8.3. Summary

This chapter is description of an eclectic mix of tools and libraries that help you test and debug Flex and BlazeDS applications. Although hints on the Java aspects of testing and debugging are included in various sections in the chapter, the focus is primarily on Flex applications.

The chapter started with a discussion on unit testing frameworks and methods and explained FlexUnit and JUnit. FlexUnit was explained in a fair amount of detail. FlexUnit 1 and FlexUnit 4 were covered. The section on FlexUnit 4 illustrated the use of new types of assertions, such as hamcrest assertions and theories, in addition to the standard assertions.

After unit testing, the chapter picked up the topic of functional testing. Two tools, FlexMonkey and FunFX, were explored. After the functional testing exposition, the topic of automation using ANT scripts and integration with continuous integration tools, such as CruiseControl, was considered.

After unit and functional testing, two more important testing topics, code coverage and load testing, were covered. The topic on load testing focused on load generation in Flex and BlazeDS applications. Apache JMeter was used as a tool for load testing.

The second part of the chapter focused on debugging. The part on debugging started with logging. In that subsection, both client- and server-side logging were explained.

The last part of the chapter illustrated the Flex Profiler and showed the different views that the Profiler offers for debugging.

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