Silverlight Applications for Desktop RIAs and Mobile RIAs

Where Do We Stand with Silverlight for Mobile?


Part 4  Final Words

Chapter 8  Adopting Silverlight

Silverlight in a Nutshell

Adopting Silverlight in Your Organization

Understanding the Current Challenges of Silverlight

Making a Decision on Adopting Silverlight

Key Considerations for Adopting Silverlight


Additional References

Links from the Microsoft Web Site


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