Working with Structs

Objects created from classes take up heap memory, and the garbage collector needs to release that. As you saw in the loop code in Structuring a Class, creating many objects can quickly consume a lot of resources. To boost performance in such a case, you can use a sort of lightweight class called struct, which inherits from class Struct.

Structs are allocated in stack memory, so a struct is copied when reassigned or passed to a method. In other words: it’s passed by value. At first sight, they look very much like classes: they have properties, constructors, and methods, and they can even be generic.

The following example defines a struct to accommodate user data:

 struct User
  property name, age
 def​ ​initialize​(@name : String, @age : Int32)
 def​ ​print
  puts ​"​​#{​age​}​​ - ​​#{​name​}​​"
 d = User.​new​(​"Donald"​, 42)
 d.​name​ ​# => Donald
 d.​age​ = 78
 d.​print​ ​# => 78 - Donald

Changing Structs in Methods


Because structs are copied when passed, you must think about returning the value and reassigning it after return. In the following snippet, the no_change method doesn’t change the struct, only the change method works:

 def​ ​no_change​(user)
  user.​age​ = 50
 def​ ​change​(user)
  user.​age​ = 50
 d = User.​new​(​"Donald"​, 78)
 d.​print​ ​# => 78 - Donald
 d.​print​ ​# => 78 - Donald
 d = change(d)
 d.​print​ ​# => 50 - Donald

Structs work best for non-changing (also called immutable) data structures, especially when the structure is small and you have lots of them. As a good example, the standard library implements complex numbers through the struct Complex.

Inheritance can also be defined for a struct, but only from an abstract struct.

Use Structs for Performance


Try changing class to struct in your code and see if it enhances performance. If it does and it fits with the functionality, go for it.

Your Turn 3

Vec2D—Overloading an Operator on a Struct: Suppose you need to add lots of two-dimensional vectors. Define a struct Vec2D for doing just that and overload the + operator. Then define a few of them and work with these vectors. (Hint: Restrict the + operation to adding another Vec2D by using self.)

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