List of Examples

Chapter 1

1.1 Basic Elements of a Class Definition

1.2 Static Members in Class Definition

1.3 Defining a Subclass

1.4 An Application

Chapter 2

2.1 Default Values for Fields

2.2 Flagging Uninitialized Local Variables of Primitive Data Types

2.3 Flagging Uninitialized Local Reference Variables

Chapter 3

3.1 Numeric Promotion in Arithmetic Expressions

3.2 Bitwise Operations

3.3 Passing Primitive Values

3.4 Passing Object Reference Values

3.5 Passing Arrays

3.6 Array Elements as Primitive Data Values

3.7 Array Elements as Object Reference Values

3.8 Passing Program Arguments

Chapter 4

4.1 Using Arrays

4.2 Using Anonymous Arrays

4.3 Using Multidimensional Arrays

4.4 Using this Reference

4.5 Namespaces

4.6 Class Scope

4.7 Accessibility Modifiers for Classes and Interfaces

4.8 Abstract Classes

4.9 Public Accessibility of Members

4.10 Accessing Static Members

4.11 Accessing Final Members

4.12 Synchronized Methods

Chapter 5

5.1 Fall Through in switch Statement

5.2 Using break in switch Statement

5.3 Nested switch Statement

5.4 break Statement

5.5 Labeled break Statement

5.6 continue Statement

5.7 Labeled continue Statement

5.8 The return Statement

5.9 Method Execution

5.10 try-catch Construct

5.11 Exception Propagation

5.12 try-catch-finally Construct

5.13 try-finally Construct

5.14 finally Block and the return Statement>

5.15 Throwing Exceptions

5.16 throws Clause

5.17 Assertions

Chapter 6

6.1 Extending Classes: Inheritance and Accessibility

6.2 Illustrating Inheritance

6.3 Overriding, Overloading, and Hiding

6.4 Overloaded Method Resolution

6.5 Using super Keyword

6.6 Constructor Overloading

6.7 this() Constructor Call

6.8 super() Constructor Call

6.9 Interfaces

6.10 Variables in Interfaces

6.11 Assigning and Passing Reference Values

6.12 instanceof and Cast Operator

6.13 Using instanceof Operator

6.14 Polymorphism and Dynamic Method Lookup

6.15 Implementing Data Structures by Inheritance and Aggregation

Chapter 7

7.1 Overview of Nested Classes and Interfaces

7.2 Static Member Classes and Interfaces

7.3 Importing Member Classes

7.4 Accessing Members in Enclosing Context

7.5 Defining Non-static Member Classes

7.6 Special Form of this and new Constructs in Non-static Member Classes

7.7 Inheritance Hierarchy and Enclosing Context

7.8 Extending Inner Classes

7.9 Access in Enclosing Context

7.10 Instantiating Local Classes

7.11 Defining Anonymous Classes

7.12 Accessing Declarations in Enclosing Context

Chapter 8

8.1 Garbage Collection Eligibility

8.2 Using Finalizers

8.3 Invoking Garbage Collection

8.4 Initializer Expression Order and Method Calls

8.5 Exceptions in Initializer Expressions

8.6 Static Initializers and Forward References

8.7 Static Initializer Blocks and Exceptions

8.8 Instance Initializers and Forward References

8.9 Instance Initializer Block in Anonymous Class

8.10 Exception Handling in Instance Initializer Blocks

8.11 Object State Construction

8.12 Initialization under Object State Construction

Chapter 9

9.1 Implementing the Runnable Interface

9.2 Extending the Thread Class

9.3 Mutual Exclusion

9.4 Waiting and Notifying

9.5 Joining of Threads

9.6 Thread Termination

9.7 Deadlock

Chapter 10

10.1 Methods in the Object class

10.2 String Representation of Integers

10.3 String Construction and Equality

10.4 Reading Characters from a String

Chapter 11

11.1 Using an Iterator

11.2 Using Sets

11.3 Using Lists

11.4 Using Maps

11.5 Natural Order and Total Order

11.6 Using SortedMaps

11.7 A Simple Class for Version Number

11.8 Implications of Not Overriding the equals() Method

11.9 Implementing the equals() Method

11.10 Implications of Overriding the equals() Method

11.11 Implementing the hashCode() Method

11.12 Implications of Overriding the hashCode() Method

11.13 Implementing the compareTo() Method of the Comparable Interface

11.14 Implications of Implementing the compareTo() Method

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