Variable Operations

Now that you have containers to hold values, you’ll want to do things with those values. Crystal offers the traditional mathematical operations, with a few variations depending on whether floats or integers are being processed. (You can mix floats and integers as well.)

 d = 10 + 2 ​# => 12
 e = 36 - 12 ​# => 24
 f = 7 * 8 ​# => 56
 g = 37 / 8 ​# => 4 (integer division)
 h = 37 % 8 ​# => 5 (integers remainder / mod)
 i = 36.0 / 8 ​# => 4.5 (float, or use fdiv function)

Strings support the + operator for concatenation that is found in many programming languages.

 "this"​ + ​"is"​ + ​"a"​ + ​"test"​ ​# => thisisatest
 "this "​ + ​"is "​ + ​"a "​ + ​"test"​ ​# => this is a test

Concatenation works, but it’s a clumsy tool. The first item has to be a string for it to work at all, and it’ll break if you try to add a number, Ruby style. Fortunately, Crystal lets you assemble strings more naturally with interpolation.

 name = ​"Diamond"
 hardness = 10
 "The hardness of ​​#{​name​}​​ is ​​#{​hardness​}​​."​ ​# => The hardness of Diamond is 10.

Crystal evaluates the value of any #{expression} syntax, converts it to a string if necessary, and combines it with the rest of the string.

Underneath these operators is a key truth of Crystal: all of these values are objects. Crystal maps common operator syntax to methods, making it easier for you to write readable code. The type corresponds to a class, which means that all of these values have methods you can use. For example, size is a method on String objects, which returns the number of characters as an Int32.

 name = ​"Diamond"
 hardness = 10
 name.​size​ ​# => 7
 hardness.​size​ ​# => compilation error - undefined method 'size' for Int32

But size isn’t a method for Int32, so the compiler will give you an “undefined method ‘size’ on Int32” error.

Your Turn 1

Try out and explain the output of the following statements in Crystal Playground:

 12 + 12
 "12 + 12"
 "12"​ + ​"12"
 "I"​ * 5
 '12'​ + ​'12'
 5 * ​"I"
 "12"​ + 12
 "2"​ * ​"5"
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