
The knowledge, code, and insights passed on in this book were developed and tested in an ecosystem composed of passionate developers from multiple locations and organizations. This book would not have been possible without the distinct and diverse talents of all those involved.

Special thanks to Peter Ericksen and Aric Aune for keeping us honest in our technical discussions. Your diligent attention to detail has made this book something of which we can all be extremely proud.

An extra special “thank you” to our families for their support and encouragement throughout the long nights and weekends while we were working on this project.

Thank you to the rest of the dedicated propeller heads who weren't afraid to dream and create with us; there are more of you than we can possibly thank individually, but you know who you are. To name just a few, in no particular order: Nathan Clevenger, Sam Lippert, Jonathan Bruns, Brian Koehler, Brian Porter, Boris Momtchev, Naveed Ahmed, Stuart Dahlberg, Joe Sauve, Garrett Woodford, and the rest of ITR Mobility's iFactr development team; Tim Gergen, Ben Butzer, Dan Lamppa, Dean Gahlon, Jessica Knutson, Kelli Swanson, Christian Antoine, Mike Long, Priya Kurra, Carrie Kuckler, Jeff Bipes, Andrew Mogren, Kevin Pecore, Tom Jones, Jim Mettling, and the rest of the Field Services Team at Medtronic; Bob Gilman, Carlos Eberhart, Ari Olson, Pat Galligan, and the rest of Target Corporation's Mobile Forward team. Each of you has been extremely generous in sharing your challenges, experiences, and expertise with us.

Finally, a huge thank you to Nat Friedman, Miguel de Icaza, the team at Xamarin, and the Mono open source community around the world for your vision, determination, and dedication creating the technology that makes it possible for us to write the best mobile apps on the planet using the technology we love!

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