Chapter 9. Arrays, Indexers, and Collections

The .NET Framework provides a rich suite of collection classes. With the advent of Generics in .NET 2.0, most of these collection classes are now type-safe, making for a greatly enhanced programming experience. These classes include the Array, List, Dictionary, Sorted Dictionary, Queue, and Stack.

The simplest collection is the Array, the only collection type for which C# provides built-in support. In this chapter, you will learn to work with single, multidimensional, and jagged arrays. Arrays have built-in indexers, allowing you to request the nth member of the array. In this chapter, you will also be introduced to creating your own indexers, a bit of C# syntactic sugar that makes it easier to access class properties as though the class were indexed like an array.

The .NET Framework provides a number of interfaces, such as IEnumerable and ICollection, whose implementation provides you with standard ways to interact with collections. In this chapter, you will see how to work with the most essential of these. The chapter concludes with a tour of commonly used .NET collections, including List, Dictionary, Queue, and Stack.


In previous versions of C#, the collection objects were not type-safe (you could, for example, mix strings and integers in a Dictionary). The nontype-safe versions of List (ArrayList), Dictionary, Queue, and Stack are still available for backward compatibility, but we won’t cover them in this book because their use is similar to the Generics-based versions, and because they are obsolete and deprecated.


An array is an indexed collection of objects, all of the same type. C# arrays are somewhat different from arrays in C++ because they are objects. This provides them with useful methods and properties.

C# provides native syntax for the declaration of Arrays. What is actually created, however, is an object of type System.Array.[10] Arrays in C# thus provide you with the best of both worlds: easy-to-use C-style syntax underpinned with an actual class definition so that instances of an array have access to the methods and properties of System.Array. These appear in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1. System.Array methods and properties

Method or property


AsReadOnly( )

Public static method that returns a read-only instance for a given array

BinarySearch( )

Overloaded public static method that searches a one-dimensional sorted array

Clear( )

Public static method that sets a range of elements in the array either to 0 or to a null reference

Clone( )

Public method that creates a deep copy of the current array

ConstrainedCopy( )

Public static method that copies a section of one array to another array; this method guarantees that the destination array will be modified only if all specified elements are copied successfully

ConvertAll( )

Public static method that converts an array of one type into another type

Copy( )

Overloaded public static method that copies a section of one array to another array

CopyTo( )

Overloaded public method that copies all elements in the current array to another

CreateInstance( )

Overloaded public static method that instantiates a new instance of an array

Exists( )

Overloaded public static method that checks whether an array contains elements that match a condition

Find( )

Public static method that finds the first element that matches a condition

FindAll( )

Public static method that finds all elements that match a condition

FindIndex( )

Overloaded public static method that returns the index of the first element that matches a condition

FindLast( )

Public static method that finds the last element that matches a condition

FindLastIndex( )

Overloaded public static method that returns the index of the last element that matches a condition

ForEach( )

Public static method that performs an action on all elements of an array

GetEnumerator( )

Public method that returns an IEnumerator

GetLength( )

Public method that returns the length of the specified dimension in the array

GetLongLength( )

Public method that returns the length of the specified dimension in the array as a 64-bit integer

GetLowerBound( )

Public method that returns the lower boundary of the specified dimension of the array

GetUpperBound( )

Public method that returns the upper boundary of the specified dimension of the array

GetValue( )

Overloaded public method that returns the value of an element of the array

IndexOf( )

Overloaded public static method that returns the index (offset) of the first instance of a value in a one-dimensional array

Initialize( )

Initializes all values in a value type array by calling the default constructor for each value; with reference arrays, all elements in the array are set to null


Required because Array implements ICollection; with arrays, this will always return true (all arrays are of a fixed size)


Public property (required because Array implements IList) that returns a Boolean value indicating whether the array is read-only


Public property (required because Array implements ICollection) that returns a Boolean value indicating whether the array is thread-safe

LastIndexOf( )

Overloaded public static method that returns the index of the last instance of a value in a one-dimensional array


Public property that returns the length of the array


Public property that returns the length of the array as a 64-bit integer


Public property that returns the number of dimensions of the array

Resize( )

Public static method that changes the size of an array

Reverse( )

Overloaded public static method that reverses the order of the elements in a one-dimensional array

SetValue( )

Overloaded public method that sets the specified array elements to a value

Sort( )

Overloaded public static method that sorts the values in a one-dimensional array


Public property that returns an object that can be used to synchronize access to the array

TrueForAll( )

Public static method that checks whether all elements match a condition

Declaring Arrays

You declare a C# array with the following syntax:

type[] array-name;

For example:

int[] myIntArray;


You aren’t actually declaring an array. Technically, you are declaring a variable (myIntArray) that will hold a reference to an array of integers. As always, we’ll use the shorthand and refer to myIntArray as the array, knowing that we really mean a variable that holds a reference to an (unnamed) array.

The square brackets ([]) tell the C# compiler that you are declaring an array, and the type specifies the type of the elements it will contain. In the previous example, myIntArray is an array of integers.

You instantiate an array by using the new keyword. For example:

myIntArray = new int[5];

This declaration creates and initializes an array of five integers, all of which are initialized to the value 0.


VB 6 programmers take note: in C#, the value of the size of the array marks the number of elements in the array, not the upper bound. In fact, there is no way to set the upper or lower bound—with the exception that you can set the lower bounds in multidimensional arrays (discussed later), but even that is not supported by the .NET Framework class library.

Thus, the first element in an array is 0. The following C# statement declares an array of 10 elements, with indexes 0 through 9:

string myArray[10];

The upper bound is 9, not 10, and you can’t change the size of the array (i.e., there is no equivalent to the VB 6 Redim function).

It is important to distinguish between the array (which is a collection of elements) and the elements of the array. myIntArray is the array (or, more accurately, the variable that holds the reference to the array); its elements are the five integers it holds.

C# arrays are reference types, created on the heap. Thus, the array to which myIntArray refers is allocated on the heap. The elements of an array are allocated based on their own type. Because integers are value types, the elements in myIntArray will be value types, not boxed integers, and thus all the elements will be created inside the block of memory allocated for the array.

The block of memory allocated to an array of reference types will contain references to the actual elements, which are themselves created on the heap in memory separate from that allocated for the array.

Understanding Default Values

When you create an array of value types, each element initially contains the default value for the type stored in the array (refer back to Table 4-2 in Chapter 4). The statement:

myIntArray = new int[5];

creates an array of five integers, each whose value is set to 0, which is the default value for integer types.

Unlike with arrays of value types, the reference types in an array aren’t initialized to their default value. Instead, the references held in the array are initialized to null. If you attempt to access an element in an array of reference types before you have specifically initialized the elements, you will generate an exception.

Assume that you have created a Button class. You would declare an array of Button objects with the following statement:

Button[] myButtonArray;

and instantiate the actual array like this:

myButtonArray = new Button[3];

You can shorten this to:

Button[] myButtonArray = new Button[3];

This statement doesn’t create an array with references to three Button objects. Instead, this creates the array myButtonArray with three null references. To use this array, you must first construct and assign the Button objects for each reference in the array. You can construct the objects in a loop that adds them one by one to the array.

Accessing Array Elements

You access the elements of an array using the index operator ([]). Arrays are zero-based, which means that the index of the first element is always 0—in this case, myArray[0].

As explained previously, arrays are objects and thus have properties. One of the more useful of these is Length, which tells you how many objects are in an array. Array objects can be indexed from 0 to Length−1. That is, if there are five elements in an array, their indexes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

Example 9-1 illustrates the array concepts covered so far. In this example, a class named Tester creates an array of Employees and an array of integers, populates the Employee array, and then prints the values of both.

Example 9-1. Working with an array
namespace Programming_CSharp
    // a simple class to store in the array
    public class Employee
        public Employee(int empID)
            this.empID = empID;
        public override string ToString(  )
            return empID.ToString(  );
        private int empID;
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            int[] intArray;
            Employee[] empArray;
            intArray = new int[5];
            empArray = new Employee[3];

            // populate the array
            for (int i = 0; i < empArray.Length; i++)
                empArray[i] = new Employee(i + 5);

            for (int i = 0; i < intArray.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(intArray[i].ToString(  ));

            for (int i = 0; i < empArray.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(empArray[i].ToString(  ));


The example starts with the definition of an Employee class that implements a constructor that takes a single integer parameter. The ToString( ) method inherited from Object is overridden to print the value of the Employee object’s employee ID.

The test method declares and then instantiates a pair of arrays. The integer array is automatically filled with integers whose values are set to 0. The Employee array contents must be constructed by hand.

Finally, the contents of the arrays are printed to ensure that they are filled as intended. The five integers print their value first, followed by the three Employee objects.

The foreach Statement

The foreach looping statement is new to the C family of languages, though it is already well known to VB programmers. The foreach statement allows you to iterate through all the items in an array or other collection, examining each item in turn. The syntax for the foreach statement is:

foreach (type identifier in expression) statement

Thus, you might update Example 9-1 to replace the for statements that iterate over the contents of the populated array with foreach statements, as shown in Example 9-2.

Example 9-2. Using foreach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace UsingForEach
    // a simple class to store in the array
    public class Employee
        // a simple class to store in the array
        public Employee( int empID )
            this.empID = empID;
        public override string ToString(  )
            return empID.ToString(  );
        private int empID;
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            int[] intArray;
            Employee[] empArray;
            intArray = new int[5];
            empArray = new Employee[3];

            // populate the array
            for ( int i = 0; i < empArray.Length; i++ )
                empArray[i] = new Employee( i + 5 );

            foreach ( int i in intArray )
                Console.WriteLine( i.ToString(  ) );

            foreach ( Employee e in empArray )
                Console.WriteLine( e.ToString(  ) );

The output for Example 9-2 is identical to Example 9-1. In Example 9-1, you created a for statement that measured the size of the array and used a temporary counting variable as an index into the array, as in the following:

for (int i = 0; i < empArray.Length; i++)
  Console.WriteLine(empArray[i].ToString(  ));

In Example 9-2, you tried another approach: you iterated over the array with the foreach loop, which automatically extracted the next item from within the array and assigned it to the temporary object you created in the head of the statement:

foreach (Employee e in empArray)
  Console.WriteLine(e.ToString(  ));

The object extracted from the array is of the appropriate type; thus, you may call any public method on that object.

Initializing Array Elements

It is possible to initialize the contents of an array at the time it is instantiated by providing a list of values delimited by curly brackets ({}). C# provides a longer and a shorter syntax:

int[] myIntArray = new int[5] { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 }
int[] myIntArray = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 }

There is no practical difference between these two statements, and most programmers will use the shorter syntax, but see the note on syntaxes.


Both syntaxes exist because in some rare circumstances, you have to use the longer syntax—specifically, if the C# compiler is unable to infer the correct type for the array.

The params Keyword

You can create a method that displays any number of integers to the console by passing in an array of integers and then iterating over the array with a foreach loop.[11] The params keyword allows you to pass in a variable number of parameters without necessarily explicitly creating the array.

In the next example, you create a method, DisplayVals( ), that takes a variable number of integer arguments:

public void DisplayVals(params int[] intVals)

The method itself can treat the array as though an integer array were explicitly created and passed in as a parameter. You are free to iterate over the array as you would over any other array of integers:

foreach (int i in intVals)
  Console.WriteLine("DisplayVals {0}",i);

The calling method, however, need not explicitly create an array: it can simply pass in integers, and the compiler will assemble the parameters into an array for the DisplayVals( ) method:


You are free to pass in an array if you prefer:

int [] explicitArray = new int[5] {1,2,3,4,5};

Example 9-3 provides the complete source code illustrating the params keyword.

Example 9-3. Using the params keyword
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace UsingParams
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            Tester t = new Tester(  );
            t.DisplayVals(5, 6, 7, 8);
            int[] explicitArray = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

        public void DisplayVals(params int[] intVals)
            foreach (int i in intVals)
                Console.WriteLine("DisplayVals {0}", i);
DisplayVals 5
DisplayVals 6
DisplayVals 7
DisplayVals 8
DisplayVals 1
DisplayVals 2
DisplayVals 3
DisplayVals 4
DisplayVals 5

Multidimensional Arrays

You can think of an array as a long row of slots into which you can place values. Once you have a picture of a row of slots, imagine 10 rows, one on top of another. This is the classic two-dimensional array of rows and columns. The rows run across the array and the columns run up and down the array.

A third dimension is possible, but somewhat harder to imagine. Make your arrays three-dimensional, with new rows stacked atop the old two-dimensional array. OK, now imagine four dimensions. Now imagine 10.

Those of you who aren’t string-theory physicists have probably given up, as have we. Multidimensional arrays are useful, however, even if you can’t quite picture what they would look like.

C# supports two types of multidimensional arrays: rectangular and jagged. In a rectangular array, every row is the same length. A jagged array, however, is an array of arrays, each of which can be a different length.

Rectangular arrays

A rectangular array is an array of two (or more) dimensions. In the classic two-dimensional array, the first dimension is the number of rows and the second dimension is the number of columns.


Java programmers take note: rectangular arrays don’t exist in Java.

To declare a two-dimensional array, use the following syntax:

type [,] array-name

For example, to declare and instantiate a two-dimensional rectangular array named myRectangularArray that contains two rows and three columns of integers, you would write:

int [,] myRectangularArray = new int[2,3];

Example 9-4 declares, instantiates, initializes, and prints the contents of a two-dimensional array. In this example, a for loop is used to initialize the elements of the array.

Example 9-4. Rectangular array
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace RectangularArray
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            const int rows = 4;
            const int columns = 3;

            // declare a 4x3 integer array
            int[,] rectangularArray = new int[rows, columns];

            // populate the array
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    rectangularArray[i, j] = i + j;

            // report the contents of the array
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    Console.WriteLine("rectangularArray[{0},{1}] = {2}",
                        i, j, rectangularArray[i, j]);

rectangularArray[0,0] = 0
rectangularArray[0,1] = 1
rectangularArray[0,2] = 2
rectangularArray[1,0] = 1
rectangularArray[1,1] = 2
rectangularArray[1,2] = 3
rectangularArray[2,0] = 2
rectangularArray[2,1] = 3
rectangularArray[2,2] = 4
rectangularArray[3,0] = 3
rectangularArray[3,1] = 4
rectangularArray[3,2] = 5

In this example, you declare a pair of constant values:

const int rows = 4;
const int columns = 3;

that are then used to dimension the array:

int[,] rectangularArray = new int[rows, columns];

Notice the syntax. The brackets in the int[,] declaration indicate that the type is an array of integers, and the comma indicates that the array has two dimensions (two commas would indicate three dimensions, etc.). The actual instantiation of rectangularArray with new int[rows, columns] sets the size of each dimension. Here, the declaration and instantiation have been combined.

The program fills the rectangle with a pair of for loops, iterating through each column in each row. Thus, the first element filled is rectangularArray[0,0], followed by rectangularArray[0,1] and rectangularArray[0,2]. Once this is done, the program moves on to the next rows: rectangularArray[1,0], rectangularArray[1,1], rectangularArray[1,2], and so forth, until all the columns in all the rows are filled.

Just as you can initialize a one-dimensional array using bracketed lists of values, you can initialize a two-dimensional array using similar syntax. Example 9-5 declares a two-dimensional array (rectangularArray), initializes its elements using bracketed lists of values, and then prints the contents.

Example 9-5. Initializing a multidimensional array
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace InitializingMultiDimensionalArray
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            const int rows = 4;
            const int columns = 3;

            // imply a 4x3 array
            int[,] rectangularArray =
                    {0,1,2}, {3,4,5}, {6,7,8}, {9,10,11}

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    Console.WriteLine("rectangularArray[{0},{1}] = {2}",
                        i, j, rectangularArray[i, j]);

rectangularArrayrectangularArray[0,0] = 0
rectangularArrayrectangularArray[0,1] = 1
rectangularArrayrectangularArray[0,2] = 2
rectangularArrayrectangularArray[1,0] = 3
rectangularArrayrectangularArray[1,1] = 4
rectangularArrayrectangularArray[1,2] = 5
rectangularArrayrectangularArray[2,0] = 6
rectangularArrayrectangularArray[2,1] = 7
rectangularArrayrectangularArray[2,2] = 8
rectangularArrayrectangularArray[3,0] = 9
rectangularArrayrectangularArray[3,1] = 10
rectangularArrayrectangularArray[3,2] = 11

The preceding example is similar to Example 9-4, but this time you imply the exact dimensions of the array by how you initialize it:

int[,] rectangularArrayrectangularArray =
 {0,1,2}, {3,4,5}, {6,7,8}, {9,10,11}

Assigning values in four bracketed lists, each consisting of three elements, implies a 4 × 3 array. Had you written this as:

int[,] rectangularArrayrectangularArray =
 {0,1,2,3}, {4,5,6,7}, {8,9,10,11}

you would instead have implied a 3 × 4 array.

You can see that the C# compiler understands the implications of your clustering because it can access the objects with the appropriate offsets, as illustrated in the output.

You might guess that because this is a 12-element array, you can just as easily access an element at rectangularArray[0,3] (the fourth element in the first row) as at rectangularArray[1,0] (the first element in the second row). This works in C++, but if you try it in C#, you will run right into an exception:

Exception occurred: System.IndexOutOfRangeException:
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Programming_CSharp.Tester.Main(  ) in
csharp/programming csharp/listing0703.cs:line 23

C# arrays are smart, and they keep track of their bounds. When you imply a 4 × 3 array, you must treat it as such.

Jagged arrays

A jagged array is an array of arrays. It is called “jagged” because each row need not be the same size as all the others, and thus a graphical representation of the array would not be square.

When you create a jagged array, you declare the number of rows in your array. Each row will hold an array, which can be of any length. These arrays must each be declared. You can then fill in the values for the elements in these “inner” arrays.

In a jagged array, each dimension is a one-dimensional array. To declare a jagged array, use the following syntax, where the number of brackets indicates the number of dimensions of the array:

type [] []...

For example, you would declare a two-dimensional jagged array of integers named myJaggedArray as follows:

int [] [] myJaggedArray;

You access the fifth element of the third array by writing myJaggedArray[2][4].

Example 9-6 creates a jagged array named myJaggedArray, initializes its elements, and then prints their content. To save space, the program takes advantage of the fact that integer array elements are automatically initialized to 0, and it initializes the values of only some of the elements.

Example 9-6. Working with a jagged array
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace JaggedArray
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            const int rows = 4;

            // declare the jagged array as 4 rows high
            int[][] jaggedArray = new int[rows][];

            // the first row has 5 elements
            jaggedArray[0] = new int[5];

            // a row with 2 elements
            jaggedArray[1] = new int[2];

            // a row with 3 elements
            jaggedArray[2] = new int[3];

            // the last row has 5 elements
            jaggedArray[3] = new int[5];

            // Fill some (but not all) elements of the rows
            jaggedArray[0][3] = 15;
            jaggedArray[1][1] = 12;
            jaggedArray[2][1] = 9;
            jaggedArray[2][2] = 99;
            jaggedArray[3][0] = 10;
            jaggedArray[3][1] = 11;
            jaggedArray[3][2] = 12;
            jaggedArray[3][3] = 13;
            jaggedArray[3][4] = 14;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("jaggedArray[0][{0}] = {1}",
                    i, jaggedArray[0][i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("jaggedArray[1][{0}] = {1}",
                    i, jaggedArray[1][i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("jaggedArray[2][{0}] = {1}",
                    i, jaggedArray[2][i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("jaggedArray[3][{0}] = {1}",
                    i, jaggedArray[3][i]);

jaggedArray[0][0] = 0
jaggedArray[0][1] = 0
jaggedArray[0][2] = 0
jaggedArray[0][3] = 15
jaggedArray[0][4] = 0
jaggedArray[1][0] = 0
jaggedArray[1][1] = 12
jaggedArray[2][0] = 0
jaggedArray[2][1] = 9
jaggedArray[2][2] = 99
jaggedArray[3][0] = 10
jaggedArray[3][1] = 11
jaggedArray[3][2] = 12
jaggedArray[3][3] = 13
jaggedArray[3][4] = 14

In this example, a jagged array is created with four rows:

int[][] jaggedArray = new int[rows][];

Notice that the second dimension is not specified. This is set by creating a new array for each row. Each array can have a different size:

// the first row has 5 elements
jaggedArray[0] = new int[5];

// a row with 2 elements
jaggedArray[1] = new int[2];

// a row with 3 elements
jaggedArray[2] = new int[3];

// the last row has 5 elements
jaggedArray[3] = new int[5];

Once an array is specified for each row, you need only populate the various members of each array and then print their contents to ensure that all went as expected.

Notice that when you access the members of a rectangular array, you put the indexes all within one set of square brackets:


whereas with a jagged array you need a pair of brackets:


You can keep this straight by thinking of the first array as a single array of more than one dimension, and the jagged array as an array of arrays.

Array Bounds

The Array class can also be created by using the overloaded CreateInstance method. One of the overloads allows you to specify the lower bounds (starting index) of each dimension in a multidimensional array. This is a fairly obscure capability, not often used.

Briefly, here is how you do it: you call the static method CreateInstance, which returns an Array and which takes three parameters: an object of type Type (indicating the type of object to hold in the array), an array of integers indicating the length of each dimension in the array, and a second array of integers indicating the lower bound for each dimension. Note that the two arrays of integers must have the same number of elements; that is, you must specify a lower bound for each dimension:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace SettingArrayBounds
    public class SettingArrayBounds
        public static void CreateArrayWithBounds(  )
            // Creates and initializes a multidimensional
            // Array of type String.
            int[] lengthsArray = new int[2] { 3, 5 };
            int[] boundsArray = new int[2] { 2, 3 };
            Array multiDimensionalArray = Array.CreateInstance(
                typeof(String), lengthsArray, boundsArray);

            // Displays the lower bounds and the
            // upper bounds of each dimension.
            for (int i = 0; i < multiDimensionalArray.Rank; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}:/t{1}/t{2}", i,
        static void Main(  )
            SettingArrayBounds.CreateArrayWithBounds(  );

Array Conversions

You can convert one array into another, if the dimensions of the two arrays are equal, and if a conversion is possible between the reference element types. An implicit conversion can occur if the elements can be implicitly converted; otherwise, an explicit conversion is required.

You can also convert an array of derived objects to an array of base objects. Example 9-7 illustrates the conversion of an array of user-defined Employee types to an array of objects.

Example 9-7. Converting arrays
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ConvertingArrays
    // create an object we can
    // store in the array
    public class Employee
        // a simple class to store in the array
        public Employee(int empID)
            this.empID = empID;
        public override string ToString(  )
            return empID.ToString(  );
        private int empID;

    public class Tester
        // This method takes an array of objects.
        // We'll pass in an array of Employees
        // and then an array of strings.
        // The conversion is implicit since both Employee
        // and string derive (ultimately) from object.
        public static void PrintArray(object[] theArray)
            Console.WriteLine("Contents of the Array {0}",
            theArray.ToString(  ));

            // walk through the array and print
            // the values.
            foreach (object obj in theArray)
                Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", obj);

        static void Main(  )
            // make an array of Employee objects
            Employee[] myEmployeeArray = new Employee[3];

            // initialize each Employee's value
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                myEmployeeArray[i] = new Employee(i + 5);

            // display the values

            // create an array of two strings
            string[] array = {"hello", "world"};

            // print the value of the strings

Contents of the Array Programming_CSharp.Employee[]
Value: 5
Value: 6
Value: 7
Contents of the Array System.String[]
Value: hello
Value: world

Example 9-7 begins by creating a simple Employee class, as seen earlier in the chapter. The Tester class now contains a new static method, PrintArray( ), that takes as a parameter a one-dimensional array of Objects:

public static void PrintArray(object[] theArray)

Object is the implicit base class of every object in the .NET Framework, and so is the base class of both String and Employee.

The PrintArray( ) method takes two actions. First, it calls the ToString( ) method on the array itself:

Console.WriteLine("Contents of the Array {0}",
 theArray.ToString(  ));

System.Array overrides the ToString( ) method to your advantage, printing an identifying name of the array:

Contents of the Array Programming_CSharp. Employee []
Contents of the Array System.String[]

PrintArray( ) then goes on to call ToString( ) on each element in the array it receives as a parameter. Because ToString( ) is a virtual method in the base class Object, it is guaranteed to be available in every derived class. You have overridden this method appropriately in Employee so that the code works properly. Calling ToString( ) on a String object might not be necessary, but it is harmless, and it allows you to treat these objects polymorphically.

Sorting Arrays

Two useful static methods of Array are Sort( ) and Reverse( ). These are fully supported for arrays of the built-in C# types such as string. Making them work with your own classes is a bit trickier, as you must implement the IComparable interface (see the section "Implementing IComparable,” later in this chapter). Example 9-8 demonstrates the use of these two methods to manipulate String objects.

Example 9-8. Using Array.Sort and Array.Reverse
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ArraySortAndReverse
    public class Tester
        public static void PrintMyArray(object[] theArray)
            foreach (object obj in theArray)
                Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", obj);

        static void Main(  )
            String[] myArray = {"Who", "is", "Douglas", "Adams"};


            String[] myOtherArray =
                         "We", "Hold", "These", "Truths",
                         "To", "Be", "Self","Evident",


Value: Who
Value: is
Value: Douglas
Value: Adams

Value: Adams
Value: Douglas
Value: is
Value: Who

Value: We
Value: Hold
Value: These
Value: Truths
Value: To
Value: Be
Value: Self
Value: Evident

Value: Be
Value: Evident
Value: Hold
Value: Self
Value: These
Value: To
Value: Truths
Value: We

The example begins by creating myArray, an array of strings with the words:

"Who", "is", "Douglas", "Adams"

This array is printed, and then is passed to the Array.Reverse( ) method, where it is printed again to see that the array itself has been reversed:

Value: Adams
Value: Douglas
Value: is
Value: Who

Similarly, the example creates a second array, myOtherArray, containing the words:

"We", "Hold", "These", "Truths",
"To", "Be", "Self", "Evident",

This is passed to the Array.Sort( ) method. Then Array.Sort( ) happily sorts them alphabetically:

Value: Be
Value: Evident
Value: Hold
Value: Self
Value: These
Value: To
Value: Truths
Value: We


Sometimes you may need to access a collection within a class as though the class itself were an array. For example, suppose you create a listbox control named myListBox that contains a list of strings stored in a one-dimensional array, a private member variable named myStrings. A listbox control contains member properties and methods in addition to its array of strings. However, it would be convenient to be able to access the listbox array with an index, just as though the listbox were an array.[12] For example, such a property would permit statements like the following:

string theFirstString = myListBox[0];
string theLastString = myListBox[Length−1];

An indexer is a C# construct that allows you to access collections contained by a class using the familiar [] syntax of arrays. An indexer is a special kind of property, and includes get and set accessors to specify its behavior.

You declare an indexer property within a class using the following syntax:

type this [type argument]{get; set;}

The return type determines the type of object that will be returned by the indexer, whereas the type argument specifies what kind of argument will be used to index into the collection that contains the target objects. Although it is common to use integers as index values, you can index a collection on other types as well, including strings. You can even provide an indexer with multiple parameters to create a multidimensional array!

The this keyword is a reference to the object in which the indexer appears. As with a normal property, you also must define get and set accessors, which determine how the requested object is retrieved from or assigned to its collection.

Example 9-9 declares a listbox control (ListBoxTest) that contains a simple array (myStrings) and a simple indexer for accessing its contents.


C++ programmers take note: the indexer serves much the same purpose as overloading the C++ index operator ([]). The index operator can’t be overloaded in C#, which provides the indexer in its place.

Example 9-9. Using a simple indexer
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace SimpleIndexer
    // a simplified ListBox control
    public class ListBoxTest
        private string[] strings;
        private int ctr = 0;

        // initialize the listbox with strings
        public ListBoxTest(params string[] initialStrings)
            // allocate space for the strings
            strings = new String[256];

            // copy the strings passed in to the constructor
            foreach (string s in initialStrings)
                strings[ctr++] = s;

        // add a single string to the end of the listbox
        public void Add(string theString)
            if (ctr >= strings.Length)
                // handle bad index
                strings[ctr++] = theString;

        // allow array-like access

        public string this[int index]
                if (index < 0 || index >= strings.Length)
                    // handle bad index
                return strings[index];
                // add only through the add method
                if (index >= ctr)
                    // handle error
                    strings[index] = value;

        // publish how many strings you hold
        public int GetNumEntries(  )
            return ctr;

    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            // create a new listbox and initialize
            ListBoxTest lbt =
                new ListBoxTest("Hello", "World");

            // add a few strings

            // test the access
            string subst = "Universe";
            lbt[1] = subst;

            // access all the strings
            for (int i = 0; i < lbt.GetNumEntries(  ); i++)
                Console.WriteLine("lbt[{0}]: {1}", i, lbt[i]);

lbt[0]: Hello
lbt[1]: Universe
lbt[2]: Who
lbt[3]: Is
lbt[4]: Douglas
lbt[5]: Adams

To keep Example 9-9 simple, we strip the listbox control down to the few features we care about. The listing ignores everything having to do with being a user control and focuses only on the list of strings the listbox maintains and methods for manipulating them. In a real application, of course, these are a small fraction of the total methods of a listbox, whose principal job is to display the strings and enable user choice.

The first things to notice are the two private members:

private string[] strings;
private int ctr = 0;

In this program, the listbox maintains a simple array of strings: strings. Again, in a real listbox, you might use a more complex and dynamic container, such as a hash table (described later in this chapter). The member variable ctr will keep track of how many strings have been added to this array.

Initialize the array in the constructor with the statement:

strings = new String[256];

The remainder of the constructor adds the parameters to the array. Again, for simplicity, you add new strings to the array in the order received.


Because you can’t know how many strings will be added, you use the keyword params, as described earlier in this chapter.

The Add( ) method of ListBoxTest does nothing more than append a new string to the internal array.

The key method of ListBoxTest, however, is the indexer. An indexer is unnamed, so use the this keyword:

public string this[int index]

The syntax of the indexer is very similar to that for properties. There is either a get( ) method, a set( ) method, or both. In the case shown, the get( ) method endeavors to implement rudimentary bounds-checking, and assuming the index requested is acceptable, it returns the value requested:

  if (index < 0 || index >= strings.Length)
    // handle bad index
  return strings[index];

The set( ) method checks to make sure that the index you are setting already has a value in the listbox. If not, it treats the set as an error. (New elements can only be added using Add with this approach.) The set accessor takes advantage of the implicit parameter value that represents whatever is assigned using the index operator:

if (index >= ctr )
    // handle error
   strings[index] = value;

Thus, if you write:

lbt[5] = "Hello World"

the compiler will call the indexer set( ) method on your object and pass in the string Hello World as an implicit parameter named value.

Indexers and Assignment

In Example 9-9, you can’t assign to an index that doesn’t have a value. So, if you write:

lbt[10] = "wow!";

you will trigger the error handler in the set( ) method, which will note that the index you’ve passed in (10) is larger than the counter (6).

Of course, you can use the set( ) method for assignment; you simply have to handle the indexes you receive. To do so, you might change the set( ) method to check the Length of the buffer rather than the current value of counter. If a value was entered for an index that did not yet have a value, you would update ctr:

  // add only through the add method
  if (index >= strings.Length )
    // handle error
    strings[index] = value;
    if (ctr < index+1)
      ctr = index+1;


This code is kept simple and thus is not robust. There are any number of other checks you’ll want to make on the value passed in (e.g., checking that you were not passed a negative index, and that it doesn’t exceed the size of the underlying strings[] array).

This allows you to create a “sparse” array in which you can assign to offset 10 without ever having assigned to offset 9. Thus, if you now write:

lbt[10] = "wow!";

the output will be:

lbt[0]: Hello
lbt[1]: Universe
lbt[2]: Who
lbt[3]: Is
lbt[4]: Douglas
lbt[5]: Adams
lbt[10]: wow!

In Main( ), you create an instance of the ListBoxTest class named lbt and pass in two strings as parameters:

ListBoxTest lbt = new ListBoxTest("Hello", "World");

Then, call Add( ) to add four more strings:

// add a few strings

Before examining the values, modify the second value (at index 1):

string subst = "Universe";
lbt[1] = subst;

Finally, display each value in a loop:

for (int i = 0;i<lbt.GetNumEntries(  );i++)
 Console.WriteLine("lbt[{0}]: {1}",i,lbt[i]);

Indexing on Other Values

C# doesn’t require that you always use an integer value as the index to a collection. When you create a custom collection class and create your indexer, you are free to create indexers that index on strings and other types. In fact, the index value can be overloaded so that a given collection can be indexed, for example, by an integer value or by a string value, depending on the needs of the client.

In the case of your listbox, you might want to be able to index into the listbox based on a string. Example 9-10 illustrates a string index. The indexer calls findString( ), which is a helper method that returns a record based on the value of the string provided. Notice that the overloaded indexer and the indexer from Example 9-9 are able to coexist.

Example 9-10. Overloading an index
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace OverloadedIndexer
    // a simplified ListBox control
    public class ListBoxTest
        private string[] strings;
        private int ctr = 0;

        // initialize the listbox with strings
        public ListBoxTest(params string[] initialStrings)
            // allocate space for the strings
            strings = new String[256];

            // copy the strings passed in to the constructor
            foreach (string s in initialStrings)
                strings[ctr++] = s;

        // add a single string to the end of the listbox
        public void Add(string theString)
            strings[ctr] = theString;

        // allow array-like access
        public string this[int index]
                if (index < 0 || index >= strings.Length)
                    // handle bad index
                return strings[index];
                strings[index] = value;

        private int findString(string searchString)
            for (int i = 0; i < strings.Length; i++)
                if (strings[i].StartsWith(searchString))
                    return i;
            return −1;

        // index on string
        public string this[string index]
                if (index.Length == 0)
                    // handle bad index

                return this[findString(index)];
                strings[findString(index)] = value;

        // publish how many strings you hold
        public int GetNumEntries(  )
            return ctr;

    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            // create a new listbox and initialize
            ListBoxTest lbt =
            new ListBoxTest("Hello", "World");

            // add a few strings

            // test the access
            string subst = "Universe";
            lbt[1] = subst;
            lbt["Hel"] = "GoodBye";
            // lbt["xyz"] = "oops";

            // access all the strings
            for (int i = 0; i < lbt.GetNumEntries(  ); i++)
                Console.WriteLine("lbt[{0}]: {1}", i, lbt[i]);
            } // end for
        } // end main
    } // end tester

lbt[0]: GoodBye
lbt[1]: Universe
lbt[2]: Who
lbt[3]: Is
lbt[4]: Douglas
lbt[5]: Adams

Example 9-10 is identical to Example 9-9 except for the addition of an overloaded indexer, which can match a string, and the method findString, created to support that index.

The findString method simply iterates through the strings held in myStrings until it finds a string that starts with the target string you use in the index. If found, it returns the index of that string; otherwise, it returns the value −1.

We see in Main( ) that the user passes in a string segment to the index, just as with an integer:

lbt["Hel"] = "GoodBye";

This calls the overloaded index, which does some rudimentary error-checking (in this case, making sure the string passed in has at least one letter), and then passes the value (Hel) to findString. It gets back an index and uses that index to index into myStrings:

return this[findString(index)];

The set value works in the same way:

myStrings[findString(index)] = value;


The careful reader will note that if the string doesn’t match, a value of −1 is returned, which is then used as an index into myStrings. This action then generates an exception (System.NullReferenceException), as you can see by uncommenting the following line in Main( ):

lbt["xyz"] = "oops";

The proper handling of not finding a string is, as they say, left as an exercise for the reader. You might consider displaying an error message or otherwise allowing the user to recover from the error.

Collection Interfaces

The .NET Framework provides two sets of standard interfaces for enumerating and comparing collections: the traditional (nontype-safe) and the new generic type-safe collections. This book focuses only on the new type-safe collection interfaces, as these are far preferable.

You can declare an ICollection of any specific type by substituting the actual type (e.g., int or string) for the generic type in the interface declaration (<T>).


C++ programmers take note: C# Generics are similar in syntax and usage to C++ templates. However, because the generic types are expanded to their specific type at runtime, the JIT compiler is able to share code among different instances, dramatically reducing the code bloat that you may see when using templates in C++.

Table 9-2 lists the key generic collection interfaces.[13]

Table 9-2. Collection interfaces




Base interface for generic collections



Enumerate through a collection using a foreach statement


Implemented by all collections to provide the CopyTo( ) method as well as the Count, IsSynchronized, and SyncRoot properties



Compare two objects held in a collection so that the collection can be sorted


Used by array-indexable collections


Used for key-/value-based collections such as Dictionary

The IEnumerable<T> Interface

You can support the foreach statement in ListBoxTest by implementing the IEnumerable<T> interface (see Example 9-11). IEnumerable<T> has only one method, GetEnumerator( ), whose job is to return an implementation of IEnumerator<T>. The C# language provides special help in creating the enumerator, using the new keyword yield.

Example 9-11. Making a ListBox an enumerable class
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace Enumerable
    public class ListBoxTest : IEnumerable<string>
        private string[] strings;
        private int ctr = 0;
        // Enumerable classes can return an enumerator
        public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator(  )
            foreach (string s in strings)
                yield return s;

        // Explicit interface implementation.
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(  )
            return GetEnumerator(  );

        // initialize the listbox with strings
        public ListBoxTest(params string[] initialStrings)
            // allocate space for the strings
            strings = new String[8];

            // copy the strings passed in to the constructor
            foreach (string s in initialStrings)
                strings[ctr++] = s;

        // add a single string to the end of the listbox
        public void Add(string theString)
            strings[ctr] = theString;

        // allow array-like access
        public string this[int index]
                if (index < 0 || index >= strings.Length)
                    // handle bad index
                return strings[index];
                strings[index] = value;

        // publish how many strings you hold
        public int GetNumEntries(  )
            return ctr;

    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            // create a new listbox and initialize
            ListBoxTest lbt =
            new ListBoxTest("Hello", "World");

            // add a few strings

            // test the access
            string subst = "Universe";
            lbt[1] = subst;

            // access all the strings
            foreach (string s in lbt)
                Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", s);

Value: Hello
Value: Universe
Value: Who
Value: Is
Value: Douglas
Value: Adams

The program begins in Main( ), creating a new ListBoxTest object and passing two strings to the constructor. When the object is created, an array of Strings is created with enough room for eight strings. Four more strings are added using the Add method, and the second string is updated, just as in the previous example.

The big change in this version of the program is that a foreach loop is called, retrieving each string in the listbox. The foreach loop automatically uses the IEnumerable<T> interface, invoking GetEnumerator( ).

The GetEnumerator method is declared to return an IEnumerator of string:

publicIEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator(  )

The implementation iterates through the array of strings, yielding each in turn:

foreach ( string s in strings )
  yield return s;

All the bookkeeping for keeping track of which element is next, resetting the iterator, and so forth is provided for you by the Framework.


There are times when you must ensure that the elements you add to a generic list meet certain constraints (e.g., they derive from a given base class, or they implement a specific interface). In the next example, you implement a simplified, singly linked, sortable list. The list consists of Nodes, and each Node must be guaranteed that the types added to it implement IComparer. You do so with the following statement:

 public class Node<T> :IComparable<Node<T>> where T : IComparable<T>

This defines a generic Node that holds a type, T. Node of T implements the IComparable<T> interface, which means that two Nodes of T can be compared. The Node class is constrained (where T : IComparable<T>) to hold only types that implement the IComparable interface. Thus, you may substitute any type for T as long as that type implements IComparable.

Example 9-12 illustrates the complete implementation, with analysis to follow.

Example 9-12. Using constraints
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace UsingConstraints
    public class Employee : IComparable<Employee>
        private string name;
        public Employee(string name)
   = name;
        public override string ToString(  )

        // implement the interface
        public int CompareTo(Employee rhs)
        public bool Equals(Employee rhs)
            return ==;

    // node must implement IComparable of Node of T.
    // constrain Nodes to only take items that implement IComparable
    // by using the where keyword.
    public class Node<T> :
    IComparable<Node<T>> where T : IComparable<T>
        // member fields
        private T data;
        private Node<T> next = null;
        private Node<T> prev = null;

        // constructor
        public Node(T data)
   = data;

        // properties
        public T Data { get { return; } }

        public Node<T> Next
            get { return; }

        public int CompareTo(Node<T> rhs)
            // this works because of the constraint
            return data.CompareTo(;

        public bool Equals(Node<T> rhs)

        // methods
        public Node<T> Add(Node<T> newNode)
            if (this.CompareTo(newNode) > 0) // goes before me
       = this; // new node points to me

                // if I have a previous, set it to point to
                // the new node as its next
                if (this.prev != null)
           = newNode;
                    newNode.prev = this.prev;

                // set prev in current node to point to new node
                this.prev = newNode;

                // return the newNode in case it is the new head
                return newNode;
            else // goes after me
                // if I have a next, pass the new node along for
                // comparison
                if ( != null)

                // I don't have a next so set the new node
                // to be my next and set its prev to point to me.
           = newNode;
                    newNode.prev = this;

                return this;

        public override string ToString(  )
            string output = data.ToString(  );

            if (next != null)
                output += ", " + next.ToString(  );

            return output;
    } // end class

    public class LinkedList<T> where T : IComparable<T>
        // member fields
        private Node<T> headNode = null;

        // properties

        // indexer
        public T this[int index]
                int ctr = 0;
                Node<T> node = headNode;

                while (node != null && ctr <= index)
                    if (ctr == index)
                        return node.Data;
                        node = node.Next;

                } // end while
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(  );
            } // end get
        } // end indexer

        // constructor
        public LinkedList(  )

        // methods
        public void Add(T data)
            if (headNode == null)
                headNode = new Node<T>(data);
                headNode = headNode.Add(new Node<T>(data));
        public override string ToString(  )
            if (this.headNode != null)
                return this.headNode.ToString(  );
                return string.Empty;

    // Test engine
    class Test
        // entry point
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // make an instance, run the method
            Test t = new Test(  );
            t.Run(  );

        public void Run(  )
            LinkedList<int> myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(  );
            Random rand = new Random(  );
            Console.Write("Adding: ");

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                int nextInt = rand.Next(10);
                Console.Write("{0} ", nextInt);

            LinkedList<Employee> employees = new LinkedList<Employee>(  );
            employees.Add(new Employee("Douglas"));
            employees.Add(new Employee("Paul"));
            employees.Add(new Employee("George"));
            employees.Add(new Employee("Ringo"));

Retrieving collections...");

            Console.WriteLine("Integers: " + myLinkedList);
            Console.WriteLine("Employees: " + employees);

In this example, you begin by declaring a class that can be placed into the linked list:

public class Employee : IComparable<Employee>

This declaration indicates that Employee objects are comparable, and you see that the Employee class implements the required methods (CompareTo and Equals). Note that these methods are type-safe (they know that the parameter passed to them will be of type Employee). The LinkedList itself is declared to hold only types that implement IComparable:

public class LinkedList<T> where T : IComparable<T>

so you are guaranteed to be able to sort the list. The LinkedList holds an object of type Node. Node also implements IComparable and requires that the objects it holds as data themselves implement IComparable:

public class Node<T> :
    IComparable<Node<T>> where T : IComparable<T>

These constraints make it safe and simple to implement the CompareTo method of Node because the Node knows it will be comparing other Nodes whose data is comparable:

public int CompareTo(Node<T> rhs)
    // this works because of the constraint
    return data.CompareTo(;

Notice that you don’t have to test rhs to see whether it implements IComparable; you’ve already constrained Node to hold only data that implements IComparable.


The classic problem with the Array type is its fixed size. If you don’t know in advance how many objects an array will hold, you run the risk of declaring either too small an array (and running out of room), or too large an array (and wasting memory).

Your program might be asking the user for input, or gathering input from a web site. As it finds objects (strings, books, values, etc.), you will add them to the array, but you have no idea how many objects you’ll collect in any given session. The classic fixed-size array is not a good choice, as you can’t predict how large an array you’ll need.

The List class is an array whose size is dynamically increased as required. Lists provide a number of useful methods and properties for their manipulation. Table 9-3 shows some of the most important ones.

Table 9-3. List methods and properties

Method or property




Property to get or set the number of elements the List can contain; this value is increased automatically if count exceeds capacity; you might set this value to reduce the number of reallocations, and you may call Trim( ) to reduce this value to the actual Count


Property to get the number of elements currently in the array

Item( )

Gets or sets the element at the specified index; this is the indexer for the List class[a]

Add( )

Public method to add an object to the List

AddRange( )

Public method that adds the elements of an ICollection to the end of the List

AsReadOnly( )

Public method that returns a read-only instance of the current instance

BinarySearch( )

Overloaded public method that uses a binary search to locate a specific element in a sorted List

Clear( )

Removes all elements from the List

Contains( )

Determines whether an element is in the List

ConvertAll( )

Public method that converts all elements in the current list into another type

CopyTo( )

Overloaded public method that copies a List to a one-dimensional array

Exists( )

Determines whether an element is in the List

Find( )

Returns the first occurrence of the element in the List

FindAll( )

Returns all the specified elements in the List

FindIndex( )

Overloaded public method that returns the index of the first element that matches a condition

FindLast( )

Public method that finds the last element that matches a condition

FindLastIndex( )

Overloaded public method that returns the index of the last element that matches a condition

ForEach( )

Public static method that performs an action on all elements of an array

GetEnumerator( )

Overloaded public method that returns an enumerator to iterate through a List

GetRange( )

Copies a range of elements to a new List

IndexOf( )

Overloaded public method that returns the index of the first occurrence of a value

Insert( )

Inserts an element into the List

InsertRange( )

Inserts the elements of a collection into the List

LastIndexOf( )

Overloaded public method that returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in the List

Remove( )

Removes the first occurrence of a specific object

RemoveAll( )

Removes all elements that match a specific condition

RemoveAt( )

Removes the element at the specified index

RemoveRange( )

Removes a range of elements

Reverse( )

Reverses the order of elements in the List

Sort( )

Sorts the List

ToArray( )

Copies the elements of the List to a new array

TrimExcess( )

Reduce the current list’s capacity to the actual number of elements in the list

TrimToSize( )

Sets the capacity of the actual number of elements in the List

[a] a The idiom in the FCL is to provide an Item element for collection classes that is implemented as an indexer in C#.

When you create a List, you don’t define how many objects it will contain. You add to the List using the Add( ) method, and the list takes care of its own internal bookkeeping, as illustrated in Example 9-13.

Example 9-13. Working with List
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ListCollection
    // a simple class to store in the List
    public class Employee
        public Employee(int empID)
            this.EmpID = empID;
        public override string ToString(  )
            return EmpID.ToString(  );
        public int EmpID { get; set; }
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            List<Employee> empList = new List<Employee>(  );
            List<int> intList = new List<int>(  );

            // populate the List
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                empList.Add(new Employee(i + 100));
                intList.Add(i * 5);

            // print all the contents
            for (int i = 0; i < intList.Count; i++)
                Console.Write("{0} ", intList[i].ToString(  ));


            // print all the contents of the Employee List
            for (int i = 0; i < empList.Count; i++)
                Console.Write("{0} ", empList[i].ToString(  ));

            Console.WriteLine("empList.Capacity: {0}",

0 5 10 15 20
100 101 102 103 104
empArray.Capacity: 8

With an Array class, you define how many objects the array will hold. If you try to add more than that, the Array class will throw an exception. With a List, you don’t declare how many objects the List will hold. The List has a property, Capacity, which is the number of elements that the List is capable of storing:

public int Capacity { get; set; }

The default capacity is eight. When you add the 17th element, the capacity is automatically doubled to 16. If you change the for loop to:

for (int i = 0;i < 9;i++)

the output looks like this:

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
empArray.Capacity: 32

You can manually set the capacity to any number equal to or greater than the count. If you set it to a number less than the count, the program will throw an exception of type ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

Implementing IComparable

Like all collections, the List implements the Sort( ) method, which allows you to sort any objects that implement IComparable. In the next example, you’ll modify the Employee object to implement IComparable:

public class Employee : IComparable<Employee>

To implement the IComparable<Employee> interface, the Employee object must provide a CompareTo( ) method:

public int CompareTo(Employee rhs)
    return this.empID.CompareTo(rhs.empID);

The CompareTo( ) method takes an Employee as a parameter. You know this is an Employee because this is a type-safe collection. The current Employee object must compare itself to the Employee passed in as a parameter and return −1 if it is smaller than the parameter, 1 if it is greater than the parameter, and 0 if it is equal to the parameter. It is up to Employee to determine what smaller than, greater than, and equal to mean. In this example, you delegate the comparison to the empId member. The empId member is an int and uses the default CompareTo( ) method for integer types, which will do an integer comparison of the two values.


The System.Int32 class implements IComparable<Int32>, so you may delegate the comparison responsibility to integers.

You are now ready to sort the array list of employees, empList. To see whether the sort is working, you’ll need to add integers and Employee instances to their respective arrays with random values. To create the random values, you’ll instantiate an object of class Random; to generate the random values, you’ll call the Next( ) method on the Random object, which returns a pseudorandom number. The Next( ) method is overloaded; one version allows you to pass in an integer that represents the largest random number you want. In this case, you’ll pass in the value 10 to generate a random number between 0 and 10:

Random r = new Random(  );

Example 9-14 creates an integer array and an Employee array, populates them both with random numbers, and prints their values. It then sorts both arrays and prints the new values.

Example 9-14. Sorting an integer and an employee array
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace IComparable
    // a simple class to store in the array
    public class Employee : IComparable<Employee>
        private int empID;

        public Employee(int empID)
            this.empID = empID;

        public override string ToString(  )
            return empID.ToString(  );

        public bool Equals(Employee other)
            if (this.empID == other.empID)
                return true;
                return false;

        // Comparer delegates back to Employee
        // Employee uses the integer's default
        // CompareTo method

        public int CompareTo(Employee rhs)
            return this.empID.CompareTo(rhs.empID);
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            List<Employee> empArray = new List<Employee>(  );
            List<Int32> intArray = new List<Int32>(  );

            // generate random numbers for
            // both the integers and the
            // employee IDs

            Random r = new Random(  );

            // populate the array
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                // add a random employee id
                empArray.Add(new Employee(r.Next(10) + 100));

                // add a random integer

            // display all the contents of the int array
            for (int i = 0; i < intArray.Count; i++)
                Console.Write("{0} ", intArray[i].ToString(  ));

            // display all the contents of the Employee array
            for (int i = 0; i < empArray.Count; i++)
                Console.Write("{0} ", empArray[i].ToString(  ));

            // sort and display the int array
            intArray.Sort(  );
            for (int i = 0; i < intArray.Count; i++)
                Console.Write("{0} ", intArray[i].ToString(  ));

            // sort and display the employee array
            empArray.Sort(  );

            // display all the contents of the Employee array
            for (int i = 0; i < empArray.Count; i++)
                Console.Write("{0} ", empArray[i].ToString(  ));

4 5 6 5 7
108 100 101 103 103
4 5 5 6 7
100 101 103 103 108

The output shows that the integer array and Employee array were generated with random numbers. When sorted, the display shows the values have been ordered properly.

Implementing IComparer

When you call Sort( ) on the List, the default implementation of IComparer is called, which uses QuickSort to call the IComparable implementation of CompareTo( ) on each element in the List.

You are free to create your own implementation of IComparer, which you might want to do if you need control over how the sort ordering is defined. In the next example, you will add a second field to Employee, yearsOfSvc. You want to be able to sort the Employee objects in the List on either field—empID or yearsOfSvc.

To accomplish this, create a custom implementation of IComparer that you pass to the Sort( ) method of the List. This IComparer class, EmployeeComparer, knows about Employee objects and knows how to sort them.

EmployeeComparer has the WhichComparison property, of type Employee.EmployeeComparer.ComparisonType:

public Employee.EmployeeComparer.ComparisonType
  get{return whichComparison;}
  set{whichComparison = value;}

ComparisonType is an enumeration with two values, empID and yearsOfSvc (indicating that you want to sort by employee ID or years of service, respectively):

public enum ComparisonType

Before invoking Sort( ), create an instance of EmployeeComparer, and set its ComparisonType property:

Employee.EmployeeComparer c = Employee.GetComparer(  );

When you invoke Sort( ), the List calls the Compare method on the EmployeeComparer, which in turn delegates the comparison to the Employee.CompareTo( ) method, passing in its WhichComparison property:

public int Compare(Employee lhs, Employee rhs )
  return lhs.CompareTo( rhs, WhichComparison );

The Employee object must implement a custom version of CompareTo( ), which takes the comparison, and compares the objects accordingly:

public int CompareTo(
  Employee rhs,
  Employee.EmployeeComparer.ComparisonType which)
  switch (which)
    case Employee.EmployeeComparer.ComparisonType.EmpID:
      return this.empID.CompareTo(rhs.empID);
    case Employee.EmployeeComparer.ComparisonType.Yrs:
      return this.yearsOfSvc.CompareTo(rhs.yearsOfSvc);
  return 0;

Example 9-15 shows the complete source for this example. The integer array has been removed to simplify the example and the output of the employee’s ToString( ) method has been enhanced to enable you to see the effects of the sort.

Example 9-15. Sorting an array by employees’ IDs and years of service
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace IComparer
    public class Employee : IComparable<Employee>
        private int empID;

        private int yearsOfSvc = 1;

        public Employee(int empID)
            this.empID = empID;

        public Employee(int empID, int yearsOfSvc)
            this.empID = empID;
            this.yearsOfSvc = yearsOfSvc;

        public override string ToString(  )
            return "ID: " + empID.ToString(  ) +
            ". Years of Svc: " + yearsOfSvc.ToString(  );

        public bool Equals(Employee other)
            if (this.empID == other.empID)
                return true;
                return false;

        // static method to get a Comparer object
        public static EmployeeComparer GetComparer(  )
            return new Employee.EmployeeComparer(  );

        // Comparer delegates back to Employee
        // Employee uses the integer's default
        // CompareTo method
        public int CompareTo(Employee rhs)
            return this.empID.CompareTo(rhs.empID);

        // Special implementation to be called by custom comparer
        public int CompareTo(Employee rhs,
                Employee.EmployeeComparer.ComparisonType which)
            switch (which)
                case Employee.EmployeeComparer.ComparisonType.EmpID:
                    return this.empID.CompareTo(rhs.empID);
                case Employee.EmployeeComparer.ComparisonType.Yrs:
                    return this.yearsOfSvc.CompareTo(rhs.yearsOfSvc);
            return 0;


        // nested class which implements IComparer
        public class EmployeeComparer : IComparer<Employee>
            // enumeration of comparison types
            public enum ComparisonType

            public bool Equals(Employee lhs, Employee rhs)
                return this.Compare(lhs, rhs) == 0;

            public int GetHashCode(Employee e)
                return e.GetHashCode(  );

            // Tell the Employee objects to compare themselves
            public int Compare(Employee lhs, Employee rhs)
                return lhs.CompareTo(rhs, WhichComparison);

            public Employee.EmployeeComparer.ComparisonType
                WhichComparison {get; set;}
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            List<Employee> empArray = new List<Employee>(  );

            // generate random numbers for
            // both the integers and the
            // employee IDs
            Random r = new Random(  );

            // populate the array
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                // add a random employee ID

                new Employee(
                r.Next(10) + 100, r.Next(20)

            // display all the contents of the Employee array
            for (int i = 0; i < empArray.Count; i++)
{0} ", empArray[i].ToString(  ));

            // sort and display the employee array
            Employee.EmployeeComparer c = Employee.GetComparer(  );
            c.WhichComparison =

            // display all the contents of the Employee array
            for (int i = 0; i < empArray.Count; i++)
{0} ", empArray[i].ToString(  ));

            c.WhichComparison = Employee.EmployeeComparer.ComparisonType.Yrs;

            for (int i = 0; i < empArray.Count; i++)
{0} ", empArray[i].ToString(  ));

ID: 103. Years of Svc: 11
ID: 101. Years of Svc: 15
ID: 107. Years of Svc: 14
ID: 108. Years of Svc: 5
ID: 102. Years of Svc: 0

ID: 101. Years of Svc: 15
ID: 102. Years of Svc: 0
ID: 103. Years of Svc: 11
ID: 107. Years of Svc: 14
ID: 108. Years of Svc: 15
ID: 108. Years of Svc: 5

ID: 102. Years of Svc: 0
ID: 108. Years of Svc: 5
ID: 103. Years of Svc: 11
ID: 107. Years of Svc: 14
ID: 101. Years of Svc: 15

The first block of output shows the Employee objects as they are added to the List. The employee ID values and the years of service are in random order. The second block shows the results of sorting by the employee ID, and the third block shows the results of sorting by years of service.


If you are creating your own collection, as in Example 9-11, and wish to implement IComparer, you may need to ensure that all the types placed in the list implement IComparer (so that they may be sorted), by using constraints, as described earlier. Note that in a production environment, employee ID would always be nonrandom and unique.


A queue represents a first-in, first-out (FIFO) collection. The classic analogy is to a line (or queue, if you are British) at a ticket window. The first person in line ought to be the first person to come off the line to buy a ticket.

A queue is a good collection to use when you are managing a limited resource. For example, you might want to send messages to a resource that can handle only one message at a time. You would then create a message queue so that you can say to your clients: “Your message is important to us. Messages are handled in the order in which they are received.”

The Queue class has a number of member methods and properties, as shown in Table 9-4.

Table 9-4. Queue methods and properties

Method or property



Public property that gets the number of elements in the Queue

Clear( )

Removes all objects from the Queue

Contains( )

Determines whether an element is in the Queue

CopyTo( )

Copies the Queue elements to an existing one-dimensional array

Dequeue( )

Removes and returns the object at the beginning of the Queue

Enqueue( )

Adds an object to the end of the Queue

GetEnumerator( )

Returns an enumerator for the Queue

Peek( )

Returns the object at the beginning of the Queue without removing it

ToArray( )

Copies the elements to a new array

TrimExcess( )

Reduces the current queue’s capacity to the actual number of elements in the list

You add elements to your queue with the Enqueue command, and take them off the queue with Dequeue or by using an enumerator. Example 9-16 illustrates.

Example 9-16. Working with a queue
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace Queue
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            Queue<Int32> intQueue = new Queue<Int32>(  );

            // populate the array
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                intQueue.Enqueue(i * 5);

            // Display the Queue.
            Console.Write("intQueue values:	");

            // Remove an element from the queue.
(Dequeue)	{0}", intQueue.Dequeue(  ));

            // Display the Queue.
            Console.Write("intQueue values:	");

            // Remove another element from the queue.
(Dequeue)	{0}", intQueue.Dequeue(  ));

            // Display the Queue.
            Console.Write("intQueue values:	");

            // View the first element in the
            // Queue but do not remove.
(Peek) 	{0}", intQueue.Peek(  ));

            // Display the Queue.
            Console.Write("intQueue values:	");

        public static void PrintValues(IEnumerable<Int32> myCollection)
            IEnumerator<Int32> myEnumerator =
            myCollection.GetEnumerator(  );
            while (myEnumerator.MoveNext(  ))
                Console.Write("{0} ", myEnumerator.Current);
            Console.WriteLine(  );

intQueue values: 0 5 10 15 20

(Dequeue) 0
intQueue values: 5 10 15 20

(Dequeue) 5
intQueue values: 10 15 20

(Peek) 10
intQueue values: 10 15 20

In this example, the List is replaced by a Queue. We’ve dispensed with the Employee class to save room, but of course, you can Enqueue user-defined objects as well.

The output shows that queuing objects adds them to the Queue, and calls to Dequeue return the object as well as remove them from the Queue. The Queue class also provides a Peek( ) method that allows you to see, but not remove, the first element.

Because the Queue class is enumerable, you can pass it to the PrintValues method, which is provided as an IEnumerable interface. The conversion is implicit. In the PrintValues method, you call GetEnumerator, which you will remember is the single method of all IEnumerable classes. This returns an IEnumerator, which you then use to enumerate all the objects in the collection.


A stack is a last-in, first-out (LIFO) collection, like a stack of dishes at a buffet table or a stack of coins on your desk. An item added on top is the first item you take off the stack.

The principal methods for adding to and removing from a stack are Push( ) and Pop( ); Stack also offers a Peek( ) method, very much like Queue. Table 9-5 shows the significant methods and properties for Stack.

Table 9-5. Stack methods and properties

Method or property



Public property that gets the number of elements in the Stack

Clear( )

Removes all objects from the Stack

Contains( )

Determines whether an element is in the Stack

CopyTo( )

Copies the Stack elements to an existing one-dimensional array

GetEnumerator( )

Returns an enumerator for the Stack

Peek( )

Returns the object at the top of the Stack without removing it

Pop( )

Removes and returns the object at the top of the Stack

Push( )

Inserts an object at the top of the Stack

ToArray( )

Copies the elements to a new array

TrimExcess( )

If the number of elements in the current stack is less than 90 percent of its capacity, reduces the current stack’s capacity to the actual number of elements in the stack

The List, Queue, and Stack types contain overloaded CopyTo( ) and ToArray( ) methods for copying their elements to an array. In the case of a Stack, the CopyTo( ) method will copy its elements to an existing one-dimensional array, overwriting the contents of the array beginning at the index you specify. The ToArray( ) method returns a new array with the contents of the stack’s elements. Example 9-17 illustrates.

Example 9-17. Working with a stack
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace Stack
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            Stack<Int32> intStack = new Stack<Int32>(  );

            // populate the array
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                intStack.Push(i * 5);

            // Display the Stack.
            Console.Write("intStack values:	");

            // Remove an element from the stack.
(Pop)	{0}",
            intStack.Pop(  ));

            // Display the Stack.
            Console.Write("intStack values:	");

            // Remove another element from the stack.
(Pop)	{0}",
            intStack.Pop(  ));

            // Display the Stack.
            Console.Write("intStack values:	");

            // View the first element in the
            // Stack but do not remove.
(Peek) 	{0}",
            intStack.Peek(  ));

            // Display the Stack.
            Console.Write("intStack values:	");

            // declare an array object which will
            // hold 12 integers
            int[] targetArray = new int[12];

            for (int i = 0; i < targetArray.Length; i++)
                targetArray[i] = i * 100 + 100;
            // Display the values of the target Array instance.
Target array: ");

            // Copy the entire source Stack to the
            // target Array instance, starting at index 6.
            intStack.CopyTo(targetArray, 6);

            // Display the values of the target Array instance.
Target array after copy: ");

        public static void PrintValues(
        IEnumerable<Int32> myCollection)
            IEnumerator<Int32> enumerator =
            myCollection.GetEnumerator(  );
            while (enumerator.MoveNext(  ))
                Console.Write("{0} ", enumerator.Current);
            Console.WriteLine(  );

intStack values: 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

(Pop) 35
intStack values: 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

(Pop) 30
intStack values: 25 20 15 10 5 0

(Peek) 25
intStack values: 25 20 15 10 5 0

Target array:
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200

Target array after copy:
100 200 300 400 500 600 25 20 15 10 5 0

The output reflects that the items pushed onto the stack were popped in reverse order.

You can see the effect of CopyTo( ) by examining the target array before and after calling CopyTo( ). The array elements are overwritten beginning with the index specified (6).


A dictionary is a collection that associates a key to a value. A language dictionary, such as Webster’s, associates a word (the key) with its definition (the value).

To see the value of dictionaries, start by imagining that you want to keep a list of the state capitals. One approach might be to put them in an array:

string[] stateCapitals = new string[50];

The stateCapitals array will hold 50 state capitals. Each capital is accessed as an offset into the array. For example, to access the capital of Arkansas, you need to know that Arkansas is the fourth state in alphabetical order:

string capitalOfArkansas = stateCapitals[3];

It is inconvenient, however, to access state capitals using array notation. After all, if we need the capital of Massachusetts, there is no easy way for us to determine that Massachusetts is the 21st state alphabetically.

It would be far more convenient to store the capital with the state name. A dictionary allows you to store a value (in this case, the capital) with a key (in this case, the name of the state).

A .NET Framework dictionary can associate any kind of key (string, integer, object, etc.) with any kind of value (string, integer, object, etc.). Typically, of course, the key is fairly short, the value fairly complex.

The most important attributes of a good dictionary are that it is easy to add and quick to retrieve values (see Table 9-6).

Table 9-6. Dictionary methods and properties

Method or property



Public property that gets the number of elements in the Dictionary

Item( )

The indexer for the Dictionary


Public property that gets a collection containing the keys in the Dictionary (see also Values)


Public property that gets a collection containing the values in the Dictionary (see also Keys)

Add( )

Adds an entry with a specified Key and Value

Clear( )

Removes all objects from the Dictionary

ContainsKey( )

Determines whether the Dictionary has a specified key

ContainsValue( )

Determines whether the Dictionary has a specified value

GetEnumerator( )

Returns an enumerator for the Dictionary

GetObjectData( )

Implements ISerializable and returns the data needed to serialize the Dictionary

Remove( )

Removes the entry with the specified Key

TryGetValue( )

Gets the Value associated with the specified Key; if the Key does not exist, gets the default value of the Value type

The key in a Dictionary can be a primitive type, or it can be an instance of a user-defined type (an object). Objects used as keys for a Dictionary must implement GetHashCode( ) as well as Equals. In most cases, you can simply use the inherited implementation from Object.


Dictionaries implement the IDictionary<K,V> interface (where K is the key type, and V is the value type). IDictionary provides a public property, Item. The Item property retrieves a value with the specified key. In C#, the declaration for the Item property is:

{get; set;}

The Item property is implemented in C# with the index operator ([]). Thus, you access items in any Dictionary object using the offset syntax, as you would with an array.

Example 9-18 demonstrates adding items to a Dictionary and then retrieving them with the Item property.

Example 9-18. The Item property as offset operators
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Dictionary
    public class Tester
        static void Main(  )
            // Create and initialize a new Dictionary.
            Dictionary<string, string> Dictionary =
                new Dictionary<string, string>(  );
            Dictionary.Add("000440312", "Jesse Liberty");
            Dictionary.Add("000123933", "Stacey Liberty");
            Dictionary.Add("000145938", "Douglas Adams");
            Dictionary.Add("000773394", "Ayn Rand");

            // access a particular item
            Console.WriteLine("myDictionary["000145938"]: {0}",

Dictionary["000145938"]: Douglas Adams

Example 9-18 begins by instantiating a new Dictionary. The type of the key and of the value is declared to be string.

Add four key/value pairs. In this example, the Social Security number is tied to the person’s full name. (Note that the Social Security numbers here are intentionally bogus.)

Once the items are added, you access a specific entry in the dictionary using the Social Security number as the key.


If you use a reference type as a key, and the type is mutable (strings are immutable), you must not change the value of the key object once you are using it in a dictionary.

If, for example, you use the Employee object as a key, changing the employee ID creates problems if that property is used by the Equals or GetHashCode method because the dictionary consults these methods.

[10] * Of course, when you create an array with int[] myArray = new int[5] what you actually create in the IL code is an instance of System.int32[], but because this derives from the abstract base class System.Array, it is fair to say you’ve created an instance of a System.Array.

[11] * The lifetime of objects declared in the header of a foreach loop is scoped outside the loop, much like the objects declared in a for loop.

[12] * The actual ListBox control provided by Windows Forms and ASP.NET has a collection called Items, and it is the Items collection that implements the indexer.

[13] * For backward compatibility, C# also provides nongeneric interfaces (e.g., ICollection, IEnumerator), but they aren’t considered here because they are obsolete.

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