Chapter 7. Databases and Content Providers


  • Creating databases and using SQLite

  • Using Content Providers to share application data

  • Querying Content Providers

  • Using Cursors and Content Values to read and write from and to Content Providers

  • Database design considerations

  • Introduction to the native Content Providers

  • Using the Contact Content Provider

In this chapter you'll be introduced to the SQLite library, and you'll look at how to use Content Providers to share and use structured data within and between applications.

SQLite offers a powerful SQL database library that provides a robust persistence layer over which you have total control.

Content Providers offer a generic interface to any data source by decoupling the data storage layer from the application layer.

By default, access to a database is restricted to the application that created it. Content Providers offer a standard interface your applications can use to share data with and consume data from other applications — including many of the native data stores.


Structured data persistence in Android is provided through the following mechanisms:

  • SQLite Databases When managed, structured data is the best approach, Android offers the SQLite relational database library. Every application can create its own databases over which it has complete control.

  • Content Providers Content Providers offer a generic, well-defined interface for using and sharing data.

Introducing SQLite Databases

Using SQLite you can create independent relational databases for your applications. Use them to store and manage complex, structured application data.

Android databases are stored in the /data/data/<package_name>/databases folder on your device (or emulator). By default all databases are private, accessible only by the application that created them.

Database design is a big topic that deserves more thorough coverage than is possible within this book. It is worth highlighting that standard database best practices still apply in Android. In particular, when you're creating databases for resource-constrained devices (such as mobile phones), it's important to normalize your data to reduce redundancy.

Introducing Content Providers

Content Providers provide an interface for publishing and consuming data, based around a simple URI addressing model using the content:// schema. They let you decouple the application layer from the data layer, making your applications data-source agnostic by hiding the underlying data source.

Shared Content Providers can be queried for results, existing records updated or deleted, and new records added. Any application with the appropriate permissions can add, remove, or update data from any other application — including from the native Android databases.

Many native databases are available as Content Providers, accessible by third-party applications, including the phone's contact manager, media store, and other native databases as described later in this chapter.

By publishing your own data sources as Content Providers, you make it possible for you (and other developers) to incorporate and extend your data in new applications.


SQLite is a well regarded relational database management system (RDBMS). It is:

  • Open-source

  • Standards-compliant

  • Lightweight

  • Single-tier

It has been implemented as a compact C library that's included as part of the Android software stack.

By being implemented as a library, rather than running as a separate ongoing process, each SQLite database is an integrated part of the application that created it. This reduces external dependencies, minimizes latency, and simplifies transaction locking and synchronization.

SQLite has a reputation for being extremely reliable and is the database system of choice for many consumer electronic devices, including several MP3 players, the iPhone, and the iPod Touch.

Lightweight and powerful, SQLite differs from many conventional database engines by loosely typing each column, meaning that column values are not required to conform to a single type. Instead, each value is typed individually for each row. As a result, type checking isn't necessary when assigning or extracting values from each column within a row.

For more comprehensive coverage of SQLite, including its particular strengths and limitations, check out the official site at


ContentValues are used to insert new rows into tables. Each Content Values object represents a single table row as a map of column names to values.

Queries in Android are returned as Cursor objects. Rather than extracting and returning a copy of the result values, Cursors are pointers to the result set within the underlying data. Cursors provide a managed way of controlling your position (row) in the result set of a database query.

The Cursor class includes a number of navigation functions including, but not limited to, the following:

  • moveToFirst Moves the cursor to the first row in the query result

  • moveToNext Moves the cursor to the next row

  • moveToPrevious Moves the cursor to the previous row

  • getCount Returns the number of rows in the result set

  • getColumnIndexOrThrow Returns the index for the column with the specified name (throwing an exception if no column exists with that name)

  • getColumnName Returns the name of the specified column index

  • getColumnNames Returns a string array of all the column names in the current Cursor

  • moveToPosition Moves the Cursor to the specified row

  • getPosition Returns the current Cursor position

Android provides a convenient mechanism for simplifying the management of Cursors within your Activities. The startManagingCursor method integrates the Cursor's lifetime into the calling Activity's. When you've finished with the Cursor, call stopManagingCursor to do just that.

Later in this chapter you'll learn how to query a database and how to extract specific row/column values from the resulting Cursors.


It's good practice to create a helper class to simplify your database interactions.

The following section shows you how to create a database adapter class for your database. This abstraction layer encapsulates your database interactions. It will provide intuitive, strongly typed methods for adding, removing, and updating items. A database adapter should also handle queries and expose methods for creating, opening, and closing the database.

It can also be used as a convenient location to publish static database constants, including table and column names.

Listing 7-1 shows the skeleton code for a standard database adapter class. It includes an extension of the SQLiteOpenHelper class (discussed in more detail in the following section), used to simplify opening, creating, and upgrading the database.

Example 7-1. Skeleton code for a standard database adapter implementation

import android.content.Context;
import android.database.*;
import android.database.sqlite.*;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory;
import android.util.Log;

public class MyDBAdapter {
  private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "myDatabase.db";
  private static final String DATABASE_TABLE = "mainTable";
  private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;

  // The index (key) column name for use in where clauses.
  public static final String KEY_ID="_id";

  // The name and column index of each column in your database.
  public static final String KEY_NAME="name";
  public static final int NAME_COLUMN = 1;
  // TODO: Create public field for each column in your table.

  // SQL Statement to create a new database.
  private static final String DATABASE_CREATE = "create table " +
    DATABASE_TABLE + " (" + KEY_ID +
    " integer primary key autoincrement, " +
    KEY_NAME + " text not null);";

  // Variable to hold the database instance
  private SQLiteDatabase db;
  // Context of the application using the database.
  private final Context context;
  // Database open/upgrade helper
  private myDbHelper dbHelper;

  public MyDBAdapter(Context _context) {
    context = _context;
    dbHelper = new myDbHelper(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

  public MyDBAdapter open() throws SQLException {
    db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
    return this;
public void close() {

  public int insertEntry(MyObject _myObject) {
    // TODO: Create a new ContentValues to represent my row
    // and insert it into the database.
    return index;

  public boolean removeEntry(long _rowIndex) {
    return db.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_ID + "=" + _rowIndex, null) > 0;

  public Cursor getAllEntries () {
    return db.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ID, KEY_NAME},
                    null, null, null, null, null);

  public MyObject getEntry(long _rowIndex) {
    // TODO: Return a cursor to a row from the database and
    // use the values to populate an instance of MyObject
    return objectInstance;

  public boolean updateEntry(long _rowIndex, MyObject _myObject) {
    // TODO: Create a new ContentValues based on the new object
    // and use it to update a row in the database.
    return true;

  private static class myDbHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    public myDbHelper(Context context, String name,
                      CursorFactory factory, int version) {
      super(context, name, factory, version);

    // Called when no database exists in disk and the helper class needs
    // to create a new one.
    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase _db) {

    // Called when there is a database version mismatch meaning that the version
    // of the database on disk needs to be upgraded to the current version.
    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase _db, int _oldVersion, int _newVersion) {
      // Log the version upgrade.
      Log.w("TaskDBAdapter", "Upgrading from version " +
                             _oldVersion + " to " +
                             _newVersion + ", which will destroy all old data");
// Upgrade the existing database to conform to the new version. Multiple
      // previous versions can be handled by comparing _oldVersion and _newVersion
      // values.

      // The simplest case is to drop the old table and create a new one.
      // Create a new one.

Introducing the SQLiteOpenHelper

SQLiteOpenHelper is an abstract class used to implement the best practice pattern for creating, opening, and upgrading databases. By implementing an SQLite Open Helper you hide the logic used to decide if a database needs to be created or upgraded before it's opened.

Listing 7-1 showed how to extend the SQLiteOpenHelper class by overriding the constructor, onCreate, and onUpgrade methods to handle the creation of a new database and upgrading to a new version, respectively.


In the previous example onUpgrade simply drops the existing table and replaces it with the new definition. In practice, a better solution is to migrate existing data into the new table.

To use an implementation of the helper class, create a new instance, passing in the context, database name, and current version, and a CursorFactory (if you're using one).

Call getReadableDatabase or getWritableDatabase to open and return a readable/writable instance of the underlying database.

A call to getWritableDatabase can fail because of disk space or permission issues, so it's good practice to provide fallback to the getReadableDatabase method, as shown in Listing 7-2.

Example 7-2. Using the SQLiteOpenHelper to access a database

dbHelper = new myDbHelper(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

SQLiteDatabase db;
try {
  db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
catch (SQLiteException ex){
  db = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase();

Behind the scenes, if the database doesn't exist the helper executes its onCreate handler. If the database version has changed, the onUpgrade handler will fire. In either case the get<read/writ>ableDatabase call will return the existing, newly created, or upgraded database, as appropriate.

Opening and Creating Databases without SQLiteHelper

You can create and open databases without using the SQLite Helper by using the openOrCreateDatabase method from the application Context.

Setting up a database is a two-step process. First call openOrCreateDatabase to create the new database. Then call execSQL on the resulting database instance to run the SQL commands that will create your tables and their relationships. The general process is shown in Listing 7-3.

Example 7-3. Creating a new database

private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "myDatabase.db";
private static final String DATABASE_TABLE = "mainTable";

private static final String DATABASE_CREATE =
  "create table " + DATABASE_TABLE + " ( _id integer primary key autoincrement," +
  "column_one text not null);";

SQLiteDatabase myDatabase;

private void createDatabase() {
  myDatabase = openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null);

Android Database Design Considerations

There are several considerations specific to Android that you should keep in mind when designing your database.

  • Files (such as bitmaps or audio files) are not usually stored within database tables. Use a string to store a path to the file, preferably a fully qualified URI.

  • While not strictly a requirement, it's strongly recommended that all tables include an auto-increment key field as a unique index field for each row. If you plan to share your table using a Content Provider, a unique ID field is mandatory.

Querying a Database

Each database query is returned as a Cursor. This lets Android manage resources more efficiently by retrieving and releasing row and column values on demand.

To execute a query on a database use the query method, passing in:

  • An optional Boolean that specifies if the result set should contain only unique values.

  • The name of the table to query.

  • A projection, as an array of strings, that lists the columns to include in the result set.

  • A "where" clause that defines the rows to be returned. You can include ? wildcards that will be replaced by the values passed in through the selection argument parameter.

  • An array of selection argument strings that will replace the ?'s in the where clause.

  • A "group by" clause that defines how the resulting rows will be grouped.

  • A "having" filter that defines which row groups to include if you specified a group by clause.

  • A string that describes the order of the returned rows.

  • An optional string that defines a limit for the number of returned rows.

Listing 7-4 shows snippets for returning some, and all, of the rows in a particular table.

Example 7-4. Querying a database

// Return all rows for columns one and three, no duplicates
String[] result_columns = new String[] {KEY_ID, KEY_COL1, KEY_COL3};

Cursor allRows = myDatabase.query(true, DATABASE_TABLE, result_columns,
                                  null, null, null, null, null, null);

// Return all columns for rows where column 3 equals a set value
// and the rows are ordered by column 5.
String where = KEY_COL3 + "=" + requiredValue;
String order = KEY_COL5;
Cursor myResult = myDatabase.query(DATABASE_TABLE, null, where,
                                   null, null, null, order);

Extracting Results from a Cursor

To extract values from a result Cursor, first use the moveTo<location> methods described earlier to position the cursor at the correct row of the result Cursor.

Then use the type safe get<type> methods (passing in a column index) to return the value stored at the current row for the specified column, as shown in the following snippet.

String columnValue = myResult.getString(columnIndex);


Database implementations should publish static constants that provide the column names and/or indexes using easily recognizable variable names based on the column names. These static constants are generally exposed within the database adapter.

Listing 7-5 shows how to iterate over a result Cursor, extracting and summing a column of float values.

Example 7-5. Extracting values from a Cursor

Cursor myGold = myDatabase.query("GoldHoards", null, null, null, null, null, null);
float totalHoard = 0f;

// Make sure there is at least one row.
if (myGold.moveToFirst()) {
  // Iterate over each cursor.
  do {

    float hoard = myGold.getFloat(GOLD_HOARDED_COLUMN);
    totalHoard += hoard;
  } while(myGold.moveToNext());

float averageHoard = totalHoard / myGold.getCount();

Because SQLite database columns are loosely typed, you can cast individual values into valid types as required. For example, values stored as floats can be read back as strings.

Adding, Updating, and Removing Rows

The SQLiteDatabase class exposes insert, delete, and update methods that encapsulate the SQL statements required to perform these actions. Additionally, the execSQL method lets you execute any valid SQL on your database tables should you want to execute these (or any other) operations manually.

Any time you modify the underlying database values, you should call refreshQuery on each Cursor that has a view on the affected table.

Inserting New Rows

To create a new row, construct a ContentValues object and use its put methods to provide a value for each column. Insert the new row by passing the Content Values object into the insert method called on the target database — along with the table name — as shown in Listing 7-6.

Example 7-6. Inserting new rows into a database

// Create a new row of values to insert.
ContentValues newValues = new ContentValues();

// Assign values for each row.
newValues.put(COLUMN_NAME, newValue);
[ ... Repeat for each column ... ]

// Insert the row into your table
myDatabase.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, newValues);

Updating a Row

Updating rows is also done with Content Values.

Create a new ContentValues object, using the put methods to assign new values to each column you want to update. Call update on the database, passing in the table name, the updated Content Values object, and a where clause that specifies the row(s) to update as shown in Listing 7-7.

Example 7-7. Updating a database row

// Define the updated row content.
ContentValues updatedValues = new ContentValues();

// Assign values for each row.
newValues.put(COLUMN_NAME, newValue);
[ ... Repeat for each column ... ]

String where = KEY_ID + "=" + rowId;

// Update the row with the specified index with the new values.
myDatabase.update(DATABASE_TABLE, newValues, where, null);

Deleting Rows

To delete a row simply call delete on a database, specifying the table name and a where clause that returns the rows you want to delete as shown in Listing 7-8.

Example 7-8. Deleting a database row

myDatabase.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_ID + "=" + rowId, null);

Saving Your To-Do List

In Chapter 6 you enhanced the To-Do List example to persist the Activity's UI state across sessions. That was only half the job; in the following example you'll create a database to save the to-do items.

  1. Start by creating a new ToDoDBAdapter class. It will be used to manage your database interactions. Create private variables to store the SQLiteDatabase object and the Context of the calling application. Add a constructor that takes an application Context, and create static class variables for the name and version of the database, as well as a name for the to-do item table.

    package com.paad.todolist;
    import android.content.ContentValues;
    import android.content.Context;
    import android.database.Cursor;
    import android.database.SQLException;
    import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException;
    import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
    import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
    import android.util.Log;
    public class ToDoDBAdapter {
      private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "todoList.db";
      private static final String DATABASE_TABLE = "todoItems";
      private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
      private SQLiteDatabase db;
      private final Context context;
      public ToDoDBAdapter(Context _context) {
          this.context = _context;
  2. Create public convenience variables that define the column names: this will make it easier to find the correct columns when extracting values from query result Cursors.

    public static final String KEY_ID = "_id";
    public static final String KEY_TASK = "task";
    public static final String KEY_CREATION_DATE = "creation_date";
  3. Create a new taskDBOpenHelper class within the ToDoDBAdapter that extends SQLiteOpenHelper. It will be used to simplify version management of your database. Within it, overwrite the onCreate and onUpgrade methods to handle the database creation and upgrade logic.

    private static class toDoDBOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
      public toDoDBOpenHelper(Context context, String name,
                              CursorFactory factory, int version) {
        super(context, name, factory, version);
      // SQL Statement to create a new database.
      private static final String DATABASE_CREATE = "create table " +
        DATABASE_TABLE + " (" + KEY_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, " +
        KEY_TASK + " text not null, " + KEY_CREATION_DATE + " long);";
      public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase _db) {
      public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase _db, int _oldVersion, int _newVersion) {
        Log.w("TaskDBAdapter", "Upgrading from version " +
                               _oldVersion + " to " +
                               _newVersion + ", which will destroy all old data");
        // Drop the old table.
        // Create a new one.
  4. Within the ToDoDBAdapter class, add a private variable to store an instance of the toDoDBOpenHelper class you just created, and assign it within the constructor.

    private toDoDBOpenHelper dbHelper;
    public ToDoDBAdapter(Context _context) {
      this.context = _context;
      dbHelper = new toDoDBOpenHelper(context, DATABASE_NAME,
                                      null, DATABASE_VERSION);
  5. Still in the adapter class, create open and close methods that encapsulate the open and close logic for your database. Start with a close method that simply calls close on the database object.

    public void close() {
  6. The open method should use the toDoDBOpenHelper class. Call getWritableDatabase to let the helper handle database creation and version checking. Wrap the call to try to provide a readable database if a writable instance can't be opened.

    public void open() throws SQLiteException {
      try {
        db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
      } catch (SQLiteException ex) {
        db = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase();
  7. Add strongly typed methods for adding, removing, and updating items.

    // Insert a new task
    public long insertTask(ToDoItem _task) {
      // Create a new row of values to insert.
      ContentValues newTaskValues = new ContentValues();
      // Assign values for each row.
      newTaskValues.put(KEY_TASK, _task.getTask());
      newTaskValues.put(KEY_CREATION_DATE, _task.getCreated().getTime());
      // Insert the row.
      return db.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, newTaskValues);
    // Remove a task based on its index
    public boolean removeTask(long _rowIndex) {
      return db.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_ID + "=" + _rowIndex, null) > 0;
    // Update a task
    public boolean updateTask(long _rowIndex, String _task) {
      ContentValues newValue = new ContentValues();
      newValue.put(KEY_TASK, _task);
      return db.update(DATABASE_TABLE, newValue, KEY_ID + "=" + _rowIndex, null) > 0;
  8. Now add helper methods to handle queries. Write three methods — one to return all the items, another to return a particular row as a Cursor, and finally one that returns a strongly typed ToDoItem.

    public Cursor getAllToDoItemsCursor() {
      return db.query(DATABASE_TABLE,
                      new String[] { KEY_ID, KEY_TASK, KEY_CREATION_DATE},
                      null, null, null, null, null);
    public Cursor setCursorToToDoItem(long _rowIndex) throws SQLException {
      Cursor result = db.query(true, DATABASE_TABLE,
                               new String[] {KEY_ID, KEY_TASK},
                               KEY_ID + "=" + _rowIndex, null, null, null,
                               null, null);
      if ((result.getCount() == 0) || !result.moveToFirst()) {
        throw new SQLException("No to do items found for row: " + _rowIndex);
      return result;
    public ToDoItem getToDoItem(long _rowIndex) throws SQLException {
      Cursor cursor = db.query(true, DATABASE_TABLE,
                               new String[] {KEY_ID, KEY_TASK},
                               KEY_ID + "=" + _rowIndex, null, null, null,
                               null, null);
      if ((cursor.getCount() == 0) || !cursor.moveToFirst()) {
        throw new SQLException("No to do item found for row: " + _rowIndex);
      String task = cursor.getString(TASK_COLUMN);
      long created = cursor.getLong(CREATION_DATE_COLUMN);
      ToDoItem result = new ToDoItem(task, new Date(created));
      return result;
  9. That completes the database helper class. Return the ToDoList Activity and update it to persist the to-do list array. Start by updating the Activity's onCreate method to create an instance of the toDoDBAdapter and open a connection to the database. Also include a call to the populateTodoList method stub.

    ToDoDBAdapter toDoDBAdapter;
    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
      [ ... existing onCreate logic ... ]
      toDoDBAdapter = new ToDoDBAdapter(this);
      // Open or create the database;
    private void populateTodoList() { }
  10. Create a new instance variable to store a Cursor over all the to-do items in the database. Update the populateTodoList method to use the toDoDBAdapter instance to query the database, and call startManagingCursor to let the Activity manage the Cursor. It should also make a call to updateArray, a method that will be used to repopulate the to-do list array using the Cursor.

    Cursor toDoListCursor;
    private void populateTodoList() {
      // Get all the todo list items from the database.
      toDoListCursor = toDoDBAdapter. getAllToDoItemsCursor();
      // Update the array.
    private void updateArray() { }
  11. Now implement the updateArray method to update the current to-do list array. Call requery on the result Cursor to ensure it's fully up to date, then clear the array and iterate over the result set. When the update is complete call notifyDataSetChanged on the Array Adapter.

    private void updateArray() {
      if (toDoListCursor.moveToFirst())
        do {
          String task = toDoListCursor.getString(ToDoDBAdapter.TASK_COLUMN);
          long created = toDoListCursor.getLong(ToDoDBAdapter.CREATION_DATE_COLUMN);
          ToDoItem newItem = new ToDoItem(task, new Date(created));
          todoItems.add(0, newItem);
        } while(toDoListCursor.moveToNext());
  12. To join the pieces together, modify the OnKeyListener assigned to the text entry box in the onCreate method, and update the removeItem method. Both should now use the toDoDBAdapter to add and remove items from the database rather than modifying the to-do list array directly.

    • 12.1. Start with the OnKeyListener, insert the new item into the database, and refresh the array.

      public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
        myListView = (ListView)findViewById(;
        myEditText = (EditText)findViewById(;
      todoItems = new ArrayList<ToDoItem>();
        int resID = R.layout.todolist_item;
        aa = new ToDoItemAdapter(this, resID, todoItems);
        myEditText.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener() {
          public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
            if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN)
              if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER) {
                ToDoItem newItem = new ToDoItem(myEditText.getText().toString());
                return true;
            return false;
        toDoDBAdapter = new ToDoDBAdapter(this);
        // Open or create the database;
    • 12.2. Then modify the removeItem method to remove the item from the database and refresh the array list.

      private void removeItem(int _index) {
        // Items are added to the listview in reverse order, so invert the index.
  13. As a final step, override the onDestroy method of your activity to close your database connection.

    public void onDestroy() {
      // Close the database
    Saving Your To-Do List

Your to-do items will now be saved between sessions. As a further enhancement you could change the Array Adapter to a Simple Cursor Adapter and have the List View update dynamically with changes to the database.

Because you're using a private database your tasks are not available to other applications. To provide access to your tasks in other applications, expose them using a Content Provider. You'll do exactly that next.


To create a new Content Provider, extend the abstract ContentProvider class. Override the onCreate method to create (and initialize) the underlying data source you're planning to publish with this provider. Sample skeleton code for a new Content Provider is shown in Listing 7-9.

Example 7-9. Creating a new Content Provider

import android.content.*;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.SQLException;

public class MyProvider extends ContentProvider {

  public boolean onCreate() {

    // TODO Construct the underlying database.
    return true;

You should expose a public static CONTENT_URI property that returns the full URI of this provider. A Content Provider URI must be unique to the provider, so it's good practice to base the URI path on your package name. The general form for defining a Content Provider's URI is:


For example:


Content URIs can represent either of two forms. The previous URI represents a request for all values of that type (in this case all elements).

A trailing /<rownumber>, as shown in the following code, represents a request for a single record (in this case the fifth element).


It's good practice to support access to your provider for both of these forms.

The simplest way to do this is to use a UriMatcher. Create and configure a Uri Matcher to parse URIs and determine their forms. This is particularly useful when you're processing Content Resolver requests. Listing 7-10 shows the skeleton code for this pattern.

Example 7-10. Using the UriMatcher to handle single or multiple query requests

public class MyProvider extends ContentProvider {

  private static final String myURI = "content://com.paad.provider.myapp/items";
  public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(myURI);

  public boolean onCreate() {
    // TODO: Construct the underlying database.
    return true;

  // Create the constants used to differentiate between the different URI
  // requests.
  private static final int ALLROWS = 1;
  private static final int SINGLE_ROW = 2;

  private static final UriMatcher uriMatcher;

  // Populate the UriMatcher object, where a URI ending in 'items' will
  // correspond to a request for all items, and 'items/[rowID]'
  // represents a single row.
  static {
    uriMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH);
    uriMatcher.addURI("com.paad.provider.myApp", "items", ALLROWS);
    uriMatcher.addURI("com.paad.provider.myApp", "items/#", SINGLE_ROW);

You can use the same technique to expose alternative URIs for different subsets of data, or different tables within your database, using the same Content Provider.

It's also good practice to expose the name of each of the columns available in your provider, to simplify extracting data from a query-result Cursor.

Exposing Access to the Data Source

Expose queries and transactions on your Content Provider by implementing the delete, insert, update, and query methods.

These methods are the interface used by the Content Resolver to access the underlying data. They allow applications to share data across application boundaries without having to publish different interfaces for each data source.

The most common scenario is to use a Content Provider to expose a private SQLite database, but within these methods you can access any source of data (including files or application instance variables).

Listing 7-11 shows the skeleton code for implementing queries and transactions within a Content Provider. Notice that the UriMatcher object is used to refine the transaction and query requests.

Example 7-11. Implementing queries and transactions within a Content Provider

public Cursor query(Uri uri,
                    String[] projection,
                    String selection,
                    String[] selectionArgs,
                    String sort) {

  // If this is a row query, limit the result set to the passed in row.
  switch (uriMatcher.match(uri)) {
    case SINGLE_ROW :
      // TODO: Modify selection based on row id, where:
      // rowNumber = uri.getPathSegments().get(1));
  return null;


public Uri insert(Uri _uri, ContentValues _initialValues) {
  long rowID = [ ... Add a new item ... ]

  // Return a URI to the newly added item.
  if (rowID > 0) {
    return ContentUris.withAppendedId(CONTENT_URI, rowID);
  throw new SQLException("Failed to add new item into " + _uri);

public int delete(Uri uri, String where, String[] whereArgs) {
  switch (uriMatcher.match(uri)) {
    case ALLROWS:
    case SINGLE_ROW:
    default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported URI:" + uri);

public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[]
whereArgs) {
  switch (uriMatcher.match(uri)) {
    case ALLROWS:
    case SINGLE_ROW:
    default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported URI:" + uri);

The final step in creating a Content Provider is defining the MIME type that identifies the data the provider returns.

Override the getType method to return a String that uniquely describes your data type. The type returned should include two forms, one for a single entry and another for all the entries, following these forms:

  • Single item vnd.<companyname>.cursor.item/<contenttype>

  • All items vnd.<companyName>.cursor.dir/<contenttype>

Listing 7-12 shows how to override the getType method to return the correct MIME type based on the URI passed in.

Example 7-12. Returning a Content Provider MIME type

public String getType(Uri _uri) {
  switch (uriMatcher.match(_uri)) {
    case ALLROWS: return "vnd.paad.cursor.dir/myprovidercontent";
    case SINGLE_ROW: return "vnd.paad.cursor.item/myprovidercontent";
    default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported URI: " + _uri);

Registering Your Provider

Once you have completed your Content Provider, it must be added to the application manifest.

Use the authorities tag to specify its base URI, as shown in the following XML snippet.

<provider android:name="MyProvider"


The following sections introduce the ContentResolver class, and how to use it to query and transact with a Content Provider.

Introducing Content Resolvers

Each application Context includes a ContentResolver instance, accessible using the getContentResolver method.

ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();

The Content Resolver includes a number of methods to modify and query Content Providers. Each method accepts a URI that specifies the Content Provider to interact with.

A Content Provider's URI is its authority as defined by its manifest node. An authority URI is an arbitrary string, so most Content Providers include a public CONTENT_URI property to publish that authority.

Content Providers usually expose two forms of URI, one for requests against all data, and another that specifies only a single row. The form for the latter appends /<rowID> to the general CONTENT_URI.

Querying for Content

Content Provider queries take a form very similar to that of database queries. Query results are returned as Cursors over a result set, like databases, in the same way as described previously in this chapter.

You can extract values from the result Cursor using the same techniques described within the database section on "Extracting Results from a Cursor."

Using the query method on the ContentResolver object, pass in:

  • The URI of the Content Provider data you want to query.

  • A projection that lists the columns you want to include in the result set.

  • A where clause that defines the rows to be returned. You can include ? wildcards that will be replaced by the values passed into the selection argument parameter.

  • An array of selection argument strings that will replace the ?'s in the where clause.

  • A string that describes the order of the returned rows.

Listing 7-13 shows how to use a Content Resolver to apply a query to a Content Provider:

Example 7-13. Querying a Content Provider with a Content Resolver

ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
// Return all rows
Cursor allRows = cr.query(MyProvider.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);
// Return all columns for rows where column 3 equals a set value
// and the rows are ordered by column 5.
String where = KEY_COL3 + "=" + requiredValue;
String order = KEY_COL5;
Cursor someRows = cr.query(MyProvider.CONTENT_URI,
                           null, where, null, order);

You'll see more examples of querying for content later in this chapter when the native Android Content Providers are introduced.

Adding, Updating, and Deleting Content

To perform transactions on Content Providers, use the delete, update, and insert methods on the ContentResolver object.


The Content Resolver offers two methods for inserting new records into your Content Provider—insert and bulkInsert. Both methods accept the URI of the item-type you're adding; where the former takes a single new ContentValues object, the latter takes an array.

The simple insert method will return a URI to the newly added record, while bulkInsert returns the number of successfully added rows.

Listing 7-14 shows how to use the insert and bulkInsert methods.

Example 7-14. Inserting new rows into a Content Provider

// Get the Content Resolver
ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();

// Create a new row of values to insert.
ContentValues newValues = new ContentValues();

// Assign values for each row.
newValues.put(COLUMN_NAME, newValue);
[ ... Repeat for each column ... ]

Uri myRowUri = cr.insert(MyProvider.CONTENT_URI, newValues);

// Create a new row of values to insert.
ContentValues[] valueArray = new ContentValues[5];

// TODO: Create an array of new rows
int count = cr.bulkInsert(MyProvider.CONTENT_URI, valueArray);


To delete a single record, call delete on the Content Resolver, passing in the URI of the row you want to remove. Alternatively, you can specify a where clause to remove multiple rows. Both techniques are shown in Listing 7-15.

Example 7-15. Deleting records from a Content Provider

ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();

// Remove a specific row.
cr.delete(myRowUri, null, null);
// Remove the first five rows.
String where = "_id < 5";
cr.delete(MyProvider.CONTENT_URI, where, null);


Content Provider row updates are made with the Content Resolver update method. The update method takes the URI of the target Content Provider, a ContentValues object that maps column names to updated values, and a where clause that indicates which rows to update.

When the update is executed, every row matched by the where clause is updated using the specified Content Values, and the number of successful updates is returned as shown in Listing 7-16.

Example 7-16. Updating records in a Content Provider

// Create a new row of values to insert.
ContentValues newValues = new ContentValues();

// Create a replacement map, specifying which columns you want to
// update, and what values to assign to each of them.
newValues.put(COLUMN_NAME, newValue);

// Apply to the first 5 rows.
String where = "_id < 5";

getContentResolver().update(MyProvider.CONTENT_URI, newValues, where, null);

Accessing Files in Content Providers

Content Providers represent files as fully qualified URIs rather than as raw file blobs. To insert a file into a Content Provider, or access a saved file, use the Content Resolvers openOutputStream or openInputStream methods respectively. The process for storing a file is shown in Listing 7-17.

Example 7-17. Adding files to Content Providers

// Insert a new row into your provider, returning its unique URI.
Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(MyProvider.CONTENT_URI, newValues);

try {
  // Open an output stream using the new row's URI.
  OutputStream outStream = getContentResolver().openOutputStream(uri);
  // Compress your bitmap and save it into your provider.
  sourceBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 50, outStream);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) { }


Having created an application that features a list of earthquakes, you have an excellent opportunity to share this information with other applications.

By exposing this data through a Content Provider you make it possible for yourself, and others, to create new applications based on earthquake data without having to duplicate network traffic and the associated XML parsing.

Creating the Content Provider

  1. First open the Earthquake project and create a new EarthquakeProvider class that extends ContentProvider. Include stubs to override the onCreate, getType, query, insert, delete, and update methods.

    package com.paad.earthquake;
    import android.content.*;
    import android.database.Cursor;
    import android.database.SQLException;
    import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
    import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
    import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder;
    import android.text.TextUtils;
    import android.util.Log;
    public class EarthquakeProvider extends ContentProvider {
      public boolean onCreate() {
      public String getType(Uri url) {
      public Cursor query(Uri url, String[] projection, String selection,
                          String[] selectionArgs, String sort) {
      public Uri insert(Uri _url, ContentValues _initialValues) {
      public int delete(Uri url, String where, String[] whereArgs) {
      public int update(Uri url, ContentValues values,
                        String where, String[]wArgs) {
  2. Publish the URI for this provider. This URI will be used to access this Content Provider from within other application components via the ContentResolver.

    public static final Uri CONTENT_URI =
  3. Create the database that will be used to store the earthquakes. Within the EarthquakeProvider create a new SQLiteDatabase instance and expose public variables that describe the column names and indexes. Include an extension of SQLiteOpenHelper to manage database creation and version control.

    // The underlying database
    private SQLiteDatabase earthquakeDB;
    private static final String TAG = "EarthquakeProvider";
    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "earthquakes.db";
    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
    private static final String EARTHQUAKE_TABLE = "earthquakes";
    // Column Names
    public static final String KEY_ID = "_id";
    public static final String KEY_DATE = "date";
    public static final String KEY_DETAILS = "details";
    public static final String KEY_LOCATION_LAT = "latitude";
    public static final String KEY_LOCATION_LNG = "longitude";
    public static final String KEY_MAGNITUDE = "magnitude";
    public static final String KEY_LINK = "link";
    // Column indexes
    public static final int DATE_COLUMN = 1;
    public static final int DETAILS_COLUMN = 2;
    public static final int LONGITUDE_COLUMN = 3;
    public static final int LATITUDE_COLUMN = 4;
    public static final int MAGNITUDE_COLUMN = 5;
    public static final int LINK_COLUMN = 6;
    // Helper class for opening, creating, and managing database version control
    private static class earthquakeDatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
      private static final String DATABASE_CREATE =
        "create table " + EARTHQUAKE_TABLE + " ("
        + KEY_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
        + KEY_DATE + " INTEGER, "
        + KEY_DETAILS + " TEXT, "
        + KEY_LOCATION_LAT + " FLOAT, "
        + KEY_LOCATION_LNG + " FLOAT, "
        + KEY_MAGNITUDE + " FLOAT), "
        + KEY_LINK + " TEXT);";
      public earthquakeDatabaseHelper(Context context, String name,
                                      CursorFactory factory, int version) {
        super(context, name, factory, version);
      public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
      public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Upgrading database from version " + oldVersion + " to "
                    + newVersion + ", which will destroy all old data");
  4. Create a UriMatcher to handle requests using different URIs. Include support for queries and transactions over the entire dataset (QUAKES) and a single record matching a quake index value (QUAKE_ID).

    // Create the constants used to differentiate between the different URI
    // requests.
    private static final int QUAKES = 1;
    private static final int QUAKE_ID = 2;
    private static final UriMatcher uriMatcher;
    // Allocate the UriMatcher object, where a URI ending in 'earthquakes' will
    // correspond to a request for all earthquakes, and 'earthquakes' with a
    trailing '/[rowID]' will represent a single earthquake row.
    static {
      uriMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH);
      uriMatcher.addURI("com.paad.provider.Earthquake", "earthquakes", QUAKES);
      uriMatcher.addURI("com.paad.provider.Earthquake", "earthquakes/#", QUAKE_ID);
  5. Override the getType method to return a string for each of the URI structures supported.

    public String getType(Uri uri) {
      switch (uriMatcher.match(uri)) {
        case QUAKES: return "";
        case QUAKE_ID: return "";
        default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported URI: " + uri);
  6. Override the provider's onCreate handler to create a new instance of the database helper class, and open a connection to the database.

    public boolean onCreate() {
      Context context = getContext();
      earthquakeDatabaseHelper dbHelper = new earthquakeDatabaseHelper(context,
      earthquakeDB = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
      return (earthquakeDB == null) ? false : true;
  7. Implement the query and transaction stubs. Start with the query method, which should decode the request being made based on the URI (either all content or a single row), and apply the selection, projection, and sort-order criteria parameters to the database before returning a result Cursor.

    public Cursor query(Uri uri,
                        String[] projection,
                        String selection,
                        String[] selectionArgs,
                        String sort) {
      SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder();
    // If this is a row query, limit the result set to the passed in row.
      switch (uriMatcher.match(uri)) {
        case QUAKE_ID: qb.appendWhere(KEY_ID + "=" + uri.getPathSegments().get(1));
        default      : break;
      // If no sort order is specified sort by date / time
      String orderBy;
      if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sort)) {
        orderBy = KEY_DATE;
      } else {
        orderBy = sort;
      // Apply the query to the underlying database.
      Cursor c = qb.query(earthquakeDB,
                          selection, selectionArgs,
                          null, null,
      // Register the contexts ContentResolver to be notified if
      // the cursor result set changes.
      c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri);
      // Return a cursor to the query result.
      return c;
  8. Now implement methods for inserting, deleting, and updating content. In this case the process is an exercise in mapping Content Provider transaction requests to their database equivalents.

    public Uri insert(Uri _uri, ContentValues _initialValues) {
      // Insert the new row, will return the row number if
      // successful.
      long rowID = earthquakeDB.insert(EARTHQUAKE_TABLE, "quake", _initialValues);
      // Return a URI to the newly inserted row on success.
      if (rowID > 0) {
        Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(CONTENT_URI, rowID);
        getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null);
        return uri;
      throw new SQLException("Failed to insert row into " + _uri);
    public int delete(Uri uri, String where, String[] whereArgs) {
      int count;
    switch (uriMatcher.match(uri)) {
        case QUAKES:
          count = earthquakeDB.delete(EARTHQUAKE_TABLE, where, whereArgs);
        case QUAKE_ID:
          String segment = uri.getPathSegments().get(1);
          count = earthquakeDB.delete(EARTHQUAKE_TABLE, KEY_ID + "="
                                      + segment
                                      + (!TextUtils.isEmpty(where) ? " AND ("
                                      + where + ')' : ""), whereArgs);
        default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported URI: " + uri);
      getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null);
      return count;
    public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[]
    whereArgs) {
      int count;
      switch (uriMatcher.match(uri)) {
        case QUAKES: count = earthquakeDB.update(EARTHQUAKE_TABLE, values,
                                                 where, whereArgs);
        case QUAKE_ID: String segment = uri.getPathSegments().get(1);
                       count = earthquakeDB.update(EARTHQUAKE_TABLE, values, KEY_ID
                               + "=" + segment
                               + (!TextUtils.isEmpty(where) ? " AND ("
                               + where + ')' : ""), whereArgs);
        default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown URI " + uri);
      getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null);
      return count;
  9. With the Content Provider complete, register it in the manifest by creating a new <provider> node within the application tag.

    <provider android:name=".EarthquakeProvider"
              android:authorities="com.paad.provider.earthquake" />
    Creating the Content Provider

Using the Provider

You can now update the Earthquake Activity to use the Earthquake Provider to store quakes and use them to populate the List View.

  1. Within the Earthquake Activity, update the addNewQuake method. It should use the application's Content Resolver to insert each new Earthquake into the provider. Move the existing array control logic into a separate addQuakeToArray method.

    private void addNewQuake(Quake _quake) {
      ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
      // Construct a where clause to make sure we don't already have this
      // earthquake in the provider.
      String w = EarthquakeProvider.KEY_DATE + " = " + _quake.getDate().getTime();
      // If the earthquake is new, insert it into the provider.
      if (cr.query(EarthquakeProvider.CONTENT_URI, null, w, null, null).getCount()==0){
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(EarthquakeProvider.KEY_DATE, _quake.getDate().getTime());
        values.put(EarthquakeProvider.KEY_DETAILS, _quake.getDetails());
        double lat = _quake.getLocation().getLatitude();
        double lng = _quake.getLocation().getLongitude();
        values.put(EarthquakeProvider.KEY_LOCATION_LAT, lat);
        values.put(EarthquakeProvider.KEY_LOCATION_LNG, lng);
        values.put(EarthquakeProvider.KEY_LINK, _quake.getLink());
        values.put(EarthquakeProvider.KEY_MAGNITUDE, _quake.getMagnitude());
        cr.insert(EarthquakeProvider.CONTENT_URI, values);
    private void addQuakeToArray(Quake _quake) {
      if (_quake.getMagnitude() > minimumMagnitude) {
        // Add the new quake to our list of earthquakes.
        // Notify the array adapter of a change.
  2. Create a new loadQuakesFromProvider method that loads all the earthquakes from the Earthquake Provider, and inserts them into the Array List using the addQuakeToArray method created in Step 1.

    private void loadQuakesFromProvider() {
      // Clear the existing earthquake array
      ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
    // Return all the saved earthquakes
      Cursor c = cr.query(EarthquakeProvider.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);
      if (c.moveToFirst())
          do {
            // Extract the quake details.
            Long datems = c.getLong(EarthquakeProvider.DATE_COLUMN);
            String details = c.getString(EarthquakeProvider.DETAILS_COLUMN);
            Float lat = c.getFloat(EarthquakeProvider.LATITUDE_COLUMN);
            Float lng = c.getFloat(EarthquakeProvider.LONGITUDE_COLUMN);
            Double mag = c.getDouble(EarthquakeProvider.MAGNITUDE_COLUMN);
            String link = c.getString(EarthquakeProvider.LINK_COLUMN);
            Location location = new Location("dummy");
            Date date = new Date(datems);
            Quake q = new Quake(date, details, location, mag, link);
          } while(c.moveToNext());
  3. Call loadQuakesFromProvider from onCreate to initialize the earthquake List View at start-up.

    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
      earthquakeListView = (ListView)this.findViewById(;
      earthquakeListView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView _av, View _v, int _index, long arg3) {
          selectedQuake = earthquakes.get(_index);
      int layoutID = android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1;
      aa = new ArrayAdapter<Quake>(this, layoutID , earthquakes);
  4. Finally, make a change to the refreshEarthquakes method so that it loads the saved earthquakes from the provider after clearing the array, but before adding any new quakes received.

    private void refreshEarthquakes() {
      [ ... exiting refreshEarthquakes method ... ]
      // Clear the old earthquakes
      [ ... exiting refreshEarthquakes method ... ]
    Using the Provider


Android exposes several native databases using Content Providers.

You can access these Content Providers directly using the techniques described earlier in this chapter. Alternatively, the android.provider package includes classes that can simplify access to many of the most useful providers, including:

  • Browser Use the browser Content Provider to read or modify bookmarks, browser history, or web searches.

  • CallLog View or update the call history, including both incoming and outgoing calls, together with missed calls and call details like caller ID and call durations.

  • ContactsContract Use the Contacts Contract provider to retrieve, modify, or store your contacts' details. This Content Provider replaces the Contact Content Provider.

  • MediaStore The Media Store provides centralized, managed access to the multimedia on your device, including audio, video, and images. You can store your own multimedia within the media store and make it globally available, as shown in Chapter 11

  • Settings You can access the device's preferences using the Settings provider. You can view most system settings and modify some of them. More usefully, the android.provider.Settings class includes a collection of Intent actions that can be used to open the appropriate settings screen to let users modify their own settings.

  • UserDictionary Access (or add to) the user defined words added to the dictionary for use in IME predictive text input.

You should use these native Content Providers wherever possible to ensure your application integrates seamlessly with other native and third-party applications.

While a detailed description of how to use each of these helpers is beyond the scope of this chapter, the following sections describe how to use the Media Store and Contacts Contract Content Provider.

Using the Media Store Provider

The Android Media Store is a managed repository of audio, video, and image files.

Whenever you add a new multimedia file to the file system, it should also be added to the Media Store. This will expose it to other applications, including the default media player. Chapter 11 shows you how to use the Content Scanner to add new media to the Media Store.

To access media from the Media Store, query the image, video, or audio Content Providers using the techniques described earlier within this chapter. The MediaStore class includes Audio, Video, and Images subclasses, which in turn contain subclasses that are used to provide the column names and content URIs for each media provider.

The Media Store segregates media kept on the internal and external volumes of the host device. Each of the Media Store subclasses provides a URI for either the internally or externally stored media using the forms:

  • MediaStore.<mediatype>.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI

  • MediaStore.<mediatype>.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI

Listing 7-18 shows a simple code snippet used to find the song title and album name for each piece of audio stored on the external volume.

Example 7-18. Accessing the Media Store Content Provider

// Get a cursor over every piece of audio on the external volume.
Cursor cursor =
                           null, null, null, null);

// Let the activity manage the cursor lifecycle.

// Use the convenience properties to get the index of the columns
int albumIdx = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM);
int titleIdx = cursor. getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Audio.Media.TITLE);

String[] result = new String[cursor.getCount()];
if (cursor.moveToFirst())
  do {
    // Extract the song title.
    String title = cursor.getString(titleIdx);
    // Extract the album name.
    String album = cursor.getString(albumIdx);

    result[cursor.getPosition()] = title + " (" + album + ")";
  } while(cursor.moveToNext());

In Chapter 11 you'll learn how to play audio and video resources stored in the Media Store by specifying the URI of a particular multi media item.

Using the Contacts Provider

Access to the contact manager is particularly useful on a communications device. Android does the right thing by exposing all the information available from the contacts database to any application granted the READ_CONTACTS permission.

Android 2.0 (API level 5) introduced the ContactsContract class, which superceded the Contacts class that had previously been used to store and manage the contacts stored on the device.

The new contact Content Provider extends the scope of contacts management in Android by providing an extensible database of contact-related information. This allows users to specify multiple sources for their contact information. More importantly for us, it allows developers to arbitrarily extend the data stored against each contact, or even become an alternative provider for contacts and contact details.

Introducing the Contacts Contract Content Provider

The Contacts Contract Content Provider is an extensible database of contact-related information.

Rather than using a single well-defined table of contact detail columns, the Contacts Contract provider uses a three-tier data model to store data, associate it with a contact, and aggregate it to a single person using the following ContactsContract subclasses:

  • Data In the underlying table, each row defines a set of personal data (e.g., phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.), separated by MIME type. While there is a predefined set of common column names for each personal data-type (available, along with the appropriate MIME types from subclasses within ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds), this table can be used to store any value.

    Importantly, the kind of data stored in a particular row is determined by the MIME type specified for that row. A series of generic columns is used to store up to 15 different pieces of data varying by data type.

    When adding new data to the Data table, you specify a Raw Contact to which a set of data will be associated.

  • RawContacts From Android 2.0 onwards, users can specify multiple contact accounts (e.g., Gmail, Facebook, etc.). Each row in the Raw Contacts table defines an account to which a set of Data values is associated.

  • Contacts The Contacts table aggregates rows from Raw Contacts that all describe the same person.

Typically you will use the Data table to add, delete, or modify data stored against an existing contact account, the Raw Contacts table to create and manage accounts, and both the Contact and Data tables to query the database and extract contact details.

Reading Contact Details

You can use the Content Resolver to query any of the three Contact Contracts tables described above using the CONTENT_URI static constant available from each class. Each class includes a number of static properties that describe the column names included in the underlying tables.

In order to access any contact details you need to include the READ_CONTACTS uses-permission in your application manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"/>

Listing 7-19 queries the Contacts table for a Cursor to every person in the address book, creating an array of strings that holds each contact's name and unique ID.

Example 7-19. Accessing the contact Content Provider

// Get a cursor over every aggregated contact.
Cursor cursor =
                           null, null, null, null);

// Let the activity manage the cursor lifecycle.

// Use the convenience properties to get the index of the columns
int nameIdx =
int idIdx = cursor. getColumnIndexOrThrow(ContactsContract.Contacts._ID);

String[] result = new String[cursor.getCount()];
if (cursor.moveToFirst())
  do {
    // Extract the name.
    String name = cursor.getString(nameIdx);
    // Extract the phone number.
    String id = cursor.getString(idIdx);

    result[cursor.getPosition()] = name + " (" + id + ")";
  } while(cursor.moveToNext());


The ContactsContract.Data Content Provider is used to store all the contact details — such as addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses — making it the best approach when searching for one of these details.

The Data table is also used for finding details for a given contact. In most cases, you will likely be querying for contact details based on a full or partial contact name.

To simplify this lookup, Android provides the ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_FILTER_URI query URI. Append the full or partial name to lookup as an additional path segment to the URI. To extract the associated contact details, find the _ID value from the returned Cursor and use it to create a query on the Data table.

The content of each column with a row in the Data table depends on the MIME type specified for that row. As a result, any query on the Data table must filter the rows by MIME-type in order to meaningfully extract data.

Listing 7-20 shows how to use the contact-detail column names available in the CommonDataKinds subclasses to extract the display name and mobile phone number from the Data table for a particular contact.

Example 7-20. Finding contact details after finding a contact

// Find a contact using a partial name match
Uri lookupUri =
Uri.withAppendedPath(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, "kristy");

Cursor idCursor = getContentResolver().query(lookupUri, null, null, null,

String id = null;
if (idCursor.moveToFirst()) {
  int idIdx = idCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ContactsContract.Contacts._ID);
  id = idCursor.getString(idIdx);

if (id != null) {
  // Return all the contact details of type PHONE for the contact we found
  String where = ContactsContract.Data.CONTACT_ID + " = " + id + " AND " +
                 ContactsContract.Data.MIMETYPE + " = '" +
                 ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE +

Cursor dataCursor =
 null, where, null, null);

  // Use the convenience properties to get the index of the columns
  int nameIdx =
  int phoneIdx =


  String[] result = new String[dataCursor.getCount()];
  if (dataCursor.moveToFirst())
    do {
      // Extract the name.
      String name = dataCursor.getString(nameIdx);
      // Extract the phone number.
      String number = dataCursor.getString(phoneIdx);

      result[dataCursor.getPosition()] = name + " (" + number + ")";
    } while(dataCursor.moveToNext());

The Contacts sub-class also offers a phone number lookup URI to help find a contact associated with a particular phone number. This query is highly optimized to return fast results for incoming caller-ID notification.

Use ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, appending the number to find as an additional path segment, as shown in Listing 7-21.

Example 7-21. Performing a caller-ID lookup

String incomingNumber = "5551234";

Uri lookupUri =

Cursor idCursor = getContentResolver().query(lookupUri, null, null, null,

if (idCursor.moveToFirst()) {
  int nameIdx =
  String caller = idCursor.getString(nameIdx);
  Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), caller, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

In addition to the static contact details described above, the ContactsContract.StatusUpdates table contains social status updates and instant messenger availability. Using this table you can look up or modify the status, and presence, of any contact who has an associated social networking and/or instant messaging account.

Modifying and Augmenting Contact Details

As well as querying the contacts database, you can use these Content Providers to modify, delete, or insert contact records after adding the WRITE_CONTACTS uses-permission to your application manifest.

The extensible nature of the Contacts Contract provider allows you to add arbitrary Data table rows to any account stored as a Raw Contact. In practice it is poor form to extend a third-party account with custom data as it will be unable to synchronize your custom data with its online server.

Better practice is to create your own syncing contact adapter that will be aggregated with the other third-party account details.

The process for creating your own syncing contact account adapter is beyond the scope of this book. However, in general terms, by creating a record in the Raw Contacts provider it's possible for you to create a contacts account type for your own custom data.

You can add new records into the contacts Data provider that are associated with your custom contact account. Once added, your custom contact data will be aggregated with the details provided by native and other third-party contact information adapters and made available when developers query the Contacts Content Provider as described in the previous section.


In this chapter you learned how to add a robust persistence layer to your applications and access native and third-party Content Providers.

Android provides a fully featured SQLite RDBMS to all applications. This small, efficient, and robust database library lets you create relational databases to persist application data. Using Content Providers, you learned how to share private data, particularly databases, across application boundaries.

All database and Content Provider queries are returned as Cursors; you learned how to perform queries and extract data from the resulting Cursor objects.

Along the way you also learned to:

  • Create new SQLite databases

  • Interact with databases to insert, update, and delete rows

  • Use the native Content Providers included with Android to access and manage native data like media and contacts

Now that you have a solid foundation in the fundamentals of Android development, the remainder of this book will investigate some of the more interesting optional Android features.

Starting in the next chapter you'll be introduced to the geographic APIs. Android offers a rich suite of geographical functionality, including location-based services (such as GPS) and forward and reverse geocoding, as well as a fully integrated Google maps implementation. Using Google maps you can create map-based Activities that feature annotations to develop native map-mashups.

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