
As with many interactions between developers these days, I first met Shashank Tiwari online via his blog. He was writing thoughtfully about Java and Flex back in the days when this was mostly uncharted territory where only a handful of brave developers had ventured. Through those interactions we began making plans to lead more Java developers to the blissful world of Java and Flex.

Having been a professional software developer for more than ten years, I've met developers from a wide variety of backgrounds, including hackers, scientists, teachers, plumbers, and athletes. There is no better way to know what a developer is like than to write code and articles with them. Over the past few years Shashank and I have co-authored a number of articles and code samples together. From these experiences, I know that Shashank is a top notch Java developer and a Flex master. What makes Shashank's books stand out, however, is that he is not only a superb developer but also an excellent teacher.

I was very excited when I heard that Shashank was working on a new book focused on integrating Java and Flex through BlazeDS. So many Java developers I interact with want to build better software but are reluctant to learn a new technology stack. Flex and BlazeDS provide a great path for Java developers to build better software that users love to use. The wealth of out-of-the-box and community-built Flex components enables developers to rapidly assemble great applications. But there is a learning curve for the typical Java developer who must understand and navigate the intricacies of a thick-client UI framework, data marshalling mechanisms, and a new tool chain. Shashank makes that learning curve smooth and fun.

This book provides much needed practical knowledge for assembling production applications using Java and Flex. The extensions Shashank has built to BlazeDS, his examples of real-world Spring integration, and his detailed explanations regarding Hibernate data access provide readers with end-to-end instructions for building great UIs on Java back-ends.

I've had the great privilege of working with and learning from Shashank. He has helped me to be a better developer and to gain a more complete understanding of new technologies. I'm sure that Professional BlazeDS will do the same for you.

James Ward

Co-author of First Steps in Flex with Bruce Eckel

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