

< (less-than) default value for PrevMonthText property, Getting Started with the IDE
<%# syntax, Creating the details page
<= (less-than-or-equal-to) navigation symbol, Calendar
<Emphasis>HTML: The Definitive Guide<Default Para Font>, The HTML Version, Controls
<Emphasis>Mastering Regular Expressions<Default Para Font>, Regular Expressions
<Emphasis>Programming C#<Default Para Font>, Hello World the ASP.NET Way, Event Arguments, The Basics, State Bag, Inserting into the Trace Log
<Emphasis>Programming Visual Basic .NET<Default Para Font>, Hello World the ASP.NET Way
<Emphasis>Transact SQL Programming<Default Para Font>, Using SQL to Manipulate the Database
<Emphasis>VB.NET Language in a Nutshell<Default Para Font>, State Bag
= (equal sign) and attribute/value pairs, Directives
> (greater-than) default value for NextMonthText property, Getting Started with the IDE
>= (greater-than-or-equal-to) navigation symbol, Calendar
SelectionMode property and, Calendar
>= >= (greater-than-or-equal-to twice) navigation symbol, Calendar
? (question mark)
conditional operator, The DataList Control
query strings and, Creating the details page
@ (at sign), creating verbatim strings, Updating with SQL
@@error value, checking, Database transactions
@@identity keyword, Database transactions
updating databases, The insert command
@@RowCount keyword, Handling the Errors
{0} symbol (substitution parameter), Data-bound columns


<a\> tag, HTML Server Controls
HyperLink controls and, HyperLink Control
AboveNormal value (CacheItemPriority enumeration), Scavenging
AbsBottom value (ImageAlign property), Image Control
AbsMiddle value (ImageAlign property), Image Control
absolute URLs and ImageUrl property, Image Control
AbsoluteExpiration parameter (Add/Insert methods), Time dependency, Time dependency
DataRow class, The DataRow class
DataSet class, The DataSet Class
DataTable class, The DataTable class
AcceptChangesDuringFill property (DataAdapter class), The DataAdapter Object
Accepted value (Status field), Bug Database Architecture
Access Control Lists (ACLs) and file authorization, File Authorization
Access database, using bug database with, Managed Providers, Managed Providers
access modifiers, Code-Behind
AccessKey property, ASP Control Hierarchy
ACID test, requirements of transactions, The ACID Test
ACLs (Access Control Lists) and file authorization, File Authorization
<Ad\> tag (AdRotator control), Advertisement file
AdCreated event (AdRotator control), AdRotator Control, Advertisement file
AdCreatedEventArgs class, Advertisement file
Add Reference/Add Web Reference options (Solution Explorer), Using Visual Studio .NET
<add\> section of <httpHandlers\> section, httpHandlers
adding columns to DataTable objects, Creating the DataTable by Hand, Setting constraints
Cache class method, Cache Class Functionality
CacheItemRemovedCallback parameter, Callback Support
scavenging via Priority parameter, Scavenging
time dependencies, Time dependency
overloading, Adding items programmatically from an array, Adding rows with an array of objects
address breakpoint, Setting a breakpoint
AddressOf keyword (VB.NET), Callback Support
ADO.NET, The .NET Framework
accessing data with, Accessing Data with ADO.NET, Return values from a sproc
code example, Getting Started with ADO.NET
using Access, Managed Providers
DataGrid control, creating, Creating a Data Grid, Creating Data Relations
getting started with, Getting Started with ADO.NET, Getting Started with ADO.NET
managed providers available with, Managed Providers, Managed Providers
object model, The ADO.NET Object Model, The Data Reader
adProperties dictionary, Advertisement file
AdProperties property (AdCreateEventArgs class), Advertisement file
AdRotator control, AdRotator Control, Advertisement file
C# code example, Advertisement file
VB.NET code example, Advertisement file
advertisement files, Advertisement file, Advertisement file
AdvertisementFile property (AdRotator control), AdRotator Control
<Advertisements\> tag (AdRotator control), Advertisement file
aliases for browsers, clientTarget
<allow> section of <authorization> section, URL Authorization, authorization
AllowCustomPaging property (DataGrid control), Handling the event for page navigation
AllowDBNull property (DataColumn class), Setting constraints
AllowPaging attribute (DataGrid control), Implementing paging
AllowSorting attribute (DataGrid control), Results on one page
<altDB\> tag, Name/value pairs
AlternateText property
AdCreateEventArgs class, Advertisement file
Image control, Image Control
<AlternateText\> tag (AdRotator control), Advertisement file
AlternatingItem (ListItemType enumeration), Items
AlternatingItemStyle.Backcolor property, Updating with SQL
AlternatingItemTemplate, The Repeater Control
AlternatingItemTemplate property (Repeater control), The Repeater Control
anonymous access, Anonymous Access, Anonymous Access
file authorization and, File Authorization
Any value (OutputCacheLocation enumeration), Location, The HttpCachePolicy Class
application assembly cache, Assemblies and the in Directory, Assemblies
Assembly directive and, Assembly
Application dictionary objects, Application State
concurrency and, Application State
scalability and, Application State
Application directive, Application Directive, global.asax, Application
assigning names to compiled classes, Global static variables and instance methods
global.asax file and, Application State
application directories, Virtual Directories
application domains, Application Domains
global.asax file and, global.asax
application events, Application and Session Events, Events
C# code example, Events
firing under certain conditions, Events
firing with every page request, Events
VB.NET code example, Events
application identity, Application Identity
application locking, use with caution, Application State
Application property (HTTPApplicationState class), Application State
application state, Application State, Application State
C# code example, Application State
concurrency and application locking, Application State
memory and, Application State
persistence and survivability, Application State
scalability and, Application State
VB.NET code example, Application State
web farms/gardens and, Application State
web service access to, via HttpContext object, Application State via HttpContext, Application State via HttpContext
application-level classes (FCL), The .NET Framework
application-level tracing, Application-Level Tracing, Application-Level Tracing
application-wide error pages, Application-wide Error Pages, Application-wide Error Pages
applications, What Is an Application?, Assemblies and the in Directory
configuring, Configuring the Application
controlling, Controlling the Application, Object declarations
deploying, Deploying the Application, Global Deployment
assemblies and, Assemblies
globally, Global Deployment, Global Deployment
XCOPY deployment, XCOPY Deployment
Application_AcquireRequestState event, Events
Application_AuthenticateRequest event, Events
Application_AuthorizeRequest event, Events
Application_BeginRequest event, Events
Application_Disposed event, Events
Application_End event, Application and Session Events, Events
application state and, Application State, Application State
in global.asax file, Events
using WriteFile() instead of Response.Write(), Events
Application_EndRequest event, Events
Application_Error event, Events
Application_OnEnd event (ASP), ASP Versus ASP.NET Events
Application_OnStart event (ASP), ASP Versus ASP.NET Events
Application_PostRequestHandlerExecute event, Events
Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute event, Events
Application_PreSendRequestContent event, Events
Application_PreSendRequestHeaders event, Events
Application_ReleaseRequestState event, Events
Application_ResolveRequestCache event, Events
Application_Start event, Application and Session Events, Events
application state and, Application State, Application State
in global.asax file, Events
using WriteFile() instead of Response.Write(), Events
Application_UpdateRequestCache event, Events
appRequestQueueLimit attribute of <httpRuntime\> section, httpRuntime
<appSettings\> configuration section, appSettings, appSettings
AppSettings property (ConfigurationSettings class), appSettings
appSettings values
C# code example, appSettings
VB.NET code example, appSettings
ArrayList objects
binding to controls, ArrayList, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
created by BindGrid(), Version 1: Displaying Data, Version 1: Displaying Data
creating in Page_Load(), ArrayList
implementing IComparer objects, Adding a sort symbol
using as parameters/return values for web services, Data Types, Data Types
setting private variables, Creating the details page
sorting, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler
accessing variables in classes, Using a Text Editor
adding items to CheckBoxList controls
from data sources, Adding items from a data source, Adding items from a data source
programmatically, Adding items programmatically from an array, Adding items programmatically from an array
adding rows to tables using, Adding rows with an array of objects
binding to controls, Adding items from a data source, ArrayList
using as parameters/return values for web services, Data Types
ascending sort order, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler, Adding a sort symbol
.ascx files (user controls), User Controls
Assembly directive and, Assembly Directive
Control directive and, Control Directive
event handling and, Handling events in C#
Implements directive and, Implements Directive
Import directive and, Import Directive
.asmx files (web services), Developing a Web Service, Creating Web Services
Class attribute and, The Class attribute
code-behind vs. inline code, Using a text editor
generating WSDL files, Creating a Discovery File
.asmx files (web services)
deploying web services, Deployment
converting to ASP.NET, Hello World the ASP.NET Way, Hello World the ASP.NET Way
creating “Hello World” example, The ASP Version
populating tables using, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
events, ASP Versus ASP.NET Events, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
key differences, ASP.NET Versus ASP
ASP controls, Controls, ASP (Web Server) Controls, Comparing HTML and ASP Server Controls, ASP Control Details
advantages of, Comparing HTML and ASP Server Controls
browsers and, ASP.NET and Browsers
C# code example, ASP (Web Server) Controls
commenting code, Tables
hierarchy of, ASP Control Hierarchy
properties inherited by, ASP Control Hierarchy
state management, State, Session scoped application objects
VB.NET code example, ASP (Web Server) Controls
vs. HTML server controls, ASP (Web Server) Controls
ADO.NET and, Accessing Data with ADO.NET, Return values from a sproc
applications (see applications)
browsers, uplevel/downlevel, ASP.NET and Browsers
code-behind files, Code-Behind, Code-Behind
commenting code, Tables, Format
creating “Hello World” example, Hello World the ASP.NET Way, Hello World the ASP.NET Way
debugging tools, Tracing, Debugging,and Error Handling, Page-Specific Error Pages
performance enhancements, ASP.NET-Specific Issues, Round trips
populating tables using, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
security, Security, Application Identity
selecting items from lists, Selecting from a List, ListBox Control
state management capabilities, State, Session scoped application objects
vs. ASP
events, ASP Versus ASP.NET Events, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
key differences, ASP.NET Versus ASP
ASPCheckBoxList.aspx file, Adding items statically
.aspx files, Code-Behind, Code-Behind
C# code-behind Page directive, Code-Behind, Code-Behind
controlling columns in DataGrid control, Version 2: Controlling the Columns
converting from in-line code to code-behind, Code-Behind
creating a DataGrid within a form, Version 1: Displaying Data
directives and, Directives, Register Directive
event handling and, Handling events in VB.NET
sorting and paging in DataGrid control, Results on one page, Results on one page
VB.NET code-behind Page directive, Code-Behind
\\bin directory and, Assemblies and the in Directory
deploying applications, Assemblies
globally, Global Deployment, Global Deployment
<assemblies\> section of <compilation\> section, compilation
assembly cache, Assemblies and the in Directory, Assemblies
assembly code, displaying programs as, Disassembly window
Assembly directive, Assembly Directive, Assembly
AssemblyCompanyAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyConfigurationAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyCopyrightAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyCultureAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyDelaySignAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyDescriptionAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyFileVersionAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyFlagsAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyInfo.cs file, Global Deployment
AssemblyInfo.vb file, Using Visual Studio .NET, Global Deployment
AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyKeyFileAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyKeyNameAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyProductAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyTitleAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyTrademarkAttribute, Global Deployment
AssemblyVersionAttribute, Global Deployment
Assigned value (Status field), Bug Database Architecture
AsyncCallback delegates, declaring, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
asynchronous event handling for web service consumers, Using Asynchronous Method Calls, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
asynchronous method calls
adding proxy DLLs to consuming applications via, Using Asynchronous Method Calls, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
vs. synchronous method calls, Proxy Class Details, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
at sign (@), creating verbatim strings, Updating with SQL
atomic transactions, The ACID Test
attribute/value pairs
directives and, Directives, Directives
state bag and, State Bag
WebService directive and, The WebService Directive
Authenticate(), Authenticating against web.config
authenticated identities, Authentication
authentication, Authentication, Certificate Authentication
anonymous access, Anonymous Access
Basic, Basic authentication
certifcate, Certificate Authentication
Digest, Digest authentication
Forms, Forms Authentication
Integrated Windows, Integrated Windows authentication
Passport, Passport Authentication
Windows, Windows Authentication, Integrated Windows authentication
<authentication\> configuration section, Configuring ASP.NET, authentication
authentication cookies, Forms Authentication
<forms\> tag in <authentication\> section, Configuring ASP.NET
forcing to expire, Logging out
GetAuthCookie() and, Getting the authentication cookie, Getting the authentication cookie
GetRedirectUrl() and, Authenticating with redirect to a specified page
RedirectFromLoginPage(), Login form
SetAuthCookie() and, Authenticating with redirect to a specified page
authentication providers, enabled using configuration files, Authentication
<authenticationModules\> section of <\>,
authorization, Authorization, URL Authorization
file, File Authorization
URL, URL Authorization, URL Authorization
<authorization\> configuration section, URL Authorization, authorization
user access to applications, granting, URL Authorization
AutoEventWireup attribute
Control directive, Control Directive, @Control Properties
Page directive, Page Directive
autoEventWireup attribute of <pages\> section, pages
AutoGenerate value of password attribute, Application Identity
AutoGenerateColumns attribute (DataGrid control), Data-bound columns, Displaying Relational Data, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
AutoIncrement property (DataColumn class), Setting column properties
AutoIncrementSeed property (DataColumn class), Setting column properties
AutoIncrementStep property (DataColumn class), Setting column properties
AutoPostBack property
CheckBox control, CheckBox Control
CheckBoxList control, Adding items statically
DropDownList control, Data Binding and Postback
TextBox control, TextBox Control, Using a Text Editor, Using Visual Studio .NET, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
Autos window, Autos window


BackColor property, ASP Control Hierarchy, DayRender event
BackImageUrl property
Panel control, Panel Control
Table control, Tables
base classes (FCL), The .NET Framework
BaseDataList class, List-Bound Controls, Part I
Baseline value (ImageAlign property), Image Control
Basic authentication, Basic authentication
batch files, creating proxy DLLs using, Automating the Process with a Batch File
BeginGetHistory(), Proxy Class Details, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
BeginTransaction(), Connection transaction, Adding transaction support
BelowNormal value (CacheItemPriority enumeration), Scavenging
benchmarking programs, Benchmarking and Profiling
\\bin directory and assemblies, Assemblies
\\bin directory and assemblies, Assembly Directive, Assemblies and the in Directory
Bindable attribute (custom controls), The Default (Full) Custom Control
BindData(), Updating with SQL
creating ArrayList object, Version 1: Displaying Data, Version 1: Displaying Data
populating data grid, Implementing the OnEditCommand event handler
sorting ArrayList object, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler
binding, data (see data binding)
binding, early vs. late, Use early binding
_blank value
Target property (AdRotator control), Target
Target property (HyperLink control), HyperLink Control
Bold subproperty (Font class), The Basics
BookCounter composite control, Creating the BookCounter composite control , Containing CountedButton
C# source code, Creating the BookCounter composite control
implementing INamingContainer interface, INamingContainer
VB.NET source code, Creating the BookCounter composite control
BookCounterBuilder class, ControlBuilder and ParseChildren attributes
BookInquiryList composite control, Creating the BookInquiryList composite control
C# source code, Creating the BookInquiryList composite control
VB.NET source code, Creating the BookInquiryList composite control
BookList user control
code-behind file (VB.NET), Handling events in VB.NET
source code for, User Controls
BookList.ascx.cs file, Handling events in C#, Handling events in C#
BookName attribute (BookCounter control), Creating Composite Controls, Containing CountedButton
Boolean properties for changing Calendar control, Calendar
BorderColor property, ASP Control Hierarchy, Updating with SQL
BorderStyle property, ASP Control Hierarchy, Updating with SQL
BorderWidth property, ASP Control Hierarchy, Updating with SQL
Bottom value (ImageAlign property), Image Control
BoundColumn element, Data-bound columns, Results on one page, Displaying Relational Data, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
Breakpoint windows, Breakpoint window
breakpoints, Breakpoints, Memory windows
properties of, Breakpoint properties
setting, Setting a breakpoint
stepping through code and, Stepping through code
Browsable attribute (custom controls), The Default (Full) Custom Control
<browserCaps\> section of <system.web\>, browserCaps
aliases provided for, clientTarget
calendars rendered as HTML tables, DayRender event
uplevel/downlevel, Controls, ASP.NET and Browsers, ASP Control Hierarchy, Validation
btnBookName_Click(), HTML Server Controls, ASP (Web Server) Controls
btnLink_Click(), Button Controls
btnRange_Click event handler method, Building the Project
btnTGIF_Click event handler method, Building the Project, Building the Project
btn_Click event handler method, Session State
BubbleEvent event, Event Model
Buffer attribute (Page directive), Page Directive
BufferResponse property (WebMethod attribute), The BufferResponse property
bug database
architecture of, Bug Database Architecture
design of, Bug Database Design, Bug Database Design
using Access with, instead of SQL Server, Managed Providers, Managed Providers
bug report, excerpt from, Bug Database Design
bug reporting form, creating, The RequiredFieldValidator
BugHistory table, Bug Database Design
creating data relationships with Bugs table and lkSeverity table, Creating Data Relations , Creating Data Relations
DataView objects and, DataView
displaying parent/child relationships, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships
foreign key for, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships
Panel control and, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships
structure of, Bug Database Architecture
Bugs table, Bug Database Design
constraints in, Setting constraints
data relations, creating, Creating Data Relations
with BugHistory table, Creating Data Relations
foreign keys, creating, Creating Foreign Keys
populating by hand, Creating Data Objects by Hand
primary key, creating, Creating Primary Keys
structure of, Bug Database Architecture
Button control, Button Controls
C# code example, The Basics, Button Controls
forcing selection of range of dates, SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event
implementing database transactions, Database transactions
postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
updating databases with SQL, Updating with SQL
VB.NET code example, The Basics, Button Controls
<button\> tag, HTML Server Controls
ButtonColumn element, adding to data grid, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships


commenting code, Tables
creating “Hello World” example, Hello World the ASP.NET Way
internal access modifier, Code-Behind
protected internal access modifier, Code-Behind
variable names, differences with VB.NET, SelectionChanged event
vs. VB.NET
coding differences, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
command-line compiler differences, Compiling the Proxy Class
populating tables in ASP.NET, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
Cache class, Object Caching
dependencies, exposed by, Dependencies, Time dependency
exposing additional functionality, Cache Class Functionality
cached item dependencies, Cached item dependency, Cached item dependency
CacheDependency class, File change dependency, Cached item dependency
CacheDuration property (WebMethod attribute), The CacheDuration property
CacheItemPriority enumeration, Scavenging
CacheItemRemovedCallback parameter (Add/Insert methods), Callback Support, Callback Support
CacheItemRemovedReason parameter (RemovedCallback method), Callback Support
CacheNoSlidingExpiration value, Time dependency
fragment caching, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
HttpCachePolicy class, The HttpCachePolicy Class, The HttpCachePolicy Class
OutputCache directive and, OutputCache Directive
performance and, Caching and Performance
types of, Types of Caching
user controls, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
Calendar control, Calendar
Boolean properties for controlling appearance of, Calendar
C# code example
date range selection, SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event
DayRender event and, DayRender event, DayRender event, Building the Project
expanded selection functionality, SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event
SelectionChanged event and, SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event
VisibleMonthChanged event and, VisibleMonthChanged event, VisibleMonthChanged event, Building the Project
DropDownList control and, SelectionChanged event, Building the Project
postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
programming, Programming the Calendar Control
properties of, Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
changing, Getting Started with the IDE
style properties of, Calendar
VB.NET code example
date range selection, SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event
DayRender event and, DayRender event
expanded selection functionality, SelectionChanged event
SelectionChanged event and, SelectionChanged event
VisibleMonthChanged event and, VisibleMonthChanged event, VisibleMonthChanged event
Calendar tool (Visual Studio .NET), Getting Started with the IDE
Calendar-Simple.aspx file, Calendar
Calendar-Simple2.aspx file, Calendar
Calendar-Simple3.aspx file, Calendar
CalendarDay class
DayRender event and, DayRender event
properties of, DayRender event
CalendarSelectionMode enumeration, members of, Calendar
Call Stack window, Call Stack window
callback methods, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
BeginGetHistory() and, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
creating in clients, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
implementing, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
support for, Callback Support, Callback Support
cal_DayRender event handler method, Building the Project
cal_SelectionChanged(), C# and VB.NET code examples for, Building the Project
cal_VisibleMonthChanged event handler method, Building the Project
attribute/tag names, Format
variable names, Creating the details page
Cancel event, event handler for, Creating the EditTemplate Columns, Implementing the OnCancelCommand event handler, DataList Editing
CancelText attribute of EditCommandColumn element, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
Cascade value (Rule enumeration), Creating Foreign Keys
Category attribute (custom controls), The Default (Full) Custom Control
CausesValidation property, ASP Control Hierarchy
cblFontStyle_Init(), Tables
cblGenre_Init(), Adding items programmatically from an array, Adding items from a data source
cblGenre_SelectedIndexChanged() and StringBuilder class, Responding to user selections
CE (Common Era), SelectionChanged event
Cell property (DayRenderEventArgs class), DayRender event
CellPadding property
Calendar control, Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
CheckBoxList control, Adding items statically
Table control, Tables
Cells collection, Summary footer, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
Cells property (TableRow control), Tables
cells, controlling width of, Cell Width
CellSpacing property
Calendar control, Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
CheckBoxList control, Adding items statically
Table control, Tables
certificate authentication, Certificate Authentication
character encoding parameters (UTF-8/UTF-32), Format
CheckBox control, Selecting Values, CheckBox Control
C# code example, CheckBox Control, CheckBox Control
non-postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
properties not inherited from WebControl class, CheckBox Control
VB.NET code example, CheckBox Control
CheckBoxList control, Selecting Values, Selecting from a List, CheckBoxList Control, Responding to user selections
binding ArrayLists to, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
C# code example, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
adding items from arrays, Adding items programmatically from an array
adding items from data sources, Adding items from a data source
adding items with values from arrays, Adding items programmatically from an array
responding to user action, Responding to user selections
code-behind source file (C#), Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
font samples, setting attributes of, Tables
font styles, setting, Table Cells, Table Cells
non-postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
properties of, Adding items statically
responding to user selections, Responding to user selections, Responding to user selections
Table control and, Tables
VB.NET code example
adding items from arrays, Adding items programmatically from an array
adding items from data sources, Adding items from a data source
adding items with values from arrays, Adding items programmatically from an array
responding to user action, Responding to user selections
Checked property (CheckBox control), CheckBox Control
CheckedChanged event, Event Model, CheckBox Control, RadioButton Control
child controls
INamingContainer interface and, INamingContainer
ParseChildren attribute and, ControlBuilder and ParseChildren attributes
rendering, Rendering the output
ChildRelations property (DataTable class), The DataTable class
Class attribute (WebService directive), The Class attribute, Using a text editor
class attribute, specifying object types, Object declarations
class caching, Class Caching
class definitions for Stock Ticker example, Data Types
class libraries, The .NET Framework
binding to controls, Binding to a Class
instantiating before using, Data Types, Using a Text Editor
prepending namespaces to, The Class attribute
used as configuration section handlers, Objects
using with web services, Data Types, Data Types
vs. tables, Tables, Records, and Columns
ClassName attribute
Application directive, Application, Global static variables and instance methods
Control directive, Control Directive, @Control Properties
Page directive, Page Directive
<clear\> section of <httpHandlers\> section, httpHandlers
Clear value of passwordFormat attribute, Authenticating against web.config, authentication
DataSet class, The DataSet Class
DataTable class, The DataTable class
ClearError(), Events
Click event, Event Model
button controls and, Button Controls
overriding behavior of, Creating Derived Controls
writing event handlers for buttons, Updating with SQL, Database transactions
client certificates, Certificate Authentication
Client Errors status codes, Page-Level Tracing
Client value (OutputCacheLocation enumeration), Location, The HttpCachePolicy Class
client-side event handlers, ASP Versus ASP.NET Events
client-side scripting and LinkButton controls, Button Controls
client-side validation, Validation, The RequiredFieldValidator
ClientValidationFunction attribute, Custom Validation
CustomValidator control, Custom Validation
regular expressions matched using JScript, Regular Expressions
clientScriptsLocation attribute of <webControls\> section, webControls
ClientTarget attribute (Page directive), Page Directive
forcing server-side validation, Validation
<clientTarget\> section of <system.web\>, clientTarget
ClientValidationFunction attribute (CustomValidator control), Custom Validation
ClientValidator(), Custom Validation
Close() (DataReader class), The Data Reader
Closed value (Status field), Bug Database Architecture
CLR (Common Language Runtime), The .NET Framework
assembly cache, monitoring, Assemblies
global.asax file, monitoring for changes, global.asax
include files, monitoring for changes, Server-side includes
CLR-supported primitive data types for web services, Data Types, Data Types
CLS (Common Language Specification), The .NET Framework
commenting, Tables, Format
disabling reformatting option in Visual Studio .NET, Getting Started with the IDE
separating executable from presentation, Code-Behind, Code-Behind
stepping through, Stepping through code
code-behind files, Code-Behind, Code-Behind
adding properties to Calendar control, Getting Started with the IDE
ADO.NET example, Getting Started with ADO.NET
C# code example, Code-Behind, Building the Project
converting .aspx files from inline code to, Code-Behind
converting web services from inline code to, Using Code-Behind, Using Visual Studio .NET
contents of Page_Load() to, Building the Project
private helper methods to, Building the Project
file extensions for, Code-Behind
global.asax file and, global.asax
handling a button, The RequiredFieldValidator
opening in Visual Studio .NET, Building the Project
rationale for using, Creating Web Services
VB.NET code example, Code-Behind, Building the Project
Visual Studio .NET vs. text editors, Code-Behind
vs. inline code, Using a text editor
web services and, Developing a Web Service, Using Code-Behind, Using Visual Studio .NET
using text editors, Using a text editor, Using a text editor
using Visual Studio .NET, Using Visual Studio .NET, Using Visual Studio .NET
CodeBehind attribute
Application directive, Application Directive, Application
Control directive, Adding Code
Page directive, Code-Behind, Page Directive, Building the Project
CodeBehind.cs file, Code-Behind
CodeBehind.vb file, Code-Behind
Color.FromName(), Conditionally setting the severity color
choosing in Visual Studio .NET, Getting Started with the IDE
conditionally setting bug severity colors, Conditionally setting the severity color
setting for data display, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
columnar vs. flow layout (HTML), List-Bound Controls, Part I
cell width and, Cell Width
controlling, in DataGrid control, Version 2: Controlling the Columns, Creating the hyperlink
data-bound, Data-bound columns
Edit columns, creating, Creating the EditTemplate Columns, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
row organization and, Tables, Records, and Columns
setting properties for, Setting column properties
sorting in DataGrid control, Results on one page, Results on one page
Columns attribute
DataGrid control, Displaying Relational Data
TextBox control, TextBox Control
Columns property (DataTable class), The DataTable class
<Columns tag\>, Data-bound columns
ColumnsCollection class, The DataTable class
ColumnSpan property (TableCell control), Table Cells, Summary footer
COM+ interface, specified by Implements directive, Implements Directive
Command Builder, Command Builder, Command Builder
Command event and button controls, Button Controls
command-line compilers
parameters for DLLs, Using a text editor
proxy classes, Compiling the Proxy Class
CommandEventArgs class, Button Controls
CommandText property
connection transactions, implementing, Connection transaction
updating data with SQL, Updating with SQL
CommandType property, Invoking a sproc with no parameters
connection transactions, implementing, Connection transaction
database transactions, implementing, Database transactions
setting to CommandText property, Inline arguments
commenting code, Tables, Format
Common Era (CE), SelectionChanged event
Common Language Runtime (see CLR)
Common Language Specification (CLS), The .NET Framework
Compare(), Adding a sort symbol
CompareTo(), Adding a sort symbol
CompareValidator control, Validation, The Compare Validator, Comparing to Another Control
checking input type, Checking the Input Type
code example, Comparing to Another Control, Comparing to Another Control
comparing values in different controls, Comparing to Another Control, Comparing to Another Control
<compilation\> section of <system.web\>, Configuration, compilation
compiler errors, Error Handling
CompilerOptions attribute (Control directive), @Control Properties
<compilers\> section of <compilation\> section, compilation
compilers, command-line, Using a text editor, Compiling the Proxy Class
composite custom controls, Custom and User Controls, Custom Controls
.aspx file for, Creating Composite Controls
assignment of responsibilities among, Rendering the output
creating, Creating Composite Controls, Rendering the summary
compound keys, Creating Primary Keys
Computer Management
creating virtual directories with, Virtual Directories, Virtual Directories
disallowing anonymous access, Anonymous Access
concurrency issues, Handling the Errors, Handling the Errors
application locking and, Application State
C# code example, Handling the Errors, Handling the Errors
testing update operations, Handling the Errors
VB.NET code example, Handling the Errors, Handling the Errors
Condition property (breakpoints), Condition
<configSections\> tag, Configuration Section Handler Declarations
adding custom configuration sections, Name/value pairs, Objects
configuration caching, Configuration Caching
configuration files (see machine.config file web.config file)
configuration scheme, features of, Configuring the Application
configuration section handler declarations, Configuration Section Handler Declarations
custom configuration sections
accessing name/value pairs, Name/value pairs
returning objects, Objects, Objects
<configuration\> section in web.config file, Session state configuration, Format
ConfigurationSettings class, appSettings, Objects
reading contents of custom configuration sections, Name/value pairs
connection pooling, Accessing Data with ADO.NET
connection strings, Getting Started with ADO.NET
invoking stored procedures with no parameters, Invoking a sproc with no parameters
modifying, to use properties in code, Integrating the property into your code
using DataReaders, Using a DataReader
connection transactions, implementing transactions with, Connection transaction, Connection transaction
<connectionManagement\> section of <\>,
consistent state of databases, The ACID Test
Constraints collection, Setting constraints
Constraints property (DataTable class), The DataTable class
constraints, named vs. unnamed, Setting constraints
constructors in generated proxies, Proxy Class Details
consuming web services, How Web Services Work, Consuming Web Services, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
applications, Creating the Consuming Application, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
consumers, Creating the Consumer
proxies, Creating the Proxy, Automating the Process with a Batch File
discovery process, Discovery
container controls, HTML Server Controls
C# code example, HTML Server Controls
VB.NET code example, HTML Server Controls
Contents collection (SessionState class), Session State
Contents subproperty (Application object), Application State
context-sensitive help (Visual Studio .NET), Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
Continue value (UpdateStatus enumeration), Handling the Errors
Control attribute (Reference directive), Reference Directive
Control class
composite controls and, Creating Composite Controls
events derived from, Page and Control Events
Repeater control derived from, List-Bound Controls, Part I
Control directive, Control Directive
properties of, @Control Properties
control trees, Lifecycle
Control.EnableViewState property, View State
ControlBuilderAttribute attribute, ControlBuilder and ParseChildren attributes
ControlCollection class, Conditionally setting the severity color
controls, Controls, Comparing HTML and ASP Server Controls
binding ArrayList objects to, ArrayList, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
binding data sources to, Page and Control Events, Data Binding
binding other controls to, Binding to Other Simple Controls
comparing values in different controls, Comparing to Another Control, Comparing to Another Control
custom (see custom controls)
disabling view state for, View State
event arguments and, Event Arguments
events for, Page and Control Events
events/event handlers for, Event Model
HTML (see HTML controls)
postback/non-postback events for, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
types of, Controls
user (see user controls)
Controls collection
adding labels to, Adding a sort symbol
composite controls and, Creating Composite Controls, Creating the BookInquiryList composite control
specifying cells, Conditionally setting the severity color
Controls property (Repeater control), The Repeater Control
ControlToCompare attribute (CompareValidator control), Comparing to Another Control
ControlToValidate attribute
RegularExpressionValidator control, Regular Expressions
RequiredFieldValidator control, The RequiredFieldValidator
cookieless attribute of <sessionState\> section, Session state configuration, sessionState
cookies, Forms Authentication
(see also authentication cookies)
<machineKey> configuration section, machineKey
identifying sessions with, Session State
persistent, Login form
copyright user control, source code for, User Controls, User Controls
copyright.ascx file, User Controls
Count property
Cells collection, Summary footer
composite custom controls and, Containing CountedButton, Render
derived custom controls and, Creating Derived Controls
CountedButton control
C# implementation, Creating Derived Controls
contained in BookCounter, Containing CountedButton
modifying, Modifying the CountedButton derived control, Modifying the CountedButton derived control
VB.NET implementation, Creating Derived Controls
counter, incrementing using StateBag class, State Bag, State Bag
Create() (IConfigurationSectionHandler interface), Objects
CreateChildControls(), Containing CountedButton
CreateDataGrid(), Object Caching, Objects
cached item dependencies, Cached item dependency
file change dependencies and, File change dependency, File change dependency
anonymous access and, Anonymous Access
authenticating users, Authentication
Basic authentication, Basic authentication
certification authentication, Certificate Authentication
Digest authentication, Digest authentication
Forms authentication, Forms Authentication
Integrated Windows authentication, Integrated Windows authentication
role-based security and, Role-based security
<credentials> section of <forms> section, Authenticating against web.config, authentication
csApplicationState.aspx file, Application State
csASButtons.aspx file, Button Controls
csASPAdRotator.aspx file, Advertisement file
csASPButtons.aspx file, Button Controls
csASPCalendarDayRender.aspx file, DayRender event, DayRender event
csASPCalendarMoreSelections.aspx file, SelectionChanged event
csASPCalendarRangeSelection.aspx file, SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event
csASPCalendarSelectionChanged.aspx file, SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event
csASPCalendarVisibleMonth.aspx file, VisibleMonthChanged event, VisibleMonthChanged event
csASPCheckboxes.aspx file, CheckBox Control, CheckBox Control
csASPCheckBoxListArray.aspx file, Adding items programmatically from an array
csASPCheckBoxListArrayValue.aspx file, Adding items programmatically from an array
csASPCheckBoxListDataBind.aspx file, Adding items from a data source
csASPCheckBoxListEvents.aspx file, Responding to user selections
csASPDropDownList.aspx file, DropDownList Control
csASPHyperLink.aspx file, HyperLink Control
csAspImageAlign.aspx file, Image Control, Image Control
csASPListBox.aspx file, ListBox Control, ListBox Control
csAspPanel.aspx file, Panel Control
csASPRadioButtonList.aspx file, RadioButtonList Control
csASPRadioButtons.aspx file, RadioButton Control
csASPServerControlBasics.aspx file, The Basics
csASPServerControlBasics2.aspx file, The Basics
csASPServerControls.aspx file, ASP.NET and Browsers
csASPServerControls1.aspx file, ASP (Web Server) Controls
csAspTable.aspx file, Tables, Tables
csCodeBehind.aspx file, Code-Behind, Code-Behind
csConfig-02.aspx file, Name/value pairs
csGlobalEvents-01.aspx file, Events
csGlobalEvents-02.aspx file, Global static variables and instance methods
csHelloWorld1.aspx file, Hello World the ASP.NET Way
csHTMLServerControls.aspx file, HTML Server Controls
csHTMLServerControls2.aspx file, HTML Server Controls
csObjCache-01.aspx file, Object Caching
csObjCache-02.aspx file, File change dependency
csObjCache-03.aspx file, Cached item dependency
csObjCache-04.aspx file, Callback Support, Callback Support
csOutputCache-01.aspx file, Duration
csOutputCache-02.aspx file, VaryByParam
csOutputCache-03.aspx file, The HttpCachePolicy Class
csOutputCache-UserControl.aspx file, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
CssClass property, ASP Control Hierarchy
csSessionState.aspx file, Session State, Session State
csStateBagDemo.aspx file, State Bag
csStockTicker.asmx file, A Simple StockTicker, Data Types, Data Types, Proxy Class Details
csStockTickerCodeBehind.asmx file, Using a text editor
csStockTickerConsumer.aspx file, Using a Text Editor
csStringConcat.aspx file, String concatenation, Benchmarking and Profiling
csUserControl.ascx file, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
CType(), Application State
extracting data from controls, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
object caching DataSet objects, Object Caching
session state and, Session State
culture attribute of <globalization\> section, globalization
Current value (DataRowVersion enumeration), The delete command, The update command, Handling the Errors
currentMonth variable, SelectionChanged event
CurrentPageIndex property (DataGrid control), Handling the event for page navigation
currentYear variable, SelectionChanged event
Custom colors, Getting Started with the IDE
custom configuration sections
providing access to name/value pairs, Name/value pairs, Objects
reading values in C#, Name/value pairs
reading values in VB.NET, Name/value pairs
using early binding, Name/value pairs
returning objects, Objects, Objects
custom controls, Controls, Custom and User Controls, Custom Controls
adding to web pages, The Default (Full) Custom Control
code example, provided by VS.NET, The Default (Full) Custom Control
code-behind page, Maintaining state
source code for, Maintaining state
common attributes for, The Default (Full) Custom Control
composite, Custom and User Controls, Custom Controls
.aspx file for, Creating Composite Controls
assignment of responsibilities among, Rendering the output
creating, Creating Composite Controls, Rendering the summary
derived, Custom and User Controls, Custom Controls
creating, Creating Derived Controls, Creating Derived Controls
maintaining state, Maintaining state, Maintaining state
accessing, Properties
providing underlying values for, Properties
registering with web pages, The Default (Full) Custom Control
Render(), The Render method
tag prefixes and, The Default (Full) Custom Control
testing, using WebForm1.aspx file, Maintaining state
code example, The Default (Full) Custom Control
code-behind page, Maintaining state
source code for, Maintaining state
<customErrors\> section of <system.web\>, Application-wide Error Pages, Application-wide Error Pages, customErrors
CustomValidator control, Validation, Custom Validation, Custom Validation
code example, Custom Validation
VB.NET code-behind file, Custom Validation


data binding, Data Binding, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
adding code to user controls, Adding Code, Adding Code
BindGrid() and
C# code example, Version 1: Displaying Data, Version 1: Displaying Data
VB.NET code example, Version 1: Displaying Data, Version 1: Displaying Data
postback and, Data Binding and Postback, Data Binding and Postback, The DataList Control
requiring explicit control, ArrayList
data breakpoint, Setting a breakpoint
data classes (FCL), The .NET Framework
data objects, creating by hand, Creating Data Objects by Hand
data sources, binding to controls, Page and Control Events, Data Binding
data types for web services, Data Types, Data Types
data, updating (see updating data)
data-bound columns in DataGrid control, Data-bound columns
DataAdapter class, The DataAdapter Object
DataSet class and, The Dataset and the Data Adapter
extracting data from database, Getting Started with ADO.NET
updating databases, Updating in the database
database access, improving performance of, Database Access Issues
database transactions, implementing transactions with, Database transactions, Database transactions
DataBind(), ArrayList, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
binding entire page, Binding to Other Simple Controls
list-bound controls and, Items, Results on one page, Creating a Data Grid, Using a DataReader
DataBinder class, Creating the details page, The ItemTemplate
DataBinding event, Event Model, Page and Control Events
DataColumn class, The DataTable class
adding columns to DataTable objects, Creating the DataTable by Hand
creating data relations, Creating Data Relations
setting column properties, Setting column properties
setting constraints, Setting constraints, Setting constraints
DataField attribute of BoundColumn element, Data-bound columns, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
DataGrid control, List-Bound Controls, Part I, Handling the event for page navigation
ADO.NET and, Creating a Data Grid
AutoGenerateColumns attribute, adding to, Data-bound columns, Displaying Relational Data, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
C# code example
Bug class, Version 1: Displaying Data
code-behind file for paging/sorting, Results on one page, Results on one page
displaying parent/child relationships, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships
handling footer and details page, Version 3: The Details Page, Version 3: The Details Page
implementing events, Version 2: Controlling the Columns, Version 2: Controlling the Columns
changing appearance of data, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
DataReader objects, using instead of DataSets, Using a DataReader, Using a DataReader
details page, Creating the details page, Creating the details page
creating link to, Version 3: The Details Page, Creating the details page
details.aspx file, Creating the details page
C# code-behind file for, Creating the details page
VB.NET code-behind file for, Creating the details page
displaying data, Version 1: Displaying Data, Version 1: Displaying Data
Edit column, creating, Creating the EditTemplate Columns, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
events for page navigation, handling, Handling the event for page navigation
footer, adding to, Version 3: The Details Page, Creating the details page
hyperlinks, adding to, Creating the hyperlink
IComparer object, implementing, Adding a sort symbol
ItemDataBound event, handling, Handling the ItemDataBound event
object caching and, Object Caching
OnItemDataBound attribute, adding, Data-bound columns
OnSortCommand event handler, implementing, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler
paging, implementing, Implementing paging
parent/child relationships, displaying, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships
populating table
with events, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
without events, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
putting results on one page, Results on one page, Results on one page
relational data, displaying, Displaying Relational Data, Displaying Relational Data
summary footer, adding to, Summary footer, Summary footer
updating databases with SQL, Updating with SQL
VB.NET code example
Bug class, Version 1: Displaying Data
code-behind file for paging/sorting, Results on one page, Results on one page
displaying parent/child relationships, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships
handling footer and details page, Version 3: The Details Page, Version 3: The Details Page
implementing events, Version 2: Controlling the Columns, Version 2: Controlling the Columns
vs. Table control, Tables
DataGridCommandEventArgs class, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
DataGridItem objects, Items, Handling the ItemDataBound event
Controls collection and, Conditionally setting the severity color, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
DataGridItemEventArgs class
handling ItemCreated event, Summary footer
handling ItemDataBound event, Handling the ItemDataBound event
setting colors to cells, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
DataGridPageChangedEventArgs class, Handling the event for page navigation
DataGridSortCommandEventArgs class, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler
DataItem property (DataGridItem object), Handling the ItemDataBound event
DataKeyField attribute
DataGrid control, Results on one page
creating edit columns, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
displaying parent/child relationships, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships
updating databases, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
DataList control, DataList Editing
DataKeys collection
creating, Results on one page
retrieving data with DataList control, DataList Editing
SelectedIndex property and, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships
updating databases, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
DataList control, List-Bound Controls, Part I, Items, The DataList Control, The DataList Control
binding data to, Binding to the DataList and Repeater Controls, The DataList Control, The DataList Control
in-place editing, DataList Editing, DataList Editing
C# code example, DataList Editing, DataList Editing
VB.NET code example, DataList Editing, DataList Editing
postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
templates, The DataList Control
vs. Table controls, Tables
DataListCommandEventArgs class, DataList Editing
DataListItem objects, Items
DataMember property (Repeater control), The Repeater Control
DataNavigateUrlField attribute, Data-bound columns
DataNavigateUrlFormatString attribute, Data-bound columns
DataReader class, The Data Reader, Using a DataReader, Using a DataReader
enhancing performance with, Use DataReader class
DataRelation objects, The DataTable class, Creating Data Relations , Creating Data Relations
code-behind page, source code for, Creating Data Relations
declaring/initializing, Creating Data Relations
DataRelationCollection class, The DataTable class, Creating Data Relations
DataRow class, The DataRow class
creating objects, using NewRow(), Adding data to the table
overloaded version of Add() and, Adding rows with an array of objects
properties and methods, The DataRow class
updating datasets, Updating the dataset
DataRowVersion enumeration, The delete command, The update command, Handling the Errors
DataSet class, The DataSet Class, The DataRow class
adding tables to, Adding data to the table
CreateDataGrid() and, Object Caching, File change dependency
creating new objects, Getting Started with ADO.NET, Creating the DataTable by Hand
by hand, Creating Data Relations, Creating Data Relations
DataAdapter class and, The Dataset and the Data Adapter
properties and methods, The DataSet Class
stored procedures for managing
delete command, The delete command, The delete command
insert command, The insert command
update command, The update command
updating databases, Updating Data Using Datasets, Calling the Update method
adding transaction support, Adding transaction support
C# code example, Calling the Update method, Calling the Update method
creating/displaying datasets, Creating and displaying a dataset , Creating and displaying a dataset
persisting datasets, Persisting the dataset
updating datasets, Updating the dataset, Updating the dataset
updating records in datasets, Updating the records in the dataset
VB.NET code example, Calling the Update method, Calling the Update method
vs. DataReader class, The Data Reader, Using a DataReader, Using a DataReader
web services and, Data Types
DataSet property (DataTable class), The DataTable class
DataSetSectionHandler.vb file, Objects
DataSource property
CheckBoxList control, Adding items statically, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
DropDownList control, ArrayList
list-bound controls, DataSource
BindGrid() and, Version 1: Displaying Data
DataGrid control, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler, Creating a Data Grid, Creating Data Relations , Object Caching
RadioButtonList control, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
Repeater control, The Repeater Control
DataTable class, The DataTable class
creating data relations, Creating Data Relations
by hand, Creating Data Relations, Creating Data Relations
instantiating new objects, Creating the DataTable by Hand
properties and methods, The DataTable class
DataTableCollection class, The DataTable class
DataTextField attribute
DataGrid control, Data-bound columns
DropDownList control, Binding to a Class, Creating the EditTemplate Columns, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
DataValueField attribute (DropDownList control), Binding to a Class, Creating the EditTemplate Columns, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
DataView class, DataView, DataView
Date property
CalendarDay class, DayRender event
DateTime class, SelectionChanged event
DateTime class
overloaded constructors used by, SelectionChanged event
read-only properties, SelectionChanged event
setting start/end dates, SelectionChanged event
Day property
DateTime class, SelectionChanged event
DayRenderEventArgs class, DayRender event
Day value (CalendarSelectionMode enumeration), Calendar
DayHeaderStyle property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
DayNameFormat property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
DayNumberText property (CalendarDay class), DayRender event
DayOfWeek property (DateTime class), SelectionChanged event
DayOfYear property (DateTime class), SelectionChanged event
DayRender event, DayRender event
C# code example, DayRender event, DayRender event, Building the Project
hooking up to Calendar control, Building the Project
VB.NET code example, DayRender event
DayRenderEventArgs class, DayRender event
DaysInMonth property (DateTime class), SelectionChanged event
DayStyle property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
DayWeek value (CalendarSelectionMode enumeration), Calendar
DayWeekMonth value (CalendarSelectionMode enumeration), Calendar
DBCommand class, DBCommand and DBConnection
DBConnection class, DBCommand and DBConnection
ddl_SelectedIndexChanged event handler method, Building the Project, Building the Project
deadlocks and application state, Application State
Debug attribute
Control directive, Control Directive, @Control Properties
Page directive, Page Directive
debug mode, disabling to enhance performance, Disable debug mode
Debug toolbar (VS.NET IDE), icons on, The Debug Toolbar
debugger (VS.NET IDE), Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET, Debugging, Configuration
declarative object tags in global.asax file, Object declarations
Declarative Referential Integrity (DRI), Declarative Referential Integrity
decryptionKey attribute of <machineKey> section, machineKey
Default value
CacheItemPriority enumeration, Scavenging
DataRowVersion enumeration, The delete command
default web sites, Virtual Directories
<defaultProxy\> section of <\>,
defaultRedirect attribute of <customErrors\> section, Application-wide Error Pages, customErrors
DefaultValue attribute (custom controls), The Default (Full) Custom Control
DefaultValue property (DataColumn class), Setting constraints
DefaultView property (DataTable class), The DataTable class
DefaultViewManager property (DataSet class), The DataSet Class
Defer value (Status field), Bug Database Architecture
asynchronous proxy calls and, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
callback methods and, Callback Support
declaring as private members of class, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
events and, Event Arguments, Handling events in C#, Custom event arguments
delegation, Security
cannot use with Passport authentication, Passport Authentication
Integrated Windows authentication and, Integrated Windows authentication
not supported by Digest authentication, Digest authentication
Delete event, event handler for, DataList Editing
DeleteCommand property (SqlDataAdapter class), The Dataset and the Data Adapter
building with Command Builder, Command Builder
providing command objects to, The delete command
setting, The Dataset and the Data Adapter
DeleteRule property (ForeignKeyConstraint class), Creating Foreign Keys
<deny> section of <authorization> section, URL Authorization, authorization
Dependencies parameter (Insert method), Time dependency, Time dependency
dependencies, exposed by Cache class, Dependencies, Time dependency
DependencyChanged (CacheItemRemovedReason enumeration), Callback Support
deploying applications, Deploying the Application, Global Deployment
assemblies and, Assemblies
globally, Global Deployment, Global Deployment
XCOPY deployment, XCOPY Deployment
derived custom controls, Custom and User Controls, Custom Controls
creating, Creating Derived Controls, Creating Derived Controls
descending sort order, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler, Adding a sort symbol
Description attribute
Application directive, Application Directive, Application
Control directive, Control Directive, @Control Properties
custom controls, The Default (Full) Custom Control
Page directive, Page Directive
Description property
WebMethod attribute, The Description property
WebService attribute, The Description property, Using Visual Studio .NET
design surface, modifying in Visual Studio .NET, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
Design view, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
editing code-behind files, Building the Project
hooking up event handlers, Building the Project
details.aspx file, Creating the details page
C# code-behind file for, Creating the details page
VB.NET code-behind file for, Creating the details page
dictionary objects
AdProperties property and, Advertisement file
Application, Application State
concurrency and, Application State
scalability and, Application State
session state, Session State
assigning string arrays to, Session State
assigning Text/Value properties to, Session State
populating, Session State
retrieving string arrays from, Session State
StateBag class, State Bag, State Bag
Digest authentication, Digest authentication
directives, Directives, Register Directive
Application, Application Directive
Assembly, Assembly Directive
Control, Control Directive, @Control Properties
in global.asax file, Directives, Assembly
Implements, Implements Directive
Import, Tables, Import Directive
OutputCache, OutputCache Directive
Page (see Page directive)
Reference, Reference Directive
Register (see Register directive)
WebService, The WebService Directive
configuration hierarchy, Hierarchical Configuration
physical vs. virtual, Virtual Directories, Virtual Directories, Hierarchical Configuration
virtual, Hello World, Virtual Directories, Virtual Directories
virtual root, Getting Started with the IDE, Using Visual Studio .NET
Directory Browsing, enabling, Virtual Directories
Directory Security tab, disallowing anonymous access using, Anonymous Access
Disabled type (breakpoints), Breakpoint icons
Disabled value (TransactionOption enumeration), The TransactionOption Property
Disassembly window, Disassembly window
.disco (discovery) files, Creating a Discovery File, Discovery
creating, Creating a Discovery File, Deployment
disco.exe (discovery) utility, Creating a Discovery File, Discovery
generating WSDL files, Discovery
.discomap files, Discovery
creating proxies with wsdl.exe utility, Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
disconnected vs. connected data sources, Accessing Data with ADO.NET, Using a DataReader, Using a DataReader
discovery documents provided by web services, How Web Services Work
Display attribute (RequiredFieldValidator control), The RequiredFieldValidator
DisplayMode attribute (ValidationSummary control), The Summary Validator
displayString member variable, Modifying the CountedButton derived control
Dispose(), Lifecycle
Disposed event, Page and Control Events
distributed computing via web services, Web Services Overview, .NET Support for Protocols
<div\> tag
HeaderTemplate, The HeaderTemplate
ItemTemplate, The ItemTemplate
DLL (dynamic link library) files
code-behind files and, Code-Behind
compiling via command line, Using a text editor
creating shadow copies of, Assemblies
web services, Developing a Web Service
proxy DLLs, Creating the Consumer
XCOPY deployment and, XCOPY Deployment
/domain:<domain\> parameter (WSDL utility), Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
downlevel browser alias, clientTarget
downlevel browsers, Controls, ASP.NET and Browsers, ASP Control Hierarchy, Validation
Downstream value (OutputCacheLocation enumeration), Location, The HttpCachePolicy Class
DRI (Declarative Referential Integrity), Declarative Referential Integrity
DropDownList control, Selecting Values, Selecting from a List, DropDownList Control
adding items dynamically, Adding Code, Adding Code
adding items to, from ArrayList object, ArrayList
in bug reporting form, The RequiredFieldValidator, The Summary Validator
C# code example, DropDownList Control
Calendar control and, SelectionChanged event, Building the Project
DataList control in-place editing and, DataList Editing
extracting data from, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
non-postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
Panel control and, Panel Control
RequiredFieldValidator control and, The RequiredFieldValidator
VB.NET code example, DropDownList Control, DropDownList Control
durable transactions, The ACID Test
Duration parameter (OutputCache directive), Duration
dynamic content, adding to web pages, The ASP Version
dynamic link library files (see DLL files)


early binding, enhancing performance with, Use early binding
Edit column, creating in DataGrid control, Creating the EditTemplate Columns, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
Edit event, event handler for, Creating the EditTemplate Columns, Implementing the OnEditCommand event handler, DataList Editing
EditCommandColumn element, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
editing, in-place (see in-place editing)
EditItem (ListItemType enumeration), Items
EditItemIndex property (DataGrid control)
OnCancelCommand event handler, implementing, Implementing the OnCancelCommand event handler
OnEditCommand event handler, implementing, Implementing the OnEditCommand event handler
controlling display in edit mode, Creating the EditTemplate Columns, DataList Editing
DataList control in-place editing, DataList Editing
EditText attribute of EditCommandColumn element, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
embedded scripts, adding to web pages, The ASP Version
Enabled property, ASP Control Hierarchy
enabled property of <trace> section, Application-Level Tracing, trace
Enabled type (breakpoints), Breakpoint icons
EnableSession property (WebMethod attribute), The EnableSession property, Session state
EnableSessionState attribute (Page directive), Session state configuration, Page Directive
disabling session state for entire application, Session state
EnableViewState attribute
Control directive, Control Directive, @Control Properties
Page directive, View State, Page Directive
disabling view state for server controls, View state
encrypted passwords and configuration files, Authenticating against web.config, authentication
encrypting credentials
certificate authentication and, Certificate Authentication
Digest authentication and, Digest authentication
Encryption value for <forms\> tag, Configuring ASP.NET
not sent over network by Integrated Windows authentication, Integrated Windows authentication
using SSL with Basic authentication, Basic authentication
Triple-DES used by Passport authentication, Passport Authentication
EndGetHistory(), Proxy Class Details, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
equal sign (=) and attribute/value pairs, Directives
Error event, Page and Control Events
error handling, Error Handling, Page-Specific Error Pages
application-wide error pages, Application-wide Error Pages
Application_Error event, Events
concurrency issues in databases, Handling the Errors, Handling the Errors
controlling display of validation errors, The Summary Validator, The Summary Validator
displaying custom error handling pages, Events
inserting exceptions into error logs, Inserting into the Trace Log
logic errors, Error Handling
page-specific error pages, Page-Specific Error Pages
rolling back transactions, Database transactions
syntax errors, Error Handling
unhandled errors, Unhandled Errors
<error\> section in <customErrors\> section, Application-wide Error Pages, customErrors
Error type (breakpoints), Breakpoint icons
ErrorMessage attribute (ValidationSummary control), The Summary Validator
ErrorPage attribute (Page directive), Page Directive
ErrorsOccurred value (UpdateStatus enumeration), Handling the Errors
Eval() (DataBinder class), Creating the details page, The ItemTemplate
event arguments, Event Arguments, Handling events in C#
providing custom, Custom event arguments
event handlers, Event Model, Handling events in C#
asynchronous event handling for web service consumers, Using Asynchronous Method Calls, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
for custom controls, Maintaining state
event arguments and, Event Arguments
in global.asax file, Events, Events
hooking up to controls in Visual Studio .NET, Building the Project
processing list box selections, ListBox Control
registering, Handling events in C#
synchronous event handler code example, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
for user changing current selection, The Summary Validator
user controls, Handling Events , Custom event arguments
C# code example, Handling events in C#, Handling events in C#
providing custom event arguments, Custom event arguments
VB.NET code example, Handling events in VB.NET, Handling events in VB.NET
event-driven programming, Event Model
EventArgs class, Event Arguments
declaring event handlers, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
events, Events
comparing ASP.NET to ASP, ASP Versus ASP.NET Events, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
delegates and, Event Arguments, Handling events in C#, Custom event arguments
event handlers, client-side vs. server-side, ASP Versus ASP.NET Events
firing under certain conditions, Events
firing with every page request, Events
hooking up to controls
in C#, Building the Project
in VB.NET, Building the Project
postback vs. non-postback, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
program execution models, Event Model
in script blocks, Events, Events
exception handling and tracing, Inserting into the Trace Log
EXE (executable) files, Assemblies and the in Directory
executable code, separating from presentation code, Code-Behind, Code-Behind
ExecuteNonQuery(), Return values from a sproc
updating database transactions, Database transactions
updating databases with SQL, Updating with SQL, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
ExecuteQuery(), DataList Editing
ExecuteReader(), Using a DataReader
executionTimeout attribute of <httpRuntime\> section, httpRuntime
Expired (CacheItemRemovedReason enumeration), Callback Support
Explicit attribute
Control directive, Control Directive, @Control Properties
Page directive, Page Directive, Use early binding
explicit binding
list-bound controls and, Items
requiring, ArrayList
explicit parameters, invoking stored procedures with, Invoking a sproc with explicit parameters


FCL (Framework Class Library), The .NET Framework
file authorization, File Authorization
file breakpoint, Setting a breakpoint
file change dependencies, File change dependency, File change dependency
file extensions for code-behind files, Code-Behind
FileAuthorization module in <httpModules\> section, httpModules
fileEncoding attribute of <globalization\> section, globalization
Fill() (DataAdapter class), The DataAdapter Object, The Dataset and the Data Adapter
FillSchema() (DataAdapter class), The DataAdapter Object
FindControl(), Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
firewalls and web services, How Web Services Work
FirstDayOfWeek property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
Fixed value (Status field), Bug Database Architecture
flags variable, incremented by callback methods, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
flow vs. columnar layout (HTML), List-Bound Controls, Part I
FlowLayout mode (pageLayout property), Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET, Building the Project, Using Visual Studio .NET
Font class, subproperties of, The Basics
font names, assigning, Table Cells
Font property, ASP Control Hierarchy
font sizes and RadioButtonList control, Tables, Table Cells, Table Cells
font styles and CheckBoxList control, Tables, Table Cells, Table Cells
FontFamily objects, Table Cells
FontUnit type, VB.NET requires explicit instantiation, The Basics, RadioButtonList Control
Footer (ListItemType enumeration), Items
adding to DataGrid control, Version 3: The Details Page, Creating the details page
testing if items are, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
FooterTemplate, The Repeater Control, The FooterTemplate
FooterTemplate property (Repeater control), The Repeater Control
for loops, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
ForeColor property, ASP Control Hierarchy
foreign keys
for BugHistory table, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships, Creating Data Relations
for Bugs table, Creating Foreign Keys, Table Design
relationships among Bugs, BugHistory, and People tables, Table Relationships
ForeignKeyConstraint class, Creating Foreign Keys
<form\> tag, HTML Server Controls
Formatting menu in Visual Studio .NET, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
Forms authentication, Authentication, Forms Authentication, Logging out, authentication
ASP.NET, configuring, Configuring ASP.NET, Configuring ASP.NET
creating login forms, Login form, Login form
getting authentication cookies, Getting the authentication cookie, Getting the authentication cookie
implementing, using IIS (Internet Information Server), Configuring IIS
logging out, Logging out
redirect to specified pages, authenticating with, Authenticating with redirect to a specified page
web.config file, authenticating against, Authenticating against web.config, Authenticating against web.config
<forms> section of <authentication> section, Configuring ASP.NET, authentication
FormsAuthentication class, Login form, Authenticating against web.config, Logging out
FormsAuthentication module in <httpModules\> section, httpModules
fragment caching, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
framework base classes, The .NET Framework
Framework Class Library (FCL), The .NET Framework
Friedl, Jeffrey, Regular Expressions
friend access modifier (VB.NET), Code-Behind
From First(s)/From Last(s) columns, Page-Level Tracing
FromName() (Color class), Conditionally setting the severity color
full custom controls (see custom controls)
function breakpoint, Setting a breakpoint
function calls, stepping out of, Stepping through code


GAC (Global Assembly Cache), Assemblies and the in Directory
deploying applications, Global Deployment, Global Deployment
GacUtil.exe utility, Global Deployment, Global Deployment
genres, creating string array of, Adding items programmatically from an array
Get() (SortColumn property), Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler
GetAuthCookie(), Getting the authentication cookie
DataSet class, The DataSet Class
DataTable class, The DataTable class
GetChildRows() (DataRow class), The DataRow class
GetConfig(), Name/value pairs, Name/value pairs, Objects
GetDataSet(), Data Types, Object Caching, File change dependency, File change dependency
proxy method, Proxy Class Details, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
web method
C# code example, Data Types
VB.NET code example, Data Types
GetLastError(), Events
GetList() (web method), Data Types
GetName(), Handling the Errors
web method, A Simple StockTicker
GetParentRow() (DataRow class), The DataRow class
GetPrice() (web method), A Simple StockTicker
GetRedirectUrl(), Authenticating with redirect to a specified page
GetXML() (DataSet class), The DataSet Class
GetXMLSchema() (DataSet class), The DataSet Class
global application objects, Application State
Global Assembly Cache (GAC), Assemblies and the in Directory
deploying applications, Global Deployment, Global Deployment
global deployment, Global Deployment, Global Deployment
global.asa file (ASP), global.asax
global.asax file, Using Visual Studio .NET, Controlling, Configuring,and Deploying Applications, global.asax, Object declarations
Application directive and, Application Directive
application state and, Application State, Application State
Assembly directive and, Assembly Directive
using C#, Application State
code-behind technique used with, global.asax
derived from HttpApplication class, global.asax
directives in, Directives, Assembly
event demonstration
C# code example, Events, Events
VB.NET code example, Events, Events
events in, Events, Events
Import directive and, Import Directive
include file
C# code example, Server-side includes
VB.NET code example, Server-side includes
object declarations in, Object declarations
sample file
C# code example, global.asax
VB.NET code example, global.asax
script blocks in, Script blocks, Global static variables and instance methods
server-side includes in, Server-side includes
session-scoped application objects, Session scoped application objects
static variables/instance methods in, Global static variables and instance methods, Global static variables and instance methods
C# code example, Global static variables and instance methods
VB.NET code example, Global static variables and instance methods
using VB.NET, Application State
<globalization\> section of <system.web\>, globalization
greater-than (>) default value for NextMonthText property, Getting Started with the IDE
greater-than-or-equal-to (>=) navigation symbol, Calendar
greater-than-or-equal-to twice (>= >=) navigation symbol, Calendar
GridLayout mode (pageLayout property), Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET, Building the Project, Using Visual Studio .NET
GridLines property (Table control), Tables
GroupName property (RadioButton control), RadioButton Control
groups and role-based security, Role-based security
grpSize_CheckedChanged(), RadioButton Control
Grundgeiger, Dave, Hello World the ASP.NET Way


handler declarations for configuration sections, Configuration Section Handler Declarations, Configuration Section Handler Declarations
custom configuration sections
accessing name/value pairs, Name/value pairs
returning objects, Objects, Objects
HasErrors property (DataSet class), The DataSet Class
HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(), Authenticating against web.config
Header (ListItemType enumeration), Items
headers, testing if items are, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
HeaderStyle.BackColor property, Updating with SQL
HeaderStyle.Font.Bold property, Updating with SQL
HeaderTemplate, The Repeater Control, The HeaderTemplate
HeaderTemplate property (Repeater control), The Repeater Control
HeaderText attribute
BoundColumn element, Data-bound columns, Results on one page
ValidatorSummary control, The Summary Validator
heading cells in tables, Table Cells, Table Cells
Height property, ASP Control Hierarchy
Panel control, Panel Control
help, context-sensitive, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
hierarchy of configuration system, Hierarchical Configuration
High value (CacheItemPriority enumeration), Scavenging
History table (see BugHistory table)
Hit Count property (breakpoints), Hit count
HorizontalAlign property
Panel control, Panel Control
Table control, Tables
TableCell control, Table Cells, Summary footer
TableRow control, Table Rows
Hour property (DateTime class), SelectionChanged event
columnar vs. flow layout, List-Bound Controls, Part I
commenting code, Tables
converting into user controls, User Controls
creating “Hello World” example, The HTML Version
editing directly, using HTML tab, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
HTML controls, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET, Controls
converting to HTML server controls, HTML Server Controls
creating, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
vs. Web Forms controls, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
HTML editor (Visual Studio .NET), Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
HTML server controls, ASP Versus ASP.NET Events, Controls, HTML Server Controls
advantages of, Comparing HTML and ASP Server Controls
C# code example, HTML Server Controls
performance issues with, Server controls
state management, State, Session scoped application objects
VB.NET code example, HTML Server Controls
vs. ASP controls, ASP (Web Server) Controls
HTML tags
categories of, HTML Server Controls
vs. ASP controls, Tables
HTML view, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
editing code-behind files, Building the Project
syntax problems with literal characters, Getting Started with the IDE
HtmlTextWriter class
composite controls, rendering output for, Rendering the output
custom controls, rendering output for, The Render method
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) protocol, Web Services Overview, HTTP
HTTP-GET requests, How Web Services Work, HTTP-GET
HTTP-POST requests, How Web Services Work, HTTP-POST
HttpApplication object, controlling applications globally with, HttpApplication Object
HttpApplicationState class, Application State
HttpContext object and, Application State via HttpContext
Lock() and Unlock(), Application State
HttpBrowserCapabilities object, ASP.NET and Browsers
HttpCacheability enumeration, The HttpCachePolicy Class
HttpCachePolicy class, The HttpCachePolicy Class, The HttpCachePolicy Class
HttpContext object, Events
web service access to application state via, Application State via HttpContext, Application State via HttpContext
HttpGetClientProtocol class, HTTP-GET
<httpHandlers\> section of <system.web\>, httpHandlers
<httpModules\> section of <system.web\>, httpModules
HttpPostClientProtocol class, HTTP-POST
HttpRequest.Browser property, ASP.NET and Browsers
<httpRuntime\> section of <system.web\>, httpRuntime
HttpServerUtility object, Events
HttpWebClientProtocol class, .NET Support for Protocols
HyperLink control, HyperLink Control, HyperLink Control
(see also LinkButton control)
adding to DataGrid control, Creating the hyperlink
C# code example, HyperLink Control
VB.NET code example, HyperLink Control
HyperLinkColumn element, Data-bound columns
creating hyperlinks, Creating the hyperlink


/i command-line switch (GacUtil.exe), Global Deployment
IAsyncResult interface, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
IComparable interface, Adding a sort symbol
IComparer class, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler
IConfigurationSectionHandler interface, Objects
id attribute, HTML Server Controls
declaring objects in applications/sessions, Object declarations
submit button and, HTML Server Controls
ID property, ASP Control Hierarchy
identities, authenticated, Authentication
identity columns, Setting column properties
manually adding values for, Adding rows with an array of objects
provided by database, Database transactions
retrieving, using @@identity keyword, Database transactions
setting constraints, Setting constraints, Setting constraints
<identity\> configuration section, identity
enabling impersonation, Impersonation
IDEs (integrated development environments), Hello World, Using the IDE
(see also Visual Studio .NET)
programming web forms, Using the IDE
ie4 browser alias, clientTarget
ie5 browser alias, clientTarget
if statements, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
IHttpHandler interface, httpHandlers
IHttpHandlerFactory interface, httpHandlers
IIS (Internet Information Server), Hello World
anonymous access, disallowing, Anonymous Access
basic authentication, implementing in, Basic authentication
impersonation and, Impersonation
implementing Forms authentication, Configuring IIS
<processModel\> tag and, processModel
virtual directories, Virtual Directories, Virtual Directories
Windows authentication, configuring for, Windows Authentication
working with ASP.NET to provide security, Security
Image control, Image Control, Panel Control
C# code example, Image Control, Image Control
properties of, Image Control
VB.NET code example, Image Control
ImageAlign property (Image control), Image Control
ImageButton control, Button Controls
C# code example, Button Controls
postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
VB.NET code example, Button Controls
ImageClickEventArgs class, Button Controls
images, controls for displaying, Images, Advertisement file
ImageUrl property
AdCreateEventArgs class, Advertisement file
HyperLink control, HyperLink Control
Image control, Image Control
<ImageUrl\> tag (AdRotator control), Advertisement file
<img\> tag, HTML Server Controls
Immediate window, Immediate window
impersonate attribute of <identity> section, identity
impersonation, Impersonation , Application Identity
Implements directive, Implements Directive
Import directive, Tables, Import Directive, Import
Imports statement (VB.NET), Event Arguments, Tables, Code-Behind, Import Directive, Objects
<Impressions\> tag (AdRotator control), Advertisement file
in-place editing, In-Place Editing, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
.aspx page for, In-Place Editing, In-Place Editing
C# code-behind page for, In-Place Editing, In-Place Editing
DataList control support for, DataList Editing, DataList Editing
VB.NET code-behind page for, In-Place Editing, In-Place Editing
INamingContainer interface, Creating Composite Controls
implemented by BookCounter class, INamingContainer
include files, Server-side includes
IndexOf() (String class), used by web method, Data Types
Informational status codes, Page-Level Tracing
Inherits attribute
Application directive, Application Directive, Application
Control directive, Control Directive, @Control Properties
Page directive, Code-Behind, Page Directive, Building the Project
Init event, Event Model, Page and Control Events, The Basics
initialization phase of page loading, Lifecycle
Init() and Count property, Modifying the CountedButton derived control
initialization phase of web page lifecycle, Lifecycle
InitializeComponent(), Building the Project, Handling events in C#
InitialValue attribute (RequiredFieldValidator control), The RequiredFieldValidator
inline code
class caching and, Class Caching
consuming web page
C# code example, Using a Text Editor
VB.NET code example, Using a Text Editor, Using a Text Editor
converting web services to code-behind from, Using Code-Behind, Using Visual Studio .NET
vs. code-behind files, Using a text editor
inner HTML content, specifying Text property as, ListItem Object
inner joins, Joining Tables
InnerHtml property, HTML Server Controls
InnerText property, HTML Server Controls
input controls, HTML Server Controls
C# code example, HTML Server Controls
types of, HTML Server Controls
VB.NET code example, HTML Server Controls
input parameters, The delete command
<input\> tag, HTML Server Controls
input type, checking with CompareValidator control, Checking the Input Type
Insert statement (SQL), Updating with SQL
connection transactions, implementing, Connection transaction
database transactions, implementing, Database transactions
Insert() (Cache class)
CacheItemRemovedCallback parameter, Callback Support, Callback Support
file change dependencies, File change dependency
scavenging via Priority parameter, Scavenging
syntax for, Cache Class Functionality
time dependencies, Time dependency, Time dependency
InsertCommand property (SqlDataAdapter class), The Dataset and the Data Adapter
building with Command Builder, Command Builder
providing command objects to, The insert command
setting, The Dataset and the Data Adapter
InstalledFontCollection objects, instantiating, Table Cells
instance methods in script blocks, Global static variables and instance methods, Global static variables and instance methods
Int32.Parse(), Custom Validation
integrated development environments (see IDEs)
Integrated Windows authentication, Integrated Windows authentication
IntelliSense technology (Visual Studio .NET), Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
interfaces (OOP concept), Objects
internal access modifier (C#), Code-Behind
Internet Information Server (see IIS)
Internet Services Manager
defining virtual directories with, Hello World, Virtual Directories, Virtual Directories
disallowing anonymous access, Anonymous Access
ISerializable class, Session State
isolated transactions, The ACID Test
ways of violating, The ACID Test
IsOtherMonth property (CalendarDay class), DayRender event
IsPostBack property
CheckBoxList control, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
DataList control, The DataList Control
DropDownList control, DropDownList Control, Data Binding and Postback
minimizing round trips using, Round trips
Table control, Table Cells
testing value of, IsPostBack
testing, in C#/VB.NET, Data Binding and Postback
IsSelectable property (CalendarDay class), DayRender event
IsSelected property (CalendarDay class), DayRender event
IsToday property (CalendarDay class), DayRender event
IsWeekend property (CalendarDay class), DayRender event
Italic subproperty (Font class), The Basics
Item (ListItemType enumeration), Items
Item property
DataGridCommandEventArgs class, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
DataRow class, The DataRow class, Updating the dataset
ItemArray property (DataRow class), The DataRow class
ItemCommand event (Repeater control), The Repeater Control
ItemCreated event, Event Model
populating summary footer, Summary footer
Repeater control, The Repeater Control
ItemDataBound event, Event Model, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
handling, Handling the ItemDataBound event
populating summary footer, Summary footer
Repeater control, The Repeater Control
ItemIndex property (DataGrid control), Implementing the OnEditCommand event handler
Items collection
CheckBoxList/RadioButtonList controls, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
list-bound controls, Items, Summary footer
Items property (Repeater control), The Repeater Control
ItemTemplate, The Repeater Control, The ItemTemplate
controlling display in normal mode, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
DataList control in-place editing, DataList Editing
ItemType property of DataGridItem object, Items, Handling the ItemDataBound event


adding to web pages, The ASP Version
client-side validation for user input, Custom Validation
commenting code, Tables
performing postback for calendars, DayRender event
join statement, displaying relational data in data grid, Displaying Relational Data


Kennedy, Bill, The HTML Version, Controls
Kerberos (Integrated Windows authentication), Integrated Windows authentication
<Keyword\> tag (AdRotator control), Advertisement file
KeywordFilter property (AdRotator control), AdRotator Control
Kline, Kevin, Using SQL to Manipulate the Database


/l command-line switch (GacUtil.exe), Global Deployment
Label control, Label Control
C# code example, The Basics
Calendar control and, SelectionChanged event
data relationships and, Creating Data Relations
using CheckBox controls to change appearance of, CheckBox Control, CheckBox Control
VB.NET code example, The Basics
Label tool (Visual Studio .NET), Getting Started with the IDE
labels, adding to web forms, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
Language attribute
Application directive, Application Directive, Application
Control directive, Control Directive, @Control Properties
Page directive, Page Directive
removing from .aspx files, Code-Behind
WebService directive, The Language attribute, Using a text editor
/language parameter (WSDL utility), Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
late vs. early binding, Use early binding
lblTime_Init(), The Basics
Left value (ImageAlign property), Image Control
less-than (<) default value for PrevMonthText property, Getting Started with the IDE
less-than-or-equal-to (<=) navigation symbol, Calendar
level attribute of <trust> section, trust
Liberty, Jesse, Hello World the ASP.NET Way, Event Arguments, The Basics, State Bag, Inserting into the Trace Log
lifecycle of web pages, Lifecycle , Lifecycle
linear programming, Event Model
LinkButton control, Button Controls
(see also HyperLink control)
C# code example, Button Controls
postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
VB.NET code example, Button Controls
list-bound controls, List-Bound Controls, Part I, Next Steps, List-Bound Controls, Part II, DataList Editing
differences among, List-Bound Controls, Part I, Binding to the DataList and Repeater Controls
shared properties and collections, Shared Properties and Collections, Items
ListBox control, Selecting Values, Selecting from a List, ListBox Control
ADO.NET and, Getting Started with ADO.NET
C# code example, ListBox Control, ListBox Control
non-postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
VB.NET code example, ListBox Control, ListBox Control
ListChanged event
used in C# code example, Handling events in C#
used in VB.NET code example, Handling events in VB.NET
ListControl class
controls derived from, Selecting from a List
differences among list controls, Selecting from a List
selection properties inherited from, RadioButtonList Control
ListItem objects, ListItem Object
adding items to CheckBoxList controls
from data sources, Adding items from a data source, Adding items from a data source
programmatically, Adding items programmatically from an array, Adding items programmatically from an array
statically, Adding items statically, Adding items statically
ListItemType enumeration (ItemType property), Items, Handling the ItemDataBound event, Summary footer
LiteralControl control, Table Cells
Calendar control and, DayRender event
control trees in web pages, Lifecycle
Panel control and, Panel Control
literals in regular expressions, Regular Expressions
lkProduct table, Bug Database Design
adding new tables for, Adding additional tables to the DataSet
lkRoles table, Bug Database Design
lkSeverity table, Bug Database Design
creating data relationship with BugHistory table, Creating Data Relations , Creating Data Relations
lkStatus table, Bug Database Design
structure of, Bug Database Architecture
values for Status field, Bug Database Architecture
Load event, Event Model, Page and Control Events, Lifecycle
LoadPostData(), Lifecycle
LoadViewState(), Lifecycle
accessing virtual root of local copy of IIS, Hello World
creating new Visual Studio .NET projects in, Getting Started with the IDE, Using Visual Studio .NET
localOnly property of <trace> section, Application-Level Tracing, trace
Locals window, Locals window
<location\> configuration section, location
applying access rules to subdirectories, URL Authorization
Location parameter (OutputCache directive), Location
Lock() (HttpApplicationState class), Application State
application state and, Application State
records to prevent data corruption, Locking the Records
logic errors, Error Handling
login forms
authenticating against web.config file, Authenticating against web.config
creating, Login form, Login form
GetAuthCookie() and, Getting the authentication cookie
loginUrl attribute for <forms\> tag, Configuring ASP.NET
SetAuthCookie() and, Authenticating with redirect to a specified page
loginUrl attribute of <forms> section, Configuring ASP.NET, authentication
Lomax, Paul, State Bag
look-up tables, Bug Database Design
loosely vs. tightly coupled connections, Web Services Overview
Low value (CacheItemPriority enumeration), Scavenging


machine.config file, Configuring the Application
authentication providers, enabling, Authentication
configuration hierarchy, Hierarchical Configuration
configuration sections, Configuration Sections, location
handler declarations for, Configuration Section Handler Declarations
custom configuration sections, adding to, Name/value pairs
default version of, Configuration Section Handler Declarations
disabling view state, View State
format of, Format
global assembly, adding to, Global Deployment
user access to applications, granting, URL Authorization
<machineKey\> configuration section, machineKey
MakeCert.exe (certificate creation tool), Certificate Authentication
managed code, enhancing performance with, Use managed code
managed providers for ADO.NET, Managed Providers, Managed Providers
manifests in assembly files, Assemblies
many-to-many relationships, Table Relationships
many-to-one relationships, Table Relationships
MaximumValue attribute (RangeValidator control), Range Checking
MaxLength property
DataColumn class, Setting constraints
TextBox control, TextBox Control
maxRequestLength attribute of <httpRuntime\> section, httpRuntime
MD5 value of passwordFormat attribute, Authenticating against web.config, authentication
Me window (VB.NET), This/Me window
member variables
assigning to local variables, Using a Text Editor
creating, Providing an underlying value for the property
modifying derived custom controls, Modifying the CountedButton derived control
retrieving from web service class, Using a Text Editor
using instead of session state, The EnableSession property
memory and application state, Application State
Memory windows, Memory windows
Merge() (DataSet class), The DataSet Class
MessageName property (WebMethod attribute), The MessageName property, The MessageName property
metacharacters in regular expressions, Regular Expressions
metadata in assemblies, Assemblies
method calls, stepping out of, Stepping through code
methods, overloading, Adding items programmatically from an array, Adding rows with an array of objects
Cache class and, Cache Class Functionality
MessageName property and, The MessageName property, The MessageName property
Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) code, Disassembly window
Microsoft Internet Information Server (see IIS)
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q187506, “List of NTFS Permissions Required for IIS Site to Work”, File Authorization
Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
creating virtual directories, Virtual Directories
disallowing anonymous access, Anonymous Access
Middle value (ImageAlign property), Image Control
Millisecond property (DateTime class), SelectionChanged event
minFreeThreads attribute of <httpRuntime\> section, httpRuntime
MinimumValue attribute (RangeValidator control), Range Checking
minLocalRequestFreeThreads attribute of <httpRuntime\> section, httpRuntime
Minute property (DateTime class), SelectionChanged event
MMC (Microsoft Management Console)
creating virtual directories, Virtual Directories
disallowing anonymous access, Anonymous Access
mode attribute
<authentication\> section, Authentication, authentication
<customErrors\> section, Application-wide Error Pages, customErrors
<sessionState\> section, Session state configuration, sessionState
Modules window, Modules window
Month property (DateTime class), SelectionChanged event
MonthChangedEventArgs class, VisibleMonthChanged event
months, changing with VisibleMonthChanged event, VisibleMonthChanged event
MoveNext/MovePrevious commands, The DataRow class, The Data Reader
mscorlib handler declaration, Configuration Section Handler Declarations
MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) code, Disassembly window
multiple selection list boxes, ListBox Control
multiuser updates, Multiuser Updates, Handling the Errors
Musciano, Chuck, The HTML Version, Controls


NAB (Not A Bug) value (Status field), Bug Database Architecture
name attribute
<forms> section, Configuring ASP.NET, authentication
<trustLevel> section, securityPolicy
<user> section, authentication
Name attribute (Assembly directive), Assembly Directive, Assembly
Name property (WebService attribute), The Name property
Name subproperty (Font class), The Basics
name/value pairs
in configuration sections, Configuration Sections
returning, using custom configuration sections, Name/value pairs, Name/value pairs
Names subproperty (Font class), The Basics
Namespace attribute (Import directive), Import Directive, Import
/namespace:<namespace\> parameter (WSDL utility), Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
Namespace property (WebService attribute), The Namespace property
namespaces, created in Visual Studio .NET, Building the Project
GetConfig() and, Name/value pairs
returned by QueryString property, Creating the details page
type of AppSettings property, appSettings
NameValueSectionHandler class, appSettings, Name/value pairs
NavigateUrl property
AdCreateEventArgs class, Advertisement file
HyperLink control, HyperLink Control, Creating the hyperlink
<NavigateUrl\> tag (AdRotator control), Advertisement file
navigating pages and DataGrid control, Implementing paging
Nested property (DataRelation class), Creating Data Relations
.NET Framework, The .NET Framework, The .NET Framework
_new value
Target property (AdRotator control), Target
Target property (HyperLink control), HyperLink Control
NewPageIndex property (DataGrid control), Handling the event for page navigation
NewRow() (DataTable class), The DataTable class, Adding data to the table
NextMonthText property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
avoiding syntax problems using character entities, Getting Started with the IDE
NextPrev mode, Implementing paging
NextPrevFormat property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
NextPrevStyle property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
NextResult() (DataReader class), The Data Reader
NoCache value (HttpCacheability enumeration), The HttpCachePolicy Class
/nologo parameter (WSDL utility), Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
None value
authentication mode, Authentication, authentication
CalendarSelectionMode enumeration, Calendar
OutputCacheLocation enumeration, Location, The HttpCachePolicy Class
Rule enumeration, Creating Foreign Keys
Normal value (CacheItemPriority enumeration), Scavenging
normalization process for databases, Normalization
NotRemovable value (CacheItemPriority enumeration), Scavenging
NotSet value (ImageAlign property), Image Control
NotSupported value (TransactionOption enumeration), The TransactionOption Property
NPTF (No Plan To Fix) value (Status field), Bug Database Architecture
NR (Not Reproducible) value (Status field), Bug Database Architecture
NTFS file system, Security
file authorization and, File Authorization
Windows authentication and, Windows Authentication
NTLM (NT Lan Manager) challenge/response (Integrated Windows authentication), Integrated Windows authentication
NumericPages mode, Implementing paging
NYD (Not Yet Deployed) value (Status field), Bug Database Architecture


object caching, Object Caching, Object Caching, Callback Support
Cache class functionality, Cache Class Functionality
cached item dependencies, Cached item dependency, Cached item dependency
callback methods, support for, Callback Support, Callback Support
file change dependencies, File change dependency, File change dependency
scavenging, Scavenging
time dependencies, Time dependency, Time dependency
object databases vs. relational databases, Tables, Records, and Columns
object model, ADO.NET, The ADO.NET Object Model, The Data Reader
binding to controls, Binding to a Class
declaring in global.asax file, Object declarations
examining value of, Examining variables and objects
overloading methods, Adding items programmatically from an array
returning, using custom configuration sections, Objects, Objects
vs. rows, Tables, Records, and Columns
Off value (mode attribute of <sessionstate\>), Session state configuration
OLE DB managed providers, Managed Providers, Managed Providers
OleDbCommand class, The DataAdapter Object
invoking stored procedures with explicit parameters, Invoking a sproc with explicit parameters
OleDbCommandBuilder, Command Builder
OleDbConnection class, The DataAdapter Object
OleDbDataAdapter class, The DataAdapter Object, Managed Providers
OleDbDataReader class, The Data Reader, Using a DataReader
enhancing performance with, Use DataReader class
OnAdCreated attribute, Advertisement file
event handler for, Advertisement file
OnBubbleEvent attribute, Event Model
OnCancelCommand attribute (DataGrid control), Creating the EditTemplate Columns
implementing event handler for, Implementing the OnCancelCommand event handler, DataList Editing
OnCheckedChanged attribute, Event Model, CheckBox Control, RadioButton Control
OnClick attribute, Event Model, ASP (Web Server) Controls
Button control and, Button Controls
vs. OnServerClick attribute, HTML Server Controls
OnClick(), Creating Derived Controls
onCompletedGetHistory(), Using Asynchronous Method Calls
implementing, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
onCompletedGetName(), Using Asynchronous Method Calls
implementing, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
onCompletedGetPrice(), Using Asynchronous Method Calls
implementing, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
OnDataBinding attribute, Event Model
OnDeleteCommand attribute (DataGrid control), DataList Editing
one-to-many relationships, Table Relationships
OnEditCommand attribute (DataGrid control), Creating the EditTemplate Columns
implementing event handler for, Implementing the OnEditCommand event handler, DataList Editing
OnInit attribute, Event Model
in basic web page, The Basics
cblFontStyle_Init() and, Tables
cblGenre_Init() and, Adding items programmatically from an array
OnInit(), modifying initialization phase of page loading, Lifecycle
OnItemCreated attribute, Event Model
not included in VB.NET version, Results on one page
populating summary footer, Summary footer
SortColumn property and, Adding a sort symbol
OnItemDataBound attribute, Event Model, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP, Data-bound columns
event handlers
C# code example, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
parameters for, Handling the ItemDataBound event
VB.NET code example, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
not included in VB.NET version, Version 2: Controlling the Columns, Results on one page
setting bug severity color, Conditionally setting the severity color
OnListChanged(), Handling events in C#, Custom event arguments
OnLoad attribute, Event Model
OnLoad(), modifying load phase of page loading, Lifecycle
OnPageIndexChanged attribute, Implementing paging
not included in VB.NET version, Results on one page
OnPreRender attribute, Event Model
OnPreRender(), modifying PreRender phase of page loading, Lifecycle
OnSelectedIndexChanged attribute, Event Model, Responding to user selections, DropDownList Control
DataGrid control and, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships
ListBox control and, Handling events in C#
not included in VB.NET version, Results on one page
OnSelectionChanged attribute, SelectionChanged event
OnServerClick attribute vs. OnClick attribute, HTML Server Controls
OnServerValidate attribute (CustomValidator control), Custom Validation
OnSortCommand attribute
event handler, implementing, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler
not included in VB.NET version, Results on one page
OnTextChanged attribute, Event Model, TextBox Control
OnUnload attribute, Event Model
OnUpdateCommand attribute (DataGrid control), Creating the EditTemplate Columns
implementing event handler for, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler, DataList Editing
OnVisibleMonthChanged attribute, VisibleMonthChanged event
Open value (Status field), Bug Database Architecture
Operator attribute (CompareValidator control), Comparing to Another Control
values for, The Compare Validator
Option Explicit On statement, requiring early binding, Use early binding
Option Strict statement, imposing type-safe behavior, Use early binding
Original value (DataRowVersion enumeration), The delete command, Handling the Errors
originalUrl attribute of <trust> section, trust
OtherMonthDayStyle property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
/out:<filename\> parameter for compiling DLLs, Using a text editor
/out: parameter (WSDL utility), Creating a Discovery File, Discovery, Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
outer joins, Joining Tables
output caching, Output Caching, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
enhancing performance with, Caching
output directories, specifying, using /out: parameter, Creating a Discovery File, Discovery, Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
output parameters, Return values from a sproc, Connection transaction
OutputCache directive, OutputCache Directive, The OutputCache Page Directive, VaryByHeader
OutputCache module in <httpModules\> section, httpModules
Overline subproperty (Font class), The Basics
overloaded constructors used by DateTime class, SelectionChanged event
overloading methods, Adding items programmatically from an array, Adding rows with an array of objects
Cache class and, Cache Class Functionality
MessageName property and, The MessageName property, The MessageName property


Page attribute (Reference directive), Reference Directive
Page class
code-behind files and, Code-Behind
creating control trees, Lifecycle
Page directive, Hello World the ASP.NET Way
.aspx files modified to use code-behind, Code-Behind, Code-Behind
attributes of, Page Directive
code-behind files and, Code-Behind
HTML server controls and, HTML Server Controls
page-level tracing, adding, Page-Level Tracing
page-specific error pages, Page-Specific Error Pages
Table controls and, Tables
page events, Page and Control Events
page navigation and DataGrid control, Implementing paging
page-level tracing, Page-Level Tracing, Page-Level Tracing
page-specific error pages, Page-Specific Error Pages
PageButtonCount attribute (DataGrid control), Implementing paging
PageIndexChanged event, Handling the event for page navigation
pageLayout property, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET, Building the Project, Using Visual Studio .NET
pageOutput property of <trace> section, Application-Level Tracing, trace
Pager (ListItemType enumeration), Items
PagerStyle element (DataGrid control), Implementing paging
<pages\> section of <system.web\>, pages
PageSize attribute (DataGrid control), Implementing paging
Page_Load(), Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
binding data to
DataList control, The DataList Control, The DataList Control
Repeater control, The Code-Behind File, The Code-Behind File
Table control, Adding Code
C# code example, Building the Project, Creating the Sample Application, Getting Started with ADO.NET, Creating a Data Grid
Calendar control and, SelectionChanged event, Building the Project, Building the Project
defining table cells dynamically, Table Cells
event arguments and, Event Arguments
HTML server controls and, HTML Server Controls
Panel control and, Panel Control
DropDownList controls, ListBox Control, ArrayList
tables in ASP.NET, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
retrieving Request.QueryString collection, Creating the details page
testing value of IsPostBack property, IsPostBack
VB.NET code example, Building the Project, Creating the Sample Application, Getting Started with ADO.NET
writing to the Trace object, Inserting into the Trace Log
Panel control, Panel Control, Panel Control
adding to BugHistory table, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships
C# code example, Panel Control
properties not inherited from WebControl class, Panel Control
VB.NET code example, Panel Control
Parameter class, The delete command
Parameters collection, Invoking a sproc with explicit parameters
extracting values from, Return values from a sproc
parameters for command-line compilers, Using a text editor
_parent value
Target property (AdRotator control), Target
Target property (HyperLink control), HyperLink Control
parent/child relationships
as represented in XML, Creating Data Relations
displaying in data grid, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships
ParentRelations property (DataTable class), The DataTable class
ParseChildren attribute, ControlBuilder and ParseChildren attributes
attribute/tag names, Format
variable names, Creating the details page
Passport authentication, Authentication, Passport Authentication, authentication
Passport Logon Service, Passport Authentication
<passport> section of <authentication> section, authentication
PassportAuthentication module in <httpModules\> section, httpModules
PassportAuthenticationModule, Passport Authentication
password attribute
<identity> section, identity
<processModel> section, Application Identity
<user> section, authentication
Password attribute, providing values for, Setting the property from the client
/password:<password\> parameter (WSDL utility), Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
passwordFormat attribute of <credentials> section, Authenticating against web.config, authentication
passwords, validating with CompareValidator control, Comparing to Another Control, Comparing to Another Control
path attribute
<forms> section, Configuring ASP.NET, authentication
<location> section, location
PathType parameter, Server-side includes
PE (Portable Executable) files and assemblies, Assemblies
People table, Bug Database Design
adding new tables for, Adding additional tables to the DataSet
primary key, creating, Creating Primary Keys
structure of, Bug Database Architecture
ASP.NET-specific issues, ASP.NET-Specific Issues, Round trips
asynchronous consumption of web services, issues with, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
benchmarking programs, Benchmarking and Profiling
by disabling session state, Session state configuration
by disabling view state, View State
caching and, Lifecycle , The CacheDuration property, Using Code-Behind, Caching and Performance
connection pooling and, Accessing Data with ADO.NET
database access issues, Database Access Issues
degrades as simultaneous requests increase, Application State
.NET-specific issues, General .NET Issues, Disable debug mode
profiling applications, Benchmarking and Profiling
PerformanceCounter component (System.Diagnostics namespace), Benchmarking and Profiling
persistence and application state, Application State
persistent cookies, Login form
persisting datasets, Persisting the dataset
Petrusha, Ron, State Bag
physical vs. virtual directories, Virtual Directories
configuration hierarchy, Hierarchical Configuration
policyFile attribute of <trustLevel> section, securityPolicy
populating tables
using ASP.NET, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
using classic ASP, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
Portable Executable (PE) files and assemblies, Assemblies
AutoPostBack property
CheckBox control, CheckBox Control
CheckBoxList control, Adding items statically
DropDownList control, Data Binding and Postback
TextBox control, TextBox Control
data binding and, Data Binding and Postback, Data Binding and Postback, The DataList Control
IsPostBack property
CheckBoxList control, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
DropDownList control, DropDownList Control, Data Binding and Postback
Table control, Table Cells
testing value of, IsPostBack
vs. non-postback events, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
web page lifecycle during, Lifecycle
PreRender event, Event Model, Page and Control Events, Lifecycle
Repeater control, The Repeater Control
presentation code, separating from executable code, Code-Behind, Code-Behind
PrevMonthText property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
avoiding syntax problems using character entities, Getting Started with the IDE
primary keys
for Bugs table, Displaying Parent/Child Relationships, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
for People table, Creating Primary Keys, Table Design
relationships among Bugs, BugHistory, and People tables, Table Relationships
PrimaryKey property (DataTable class), The DataTable class, Creating Primary Keys
primitive data types for web services, Data Types, Data Types
Priority parameter (Add/Insert methods), Scavenging
private access modifier, Code-Behind
Private value (HttpCacheability enumeration), The HttpCachePolicy Class
private variables, setting, Creating the details page
<processModel\> section of <system.web\>, processModel
application identity, Application Identity
profiling applications, Benchmarking and Profiling
programming, linear vs. event-driven, Event Model
creating code-behind files using Visual Studio .NET, Using Visual Studio .NET, Using Visual Studio .NET
creating in Visual Studio .NET, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
Properties Window (Visual Studio .NET), Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
Property keyword, State Bag
protected access modifier, Code-Behind
protected friend access modifier (VB.NET), Code-Behind
protected internal access modifier (C#), Code-Behind
protection attribute of <forms> section, Configuring ASP.NET, authentication
/protocol:<protocol\> parameter (WSDL utility), Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
protocols and web services, How Web Services Work, Protocols and Standards, .NET Support for Protocols
proxy classes, How Web Services Work
compiling, Compiling the Proxy Class
creating, Creating the Proxy
creating DLLs using batch files, Automating the Process with a Batch File
instantiating in web page source code, Using a Text Editor, Using Visual Studio .NET
manually generating source code, Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code, Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
methods for, Proxy Class Details
namespaces needed by, Proxy Class Details
original vs. generated source files, Proxy Class Details, Proxy Class Details
proxy DLLs, Creating the Consumer, Creating Web Services
adding references to, using Solution Explorer, Using Visual Studio .NET
adding to consuming application
using asynchronous method calls, Using Asynchronous Method Calls, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
using text editors, Using a Text Editor, Using a Text Editor
using Visual Studio .NET, Using Visual Studio .NET, Using Visual Studio .NET
proxy method calls for GetHistory(), Using Asynchronous Method Calls
public access modifier, Code-Behind
public key encryption technology, Certificate Authentication
Public value (HttpCacheability enumeration), The HttpCachePolicy Class


queries in SQL, SQL
Query analyzer (SQL Server), Stored Procedures
query strings, retrieving, Creating the details page
question mark (?)
conditional operator, The DataList Control
query strings and, Creating the details page


RadioButton control, Selecting Values, RadioButton Control
C# code example, RadioButton Control
DataList control and, The DataList Control
non-postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
VB.NET code example, RadioButton Control
RadioButtonList control, Selecting Values, Selecting from a List, RadioButtonList Control
binding ArrayLists to, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
in bug reporting form, The RequiredFieldValidator, The RequiredFieldValidator
C# code example, RadioButtonList Control, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
code-behind source file (C#), Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
font samples, setting attributes of, Tables
font sizes, setting, Table Cells, Table Cells
non-postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
RequiredFieldValidator control and, The RequiredFieldValidator
Table control and, Tables
transactions, choosing, Database transactions
VB.NET code example, RadioButtonList Control
RaisePostBackEvent(), Lifecycle
RaisePostDataChangedEvent(), Lifecycle
RangeValidator control, Validation, Range Checking, Range Checking
code example, Range Checking
rbl_SelectedIndexChanged event handler, Session State
read-write application state, use with caution, Application State
ReadOnly property (TextBox control), TextBox Control
ReadXML() (DataSet class), The DataSet Class
ReadXMLSchema() (DataSet class), The DataSet Class
record locking to prevent data corruption, Locking the Records
RedirectFromLoginPage(), Login form, Authenticating with redirect to a specified page
Redirection status codes, Page-Level Tracing
redirectUrl attribute of <passport> section, authentication
/reference: command-line switch, Assembly Directive
Reference directive, Reference Directive
/reference:<file list\> parameter for compiling DLLs, Using a text editor
reformatting code, disabling option for, Getting Started with the IDE
Register directive, Register Directive
custom controls, registering with web pages, The Default (Full) Custom Control
user controls, registering with web pages, User Controls
Registers window, Registers window
RegularExpressionValidator control, Validation, Regular Expressions, Regular Expressions
code example, Regular Expressions
DataRow class, The DataRow class
DataSet class, The DataSet Class
DataTable class, The DataTable class
relational data
for Bugs, BugHistory, and People tables, Table Relationships
code-behind page, source code for, Creating Data Relations
creating objects to model relationships, Creating Data Relations
database technology for, Relational Database Technology: A Crash Course, Using SQL to Manipulate the Database
displaying in data grid, Displaying Relational Data, Displaying Relational Data
Relations property (DataSet class), The DataSet Class, Creating Data Relations
relative URLs and ImageUrl property, Image Control
RemoteOnly value of mode attribute, Application-wide Error Pages, customErrors
<remove\> section of <httpHandlers\> section, httpHandlers
Remove() (Cache class), Object Caching
RemoveAt() (Cells collection), Summary footer
Removed (CacheItemRemovedReason enumeration), Callback Support
RemovedCallback(), Callback Support, Callback Support
Render(), Lifecycle
composite controls and, Creating the BookInquiryList composite control , Render, Rendering the summary
custom controls and, The Render method
RenderBeginTag(), The Render method, Rendering the output
RenderEndTag(), The Render method, Rendering the output
RepeatColumns property
CheckBoxList control, Adding items statically
DataList control, The DataList Control
RepeatDirection property
CheckBoxList control, Adding items statically
DataList control, The DataList Control
Repeater control, ASP Control Hierarchy, List-Bound Controls, Part I, Items, The Repeater Control, The Code-Behind File
binding data to, Binding to the DataList and Repeater Controls, The Code-Behind File, The Code-Behind File
postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
templates, The Repeater Control, The Code-Behind File
vs. Table control, Tables
RepeaterItem objects, Items
RepeatLayout property (CheckBoxList control), Adding items statically
Request.QueryString collection, Creating the details page
requestEncoding attribute of <globalization\> section, globalization
requestLimit property of <trace> section, Application-Level Tracing, trace
Required value (TransactionOption enumeration), The TransactionOption Property
RequiredFieldValidator control, The RequiredFieldValidator, The RequiredFieldValidator
adding to control comparison code, Comparing to Another Control
HTML source example, The RequiredFieldValidator, The RequiredFieldValidator
RequiresNew value (TransactionOption enumeration), The TransactionOption Property
Response.Write(), Application State, Events
responseEncoding attribute of <globalization\> section, globalization
.resx files, Using Visual Studio .NET
Right value (ImageAlign property), Image Control
role-based security, Role-based security
roles attribute of <allow> and <deny\> sections, URL Authorization, authorization
rolling back transactions, Database transactions
Roman, Steven, State Bag
root objects in transactions and web methods, The TransactionOption Property
round trips to servers, minimizing, Round trips
RowFilter property (DataView class), DataView
adding data to tables, Adding data to the table
adding, using an array of objects, Adding rows with an array of objects, Updating the dataset
creating in DataGrid control, Creating the details page
deleting from datasets, Updating the dataset
integrity of hand-created rows, Updating the dataset
iterating through, Creating Data Relations
table organization and, Tables, Records, and Columns
vs. objects, Tables, Records, and Columns
Rows property
DataTable class, The DataTable class
ListBox control, ListBox Control
Table control, Tables
TextBox control, TextBox Control
RowSpan property (TableCell control), Table Cells
RowUpdated event, Handling the Errors, Handling the Errors
Rule enumeration (DeleteRule/UpdateRule properties), Creating Foreign Keys
runat attribute, ASP Versus ASP.NET Events, HTML Server Controls
submit button and, HTML Server Controls
runtime handler declaration, Configuration Section Handler Declarations


SaveViewState(), Lifecycle
scalability and application state, Application State
scavenging, Scavenging
schema, XML, XML
scope attribute, specifying value of object, Object declarations
script blocks
events in, Events, Events
in global.asax file, Script blocks, Global static variables and instance methods
static variables/instance methods in, Global static variables and instance methods, Global static variables and instance methods
C# code example, Global static variables and instance methods
VB.NET code example, Global static variables and instance methods
scripting code, adding to web pages, The ASP Version
Second property (DateTime class), SelectionChanged event
section handler declarations, Configuration Section Handler Declarations, Configuration Section Handler Declarations
custom configuration sections
accessing name/value pairs, Name/value pairs
returning objects, Objects, Objects
<section> tag (handler declarations), Configuration Section Handler Declarations, Name/value pairs
<sectionGroup\> tag, Configuration Section Handler Declarations, Objects
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Basic authentication and, Basic authentication
Forms authentication and, Forms Authentication
Passport authentication and, Passport Authentication
security, Security, Application Identity
controlling, using configuration files, Security Settings, trust
role-based, Role-based security
for web services, How Web Services Work
<securityPolicy\> configuration section, securityPolicy
Select statement (SQL)
creating relationship between tables, Creating Data Relations
creating stored procedures, Stored Procedures, Stored Procedures
displaying relational data in data grid, Displaying Relational Data
<select\> tag, HTML Server Controls
Select() (DataTable class), The DataTable class
SelectCommand property (SqlDataAdapter class)
creating/displaying datasets, Creating and displaying a dataset
setting, The Dataset and the Data Adapter
Selected property (CheckBoxList control), Adding items statically
SelectedDate property (Calendar control), Calendar, SelectionChanged event
SelectedDates property (Calendar control), Calendar, SelectionChanged event
SelectedDatesCollection objects, SelectionChanged event
SelectedDayStyle property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
SelectedIndex property
CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList Control
DataGrid control, Results on one page
RadioButtonList controls, RadioButtonList Control
SelectedIndexChanged event, Event Model, Responding to user selections
C# code example, Creating the Sample Application
modifying handler for, Custom event arguments
VB.NET code example, Creating the Sample Application
SelectedItem (ListItemType enumeration), Items
SelectedItem property
CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList Control
DropDownList control, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
RadioButtonList controls, RadioButtonList Control
SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event, Building the Project
C# code example, SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event
VB.NET code example, SelectionChanged event
SelectionChanged(), SelectionChanged event
SelectionMode property
Calendar control, Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
ListBox control, ListBox Control
SelectMonthText property (Calendar control), Calendar
SelectorStyle property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
SelectRange(), SelectionChanged event
_self value
Target property (AdRotator control), Target
Target property (HyperLink control), HyperLink Control
Separator (ListItemType enumeration), Items
separators, testing if items are, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
SeparatorTemplate, The Repeater Control, The SeparatorTemplate
SeparatorTemplate property (Repeater control), The Repeater Control
server controls (see ASP controls HTML server controls)
Server Errors status codes, Page-Level Tracing
Server value
HttpCacheability enumeration, The HttpCachePolicy Class
OutputCacheLocation enumeration, Location, The HttpCachePolicy Class
server-side caching, Caching and Performance, Benchmarking and Profiling
server-side event handlers, ASP Versus ASP.NET Events
server-side includes in global.asax file, Server-side includes
server-side processing
ASP.NET events and, ASP Versus ASP.NET Events
disabling view state, View State
with HTML server controls, HTML Server Controls
server-side validation
CustomValidator control, Custom Validation
forcing, Validation
OnServerValidate attribute, Custom Validation
ServerName attribute, providing values for, Setting the property from the client
ServerValidator(), Custom Validation
service description documents, generating in WSDL, Creating a Discovery File
Service1.asmx file, Using Visual Studio .NET, Using Visual Studio .NET
session events, Application and Session Events
Session module in <httpModules\> section, httpModules
session state, Session State, Session scoped application objects
advantages of, Session State
C# code example, Session State
configuration, Session state configuration, Session state configuration, sessionState
dictionary objects, Session State
assigning string arrays to, Session State
assigning Text/Value properties to, Session State
populating, Session State
retrieving string arrays from, Session State
disabling, to enhance performance, Session state
disabling/enabling, Session state configuration
for web methods, The EnableSession property
persisting datasets to, Persisting the dataset
saving DataView into, DataView
VB.NET code example, Session State
Session.Abandon(), Events
identifying/tracking sessions with, Session State
storing, using cookies, Session state configuration
SessionState class, Session State
<sessionState\> section of <system.web\>, Session state configuration, sessionState
disabling for entire application, Session state
Session_End event, Application and Session Events, Events
application state and, Application State
events in global.asax file, Events
session state and, Session State
Session_OnEnd event (ASP), ASP Versus ASP.NET Events
Session_OnStart event (ASP), ASP Versus ASP.NET Events
Session_Start event, Application and Session Events, Events
application state and, Application State
events in global.asax file, Events
session state and, Session State
Session.Abandon() and, Events
Set() (SortColumn property), Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler
SetAuthCookie(), Authenticating with redirect to a specified page
SetCacheability values (HttpCacheability enumeration), The HttpCachePolicy Class
SetDefault value (Rule enumeration), Creating Foreign Keys
SetExpires(), The HttpCachePolicy Class
SetMaxAge(), The HttpCachePolicy Class
SetNoServerCaching(), The HttpCachePolicy Class
SetNull value (Rule enumeration), Creating Foreign Keys
SetSlidingExpiration(), The HttpCachePolicy Class
Severity table, Bug Database Design
creating data relationship with BugHistory table, Creating Data Relations , Creating Data Relations
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), XML
SHA1 value of passwordFormat attribute, Authenticating against web.config, authentication
shadow copies of DLLs, creating, Assemblies
Shared keyword (VB.NET), Global static variables and instance methods
ShowDayHeader property (Calendar control), Calendar
ShowFooter attribute (DataGrid control), Summary footer
ShowGridLines property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
ShowMessageBox attribute (ValidationSummary control), The Summary Validator
ShowNextPrevMonth property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
ShowSummary attribute (ValidationSummary control), The Summary Validator
ShowTitle property (Calendar control), Calendar
signatures, Creating the Consuming Application
callback methods and, Callback Support
method overloading and, The MessageName property
SignOut(), Logging out
Simple Object Access Protocol (see SOAP protocol)
single selection list boxes, ListBox Control
Size property, using instead of HtmlTextWriter, Maintaining state
Size subproperty (Font class), The Basics
SkipAllRemainingRows value (UpdateStatus enumeration), Handling the Errors
SkipCurrentRow value (UpdateStatus enumeration), Handling the Errors
SlidingExpiration parameter (Add/Insert methods), Time dependency, Time dependency
.sln files (Solution Explorer), Using Visual Studio .NET
sn.exe utility, generating strong names with, Global Deployment
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) protocol, Web Services Overview, SOAP
Description property
of WebMethod attribute, The Description property
of WebService attribute, The Description property
MessageName property of WebMethod attribute, The MessageName property
proxy classes and, Proxy Class Details
SoapHttpClientProtocol class, SOAP, Proxy Class Details
Solution Explorer, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
adding references to proxy DLLs, Using Visual Studio .NET
creating web services using code-behind files, Using Visual Studio .NET, Using Visual Studio .NET
editing web.config file, Application-Level Tracing
Sort command event, creating event handler for, Results on one page
sort symbols, adding to columns in DataGrid controls, Adding a sort symbol, Adding a sort symbol
SortAscend property, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler
SortColumn property, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler, Adding a sort symbol
SortExpression attribute of BoundColumn element, Results on one page
source code and compiler references, Using a text editor
SourceColumn property (Parameter class), The delete command, The update command
SourceVersion property (Parameter class), The delete command, The update command
spAddBug stored procedure, Connection transaction
spAddBugWithTransactions stored procedure, Database transactions
spBugsNoHistory stored procedure, Updating with SQL
spBugsWithIDs stored procedure, Creating and displaying a dataset
spDeleteBugFromDataSet stored procedure, The delete command
spInsertBugFromDataSet stored procedure, The insert command
sprocs (see stored procedures)
spUpdateBugFromDataSet stored procedure, The update command
spUpdateBugFromDataSetWithConcurrency stored procedure, Handling the Errors
SQL (Structured Query Language)
crash course in, SQL
data classes in .NET framework, The .NET Framework
joining tables in, Joining Tables
managed providers, Managed Providers
manipulating the database, Using SQL to Manipulate the Database
updating data, Updating with SQL, Updating with SQL
C# code example, Updating with SQL, Updating with SQL
VB.NET code example, Updating with SQL, Updating with SQL
SQL Server Query analyzer, Stored Procedures
SqlCommand class, The DataAdapter Object, Using a DataReader
connection transactions and, Connection transaction
creating delete command, The delete command
invoking stored procedures with explicit parameters, Invoking a sproc with explicit parameters
SqlDataAdapter class and, The Dataset and the Data Adapter
SqlCommandBuilder, Command Builder
creating, Command Builder
SqlConnection class, The DataAdapter Object, Using a DataReader
connection transactions and, Connection transaction
sqlConnectionString attribute of <sessionState\> section, Session state configuration, sessionState
SqlDataAdapter class, The DataAdapter Object, Objects
updating data using datasets, The Dataset and the Data Adapter
updating databases, Calling the Update method
SqlDataReader class, The Data Reader, Using a DataReader, Using a DataReader, Updating with SQL
enhancing performance with, Use DataReader class
SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs class, Handling the Errors
SqlTransaction object, instantiating, Connection transaction
Src attribute
Assembly directive, Assembly Directive, Assembly
Control directive, Control Directive, @Control Properties
Page directive, Code-Behind, Page Directive
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
Basic authentication and, Basic authentication
Forms authentication and, Forms Authentication
Passport authentication and, Passport Authentication
Start Page (Visual Studio .NET), Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
startup handler declaration, Configuration Section Handler Declarations
state bag, State Bag, State Bag
state for web services
preserving, How Web Services Work
vs. cached data, Caching and Performance
state management capabilities, State, Session scoped application objects
application state, Application State, Application State
session state, Session State, Session scoped application objects
state bag, State Bag, State Bag
view state, View State
StateBag class
C# code example, State Bag
VB.NET code example, State Bag
stateConnectionString attribute of <sessionState\> section, Session state configuration, sessionState
StatementType enumeration, Handling the Errors
static keyword (C#), Global static variables and instance methods
static objects, providing information globally across applications, Application State
static variables in script blocks, Global static variables and instance methods, Global static variables and instance methods
static web pages, creating, The HTML Version
status codes, Page-Level Tracing
Status field of BugHistory table, Bug Database Architecture
stepping through code, Stepping through code
StockTicker.cs file, Proxy Class Details
StockTickerVB.vsdisco file, Using Visual Studio .NET
stored procedures, Stored Procedures
capturing return values from, Return values from a sproc, Return values from a sproc
connection transactions, implementing, Connection transaction, Connection transaction
creating, Stored Procedures
database transactions, implementing, Database transactions, Database transactions
deleting bug records, The delete command
enhancing performance with, Stored procedures
handling concurrency errors, Handling the Errors
inserting records into databases, The insert command
with explicit parameters, Invoking a sproc with explicit parameters
with inline arguments, Invoking a Stored Procedure with Parameters
programmatically, Invoking the Stored Procedure Programmatically, Invoking a sproc with no parameters
retrieving data from databases, Creating and displaying a dataset , Creating and displaying a dataset
updating databases, The update command
StreamWriter class, Events
Strict attribute
Control directive, Control Directive, @Control Properties
Page directive, State Bag, Page Directive
Strikeout subproperty (Font class), The Basics
StringBuilder class, Responding to user selections, Binding Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
enhancing performance with, String concatenation, Benchmarking and Profiling
concatenating, performance issues with, String concatenation, String concatenation
converting DateTime objects to, SelectionChanged event
creating connection strings, Getting Started with ADO.NET
invoking stored procedures with no parameters, Invoking a sproc with no parameters
modifying, to use properties in code, Integrating the property into your code
using DataReaders, Using a DataReader
creating with StringBuilder class, Responding to user selections
MaxLength property and, Setting constraints
strong names, generating, Global Deployment
Structured Query Language (see entries under SQL)
style properties of Calendar control, Calendar
subproperties of Font class, The Basics
substitution parameter ({0} symbol), Data-bound columns
Successful status codes, Page-Level Tracing
.suo files (Solution Explorer), Using Visual Studio .NET
Supported value (TransactionOption enumeration), The TransactionOption Property
survivability and application state, Application State
switches for WSDL utility, Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
symbolic debugger, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET, Debugging, Configuration
synchronous event handler code example, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
synchronous vs. asynchronous method calls, Proxy Class Details, Using Asynchronous Method Calls
syntax errors, Error Handling
System colors, Getting Started with the IDE
System Performance Monitor (Windows), Benchmarking and Profiling
SYSTEM username for ASP.NET processes, Impersonation
System.Collections.ICollection interface and DataSource property, DataSource
System.Configuration namespace, appSettings
System.Data namespace, The DataSet Class
System.Data.Dataview objects and DataSource property, DataSource
System.Data.OleDb namespace, The DataAdapter Object
System.Data.SqlClient namespace, The DataAdapter Object
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction class, Implementing Transactions
System.DateTime objects, returned by TodaysDate property, SelectionChanged event
System.dll assembly file, Name/value pairs
System.Drawing namespace, Conditionally setting the severity color
System.EnterpriseServices, adding to web services, The TransactionOption Property
System.Enum.GetName(), Handling the Errors
<\> configuration section,
System.Object class, ASP Control Hierarchy
System.Reflection namespace, Global Deployment
<system.web\> configuration section, Session state configuration, system.web, webServices, Objects
System.Web.Caching.OutputCacheModule class, httpModules
System.Web.Security.FileAuthorizationModule class, httpModules
System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule class, httpModules
System.Web.Security.PassportAuthenticationModule class, httpModules
System.Web.Security.UrlAuthorizationModule class, httpModules
System.Web.Security.WindowsAuthenticationModule class, httpModules
System.Web.Services.WebService class, Application State via HttpContext
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule class, httpModules
System.Web.UI.Control class, ASP Control Hierarchy
System.Web.UI.Page class, Code-Behind
System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace, ASP Control Hierarchy
button-like ASP controls, Button Controls
list-bound controls, List-Bound Controls, Part I
System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl class, The Default (Full) Custom Control


tabbed document interface (Visual Studio .NET), Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
Table control, Tables, Tables
C# code example, Tables, Tables
properties not derived from other controls, Tables
VB.NET code example, Tables
vs. DataList controls, Tables
Width property and, Tables, Cell Width
Table property (DataRow class), The DataRow class
<table\> tag, HTML Server Controls
vs. TableCell control, Tables
TableCell control, Tables, Table Cells
controlling cell width, Cell Width
creating, Table Cells
DayRender event and, DayRender event
displaying message in cell, Summary footer
setting color properties of, Conditionally setting the severity color
TableHeaderCell control, Tables, Table Cells
controlling cell width, Cell Width
TableMappings collection, Creating and displaying a dataset
TableRow control, Tables, Table Rows
creating, Table Cells
database organization and, Tables, Records, and Columns
design issues, Table Design
joining, Joining Tables
using ASP.NET, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
using classic ASP, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
relationships among, Table Relationships
vs. classes, Tables, Records, and Columns
Tables property (DataSet class), The DataSet Class
tag prefixes
custom controls and, The Default (Full) Custom Control
user controls and, User Controls
HTML, HTML Server Controls, Tables
XML, Advertisement file, XML, Format
/target:library parameter for compiling DLLs, Using a text editor
Target property
AdRotator control, AdRotator Control
HyperLink control, HyperLink Control
<td\> tag, HTML Server Controls
creating, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
vs. TableCell control, Tables
TemplateColumn class
adding object to DataGrid control, List-Bound Controls, Part I
controlling display in edit/normal modes, Creating the EditTemplate Columns, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
TemplateControl class
events derived from, Page and Control Events
templates, List-Bound Controls, Part II
DataList control, The DataList Control
Repeater control, List-Bound Controls, Part I, The Repeater Control, The Code-Behind File
working together, shown in .aspx file, The Repeater Control
Text property
CheckBox control, CheckBox Control
custom control, Properties
HyperLink control, HyperLink Control
Label control, The Basics, Label Control, Creating Data Relations
ListItem object, Selecting from a List, ListItem Object
TableCell control, Tables, Table Cells, Summary footer
TextBox control, TextBox Control, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
TextAlign property
CheckBox control, CheckBox Control
CheckBoxList control, Adding items statically
<textarea\> tag, HTML Server Controls
TextBox control, TextBox Control
in bug reporting form, The RequiredFieldValidator
C# code example, The Basics
DataList control in-place editing and, DataList Editing
extracting data from controls, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
non-postback event, Postback Versus Non-Postback Events
properties of, TextBox Control
RequiredFieldValidator control and, The RequiredFieldValidator
selecting range of dates, SelectionChanged event
VB.NET code example, The Basics
TextChanged event, Event Model, TextBox Control, Using a Text Editor
TextMode property (TextBox control), TextBox Control
TextTop value (ImageAlign property), Image Control
<th\> tag, HTML Server Controls
vs. TableHeaderCell control, Tables
This window (C#), This/Me window
Threads window, Threads window
Ticks property (DateTime class), SelectionChanged event
tightly vs. loosely coupled connections, Web Services Overview
time dependencies, Time dependency, Time dependency
TimeOfDay property (DateTime class), SelectionChanged event
timeout attribute
<forms> section, Configuring ASP.NET, authentication
<sessionState\> section, Session state configuration, sessionState
timeout period, Session State
TitleFormat property (Calendar control), Calendar
TitleStyle property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
TodayDayStyle property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
TodaysDate property (Calendar control), Calendar, SelectionChanged event
returning objects of type System.DateTime, SelectionChanged event
ToFileTime(), SelectionChanged event
ToLongDateString(), SelectionChanged event
ToLongTimeString(), SelectionChanged event
ToolTip property, ASP Control Hierarchy, HyperLink Control
_top value
Target property (AdRotator control), Target
Target property (HyperLink control), HyperLink Control
Top value (ImageAlign property), Image Control
ToShortDateString(), SelectionChanged event
ToShortTimeString(), SelectionChanged event
ToString(), SelectionChanged event, Global static variables and instance methods
<tr\> tag, HTML Server Controls
vs. TableRow control, Tables
Trace attribute (Page directive), Page Directive, Page-Level Tracing, Inserting into the Trace Log
trace logs
page-level tracing and, Page-Level Tracing
putting statements in, Inserting into the Trace Log, Inserting into the Trace Log
viewing from browsers, Trace Viewer
Trace object
C# code example, Inserting into the Trace Log
VB.NET code example, Inserting into the Trace Log
<trace\> section of <system.web\>, Application-Level Tracing, trace
Trace statements, Command Builder
trace viewer, Trace Viewer
Trace.Warn(), Inserting into the Trace Log
trace statement written using, Inserting into the Trace Log
Trace.Write(), Inserting into the Trace Log
TraceMode attribute (Page directive), Page Directive
traceMode property of <trace> section, Application-Level Tracing, trace
tracing, Tracing, Trace Viewer
application-level, Application-Level Tracing, Application-Level Tracing
page-level, Page-Level Tracing, Page-Level Tracing
putting statements in trace logs, Inserting into the Trace Log, Inserting into the Trace Log
trace viewer, Trace Viewer
Transact SQL, commenting code in, Tables
Transaction attribute (Page directive), Page Directive
Transaction property (SqlCommand class), Connection transaction, Adding transaction support
TransactionOption property (WebMethod attribute), The TransactionOption Property, The TransactionOption Property
ACID test, The ACID Test
adding support to databases, Adding transaction support
.aspx file, source code for, Connection transaction, Connection transaction
implementing, Implementing Transactions, Connection transaction
with connection transactions, Connection transaction, Connection transaction
with database transactions, Database transactions, Database transactions
rolling back, Database transactions
updating data with, Updating Data with Transactions, Connection transaction
C# code example, Connection transaction, Connection transaction
Triple-DES encryption
used by Forms authentication, Configuring ASP.NET
used by Passport authentication, Passport Authentication
<trust\> configuration section, trust
<trustLevel> section of <securityPolicy> section, securityPolicy
Type attribute
CompareValidator control, Comparing to Another Control
values for, The Compare Validator
RangeValidator control, Range Checking


/u command-line switch (GacUtil.exe), Global Deployment
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) registry, Discovery
uiCulture attribute of <globalization\> section, globalization
UNC (Universal Naming Convention) shares, Impersonation
Underline subproperty (Font class), The Basics
underlying values for properties, providing, Providing an underlying value for the property, Properties
Underused (CacheItemRemovedReason enumeration), Callback Support
unhandled errors, Unhandled Errors
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) of web services, The Namespace property
Unique property (DataColumn class), Setting constraints
UniqueConstraint class, Setting constraints
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registry, Discovery
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) shares, Impersonation
Unload event, Event Model, Page and Control Events
Unlock() (HttpApplicationState class), Application State
Update Database button, Updating the records in the dataset
handling errors, Handling the Errors
updating in the database, Updating in the database
Update DataSet button
handling errors, Handling the Errors
retrieving dataset, Updating the dataset
retrieving dataset from session state, Persisting the dataset
Update event, event handler for, Creating the EditTemplate Columns, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler, DataList Editing
Update statement (SQL)
handling concurrency errors, Handling the Errors
implementing connection transactions, Connection transaction
OnUpdateCommand event handler, implementing, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
Update() (DataAdapter class), The DataAdapter Object, Calling the Update method, Command Builder
UpdateCommand property (SqlDataAdapter class), The Dataset and the Data Adapter
building with Command Builder, Command Builder
providing command objects to, The update command
setting, The Dataset and the Data Adapter
UpdateDB(), Updating with SQL
UpdateRule property (ForeignKeyConstraint class), Creating Foreign Keys
UpdateStatus enumeration, Handling the Errors
UpdateText attribute of EditCommandColumn element, Creating the EditTemplate Columns
updating data
using Command Builder, Command Builder, Command Builder
concurrency issues, Handling the Errors, Handling the Errors
using datasets, Updating Data Using Datasets, Calling the Update method
C# code example, Calling the Update method, Calling the Update method
VB.NET code example, Calling the Update method, Calling the Update method
multiple users and, Multiuser Updates, Handling the Errors
with SQL, Updating with SQL, Updating with SQL
C# code example, Updating with SQL, Updating with SQL
VB.NET code example, Updating with SQL, Updating with SQL
with transactions, Updating Data with Transactions, Connection transaction
C# code example, Connection transaction, Connection transaction
uplevel browser alias, clientTarget
uplevel browsers, Controls, ASP.NET and Browsers, Validation
minimizing round trips using, Round trips
URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) of web services, The Namespace property
URL authorization, URL Authorization, URL Authorization
UrlAuthorization module in <httpModules\> section, httpModules
UrlEncode(), Events
absolute/relative, Image Control
navigating to, using HyperLink control, HyperLink Control, Creating the hyperlink
query strings and, Creating the details page
useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl attribute of <httpRuntime\> section, httpRuntime
user control (.ascx) files, User Controls
Assembly directive and, Assembly Directive
Control directive and, Control Directive
event handling and, Handling events in C#
Implements directive and, Implements Directive
Import directive and, Import Directive
user controls, Controls, Custom and User Controls, Custom event arguments
adding code to, Adding Code, Adding Code
adding properties to, Adding Properties, Setting the property from the client
Control directive, attributes of, Control Directive, @Control Properties
event handling, Handling Events , Custom event arguments
C# code example, Handling events in C#, Handling events in C#
providing custom event arguments, Custom event arguments
VB.NET code example, Handling events in VB.NET, Handling events in VB.NET
fragment caching and, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
creating, Creating a property
integrating into code, Integrating the property into your code
providing underlying values for, Providing an underlying value for the property
setting from client, Setting the property from the client
registering with web pages, User Controls
tag prefixes and, User Controls
user input, validating, Validation, Custom Validation
<user\> section of <credentials> section, Authenticating against web.config, authentication
userName attribute
<identity> section, identity
<processModel> section, Application Identity
/username:<username\> parameter (WSDL utility), Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
users attribute of <allow> and <deny\> sections, URL Authorization, authorization
using statement (C#), Event Arguments, Tables, Code-Behind, Import Directive, Objects
UTF-8/UTF-32 character encoding parameters, Format
uuencoded data and HTTP requests, HTTP-GET


validation, Validation, Custom Validation
client-side, Validation, The RequiredFieldValidator
validation attribute of <machineKey> section, machineKey
validation controls, Controls, ASP.NET and Browsers
CompareValidator, Validation, The Compare Validator, Comparing to Another Control
CustomValidator, Validation, Custom Validation, Custom Validation
RangeValidator, Validation, Range Checking, Range Checking
RequiredFieldValidator, The RequiredFieldValidator, The RequiredFieldValidator
ValidationSummary, The Summary Validator, The Summary Validator
ValidationExpression attribute (RegularExpressionValidator control), Regular Expressions
validationKey attribute of <machineKey> section, machineKey
ValidationSummary control, The Summary Validator, The Summary Validator
ValidationSummaryDisplayMode enumeration, The Summary Validator
Value property
DropDownList control, Implementing the OnUpdateCommand event handler
ListItem object, Selecting from a List, ListItem Object
ValueToCompare attribute (CompareValidator control), The Compare Validator
variable names in C# and VB.NET, SelectionChanged event
variables, examining value of, Examining variables and objects
VaryByControl parameter (OutputCache directive), VaryByControl
VaryByCustom parameter (OutputCache directive), VaryByCustom
VaryByHeader parameter (OutputCache directive), VaryByHeader
VaryByParam parameter (OutputCache directive), VaryByParam, VaryByParam
VaryByParam property (HttpCachePolicy class), The HttpCachePolicy Class
commenting code, Tables
creating “Hello World” example, Hello World the ASP.NET Way
friend access modifier, Code-Behind
Page_Load code example, Getting Started with ADO.NET
protected friend access modifier, Code-Behind
variable names, differences with C#, SelectionChanged event
vs. C#
coding differences, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
command-line compiler differences, Compiling the Proxy Class
populating tables in ASP.NET, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
vbApplicationState.aspx file, Application State
vbASPAdRotator.aspx file, Advertisement file
vbASPButtons.aspx file, Button Controls
vbASPCalendarDayRender.aspx file, DayRender event, DayRender event
vbASPCalendarMoreSelections.aspx file, SelectionChanged event
vbASPCalendarRangeSelection.aspx file, SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event
vbASPCalendarSelectionChanged.aspx file, SelectionChanged event
vbASPCalendarVisibleMonth.aspx, VisibleMonthChanged event, VisibleMonthChanged event
vbASPCheckboxes.aspx file, CheckBox Control
vbASPCheckBoxListArray.aspx file, Adding items programmatically from an array
vbASPCheckBoxListArrayValue.aspx file, Adding items programmatically from an array
vbASPCheckBoxListDataBind.aspx file, Adding items from a data source
vbASPCheckBoxListEvents.aspx file, Responding to user selections
vbASPDropDownList.aspx file, DropDownList Control, DropDownList Control
vbASPHyperLink.aspx file, HyperLink Control
vbAspImageAlign.aspx file, Image Control
vbASPListBox.aspx file, ListBox Control, ListBox Control
vbAspPanel.aspx file, Panel Control
vbASPRadioButtonList.aspx file, RadioButtonList Control
vbASPRadioButtons.aspx file, RadioButton Control
vbASPServerControlBasics1.aspx file, The Basics
vbASPServerControlBasics2.aspx file, The Basics
vbASPServerControls1.aspx file, ASP (Web Server) Controls
vbAspTable.aspx file, Tables
vbCodeBehind.aspx file, Code-Behind
vbConfig-02.aspx file, Name/value pairs
vbConfig-02b.aspx file, Name/value pairs
vbConfig-03.aspx file, Objects
vbGlobalEvents-01.aspx file, Events
vbGlobalEvents-02.aspx file, Global static variables and instance methods
vbHelloWorld1.aspx file, Hello World the ASP.NET Way
vbHTMLServerControls.aspx file, HTML Server Controls
vbHTMLServerControls2.aspx file, HTML Server Controls
vbObjCache-01.aspx file, Object Caching, Object Caching
vbObjCache-02.aspx file, File change dependency
vbObjCache-03.aspx file, Cached item dependency, Cached item dependency
vbObjCache-04.aspx file, Callback Support
vbOutputCache-01.aspx file, Duration
vbOutputCache-02.aspx file, VaryByParam
vbOutputCache-03.aspx file, The HttpCachePolicy Class
vbOutputCache-UserControl-02.aspx file, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
vbOutputCache-UserControl.aspx file, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
adding to web pages, The ASP Version
commenting code, Tables
vbSessionState.aspx file, Session State
vbStateBagDemo.aspx file, State Bag
vbStockTicker.asmx file, A Simple StockTicker, Data Types
vbStockTickerCodeBehind.asmx file, Using a text editor
vbStockTickerConsumer.aspx file, Using a Text Editor, Using a Text Editor
vbUserControl-02.ascx file, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
vbUserControl-03.ascx file, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
vbUserControl.ascx file, Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
verbs attribute of <allow> and <deny\> sections, URL Authorization, authorization
versioning information in assemblies, Assemblies and the in Directory, Assemblies
global deployment of applications, Global Deployment, Global Deployment
VerticalAlign property
TableCell control, Table Cells
TableRow control, Table Rows
view state, View State, Lifecycle
disabling, to enhance performance, View state
SortColumn property and, Implementing the OnSortCommand event handler
ViewState property, State Bag, Lifecycle
maintaining state for custom controls, Maintaining state, Creating Derived Controls
virtual directories, Virtual Directories, Virtual Directories
configuration hierarchy, Hierarchical Configuration
default web sites and, Virtual Directories, Virtual Directories
defining with Internet Services Manager, Hello World
virtual root directory, creating VS.NET projects in, Getting Started with the IDE, Using Visual Studio .NET
VirtualItemCount property (DataGrid control), Handling the event for page navigation
Visible property
DataGrid control, Results on one page
displaying history data, Using a Text Editor
inherited by all controls, ASP Control Hierarchy
VisibleDate property (Calendar control), Calendar, SelectionChanged event, SelectionChanged event
VisibleMonthChanged event, VisibleMonthChanged event
C# code example, VisibleMonthChanged event, VisibleMonthChanged event, Building the Project
hooking up to Calendar control, Building the Project
VB.NET code example, VisibleMonthChanged event, VisibleMonthChanged event
VisibleMonthChanged(), VisibleMonthChanged event
Visual Studio .NET
advantages of using, Visual Studio .NET
building/running projects, Building the Project
changing options in, Getting Started with the IDE
choosing colors, Getting Started with the IDE
code-behind files and, Code-Behind, Using Visual Studio .NET
creating event-driven data table in ASP.NET, Comparing ASP.NET to ASP
creating “Hello World” example, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
debugger, Debugging, Configuration
editing web.config file, Application-Level Tracing
event handler declarations, Event Arguments
getting started with, Getting Started with the IDE
hooking up event handlers to controls, Building the Project
issues with project names, Using Visual Studio .NET
projects, default locations of, Getting Started with the IDE, Using Visual Studio .NET
proxy DLLs
adding to consuming application, Using Visual Studio .NET, Using Visual Studio .NET
creating and compiling, Using Visual Studio .NET
user controls, support for creating, User Controls
web forms and, ASP.NET, Using the IDE
VS.NET (see Visual Studio .NET)


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), XML
Warn(), Inserting into the Trace Log
trace statement written using, Inserting into the Trace Log
Warning type (breakpoints), Breakpoint icons
WarningLevel attribute (Control directive), @Control Properties
Watch window, Watch window
web application directories, Virtual Directories
Web colors, Getting Started with the IDE
web farms/gardens
application state and, Application State
enhancing performance with, Web gardening and web farming
web forms
classes for, The .NET Framework
programming, Programming Web Forms, DayRender event
Web Forms controls, Hello World Using Visual Studio .NET
web methods, Developing a Web Service
attaching descriptive strings to, The Description property
enabling session state for, The EnableSession property
returning cached results to clients, The CacheDuration property
returning DataSet objects to consuming clients, Data Types
for StockTicker web service, A Simple StockTicker
syntax for defining, The WebMethod Attribute
transactions, participating in, The TransactionOption Property, The TransactionOption Property
web pages
control trees and, Lifecycle
creating tables using ASP controls, Tables
creating with HTML, The HTML Version
default web sites, Virtual Directories
hand-coded vs. Visual Studio .NET page-layout differences, Building the Project
lifecycle of, Lifecycle , Lifecycle
vs. web services, Creating Web Services, The WebService Directive
with in-place editing[web pages
in-place editing, In-Place Editing
web server controls (see ASP controls)
web services
access to application state via HttpContext object, Application State via HttpContext, Application State via HttpContext
classes for, The .NET Framework
classes, using with, Data Types, Data Types
CLR-supported data types for, Data Types, Data Types
code-behind files, Developing a Web Service, Using Code-Behind, Using Visual Studio .NET
converting from inline code to, Using Code-Behind, Using Visual Studio .NET
rationale for using, Creating Web Services
using text editors, Using a text editor, Using a text editor
using Visual Studio .NET, Using Visual Studio .NET, Using Visual Studio .NET
consuming (see consuming web services)
creating, Creating Web Services
DataSets returned by, Data Types
deploying, Deployment
descriptions of, How Web Services Work
development process, Developing a Web Service
directories for listing services, How Web Services Work
discovery documents, How Web Services Work
creating, Creating a Discovery File, Creating a Discovery File
DLL files (see proxy DLLs)
inline code, Creating Web Services
locating, using UDDI registry, Discovery
overview of, Web Services Overview, .NET Support for Protocols
parameters/return types for, Data Types, Data Types
protocols, How Web Services Work, Protocols and Standards, .NET Support for Protocols
proxies (see entries under proxy)
security for, How Web Services Work
state, preserving if necessary, How Web Services Work
vs. web pages, Creating Web Services, The WebService Directive
Web Services Description Language (see WSDL)
web.config file, Using Visual Studio .NET, Configuring the Application, Format
anonymous access, disallowing, Anonymous Access
application-level tracing, Application-Level Tracing
application-wide error pages, Application-wide Error Pages, Application-wide Error Pages
appSettings configuration section in, appSettings
ASP.NET, configuring, Configuring ASP.NET, Configuring ASP.NET
authenticating against, using Forms authentication, Authenticating against web.config, Authenticating against web.config
authentication providers, enabling, Authentication
configuration hierarchy, Hierarchical Configuration
configuration sections
custom, Name/value pairs, Objects
handler declarations for, Configuration Section Handler Declarations
configuring session state, Session state configuration, Session state configuration
debugging, disabling/enabling, Configuration
editing in Visual Studio .NET, Application-Level Tracing
format of, Format
Forms authentication, Configuring ASP.NET, URL Authorization
<location\> tag and, location
applying access rules to subdirectories, URL Authorization
<machineKey\> tag and, machineKey
Passport authentication, Passport Authentication
<securityPolicy\> tag and, securityPolicy
<trust\> tag and, trust
view state, disabling, View State
Windows authentication, Windows Authentication
WebClientProtocol class, .NET Support for Protocols
WebControl class, ASP Control Hierarchy
CheckBox control properties not inherited from, CheckBox Control
controls derived from, Selecting Values
list-bound controls and, List-Bound Controls, Part I
Panel control properties not inherited from, Panel Control
<webControls\> section of <system.web\>, webControls
WebCustomControl1.cs file, Maintaining state
WebCustomControl1.vb file, Maintaining state
Webding text symbols, Adding a sort symbol
WebForm1 class, creating, Building the Project
WebForm1.aspx file (testing custom controls), Maintaining state
WebForm1.aspx.cs file, Building the Project
WebForm1.aspx.vb file, Building the Project
WebMethod attribute, The WebMethod Attribute
properties of, WebMethod properties, The TransactionOption Property
WebMethodAttribute class, The WebMethod Attribute
<webRequestModules\> section of <\>,
WebService attribute, The WebService Attribute, The Namespace property
properties of, The WebService Attribute
WebService class, deriving from
advantages of, Deriving from the WebService Class
limitations of, Application State via HttpContext
WebService directive, The WebService Directive
code-behind files and, Using a text editor
<webServices\> section of <system.web\>, webServices
WeekendDayStyle property (Calendar control), Calendar, Getting Started with the IDE
width of cells, controlling, Cell Width
Width property, ASP Control Hierarchy
Panel control, Panel Control
Table control and, Tables, Cell Width
Windows authentication, Authentication, Windows Authentication, Integrated Windows authentication , authentication
Basic, Basic authentication
Digest, Digest authentication
Integrated, Integrated Windows authentication
role-based security, Role-based security
Windows forms, classes for, The .NET Framework
Windows multi-selection techniques, ListBox Control
Windows System Performance Monitor, Benchmarking and Profiling
WindowsAuthentication module in <httpModules\> section, httpModules
WithEvents keyword, Handling events in VB.NET
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), XML
Wrap property
Panel control, Panel Control
TableCell control, Table Cells, Cell Width
TextBox control, TextBox Control
Write(), Inserting into the Trace Log
WriteFile(), Application State, Events
adding public keyword to, Global static variables and instance methods
server-side includes and, Server-side includes
WriteXml() (DataSet class), The DataSet Class, Creating Data Relations
WriteXmlSchema() (DataSet class), The DataSet Class
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), How Web Services Work
generating files using disco.exe, Discovery
generating service description documents, Creating a Discovery File
MessageName property and, The MessageName property
Solution Explorer and, Using Visual Studio .NET
wsdl.exe utility, Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code, Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code
switches available for, Manually Generating the Proxy Class Source Code


XCOPY deployment, XCOPY Deployment
manipulating data using .NET framework, The .NET Framework
Namespace property of WebService attribute, The Namespace property
representing parent/child relationships, Creating Data Relations
advertisement files, Advertisement file
machine.config/web.config files, Format
web services and, XML
web services and, Web Services Overview, XML
XmlDataDocument object, File change dependency


Year property (DateTime class), SelectionChanged event
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