EVEN THOUGH THE AUTHOR’S NAME is the one that graces the cover of a book, no book is the result of one person’s efforts, and I’d like to thank a few of the people involved in this one.

First and foremost, thanks to John Wiley & Sons for continuing to give me opportunities to write. They were the only people willing to take a risk on an unknown author for the first edition of Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, and for that I will be forever grateful.

Thanks to the staff of John Wiley & Sons, specifically Kevin Kent and John Peloquin, who both did an excellent job keeping me honest and dealing with my frequent changes to the book as I was writing.

I’d also like to thank everyone who provided feedback on draft chapters of the book: Rob Friesel, Sergey Ilinsky, Dan Kielp, Peter-Paul Koch, Jeremy McPeak, Alex Petrescu, Dmitry Soshnikov, and Juriy “Kangax” Zaytsev. Your feedback made this book something that I’m extremely proud of.

A special thanks to Brendan Eich for his corrections to the history of JavaScript included in Chapter 1.

Last, but certainly not least, thanks to Rey Bango for writing the foreword of this book. I had the pleasure of meeting Rey for the first time in 2010 after conversing online for several years. He’s one of the truly nice guys in the industry, and I’m honored that he agreed to lend his time to this book.

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