9.7. Summary

This chapter was all about creating custom adapters and factories. The chapter started with a contextual overview and provided a starting point for you to understand where adapters fit into the overall BlazeDS architecture. After the contextual overview, the BlazeDS API was discussed. BlazeDS is a Java web application. It exposes a Java API to extend and customize its behavior and add newer adapters and factories to it.

Following the initial overview sections, the focus turned to creating a custom adapter. That section included an implementation of a MultiplePOJOAdapter, which extends the JavaAdapter to support multiple classes via a single destination. That section lists substantial parts of the adapter code and provides an in-context explanation of some of the key aspects of the source class.

After an illustration of a custom adapter, the focus shifted to custom factories. Custom factories are useful when you need to access objects that exist in a namespace external to BlazeDS. Managed objects like EJBs and Spring beans are components that need a custom factory to make them accessible via remoting destinations. The section includes details on a custom EJB3 factory.

BlazeDS supports remote procedure calls and message-based interactions. While a custom adapter example in an earlier section talked about the remote procedure call–based interactions, the section on extending message adapters explained the custom messaging adapter. Two messaging adapters come off the shelf with BlazeDS. These are the JMSAdapter and ActionScriptAdapter. In the section on custom messaging adapters, a custom adapter, similar to the ActionScriptAdapter, was created.

Finally a small section just prior to this summary mentioned a few thoughts on creation of advanced custom adapters.

By the end of this chapter, I hope you are convinced that creating custom adapters and factories is not only possible but also easy. The complexity, if any, is imposed by what you want to achieve and not the extension points and the API.

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