
XML has emerged as a technology to be reckoned with. Its wide acceptance has proven that XML is here to stay…at least for a while. ASP.NET and ADO.NET rely heavily on XML under the covers. Data that is moved around with the ADO.NET Managed Providers is persisted and transmitted as XML. Although all of this happens without any interaction by you, the System.Xml namespace provides a set of classes that enables easy integration of XML into your ASP.NET applications.

The XmlDocument and XmlDataDocument classes make reading and working with XML data simple. You easily can read and write XML data to the file system, or use the Xml server control to display the XML data in the browser. Add the XslTransform class into the mix, and you easily can format the data into a user-friendly display.

In this chapter, you learned how to use the Xml server control to display XML data in the browser. As you progressed through the chapter, you learned how to use the XmlDocument class and the XmlElement class to manipulate XML data. You also learned how to use the XmlData Document to pull XML data into a DataSet and bind it to a data server control, like the DataGrid.

In addition, you also read a brief introduction to SOAP. This was more for conceptual purposes as the .NET Framework abstracts the use of SOAP away from you. In Chapter 14, you will learn how to use SOAP and XML to exchange data between systems with Web services.

In this chapter you learned about:

  • Xml server control

  • XmlDocument and XmlDataDocument

  • Working with XML elements

  • Reading and writing XML files with the DataSet

  • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

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