6.5. Project Files Format

The project files (.csproj or .vbproj) are text files in an XML document format that conforms to the MSBuild schema. The XML schema files for the latest version of MSBuild are installed with the .NET Framework, by default in C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv3.5MSBuildMicrosoft.Build.Core.xsd).

To view the project file in XML format, right-click the project and select Unload. Then right-click the project again and select Edit [project name]. This will display the project file in the XML editor, complete with IntelliSense.

The project file stores the build and configuration settings that have been specified for the project, and details about all the files that are included in the project. In some cases, a user-specific project file is also created (.csproj.user or .vbproj.user), which stores user preferences such as startup and debugging options. The .user file is also an XML file that conforms to the MSBuild schema.

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