5.5. Using Custom Adapters

In Chapters 7 and 9, you will learn about custom adapters. In this brief section, I will illustrate an example that shows how you can configure a custom adapter.

Gilead, a custom Hibernate adapter that you will learn about in Chapter 7, can be configured in remoting-config.xml like so:

    <adapter-definition id="persistent-adapter"

Using the Spring BlazeDS adapter JSON format is used to configure parameters on a custom adapter. The preceding configuration under Spring BlazeDS would be:

<bean id="persistent-adapter"
    <constructor-arg value="net.sf.gilead.blazeds.adapter.PersistentAdapter"/>
    <property name="properties">
            {"persistenceFactory" :
                { "class" :
                  "singleton" : "true",
                  "method": "getSessionFactory"

The Spring BlazeDS configuration for custom adapters configures these adapters using the org.springframework.flex.core.ManageableComponentFactoryBean.

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