Benchmarking Your Code

Sometimes you need to investigate a performance problem on your app, or you want to see which is the fastest or more efficient of two possible algorithms. In that case, use the built-in Benchmark module, which takes minimal effort and provides great feedback. You may find it familiar if you’ve used its Ruby equivalent.

In to_s(io) in Chapter 5, you learned that appending a raw object is much faster than appending a string made by interpolation with #{} or to_s. Now that we’re in a position to prove that, let’s compare these three tasks. As you know by now, we work with IO::Memory objects to increase efficiency. Let’s see how that goes:

 require ​"benchmark"
 IOM = IO::Memory.​new
 Benchmark.​ips​ ​do​ |x|
  x.​report​(​"Appending"​) ​do
  x.​report​(​"Using to_s"​) ​do
  x.​report​(​"Interpolation"​) ​do
 def​ ​append
  IOM << 42
 def​ ​to_s
  IOM << 42.​to_s
 def​ ​interpolation
  IOM << ​"​​#{​42​}​​"

We require the Benchmark module to look it up in the standard library. Then we call the Benchmark.ips method, which measures iterations per second. Each task is enveloped in a do end block and is executed a large number of times to compare them. The task is called as a method, which is overkill here, but you’d do that in a real case. The report method then shows the results in a nice interface.

Build the code for production using $ crystal build --release and execute that with: $ ./benchmarking

You’ll get results like this:

  Appending 34.06M ( 29.36ns) (± 3.97%) fastest
  Using to_s 12.67M ( 78.92ns) (± 7.55%) 2.69× slower
 Interpolation 2.8M (356.75ns) (± 3.84%) 12.15× slower

This proves our statement.

Also useful is the bm method, which shows you the time usage in report form:

 Benchmark.​bm​ ​do​ |x|
  x.​report​(​"Appending bm"​) ​do
  10_000_000.​times​ ​do
  user system total real
 Appending bm 0.240000 0.000000 0.240000 ( 0.243686)

With this method, you have to specify the loop yourself.

Your Turn 2

a. ArrayLastElem: To get the last element of an array, which method is the fastest: using -1 as index or last?

b. Building_vs_Concat: In Using String Methods in Chapter 3, we also affirmed that string building is much more performant than concatenation. Prove this through benchmarking with bm. Use a string to concatenate or append to.

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