
First off, I want to thank Brian and Martin for taking this journey with me once again. You have been incredible people to work with, and this book couldn't have been created without you. I'll write with y'all any day. I'd like to thank everyone at Wiley and Wrox, specifically Bob Elliot and Tom Dinse, our editors. This book could not have happened without their help and constant attention to detail. Ed Blankenship and Steven St. Jean, thank you for the excellent technical editing job. You kept me sane. Mr. Gene, thank you for keeping my lawn from looking like a jungle, and Mrs. Kathy, those fudge brownies were just the thing for those all-night writing sessions. Mom, thank you for all your support and help during this process. Finally, a big thank you to Amye, Emma, and Meg for your understanding, love, and support during the late nights and long weekends when I disappeared into my office to write.

—Mickey Gousset

First and foremost, thanks once again to Elisa for believing in me and inspiring me to be the best person I can be. You make every day brighter, I am so lucky to have you in my life! Thanks to the Developer Division at Microsoft for building such a wonderful set of products and technologies for me to write about and evangelize — you make my job easy. Thanks to Ed Blankenship, Steven St. Jean, and Ravi Shanker for your expert guidance on this book. And of course to Mickey, Martin, and the great team at Wiley — I still can't believe you talked me into writing another book, but it's been worth it.

—Brian Keller

First, I would like to thank my co-authors, Brian and Mickey, for allowing me to help them in putting this book together — you will struggle to meet two nicer people, and I am lucky to count you both as my friends.

I would like to acknowledge the help, advice and assistance from the people both inside and outside the Visual Studio team at Microsoft. Special thanks go to Jamie Cool, Buck Hodges, Grant Holliday, Matthew Mitrik, Ed Holloway, Peter Provost, and William Bartholomew — without whom my contributions to this book would not have been possible. Thanks also to Rob Caron, Jeff Beehler, Corey Steffen, Jamie Cool, and Brian Harry for encouraging my involvement in the Visual Studio and Eclipse communities over the past eight years.

Finally, I would also like to thank my wife, Catherine, for her encouragement, her support and for sacrificing the countless evenings and weekends to enable me to take part in this book. For such an otherwise intelligent and rational woman, I've yet to figure out why she agreed to marry me in the first place. But ten years on she is still as caring and beautiful as the girl I fell in love with in our first year at university, and she is still way, way out of my league. Luckily she doesn't read anything I write, so hopefully she'll never find out.

— Martin Woodward

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