
This chapter continues coverage of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) support that is provided by Windows Workflow Foundation (WF). Chapter 9 began the discussion with an introduction to workflow services and WCF in general. In that chapter, you declared a simple request/response service operation, hosted it using Internet Information Services (IIS), developed a self-hosting application, and developed two client applications to test it.

The chapter expands on this basic example from Chapter 9 by implementing additional workflow services that are consumed by the original workflow. One additional service demonstrates how to use context-based and content-based correlation to route messages to the correct service instance. Another example service uses the duplex message exchange pattern to invoke callback operations of the calling service. The final example demonstrates how to use workflow extensions with services.

The chapter concludes with a discussion of exception and fault processing, flowing transactions into a workflow service, and the use of standard WF behaviors to fine-tune workflow service performance.

images Note This chapter assumes that the examples presented in Chapter 9 are used as the starting point for this chapter. In particular, the ServiceLibrary, ServiceHost, and WorkflowClient projects that were first developed in Chapter 9 will be used in this chapter. Any new workflows or activities that you develop in this chapter should be added to one of these existing projects.

Using Context-Based Correlation

In this section, you will declare a workflow service that relies upon context-based correlation to route messages to the correct workflow instance. The ProcessOrder operation that you declared and used in Chapter 9 is a simple request/response operation. When a client application invokes the operation, a new instance of the workflow service is created (because of the Receive.CanCreateInstance property with a value of true). When the service sends a reply to the caller (using the SendReply activity), the workflow is complete, and the instance is disposed.

In contrast with this, you will now declare a workflow service (named ShipOrder) that is stateful and supports multiple operations. This new workflow extends the previous example scenario by implementing a set of service operations related to the shipment of the order. These operations will be invoked by the ProcessOrder operation of the OrderProcessing workflow service.

Here are the operations that you will declare in the ShipOrder workflow service:


The BeginOrder operation is the only one that is capable of creating a new instance of the workflow service. It is invoked first, followed by one or more calls to the AddItem operation. Finally, the CompleteOrder operation is invoked to signal that entry of the order is complete and that it can be shipped. The response from the CompleteOrder operation provides the expected date of shipment.

Correlation is required when multiple operations must all use the same workflow instance. Correlation ensures that the messages for each operation are routed to the correct instance. As I mentioned in Chapter 9, there are two ways to implement this type of correlation: context-based and content-based.

In the example that follows, you will implement the ShipOrder workflow service using context-based correlation. This form of correlation relies upon a WCF binding that supports the exchange of context information in the SOAP headers (WSHttpContextBinding, NetTcpContextBinding, BasicHttpContextBinding). Context-based correlation is the easiest of the two correlation types to implement. Later, you will revise the ShipOrder workflow service to use content-based correlation.

Guidelines for Context-Based Correlation

In general, you can follow these guidelines when using context-based correlation:

  • At least one service operation must have the Receive.CanCreateInstance property set to true in order to create a new instance of the workflow.
  • Service operations that are designed to interact with an existing workflow instance should have their CanCreateInstance properties set to false.
  • All service operations that are designed to create a new workflow instance must use the request/response message exchange pattern. The response is necessary to return context information to the caller that is used in subsequent operations.
  • A binding that supports the exchange of context information must be used.

Declaring the ShipOrder Workflow Service

The basic structure of this workflow service will be a flowchart with a Pick activity. The Pick activity has three PickBranch activities, one for each operation that is supported. The flowchart will continuously loop until the CompleteOrder operation has been invoked. Each time through the loop, the Pick activity is executed again, preparing the workflow to accept any of the three operations.

Add a new WCF Workflow Service to the ServiceLibrary project, and name it ShipOrder. Delete the top-level Sequence activity (along with its child messaging activities) since it won't be used. Set the Name and ConfigurationName properties of the workflow service to ShipOrder.

Here is a recap of the workflow variables that you will add to the workflow. Follow the instructions to see when you can add them to the workflow.


Follow these steps to complete the declaration of this workflow:

  1. Add a Flowchart activity to the empty workflow.
  2. Add the four variables that are scoped by the Flowchart: IsDone, Items, OrderId, and CustomerName.
  3. Add a Pick activity as a child of the Flowchart. Connect the starting point of the flowchart to the top of the Pick activity.
  4. Add a FlowDecision below the Pick activity. Set the Condition property to IsDone. Connect the Pick activity to the top of the FlowDecision. Drag a connection from the false side of the FlowDecision (the right side) to the side of the Pick activity. This causes the workflow to execute the Pick activity until the IsDone variable is true.
  5. Open the Pick activity, and add a third PickBranch (the Pick activity starts with two branches).
  6. Add a ReceiveAndSendReply activity template to the Trigger property of the leftmost PickBranch. Use the values shown in the following tables to set the properties and parameters of the Receive activity. For this operation, the content type is set to Parameters.



  7. The SendReplyToReceive activity does not require any changes. No individual parameters are returned with the response.
  8. Add a WriteLine activity between the Receive and SendReplyToReceive activities. Set the Text property to String.Format("BeginOrder OrderId: {0}, Cust: {1}", OrderId, CustomerName). Figure 10-1 shows the completed PickBranch for the BeginOrder operation.

    Figure 10-1. BeginOrder PickBranch

  9. Add the Item variable that is scoped by Branch2 to the middle PickBranch.
  10. Add a Receive activity (not a ReceiveAndSendReply activity template as you usually do) to the Trigger property of the middle PickBranch. Use the values shown in the following tables to set the properties and parameters of this Receive activity. The content type for this activity should be set to Parameters.



  11. Add a Sequence activity to the Action portion of the middle PickBranch. Add an AddToCollection<T> activity to the Sequence. Set the generic type to ServiceLibrary.Item. Set the Collection property to Items and the Item property to Item. This adds the newly received Item object to a collection of items for the order.
  12. Add a WriteLine activity to the Sequence activity, directly below the AddToCollection<T> activity. Set the Text property to String.Format("AddItem OrderId:{0}, ItemId:{1}, Qty:{2}", OrderId, Item.ItemId, Item.Quantity). Figure 10-2 shows the completed PickBranch for the AddItem operation.

    Figure 10-2. AddItem PickBranch

  13. Add a ReceiveAndSendReply activity template to the Trigger property of the rightmost PickBranch.
  14. Add the ShipDate variable to the Sequence activity that was just added with the ReceiveAndSendReply.
  15. Set the properties and parameters of the Receive activity to the values shown in the following tables.



  16. Set the parameters of the SendReplyToReceive activity (for the CompleteOrder operation) to the values shown in this table.


  17. Add an Assign activity between the Receive and the SendReplyToReceive. Set the Assign.To property to ShipDate and the Assign.Value property to Date.Now.AddDays(Items.Count).Date.
  18. Add another Assign activity below the previous one. Set the Assign.To property to IsDone and the Assign.Value to True.
  19. Add a WriteLine activity below the Assign activity, and set the Text property to String.Format("CompleteOrder OrderId:{0}, ShipDate:{1:D}", OrderId, ShipDate). Figure 10-3 shows the completed PickBranch for the CompleteOrder operation.

images Tip It is interesting to note that the SendReply activity that is associated with the BeginOrder operation (SendReplyToReceive) does not return any parameters. Because of this, you might feel that you can change this to a one-way operation and remove the SendReply completely. Even though no parameters are returned with the reply, the SendReply serves a vital purpose. It returns the context information in the SOAP headers that is used by the subsequent operations to locate the correct workflow instance. If you are using context-based correlation, the first operation must use the request/response message exchange pattern in order to return the context information.


Figure 10-3. CompleteOrder PickBranch

Figure 10-4 shows the completed Pick activity with all three PickBranch instances. Figure 10-5 shows the completed top-level of the ShipOrder workflow.


Figure 10-4. Pick activity


Figure 10-5. ShipOrder workflow

In the next section, you will modify the OrderProcessing workflow to invoke operations of the ShipOrder workflow. For simplicity in testing, both workflow services will be hosted by the ServiceHost application.

If you like, you can first test this new workflow service directly using the WCF Test Client. However, if you do, be aware that you need to add entries to the Web.config file to use wsHttpContextBinding for this service. If you don't use a binding that supports context exchange, the operations will not work correctly.

Modifying the OrderProcessing Service

You will now modify the OrderProcessing workflow to invoke the operations of the new ShipOrder service. This is the workflow service that you implemented in Chapter 9. After opening the OrderProcessing workflow in the designer, you can follow these steps to make the modification:

  1. Delete the third Assign statement that assigns a value to Response.ShipDate. In its place, add a Flowchart activity. Change the DisplayName of the new activity to ShipOrderFC.
  2. After opening the new ShipOrderFC activity, add a SendAndReceiveReply activity template to the empty flowchart. Change the DisplayName of the Sequence activity that is added with the template to BeginOrderSequence. Drag a connection from the starting point of the flowchart to this new Sequence activity.
  3. Set the properties of the Send activity to invoke the BeginOrder operation. Use the values from the following tables to set the properties and parameters. The value for the EndpointConfigurationName must match a client configuration section that you will add to the App.config file for the ServiceHost project. The settings in the configuration file identify the endpoint and other settings that allow this workflow service to invoke the ShipOrder operations.



  4. There are no properties or parameters that need to be set for the ReceiveReplyForSend activity.
  5. Add a ForEach<T> activity below the BeginOrderSequence activity. Set the generic type to ServiceLibrary.Item. Set the Values property to Request.Items. Add a connection from the BeginOrderSequence activity to the top of this activity.
  6. Add an If activity as a child of the ForEach<T> activity. Set the If.Condition property to item IsNot Nothing. This prevents the processing of collection entries that are null.
  7. Add a Send activity to the If.Then property. The purpose of this activity is to invoke the AddItem service operation. Set the properties and parameters for the Send activity according to the values shown in the following tables.



  8. Add another SendAndReceiveReply activity template below the ForEach<T> that you just added. Connect the bottom of the ForEach<T> to the top of the Sequence activity that was added. Change the DisplayName of the Sequence activity to CompleteOrderSequence.
  9. Use the values in the following tables to set the properties and parameters for the Send activity that was just added.


  10. Set the content parameters for the ReceiveReplyForSend activity for the CompleteOrder operation using the values shown in the following table.


Figure 10-6 shows the completed ShipOrderFC activity. Figure 10-7 shows the updated OrderProcessing workflow.


Figure 10-6. ShipOrderFC flowchart


Figure 10-7. Revised OrderProcessing workflow

Hosting the ShipOrder Workflow Service

To host the new ShipOrder workflow service, you have to make only a small addition to the Program.cs file of the ServiceHost project, as shown here:

namespace ServiceHost
    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)




Configuring the ServiceHost Application

The App.config file for the ServiceHost project also requires a few changes. First, you need to add a service entry for the ShipOrder workflow service. Make sure that this service uses the wsHttpContextBinding since context information must be exchanged.

Second, you need to add a client section that identifies the endpoint and binding for the ShipOrder workflow service. These settings are used for client applications that need to access the operations within the ShipOrder workflow service. The client in this case is actually the OrderProcessing workflow. The client endpoint name shown here (ClientShipOrder) must match the EndpointConfigurationName property that was set for the Send activities in the OrderProcessing workflow.

Here is an abbreviated App.config file showing the new entries that need to be added:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

      <service name="ShipOrder">
            <add baseAddress="http://localhost:9031/"/>
        <endpoint contract="IShipOrder"
          binding="wsHttpContextBinding" />

      <endpoint name="ClientShipOrder"
       contract="IShipOrder" binding="wsHttpContextBinding"
       address="http://localhost:9031/ShipOrder" />



Testing the Revised OrderProcessing Workflow

After building the solution, you should be ready to test the revised OrderProcessing workflow and the ShipOrder workflow that it invokes. You'll need to run both the ServiceHost and WorkflowClient projects, so you need to once again make sure that the multiple project startup option is set. Here are my results for the ServiceHost project:

Contract: IOrderProcessing

    at http://localhost:9000/OrderProcessing

Contract: IShipOrder

    at http://localhost:9031/ShipOrder

Press any key to stop hosting and exit

BeginOrder OrderId: 124395128, Cust: Bruce Bukovics

AddItem OrderId:124395128, ItemId:200, Qty:1

AddItem OrderId:124395128, ItemId:300, Qty:2

CompleteOrder OrderId:124395128, ShipDate:Saturday, December 26, 2009

The additional lines are generated by the WriteLine activities of the ShipOrder workflow. The results for the WorkflowClient project should be consistent with previous tests.

Using Content-Based Correlation

In the previous example, you used context-based correlation to invoke the operations of the ShipOrder workflow service from the OrderProcessing workflow. The context information that routed the messages to the correct workflow instance was transmitted by the WCF infrastructure in the SOAP headers.

In this example, you will revise the ShipOrder workflow service to use content-based correlation instead. As the name implies, content-based correlation uses data in the message itself to route the message to the correct instance. You may have noted that all the operations of the ShipOrder workflow service conveniently include an orderId parameter. Since the value of this parameter is unique and is consistent for all calls to the service operations, it can be used for content-based correlation. If necessary, you can also use the values from multiple parameters to control correlation.

The value of the selected parameter is retrieved from each request using an XPath query. Fortunately, the workflow designer enables you to very simply define the query using a drop-down list of available parameters.

Guidelines for Content-Based Correlation

In general, you can follow these guidelines when using content-based correlation:

  • At least one service operation must have the CanCreateInstance property set to true in order to create a new instance of the workflow.
  • Service operations that are designed to interact with an existing workflow instance should have their CanCreateInstance properties set to false.
  • All operations that you want to correlate must include a parameter that can be used to consistently and uniquely identify a workflow instance.
  • A single CorrelationHandle variable should be shared by all service operations that you want to correlate.
  • Each operation that is capable of creating a new workflow instance should initialize the shared CorrelationHandle using a QueryCorrelationInitializer.
  • All operations that must correlate with an existing workflow instance should reference the shared CorrelationHandle using the CorrelatesWith property. They should also retrieve the data used for correlation from the current message by setting the CorrelatesOn property.

Modifying the ShipOrder Workflow Service

In the steps that follow, you will modify the ShipOrder workflow service to use content-based correlation. Open the ShipOrder.xamlx file in the designer, and follow these steps to make the necessary modifications:

  1. Add a new variable that is scoped by the topmost Flowchart activity. The variable is named SharedHandle, and the type is CorrelationHandle. This handle must be placed at the top-level of the workflow in order to be shared by all of the service operations.
  2. Locate the Receive activity for the BeginOrder operation. Modify the CorrelationInitializers property by clicking the ellipsis in the Properties window. Delete any correlation initializers that may already exist for the activity. Add a new QueryCorrelationInitializer by selecting Query correlation initializer from the list of available initializers. Enter SharedHandle as the handle variable to be initialized. In the XPath Queries section, select the orderId parameter from the drop-down list. This initializes the SharedHandle using the contents of the orderId request parameter. Figure 10-8 shows the completed Add Correlation Initializers dialog.
  3. Locate the Receive activity for the AddItem operation. Set the CorrelatesWith property to the SharedHandle variable. The CorrelatesWith property specifies the handle that was initialized during the first service operation. The CorrelatesOn property uses an XPath query to retrieve the data to be used for correlation from the request message. Select the orderId parameter as the CorrelatesOn XPath query.
  4. Locate the Receive activity for the CompleteOrder operation. Set the CorrelatesWith and CorrelatesOn properties in the same way as you did for the AddItem operation.

    Figure 10-8. Query correlation initializer

Configuring the ServiceHost Application

Since the service contract for the ShipOrder workflow service did not change, there are no changes that are necessary to the OrderProcessing workflow.

However, you can make a minor change to the App.config file for the ServiceHost project. The original context-based version of the ShipOrder workflow service used wsHttpContextBinding since a binding that supported context exchange was required. That requirement is no longer valid, and you can change this workflow service to use basicHttpBinding instead. Here is an abbreviated App.config file showing the section that has changed:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

      <service name="ShipOrder">
            <add baseAddress="http://localhost:9031/"/>
        <endpoint contract="IShipOrder"
          binding="basicHttpBinding" />

      <endpoint name="ClientShipOrder"
       contract="IShipOrder" binding="basicHttpBinding"
       address="http://localhost:9031/ShipOrder" />



Testing the Revised Workflow Service

After building the solution, you should be ready to test the revised ShipOrder workflow service. After running the ServiceHost and WorkflowClient projects in the normal way, the results should be consistent with the previous test.

Implementing a Duplex Message Exchange Pattern

The duplex pattern is another message exchange pattern that is supported by WF. In this pattern, two-way communication is established between two WCF services. The first service invokes a one-way operation on the second service. After completing its work, the second service invokes a one-way operation (a callback) on the first service. The endpoint address for the callback was provided by the infrastructure with the initial operation.

The assumption when using this pattern is that the second service operation may take some extended amount of time to complete. That’s the primary reason why a more typical request/response pattern isn’t used.

In this section, you will once again extend the original order processing scenario by implementing the CreditApproval workflow service. This new service will be invoked by the OrderProcessing workflow to simulate authorization of a credit card as payment for the order. The CreditApproval service uses the duplex message exchange pattern to call back to the OrderProcessing workflow with the result of the credit authorization.

Here is a summary of the operation that you will declare in the CreditApproval workflow as well as additional operations that you will add to the OrderProcessing workflow:


Guidelines for the Duplex Message Exchange Pattern

In general, you can follow these guidelines when implementing the duplex message exchange pattern:

  • Use a binding that supports context exchange. More specifically, you need to use a binding that supports the ClientCallbackAddress property of the ContextBindingElement.
  • Declare one or more service operations that are capable of creating a new service instance.
  • Any service operations that create a new instance should initialize a CorrelationHandle with the CallbackCorrelationInitializer.
  • Callback operations into the original calling workflow should use the CorrelatesWith property to reference the CorrelationHandle that was previously initialized.
  • The calling workflow service must declare one or more operations that are invoked as a callback.
  • Do not use the original ServiceContractName for callback operations. A different ServiceContractName should be used for all callback operations since these operations require additional binding settings.
  • Define a unique endpoint for the callback operations.
  • The binding configuration used by the first workflow to invoke the second must include the ClientCallbackAddress property. This property must reference the unique endpoint that was established for the callback operations.

Declaring the CreditApproval Workflow Service

Add a new WCF Workflow Service to the ServiceLibrary project, and name it CreditApproval. Delete the top-level Sequence activity (along with its child messaging activities). Set the Name and ConfigurationName properties of the workflow service to CreditApproval.

Here is a recap of the workflow variables that you will add to the workflow:


Follow these steps to complete the declaration of this workflow:

  1. Add a Flowchart activity to the empty workflow, and add all of the variables.
  2. Add a Receive activity to the flowchart. Use the values in the following tables to set the properties and content parameters of this activity. Connect the starting point of the flowchart to the top of this Receive activity.



  3. Remove any initializers that may already exist for the Receive activity. Add a CallbackCorrelationInitializer to the Receive activity. Set the CorrelationHandle for the initializer to the CallbackHandle variable. This is an important step since it initializes the CallbackHandle with the correlation data that is needed to call back into the original calling workflow. Figure 10-9 shows the Add Correlation Initializers dialog.

    Figure 10-9. Receive activity callback correlation initializer

  4. Add a WriteLine to the flowchart, and set the Text property to String.Format("Simulate credit auth for {0} {1} {2}", CreditCard, CreditCardExpiration, TotalAmount). Connect the Receive activity to this new WriteLine activity.
  5. Add a Delay activity to the flowchart. Set the Duration property to TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4). This adds a short delay to simulate the credit authorization process. Connect the WriteLine activity to the Delay activity.
  6. Add a FlowDecision activity to the flowchart. Set the Condition property to String.IsNullOrEmpty(CreditCard) Or String.IsNullOrEmpty(CreditCardExpiration). This adds a simple rule that is used to determine whether to approve or deny the credit request.
  7. Add a Send activity to the left side of the FlowDecision. The purpose of this activity is to call back to the calling workflow to deny the credit request. Set the properties of this activity using the values in the following table. The CorrelatesWith property is important since it references the CallbackHandle that was previously initialized. The Endpoint.Binding property identifies the type of binding that will be used for this callback operation. Add a connection from the left side of the FlowDecision (the true side) to this activity.


  8. Add an Assign activity to the right of the FlowDecision activity. Set the Assign.To property to CreditAuthCode and the Assign.Value property to New Random().Next(100000).ToString() to assign a random authorization code. Add a connection from the right side of the FlowDecision (the false side) to this activity.
  9. Add a Send activity below the Assign activity. Set the properties and content parameters using the values shown in the following tables. Add a connection from the Assign activity to this Send activity.



Figure 10-10 shows the completed CreditApproval workflow.


Figure 10-10. CreditApproval workflow

Modifying the OrderProcessing Service

The next step in this example is to modify the OrderProcessing workflow service to invoke the Authorize operation of the CreditApproval workflow service. The CreditApproved and CreditDenied operations must also be added to the OrderProcessing workflow.

You will invoke the Authorize operation using a Send activity. You will also add two Receive activities, one for the CreditApproved and one for the CreditDenied operation. These are the two callback operations that are invoked by the CreditApproval workflow. These activities all need to be correlated with each other. You can do this manually with a CorrelationHandle that is shared by all the activities. Or alternatively, you can place all of these activities into a CorrelationScope activity. This activity manages the correlation of its child activities and removes the need to manage a CorrelationHandle yourself. For this example, I’ve chosen the CorrelationScope approach.

Please follow these steps to modify the OrderProcessing workflow:

  1. Locate the Assign activity that sets the Response.CreditAuthCode to a random number. Delete this activity, and replace it with a CorrelationScope activity. Change the DisplayName of the CorrelationScope activity to GetCreditApproval to better identify its purpose.
  2. Add a Sequence activity to the body of the CorrelationScope activity, followed by an Assign activity. Set the Assign.To property to Response.CreditAuthCode and the Assign.Value property to Nothing.
  3. Add a Send activity under the Assign activity. The purpose of this activity is to invoke the Authorize operation of the CreditApproval workflow service. Use the values shown in the following tables to set the properties of the Send activity.



  4. Add a Pick activity directly below the Send activity. After the Send activity invokes the Authorize operation, the workflow must wait for either the CreditApproved or CreditDenied callback operation to be invoked. The Pick activity allows you to conveniently model both of those operations. Figure 10-11 shows the GetCreditApproval activity after adding the Pick activity.

    Figure 10-11. GetCreditApproval CorrelationScope activity

  5. Add a Receive activity to the Trigger of the first PickBranch. This activity declares the CreditApproved operation. Set the properties and parameters of this activity using the values shown in the following tables.



  6. Add a WriteLine activity to the Action of the first PickBranch. Set the Text property to String.Format("Credit approved for {0}: {1}", Response.OrderId, Response.CreditAuthCode).
  7. Add a Receive activity to the Trigger of the second PickBranch. This activity declares the CreditDenied operation. Set the properties of this activity using the values shown in the following table. This operation does not require any content parameters.


  8. Add a WriteLine activity to the Action of the second PickBranch. Set the Text property to String.Format("Credit denied for {0}", Response.OrderId). Figure 10-12 shows the completed Pick activity with the two branches.

    Figure 10-12. GetCreditApproval Pick activity

  9. Return to the topmost level of the workflow, and add an If activity under the GetCreditApproval activity. Set the If.Condition property to Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Response.CreditAuthCode). If the condition is true, it means that the credit card was approved; otherwise, it was denied.
  10. Add a Sequence activity to the If.Then property. Move the ShipOrderFC activity and the final Assign activity (the one that sets the Response.IsSuccessful property) from the top level of the workflow to this new Sequence activity. This is necessary since you want to ship the order and indicate success only if the credit was approved. Figure 10-13 shows the completed If activity.

Figure 10-14 shows the revised OrderProcessing workflow.


Figure 10-13. If activity with ShipOrderFC


Figure 10-14. Revised OrderProcessing workflow

Hosting the CreditApproval Workflow Service

To host the new CreditApproval workflow service, once again modify the Program.cs file of the ServiceHost project, as shown here:

namespace ServiceHost
    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)




Configuring the ServiceHost Application

Before testing these revisions, you need to make several changes to the App.config file for the ServiceHost project. You need to add a service endpoint for the new CreditApproval workflow service. You also need to add a new endpoint to the OrderProcessing service, since it now supports a new set of callback operations. Finally, you need to configure a client section and binding configuration that allows the OrderProcessing service to invoke the CreditApproval service.

images Tip Probably the most important section of this App.config is the definition of the binding that is used by the OrderProcessing service to access the CreditApproval service. That named binding configuration (ClientCreditApprovalBinding) includes an entry that sets the clientCallbackAddress property to the new callback endpoint. Without this entry, the CreditApproval workflow will be unable to successfully invoke the callback operations (CreditApproved or CreditDenied).

Here is a complete revised copy of the App.config file including all of the previous changes:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <service name="OrderProcessing3">
            <add baseAddress="http://localhost:9000/"/>
        <endpoint contract="IOrderProcessing"
          bindingConfiguration="OrderProcessingBinding" />
        <endpoint contract="IOrderProcessingCallback"
          binding="wsHttpContextBinding" />
      <service name="ShipOrderContent">
            <add baseAddress="http://localhost:9031/"/>
        <endpoint contract="IShipOrder"
          binding="basicHttpBinding" />
      <service name="CreditApproval">
            <add baseAddress="http://localhost:9033/"/>
        <endpoint contract="ICreditApproval"
          binding="wsHttpContextBinding" />


        <binding name="OrderProcessingBinding">
          <security mode="Message">
            <message clientCredentialType="Windows"
             negotiateServiceCredential="true" />
        <binding name="ClientCreditApprovalBinding"


      <endpoint name="ClientShipOrder"
       contract="IShipOrder" binding="basicHttpBinding"
       address="http://localhost:9031/ShipOrder" />
      <endpoint name="ClientCreditApproval"
       contract="ICreditApproval" binding="wsHttpContextBinding"
       address="http://localhost:9033/CreditApproval" />


          <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="True"
          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="True"/>


    <supportedRuntime version="v4" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4"/>

Testing the Revised Workflow Service

You can now build the solution and start the ServiceHost and WorkflowClient projects in the usual way. According to the simple rules of the CreditApproval workflow, the credit card will be approved if the CreditCard and CreditCardExpiration contain some value (the workflow really doesn't care what you enter for those parameters). If either parameter is null or an empty string, the credit card is denied.

The results from the WorkflowClient should be consistent with previous tests. The output from the ServiceHost now includes additional information. Here is the output from the ServiceHost when the credit card has been approved:

Contract: IOrderProcessing

    at http://localhost:9000/OrderProcessing

Contract: IOrderProcessingCallback

    at http://localhost:9000/OrderProcessingCallback

Contract: IShipOrder

    at http://localhost:9031/ShipOrder

Contract: ICreditApproval

    at http://localhost:9033/CreditApproval

Press any key to stop hosting and exit

Simulate credit auth for 4444111122223333 0611 3.98

Credit approved for 1279593577: 30475

BeginOrder OrderId: 1279593577, Cust: Bruce Bukovics

AddItem OrderId:1279593577, ItemId:200, Qty:1

AddItem OrderId:1279593577, ItemId:300, Qty:2

CompleteOrder OrderId:1279593577, ShipDate:Saturday, December 26, 2009

And here are my results when the credit is denied:

Contract: IOrderProcessing

    at http://localhost:9000/OrderProcessing

Contract: IOrderProcessingCallback

    at http://localhost:9000/OrderProcessingCallback

Contract: IShipOrder

    at http://localhost:9031/ShipOrder

Contract: ICreditApproval

    at http://localhost:9033/CreditApproval

Press any key to stop hosting and exit

Simulate credit auth for 4444111122223333  3.98

Credit denied for 1141076803

If the credit is denied, the output from the WorkflowClient project is also slightly different. For example:

Enter the customer name

Bruce Bukovics

Enter the customer email

[email protected]

Enter the customer address

100 Main Street

Enter credit card number


Enter credit card expiration date (mmyy)

Enter an item ID (enter 0 if done entering items)


Enter the quantity of the item


Enter an item ID (enter 0 if done entering items)


Enter the quantity of the item


Enter an item ID (enter 0 if done entering items)


Invoking ProcessOrder service method

Back from ProcessOrder

ProcessOrder response:

IsSuccessful: False

ShipDate: Monday, January 01, 0001

OrderId: 1141076803


Press any key to exit

Using a Custom Workflow Extension

WF allows you to develop custom workflow extensions and then make them available to workflows at runtime. These custom extensions can provide any additional functionality that you see fit to implement. You can use these extensions with nonmessaging workflows, and WF also enables you to use them with workflow services.

images Note Chapter 8 discussed the use of custom workflow extensions in a nonmessaging workflow.

To make a workflow extension available to workflow services, you use the WorkflowExtensions property of the WorkflowServiceHost. You have the choice of adding a single extension instance that is shared by all workflow service instances or creating a new extension instance for each service instance. The WorkflowExtensions property (actually a WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager object) provides two overloads of the Add method that support these two instancing scenarios.

In this section, you will modify the OrderProcessing workflow to use a workflow extension to generate the order ID instead of generating it internally.

Implementing the OrderUtilityExtension

The first order of business is to implement the workflow extension. Add a new C# class to the ServiceLibrary project, and name it OrderUtilityExtension. Here is the complete code for this extension:

using System;

namespace ServiceLibrary
    public class OrderUtilityExtension
        private Random random = new Random(Environment.TickCount);

        public Int32 GetOrderId()
            return random.Next(Int32.MaxValue);

The code doesn't really change the way an order ID is generated. It is assigned a random number just as is currently done within the OrderProcessing workflow. However, this simple example is enough to demonstrate how to access an extension from a workflow service.

Implementing the GetOrderId Activity

You also need a custom activity that retrieves the extension and invokes the GetOrderId method of the extension. Add a new Code Activity to the ServiceLibrary project, and name it GetOrderId. Here is the complete code for this activity:

using System;
using System.Activities;

namespace ServiceLibrary
    public sealed class GetOrderId : CodeActivity<Int32>
        protected override int Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            OrderUtilityExtension extension =
            if (extension != null)
                return extension.GetOrderId();
                return 0;

Modifying the OrderProcessing Workflow Service

To use the new extension within the OrderProcessing workflow service, you need to replace the Assign activity that sets the OrderId to a random number with an instance of the new GetOrderId activity.

After building the solution, open the OrderProcessing workflow service, and locate the Assign activity that populates the Response.OrderId property. Delete the activity, and replace it with an instance of the new GetOrderId activity. Set the GetOrderId.Result property to Response.OrderId. Figure 10-15 shows the revised workflow.


Figure 10-15. Revised OrderProcessing workflow

Adding the Extension

To add the extension and make it available to workflow instances, you need to modify the Program.cs file of the ServiceHost project. Here is an abbreviated copy of the Program.cs file showing only the method that requires the change:

namespace ServiceHost
    class Program

        private static WorkflowServiceHost CreateServiceHost(String xamlxName)
            WorkflowService wfService = LoadService(xamlxName);
            WorkflowServiceHost host = new WorkflowServiceHost(wfService);

            host.WorkflowExtensions.Add(new ServiceLibrary.OrderUtilityExtension());


            return host;


In this revised code, the WorkflowExtensions.Add method is called to add the new extension after creating the WorkfowServiceHost. This code adds a single instance of the extension that is shared by all workflow service instances. This should work fine for this particular extension.

However, you may need to create a new instance of an extension for each workflow service instance. If this is the case, you could use an overload of the Add method like this:

    () => new ServiceLibrary.OrderUtilityExtension());

This version of the Add method requires a Func<T> (a delegate that returns an instance of type T). The code satisfies the requirements of the method with a Lambda expression. The expression creates a new instance of the extension each time it is invoked.

Testing the Revised Workflow Service

After building the solution, you should be able to test these changes by running the ServiceHost and WorkflowClient projects. The results should be consistent with the previous test.

Understanding Exceptions and Faults

You have seen that the contract for a service operation is defined by the properties of the Receive activity. If the operation uses the request/response pattern, the SendReply activity defines the response portion of the contract. In addition, any unhandled exceptions that are thrown by a service operation essentially become part of their contracts.

If an unhandled exception is thrown by a service operation, the exception is converted to a SOAP fault and transmitted as a response to the caller. Assuming that the caller is also a .NET application, the SOAP fault is converted back to a managed exception for consumption by the calling code. This transformation from managed exception to SOAP fault and back to an exception is handled by the WCF infrastructure automatically. On the client side, all SOAP faults are transformed into a FaultException.

images Note Detailed fault information such as a stack trace is provided to the client only if the ServiceDebugBehavior has been added to the WCF service behaviors and the IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults property of this behavior is set to true. All of the Web.Config and App.config examples in this chapter and the previous one include this behavior.

However, it is sometimes beneficial to explicitly define and send a SOAP fault. You might want to define a fault class that contains just the right amount of data that is appropriate for the client application to receive and process. This is often better (and safer) than simply returning the unhandled exception. The exception might expose implementation details that you shouldn't really expose to the caller.

If the service operation is declared as a workflow service, you can explicitly send a fault using the standard SendReply or Send activity. You first define a class that contains the properties that you want to return as a fault (for example MyServiceFault). Think of this expected fault as just another type of response that can be returned from your service.

You then catch the original exception within the workflow service using the TryCatch activity. Just like a C# try/catch block of code, this activity allows you to catch an exception and handle it declaratively with other WF activities.

images Note Chapter 13 discusses the TryCatch activity and other topics related to exception handling.

Once the original exception has been caught, you construct an instance of your custom fault class and populate it with the values that you want to return. You send the fault to the caller wrapped in a FaultException<T> instance. The generic type of this class must be the fault type that you defined. For example, if you are declaring a request/response operation, you might set the content of the SendReply activity to New FaultException<MyServiceFault>(myFault). This assumes that a variable named myFault has already been populated with the values that you want to return.

Remember that the fault is an alternate type of response that can be returned to the caller. It doesn't replace the normal response. For this reason, the service operation will require two SendReply activities:  one for the normal response and one for the fault. Both of these activities must be associated with the same Receive activity (identified by the SendReply.Request property).

images Tip The WF designer does not allow you to manually set the SendReply.Request property. Therefore, the easiest way to create the additional SendReply needed to send a fault is to copy the original SendReply that returns the normal response. You can make a copy of this activity and paste it into the appropriate Catch of the TryCatch activity. Alternatively, you can right-click the Receive activity and select the option to create a SendReply activity. The new activity is created directly below the Receive activity. You can then move it to the proper location within the workflow.

If you send your own fault as a response, the client code should catch (using TryCatch) a FaultException<T> instead of the more general FaultException. For example, it is preferable to catch FaultException<MyServiceFault> instead of FaultException. The nongeneric FaultException does not provide access to the detail fault object, while the generic version does.

images Warning Any custom fault types that you want to handle on the client side must be added to the KnownTypes property of the Send activity that invoked the service operation. Doing this identifies the custom fault type as an expected type that should be serialized. If you fail to do this, the custom fault will be returned only as the general FaultException instead of the generic FaultException<T>. Additionally, there is currently no support for the KnownTypes property if you are using a generated Send activity (one that was generated by adding a service reference to the workflow project). For this reason, you will need to use the standard Send activity if you are expecting custom fault types as a response.

Flowing Transactions into a Workflow Service

A transaction guarantees the atomicity of work that is performed using a resource manager (such as SQL Server). It ensures that individual updates are committed as a single unit of work or rolled back completely if there is a problem.

WF provides two activities that enable you to use transactions within a workflow. The TransactionScope activity provides support for transactions that are created within the current process.

images Note Chapter 13 discusses the TransactionScope activity.

The TransactedReceiveScope activity is similar to the TransactionScope, but it is designed to work with WCF messaging activities. And unlike the TransactionScope activity, TransactedReceiveScope allows you to flow a transaction that was created by the calling application into the service operation. Here are the most important properties of this activity:


You use a TransactedReceiveScope by placing a Receive activity that requires a transaction into the Request property. The other activities that are needed to implement the service operation are placed into the Body. The Body property must include the SendReply activity if you are modeling a request/response operation.

If the client has an open ambient transaction when the service operation is invoked, the transaction will flow to the service, and any work that you perform will be performed under the transaction. When the service operation successfully completes, the transaction remains open and must be completed by the calling client application. If the service operation throws an unhandled exception, any work performed under the transaction is rolled back.

If a transaction is not provided by the client application, a new local transaction is created for the service operation. The behavior of the activity then becomes similar to that of the TransactionScope activity. If the service operation successfully completes, the locally created transaction is committed; otherwise, it is rolled back.

images Tip To flow a transaction into a service, you must use a binding that supports this behavior. For example, WSHttpBinding, WSHttpContextBinding, and NetTcpBinding support flowing a transaction. BasicHttpBinding does not. Additionally, you need to set the TransactionFlow property of the binding to true in order to enable the flowing of transactions to the called service.

Using Standard Behaviors

WF provides two standard behaviors that enable you to control aspects of the runtime environment for workflow services.

The WorkflowUnhandledExceptionBehavior determines what action will be taken when a workflow service throws an unhandled exception. The Action property is defined as enum type WorkflowUnhandledExceptionAction with these possible values:

  • Abandon. The workflow service is immediately abandoned. No additional execution is scheduled.
  • Cancel. The workflow service is scheduled for cancellation. This option allows the workflow service to gracefully transition to the Canceled state.
  • Terminate. The workflow service is scheduled for termination. Termination moves the workflow service into the Faulted state, which prevents it from being resumed or restarted.
  • AbandonAndSuspend. Same as Abandon, but the last persisted state for the instance is suspended. Suspending an instance prevents messages from being delivered to the persisted instance.

The WorkflowIdleBehavior determines when idle workflow service instances are unloaded and persisted. The TimeToPersist property is a TimeSpan value that determines how long the instance must be idle before it is persisted. The TimeToUnload property determines how long the instance must be idle before it is unloaded from memory.

Taken together, these properties enable you to fine-tune how quickly you persist and unload workflow service instances. The default value for TimeToUnload is one minute, which means that an instance will be persisted and unloaded one minute after it becomes idle. If you want to be more aggressive in persisting and removing idle instances from memory, you can reduce the default value for this property. A value of zero means that an idle instance will be persisted and unloaded immediately when it becomes idle.

The TimeToPersist property must be less than the TimeToUnload value; otherwise, it is ignored. It is used to persist an idle instance more quickly without immediately removing it from memory. An idle instance is first persisted according to the value that you set for the TimeToPersist property. Then, once the TimeToUnload TimeSpan has been reached, the idle instance is removed from memory.

You can add these behaviors in code using the Description.Behaviors property of the WorkflowServiceHost. Or you can configure these behaviors with entries in the Web.config or App.config file, as shown here:

          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
          <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false"/>

          <workflowIdle timeToPersist="0" timeToUnload="0"/>
          <workflowUnhandledException action ="Cancel"/>


The focus of this chapter was several advanced topics related to the WCF and workflow services support provided with WF. This chapter was a continuation of the WCF and workflow services coverage that was first presented in Chapter 9.

The examples in this chapter build upon the workflow service example that was started in Chapter 9. Examples in this chapter demonstrated context-based and content-based correlation, the duplex message exchange pattern, and workflow extensions.

The chapter concluded with a discussion of a few miscellaneous topics related to workflow services. These topics included exception and fault handling, flowing transactions into a workflow service, and the use of standard behaviors provided by WF.

In the next chapter you will learn about workflow persistence.

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