About the Authors

Jason Gerner currently spends his days working as a web developer in Cincinnati and burns free time complaining about lack of support for web standards and abusing XML. He can often be found lurking in the PHPBuilder.com discussion forums, where he is a moderator.

Elizabeth Naramore earned her B.S. in Organizational Behavior from Miami University (Ohio) and has been developing websites since 1997. Her main focus has been on PHP/MySQL, e-commerce, and freelance writing and teaching. Her writing can be seen in PHPBuilder.com and International PHP Magazine. She is a proud member of OINK-PUG (Ohio, Indiana, Northern Kentucky PHP Users Group) and she lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband and two small children.

After graduating from the University of Auckland with a mathematics degree no one was interested in, Morgan L. Owens knocked around the IT industry, becoming a backend web developer and programmer for web-based applications for both intranet and Internet environments. He still lives in Auckland but suggests that for the right career he might—might—consider moving.

Matt Warden has been developing web-based applications for over six years. His work has primarily focused on designing and implementing LAMP applications for other businesses to use internally to increase productivity. Recently, Matt has been using AJAX to offer a web-based alternative to productivity gains typically only available with native desktop solutions. Currently, Matt is a lead developer at Signal US Communications in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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