Chapter 12. Customizing Entity Data Models

So far in this book, you have worked with models that closely match the database. You have made some simple changes to the names of entities, and in one case you went deeper and leveraged inheritance in the model.

The Entity Data Model (EDM) offers enormous flexibility when it comes to customizing models so that they are more than mere reflections of your database. This capability is one of the main reasons many developers choose to use the Entity Framework.

In this chapter, you will learn about the many ways in which you can customize an EDM, the benefits of these customizations, and when you would want to take advantage of them. Although most customization occurs in the Conceptual Schema Definition Layer (CSDL), you can use additional mappings and even storage schema modifications to create a model that truly describes your data in a way that fits well with your vision of how the data should look.

Customizations that are created in the conceptual layer are dependent on their mappings back to the database to function properly. Because of this, the customizations are more often referred to as mappings, as you will see throughout this chapter.

You will also learn how to build queries using the new mappings and interact with the objects that are based on the various entities.

A number of modeling techniques are related to stored procedures as well. I will cover those in the next chapter.

Designer Support for Mappings

This chapter will first cover mappings that you can achieve using the Designer. These are the mappings that are more commonly used. The EDM allows other types of model customizations, but unfortunately the Designer does not currently support them. Later in this chapter, we’ll look at additional modeling techniques that require you to manually modify the XML. Many of the stored procedure mappings covered in the next chapter will also require manually editing the EDMX file.

The Designer-supported mappings are inheritance mapping (implemented in a number of ways), conditional mapping, and entity splitting (sometimes called vertical splitting), which allows you to build an entity that maps back to multiple tables. We’ll start with the most common implementation for inheritance, Table per Type (TPT). While working through the TPT implementation, you’ll also learn about inheritance in the model in general.

Mapping Table per Type Inheritance for Tables That Describe Derived Types

The BreakAway business has a number of different types of contacts. The Contact table keeps track of the common information for all contacts, such as FirstName and LastName. Some of those contacts are customers, and a separate table keeps track of the additional information about these types of contacts—their preferences, notes, and the date they first became customers. In the past few chapters, when working with customers you have had to constantly go back to the Contacts entity to get the customers’ names and addresses.

In object-oriented programming, when one object is a type of another object, you can use inheritance to share properties so that the properties of a base type (e.g., Contact) are exposed directly in a derived type (e.g., Customer). The EDM supports inheritance as well. The inheritance mapping used to allow Customer to derive from Contact and absorb Contact’s properties is called Table per Type inheritance. Let’s investigate this one first, and modify the model to simplify working with customers.

Table per Type (TPT) inheritance defines an inheritance that is described in the database with separate tables where one table provides additional details that describe a new type based on another table. Figure 12-1 depicts the concept of TPT inheritance.

Database tables that can be used for TPT inheritance

Figure 12-1. Database tables that can be used for TPT inheritance

Figure 12-1 shows a 1:0..1 (One to Zero or One) relationship between Contact and Customer in the database. This means a Contact could have a related Customer entity, but it’s not required. It also means a Contact cannot have more than one related Customer entity. The Customer table provides additional information about this subset of the contacts.

Mapping TPT Inheritance

Let’s replace the navigation that the Entity Data Model Wizard created between Contact and Customer with an inheritance hierarchy that maps back to the database tables.


Samples used throughout the rest of this book will be dependent on most of the model changes that the mapping walkthroughs in the chapter describe. If you are following the examples, be sure to perform the steps described in this chapter. A few of the walkthroughs at the end of the chapter are not used by later examples (these are noted).

  1. Delete the association between Contact and Customer that the EDM Wizard created when you originally created the model in Chapter 7.

    You can do this by selecting the line that represents the association and deleting it.

  2. Add an inheritance object between the Contact and the Customer, with Contact as the base type and Customer as the derived type.

    The Designer provides two ways to add inheritance. You can select an inheritance object from the Toolbox and click on the entity that will be derived from the other entity, or you can add it from an entity’s context menu. Let’s use the context menu method.

  3. Right-click the Contact entity. Choose Add and then Inheritance from the context menu.

  4. In the Add Inheritance window, select Contact as the base entity and Customer as the derived entity, as show in Figure 12-2. Customer will inherit properties from Contact.

  5. Delete the EntityKey (ContactID) from the derived type (Customer). Customer will now inherit its EntityKey from Contact.

  6. Open the Mapping Details window for Customer.

  7. Map the Customer’s new ContactID property (which now comes from the Contact entity) to the ContactID column in the Customers table.

When the inheritance is set up, the Customer entity will have a glyph at the top that indicates it is inheriting from Contact. There is an inheritance line between the two entities as well, with the arrow pointing to the base entity (see Figure 12-3).

Defining an inheritance between Contact and Customer

Figure 12-2. Defining an inheritance between Contact and Customer

The new inheritance displayed in the model

Figure 12-3. The new inheritance displayed in the model

Fixing the Impact of the New Inheritance on the Customer’s Associations with Other Entities

Because the Customer’s ContactID was deleted so that it can now inherit from Contact, a number of the mappings for associations involving Customer were broken. If you compile the model, you’ll find a list of mapping errors. The associations still exist, so you’ll need to remap the associations.


Understanding how to map associations in the model is another important mapping technique. The inheritance you are building conveniently forces you to learn this as well.

The Customer entity has six associations defined with other entities. This will be a good lesson in mapping associations, because this task is not very intuitive in the Designer.

Select the association between Customer and CustomerType. You’ll see that the CustomerTypeID mapping is still in place, but the ContactID mapping to the Customers table is gone. Select ContactID in the drop-down under Column to map from the ContactID property, as shown in Figure 12-4.

Remapping the ContactID in the association between Customer and CustomerType

Figure 12-4. Remapping the ContactID in the association between Customer and CustomerType

Remap the ContactID property in the association between Customer and Reservation.

Although you could edit the existing mappings for the associations, you will be better off completely removing and re-creating the four associations between Customer, Activity, and Destinations. As you delete the associations, the navigation properties will also disappear. Don’t worry; they will return as you re-create the associations.

There are two associations between Customer and Activity. In the following exercise, you will create the first Activity association and mapping:

  1. Create the first association by selecting the Association control from the ToolBox and positioning the cursor on the Customer entity. Click on the Customer entity, which will set the first end of the association, then click the Activity entity to set the other end of the association.

  2. Fix the navigation property names. In the Activity entity, rename the Customer navigation property to PrimaryPrefCustomers. In the Customer entity, rename Activity to PrimaryActivity.

  3. Define the multiplicity between the entities. The relationship between Activity and Customer is 0..1:*, which means you can have zero or one activity for a customer and each activity can be mapped to many customers. In the Properties window, edit the ends of the association so that the activity end is 0..1 (Zero or One) and the customer end is * (Many), as shown in Figure 12-5.


    There is a bug in the Designer that is related to 0..1:* mappings. You should create the mapping first as a 1:* (with the Activity end as the “one” and Customer as the “many”), and then define the mappings in step 4. Then return to the association’s properties and change the Activity end to 0..1 (“zero or one”). The Designer must insert a condition element for the mapping but neglects to when mapping a 0..1 end. By performing the steps in this order, the condition element will be inserted properly. Follow the same steps for the other 0..1:* associations.

  1. Create the mapping by right-clicking the association and selecting Table Mapping to get to the association mappings.

    When creating association mappings, if there is a Many end of the association, choose its table for the Maps To option. In this case, Customer is on the Many end of the relationship, so select Customers for the mapping. ContactID should map automatically. Map ActivityID to the Customers.PrimaryActivity column, as shown in Figure 12-6.

Multiplicity for the association

Figure 12-5. Multiplicity for the association

Association mapping for PrimaryActivity

Figure 12-6. Association mapping for PrimaryActivity

Now you can create the second mapping between Customer and Activity. To begin, add another association between Customer and Activity. Follow steps 1–4 in the preceding exercise, but this time change the navigation properties to SecondaryCustomerPrefs and SecondaryActivity, fix the multiplicity, and then map the association to Customers.SecondaryActivity and Customers.ContactID.

Follow steps 1–4 again to remap the associations used for the Customer’s PrimaryDestination and SecondaryDestination properties. The navigation properties for the first association will be PrimaryCustomerPrefs and PrimaryDestination. This association will map to the Customers.PrimaryDestination property. The navigation properties for the second association will be SecondaryCustomerPrefs and SecondaryDestination. This association will map to the Customers.SecondaryDestination property.

Handling Properties with the Same Name

Both the Customers and the Contact tables have a TimeStamp column for concurrency checking. However, because the Customer is inheriting all of the properties of Contact, the Customer now has two TimeStamp properties. To avoid conflict, change the name of the Customer’s TimeStamp property to custTimeStamp. In Chapter 18, you’ll learn more about concurrency with inherited types.

Querying Inherited Types

As a result of the inheritance, the Customer object inherits the Contact properties. You no longer need to navigate to Contact to get the Customer’s LastName, FirstName, or other Contact properties. You can also navigate directly to the Addresses EntityCollection through the Addresses property.

In the model, this means the Customers EntitySet is now gone, and Customer is served up from the Contacts EntitySet. When you request Contacts, those Contacts that have a Customer entity will be returned as Customer types.

To query for customers specifically, you will need to use the OfType method to specify which type of contact you are seeking, as shown in the following code:

From c in Contacts.OfType(Of Customer) Select c
from c in Contacts.OfType<Customer> select c;

You’ll see many more examples of querying types in an inheritance hierarchy throughout this chapter and the rest of the book.

Creating a Project to Test the New Mappings

To test this new TPT inheritance, as well as the various customizations you will be creating further on in this chapter, create a new Console Application project and then follow these steps:

  1. Set up the Console Application project to use the model, as you did with the previous projects:

    1. Add a reference to System.Data.Entity.

    2. Add a reference to the model project.

    3. Copy the connection string from the model’s app.config file into the new project’s app.config file.


      The .config file for a console application is not automatically created, so you’ll need to use Add New Item to create it. If the new project is created for the same language as the model project, you can simply copy the entire app.config file from the model project into the new project.

  2. Open the project’s main code file (Module1.vb or program.cs).

  3. Import the model’s namespace at the top of the code file using the following commands:

Imports BAGA.BreakAwayModel
using BAGA.BreakAwayModel;

Testing the TPT Inheritance

Let’s see the inheritance in action.

  1. Add the method in Example 12-1 to the test module. This will query for contacts who are customers.

    Example 12-1. Querying a derived type

    Private Sub TPTMap()
      Using context As New BAEntities
        Dim query = From c In context.Contacts.OfType(Of Customer)() _
                    Select c
        Console.WriteLine("Customers: " & query.Count.ToString)
        'query all Contacts
        Console.WriteLine("All Contacts: " & _
        Dim newCust As New Customer
        With newCust
          .FirstName = "Noam"
          .LastName = "Ben-Ami"
        End With
      End Using
    End Sub
    private static void TPTMap()
      using (BAEntities context = new BAEntities())
        var query =
            from c in context.Contacts.OfType<Customer>()
            select c;
        Console.WriteLine("Customers: " + query.Count().ToString());
        //query all Contacts
        Console.WriteLine("All Contacts: " +
        Customer newCust = new Customer();
        newCust.FirstName = "Noam";
        newCust.LastName = "Ben-Ami";
  2. Call the TPTMap method from the module’s Main method.

  3. Set a breakpoint at the line that instantiates newCust.

  4. Run the application.

When debugging the Customer results, you can see that the Customer has inherited the LastName and FirstName properties of Contact. When debugging the Contact results, you can see that only the Contact properties are there, even for contacts who are customers.

Finally, looking at the counts displayed in the output, you’ll find that the number of queried customers is much smaller than the number of contacts, and is, in fact, a subset of contacts.

SaveChanges and Newly Added Derived Types

In Example 12-1, a Customer was created in memory, added to the context, and then saved to the database with context.SaveChanges. When SaveChanges is called, the Entity Framework constructs commands to first create a new Contact record, and then, based on the newly generated ID returned from the database, to create the Customer record.

Example 12-2 shows the two commands executed on the database as a result of the code in Example 12-1. The first inserts a contact and does a SELECT to return the new ContactID and TimeStamp. The second inserts a new Customer using the new ContactID, 851.

Example 12-2. T-SQL commands created based on the new Customer created in the previous example

exec sp_executesql
N'insert [dbo].[Contact]([FirstName], [LastName],
  [Title], [AddDate], [ModifiedDate])
  values (@0, @1, null, @2, @3)
  select [ContactID], [TimeStamp]
  from [dbo].[Contact]
  where @@ROWCOUNT > 0 and [ContactID] = scope_identity()',
N'@0 nchar(4),@1 nchar(7),@2 datetime2(7),@3 datetime2(7)',
  @0=N'Noam',@1=N'Ben-Ami',@2='2008-10-23 14:07:33.7290000',
  @3='2008-10-23 14:07:34.6000000'

exec sp_executesql
N'insert [dbo].[Customers]([ContactID], [CustomerTypeID], [InitialDate],
  [PrimaryDesintation], [SecondaryDestination], [PrimaryActivity],
  [SecondaryActivity], [Notes])
  values (@0, @1, null, null, null, null, null, null)
  select [timestamp]
  from [dbo].[Customers]
  where @@ROWCOUNT > 0 and [ContactID] = @0',
N'@0 int,@1 int',@0=851,@1=1

Notice that the AddDate and ModifiedDate have values in the Contact insert, and the Customer insert has a value for CustomerTypeID. These values are coming from the custom SavingChanges event you built in the preceding chapter. The new Customer record is seen as both a Contact type and a Customer type. Therefore, as SavingChanges tested for the entity type and populated values based on that, the new Customer entity got the required values for Contact and for Customer.

Specifying or Excluding Derived Types in Queries

You can explicitly query for different types within an inheritance structure. To specify a derived type with LINQ or Object Services you can append the OfType method to the entity set being queried:

Context.Contacts.OfType(Of Customer)

You can do this in a variety of other ways in LINQ, as well.

In Visual Basic, you can use the TypeOf operator for type filtering:

From c In context.Contacts  _
Where TypeOf c Is Customer Select c

From c In context.Contacts  _
Where Not TypeOf c Is Customer Select c

In C#, you can do direct type comparison:

from c in context.Contacts where c is Customer select c;

from c in context.Contacts where !(c is Customer) select c;

Entity SQL also has operators for working with types, and in fact, it can filter out types in a way that is not possible with LINQ to Entities.

The type operators you will use most commonly in Entity SQL are OFTYPE and IS [NOT] OF. The following code snippets represent examples of how you could rewrite the preceding queries with Entity SQL. Note that you could do this by using query builder methods, as well.

To return only Customer types:

FROM OFTYPE(BAEntities.Contacts, BAModel.Customer)
AS c

To return Contacts which are not Customer types:

FROM BAEntities.Contacts
AS c
where c IS NOT OF(BAModel.Customer)

There is an additional Entity SQL operator called TREAT AS that allows you to do type casting directly in the Entity SQL expression.

The preceding two Entity SQL expressions will return results that are still shaped like Contacts. To ensure that the results are shaped like the types that you are seeking, you’ll need to use TREAT AS. As with the OFTYPE operator, be sure to use the assembly namespace in the strongly typed name of the type you are casting to.

To return only Customer types that are type-cast as Customer types:

FROM OFTYPE(BAEntities.Contacts, BAModel.Customer)
AS c

As you can see, you can also use Object Services and EntityClient with Entity SQL to build more complex queries around types.

In LINQ, the safest way to do type filtering is to use the OfType method, because the rest of the query will know you are working with Customer and not Contact, so you can do any filtering or projection based on Customer properties.

When you place the type filter in the Where clause, the rest of the query is still based on the type being queried—in the preceding example, Contact. You won’t be able to do projection or filtering on Customer properties.

Creating New Derived Entities When the Base Entity Already Exists

What if you have a contact that becomes a customer? This is an important business rule for BreakAway Geek Adventures, and one that TPT inheritance doesn’t readily support. This isn’t to say that the Entity Framework doesn’t support this scenario, but TPT by definition doesn’t support it.

Let’s look at what may seem like logical options using the Entity Framework, and why they won’t work. The counterpoints provide a lot of insight into the workings of Object Services:

Add a new Customer object

As you have seen, adding a new Customer object will cause a new Contact to be created in the database. Therefore, you can’t just add a new customer for an existing contact.

Create a new Customer and populate its ContactID with the ContactID of the Contact

If the Contact is not in the context, the Entity Framework will still see this as a new Customer and will try to add the Contact to the database.

Get the Contact into the context and add a new Customer with the same ContactID

Both the Contact and the Customer are members of the Contacts entity set. You will not be able to add the Customer to the context because a member of the Contacts entity set with the same EntityKey already exists in the context.

Detach the Contact from the context, set Customer.EntityKey=Contact.EntityKey and Customer.ContactID=Contact.ContactID, detach the Contact from the context and attach the Customer instead, and then call SaveChanges

You would be getting closer to a solution with this. However, the Customer will be seen as having no changes, and therefore nothing will happen when SaveChanges is called. If you do something to make the Customer “modified,” the database command that results will be to update a nonexistent Customer record, and that too would fail.

Use Entity SQL’s TREAT operator to “upcast” the Contact to a Customer type

Unfortunately, this won’t work either. The Entity Framework cannot cast from one type to another.


In addition to OFTYPE and IS [NOT] OF, which you saw earlier, the TREAT operator is another operator you can use in Entity SQL queries for type inspection.

Although you may want to continue banging your head against the wall with creative hacks, the reality is that TPT inheritance does not support this scenario, and even with all of the other benefits that came along with having Customer inherit from Contact, this is a big problem.

Having Customer inherit from Contact is something you should consider prior to designing your EDM. TPT inheritance may be perfect for your business model; it may create some rare annoyances; or it may not be the right way to go at all. These are decisions you’ll need to make.

Given the existing model, the best way to create a Customer for an existing Contact is to use a stored procedure. Not a stored procedure that is wired up to the Customer entity through mappings, but a separate one that can be called explicitly from code. This will allow you to have your cake (the convenience of the derived type) and eat it too (perform functions that TPT inheritance does not support). We will discuss stored procedures in the next chapter, and at that time you’ll see how to leverage the EDM’s flexibility to solve this problem.

TPT with Abstract Types

In the current inheritance model, the base type, Contact, is instantiated for some entities, and Customer is instantiated for others. It is possible to have base types that are abstract, which means they are there to help define the structure of entities that derive from them, but they will never be instantiated.

If you turned Contact into an abstract type, however, a few hundred contacts (those that are not customers) will never appear in your application because they won’t have an instantiated type to map to. You would have no way to access contacts who are not customers.

To solve this you need to create derived entities to represent other types of contacts.

What would a derived type that accesses the non-customer contacts look like? Let’s modify the model to see:

  1. Open the model in the Designer and select the Contact entity.

  2. In the Properties window, change the value of the Abstract property to true.

    You will receive a warning saying that existing function mappings will be removed. Since you haven’t mapped any stored procedures to the Contact entity, this isn’t a problem.

  3. Click OK. Now Contact is an abstract type.

  4. Run the TPTMap method again.

  5. When the breakpoint is hit, debug the results of the Contact query and you will see that only customers are returned. The entire set of data for contacts who are not customers is missing.

Now it’s time to create the new derived type:

  1. In the EDM Designer, create a new entity and name it NonCustomer.

  2. Select Contact from the “Base type” drop-down list. The other fields in the Add Entity window will become disabled since they don’t pertain to a derived type.

  3. Click OK.

    That’s it. Because there are no additional fields in this new entity, there’s no need to do any mapping.

    If you were to look in the raw XML of the EDMX file, the only instance of NonCustomer you will find in the XML (other than the Designer information) is this element in the CSDL:

    <EntityType Name="NonCustomer" BaseType="BAModel.Contact" >


    If any fields in the Contact entity were relevant to a noncustomer but were not relevant to a customer, you could move them over to the new entity. That scenario would require additional mapping. But in this case, everything you need for NonCustomer is already provided by the Contact abstract type.

  1. Run the application again and check out the Contact query results in the debugger when you hit the breakpoint. All of the additional contacts are back as NonCustomers.

Remember that because you queried for just the Customers first and then all Contacts, the Customers that were pulled into the cache on the first query will be up front. As you can see in Figure 12-7, when looking at the results in the debugger, you’ll need to scroll down past the Customer entities before you see the NonCustomer entities.

A query on the abstract type, Contact, showing all of the derived types included in the result

Figure 12-7. A query on the abstract type, Contact, showing all of the derived types included in the result


With the NonCustomer entity in the model, the model will present an error in the Error List that reads “Entity type ‘NonCustomer’ is not mapped.” This is an erroneous message due to a bug in the validators. You can ignore it and it will not impact your ability to compile or run the application.

I cover additional types of inheritance that the EDM supports later in this chapter.

Using Entity Splitting to Map a Single Entity to More Than One Table

Entity splitting, also referred to as vertical splitting, allows you to map a single entity to more than one table. You can use entity splitting when tables share a common key; for example, if a contact’s personal and business information is stored in separate tables. You can use entity splitting as long as the primary keys in the two database tables match.

The model contains an entity that we have thus far ignored: ContactPersonalInfo, which has a ContactID property (see Figure 12-8 for the database representation and Figure 12-9 for the entity). The purpose of the database table from which the entity was created is to provide additional information about customers that might be useful for BreakAway employees to be aware of when these customers participate in trips.

Two database tables that share a primary key and can be represented as a single entity

Figure 12-8. Two database tables that share a primary key and can be represented as a single entity

The ContactPersonalInfo entity

Figure 12-9. The ContactPersonalInfo entity

One way in which you can link this new entity to a customer is to create a 1:1 association between Customers and ContactPersonalInfo using ContactID. That would make Customer a navigation property of ContactPersonalInfo and ContactPersonalInfo a navigation property of Customer. However, this wouldn’t be very convenient, because you would always have to traverse the navigation to get to the properties—for example, Customer.ContactPersonalInfo.BirthDate.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just call Customer.BirthDate? Entity splitting can solve this problem very easily, by mapping both the Customer table and the ContactPersonalInfo table to the Customer entity.

Merging Multiple Entities into One

Thanks to the Designer’s copy-and-paste functionality, you can easily copy the ContactPersonalInfo properties into the Customer entity. Once you have done that, all that’s left is to map the Customer entity’s new properties back to the appropriate table:

  1. Copy and paste all but the ContactID properties from ContactPersonalInfo into the Customer entity.

  2. Delete the ContactPersonalInfo entity from the model.

  3. Open the table mappings for the Customer entity.

  4. At the bottom of the property mappings, select Add a Table or View, which will cause a drop-down arrow to display to the right of the column, as you can see in Figure 12-10.

  5. Click the drop-down arrow and choose ContactPersonalInfo from the list of available tables in the Store schema.

    All of the column mappings except ContactID should populate automatically.

  6. Map the ContactID column to the ContactID property.

  7. Save the model.

Mapping an entity to additional tables

Figure 12-10. Mapping an entity to additional tables

Testing Entity Splitting

Now you can test the revised entity. In the following exercise, you’ll query the new entity, modify the returned object, create a new entity, and then save your changes. These actions will allow you to see how the Entity Framework handles an update and an insert involving multiple tables.

  1. Add the method in Example 12-3 to the project’s main code file (Module1.vb or program.cs).

    Example 12-3. Querying for and modifying a type that maps to multiple tables

    Private Sub EntitySplit()
      Using context = New BreakAwayEntities
        Dim firstCust = (From c In context.Contacts.OfType(Of Customer) _
                         Select c).FirstOrDefault
        firstCust.BirthDate = New Date("1981", "1", "24")
        Dim newcust = Customer.CreateCustomer(0, "Nola", "Claire", Now, Now)
        With newcust
          .HeightInches = 68
          .WeightPounds = 138
          .DietaryRestrictions = "Vegetarian"
        End With
      End Using
    End Sub
    private static void EntitySplit()
      using (var context = new BAEntities())
        //query for a customer and modify a new property
        var firstCust = (
                from c in context.Contacts.OfType<Customer>()
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
        firstCust.BirthDate = new System.DateTime(1981, 1, 26);
        // Initialize two TimeSpamp's for the call to CreateCustomer
        byte[] contactTimestamp = new byte[] {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
        byte[] customerTimestamp = new byte[] {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
        var newCust = Customer.CreateCustomer
        (0, "Nola", "Claire", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now,
        contactTimestamp, customerTimestamp);
        newcust.HeightInches = 68;
        newcust.WeightPounds = 138;
        newcust.DietaryRestrictions = "Vegetarian";
        //save modified customer and new customer to db
  2. Add code to call EntitySplit in the Main method.

  3. Set a breakpoint at the line that instantiates the newcust variable.

  4. Run the project.

When the process stops at the breakpoint, debug the firstCust variable and you can see in the QuickWatch window that the new properties of Customer are populated, as shown in Figure 12-11.

Inspecting the queried Customer in one of the QuickWatch windows

Figure 12-11. Inspecting the queried Customer in one of the QuickWatch windows

A quick check in SQL Profiler shows that when querying for the first customer, an inner join was used to include the values from the ContactPersonalInfo table.

The SQL Profiler screenshot in Figure 12-12 shows the commands that are executed when editing a Customer and when adding a new Customer. The first two commands update the ModifiedDate field in Contact and the BirthDate field in ContactPersonalInfo for the first Customer that was queried and edited. The newly added Customer results in the creation of a Contact, a ContactPersonalInfo record, and finally, a new row in the Customers table.

A screenshot from SQL Profiler showing the commands that are executed when editing a Customer and when adding a new Customer

Figure 12-12. A screenshot from SQL Profiler showing the commands that are executed when editing a Customer and when adding a new Customer

The first insertion occurs because of the inheritance you created between Customer and Contact, but the insertion to the ContactPersonalInfo table occurs thanks to the entity splitting you just defined in the model. The Entity Framework is able to work out this customization in the model and translate it into the correct commands in the database without the developer having to worry about modification operations or about the fact that a number of tables are involved in the query.

Using Conditional Mapping to Filter Entity Mappings

The next area of customization to cover is conditional mapping. You can use conditional mapping directly when mapping an entity to the data store, or in inheritance scenarios. We’ll look at the first situation in this section and the second situation later in the chapter.

Conditional mapping places a permanent filter on an entity by defining that an entity will be mapped to data in the database under only certain conditions. Therefore, if you have a scenario in which you will need to filter data 100% of the time on a particular value, rather than having to add this filter to every single query you can define it as part of the mapping. Figure 12-13 depicts the concept of conditional mapping to ensure that only water-related activities are ever used in the application.

Conditional mapping, which provides a permanent filter on an entity

Figure 12-13. Conditional mapping, which provides a permanent filter on an entity

As an example, imagine that BreakAway Geek Adventures decides that from now on it will provide only water-related activities. However, it does not want to delete historical data from the database. The company can use conditional mapping to ensure that anytime activities are requested only water-related activities are brought into the application, and that anytime a new activity is created it will automatically be defined as a water activity.

As another example, rather than filtering by activity type, you can introduce a Boolean field named Discontinued into the Activities table in the database. Then in the conditional mapping, you can create a filter that allows only activities to be returned from the database when Discontinued=0 or False.

It is possible to use conditional mapping in the following ways:

[value] Is Null
[value] Is Not Null
[integer value] (e.g., 1)
[string value] (e.g., Water)

The Designer supports conditional mapping, but in the Designer, you do not use the quotations around the integer or the string. In the XML, those values will be surrounded by quotations.

The Activity entity does contain a Category property that is a string. In the following section, we will walk through the first scenario: working solely with activities whose category is “Water”.

Creating a Conditional Mapping for the Activity Entity


The changes made to the model in this walkthrough will not be used going forward. At the end of the walkthrough, you will be instructed to undo this mapping.

You must remove from the entity’s scalar properties whatever property you will be using for a conditional mapping:

  1. Select the Activity entity.

  2. Delete the Category property from the entity.

  3. Open its Mapping Details window.

  4. Click <Add a Condition>, and then click the drop-down arrow that appears.

  5. Select Category from the drop-down list, as shown in Figure 12-14.

  6. In this mapping, use the default operator (=) for the value comparison.

  7. Under Value/Property, type Water. Figure 12-15 shows what the settings should look like when you are finished.

Adding a conditional mapping

Figure 12-14. Adding a conditional mapping

Adding a conditional mapping to the Activity entry indicating that only rows whose Category value is equal to Water should be returned when querying against this entity

Figure 12-15. Adding a conditional mapping to the Activity entry indicating that only rows whose Category value is equal to Water should be returned when querying against this entity

The Is Null/Not Null conditions

If you wanted the condition to test for null values, you can change the operator by using the drop-down and selecting Is. When you set the operator to Is, Value/Property becomes a drop-down with the options Null and Not Null, as shown in Figure 12-16.

Changing the condition operator to Is, which turns Value/Property into a drop-down list with the options Not Null and Null

Figure 12-16. Changing the condition operator to Is, which turns Value/Property into a drop-down list with the options Not Null and Null

Testing the Conditional Mapping

You’ll see with the following exercise that the condition not only filters data coming from the database, but also impacts data going into the database.

  1. Add to the test module the method shown in Example 12-4.

    Example 12-4. Querying, creating, and saving conditionally mapped entities

    Private Sub ConditionalMap()
      Using context = New BreakAwayEntities
        Dim query = From a In context.Activities Select a
        Dim activities = query.ToList
        Dim newAct = New Activity
        With newAct
          .ActivityName = "WindSurfing"
        End With
      End Using
    End Sub
    private static void ConditionalMap()
      using (var context = new BAEntities())
        var query =
            from a in context.Activities
            select a;
        var activities = query.ToList();
        var newAct = new Activity();
        newAct.ActivityName = "WindSurfing";
  2. Call the ConditionalMap method from the module’s Main method.

  3. Comment out the call to the EntitySplit method.

  4. Set a breakpoint on the code after query.ToList is called.

  5. Run the application.

When you hit the breakpoint, look at the activities variable in the QuickWatch window. You will see that only activities in the Water category were retrieved.

The insert is even more interesting. Although the only property you set in code was the ActivityName, look at the T-SQL that was generated and you will see that Water was inserted into the Category field:

exec sp_executesql N'insert [dbo].[Activities]([Activity],
                            [imagepath], [Category])
values (@0, null, @1)
select [ActivityID]
from [dbo].[Activities]
where @@ROWCOUNT > 0 and [ActivityID] = scope_identity()',
N'@0 nchar(50),@1 nchar(10)',@0=N'WindSurfing      ',@1=N'Water     '

The condition was automatically used in the insert. The condition that all Activity entities should have a category of “Water” also means that any newly created Activity entities will also have a category of “Water”.

Filtering on other types of conditions

What if you wanted to include any activity except water-related activities? Unfortunately, it is not possible to map this directly in the model. There is no operator for “not equals” and it is not possible to map a table column more than once. What you see in the Designer—an equals sign combined with an integer or string, Is Null, and Is Not Null—is the full extent of what the model is capable of. This also means that in conditional mapping, you can’t use operators such as greater than (>) or less than (<), or filter on other types such as a date. However, deeper in the model there is still a way to achieve this, using a mapping element called QueryView. We will discuss QueryView in more detail in the next chapter.

If it’s an option, you may need to resort to adding a new column, such as WaterActivity or DiscontinuedActivity, into the database table. Then you can easily create a conditional mapping on the Boolean field.

Removing the conditional mapping from Activity and re-creating the Category property

You may not want to have this conditional mapping in place going forward, so feel free to remove it. You’ll need to add the Category property back into the Activity entity and map it to the Category field in the Activities table.

  1. Click the When Category mapping in the Mapping Details window.

  2. Select <Delete> from the drop-down list.

  3. Right-click the Activity entity in the Designer, and choose Add and then Scalar Property from the context menu.

  4. Rename the property to Category.

  5. Return to the Mapping Details window and map the Category field of the Activities table to the Category property, as shown in Figure 12-17.

Mapping the Category field of the Activities table to the Category property

Figure 12-17. Mapping the Category field of the Activities table to the Category property

Implementing Table per Hierarchy Inheritance for Tables That Contain Multiple Types

Another type of inheritance that the EDM supports is Table per Hierarchy (TPH). TPH inheritance depends on conditional mapping. Rather than including only records that match the condition, the condition is used to define records as different types.

Figure 12-18 displays the Lodging table that uses the Boolean, Resort, to define lodgings that are resorts. You can use this Boolean to create a new type in your model, Resort, which will inherit from Lodging. This is very different from the tables that provided for TPT inheritance where the properties of the derived type were defined in a separate table.

The Resort column of the Lodging table, which suggests a new inherited type, Resort

Figure 12-18. The Resort column of the Lodging table, which suggests a new inherited type, Resort

As you’ll see in the following walkthrough, TPH mapping uses conditional mapping to help determine which data describes a lodging that is not a resort and which data describes a resort.

Creating the Resort Derived Type

The BreakAway Lodging entity has a Boolean property called Resort. Let’s use this property to define Resort as a new type of lodging:

  1. Right-click the background of the Designer.

  2. From the context menu, choose Add and then Entity.

  3. Change the entity name to Resort.

  4. Select Lodging from the “Base type” drop-down.


Notice that the EntitySet automatically becomes Lodgings and is disabled so that you cannot modify it. Since Resort will inherit from Lodging, it will be part of the Lodgings EntitySet.

Notice also that the section for the Key property has become disabled. The Lodging entity will still control the entity key, even for derived types.

Now that you have the new type defined, how will the Entity Framework decide which Lodging records go into the Lodging entity and which go into the Resort entity? The answer is conditional mapping.

First, we’ll use conditional mapping to filter Lodging records into the base or derived type:

  1. Delete the Resort property from the Lodging entity.


    As you learned when creating the conditional mapping earlier, you can’t map a table column more than once. Since you will be using the Resort property for conditional mapping, you can’t use it in the property mapping. Therefore, there is no need for the Resort property.

  1. Open the Mapping Details window for the Lodging entity and click <Add a Condition>.

  2. Select Resort from the Condition drop down and change the condition value to 0. This condition states that records that are filtered into the Lodging entity will be records whose Resort property equals 0 or False.

  3. Select the Resort entity and open its Mapping Details window.

  4. Map the entity to the Lodging table. Then create a condition for Resort = 1 (or True).


The ContactID and LocationID are foreign keys in the Lodging table. The navigation property/association combinations in the Lodging entity take care of them.

Next, we’ll move resort-specific properties to the Resort entity type:

  1. The ResortChainOwner and LuxuryResort properties don’t make sense in the Lodging entity. They belong in the Resort entity. So, cut and paste these two properties from the Lodging entity into the Resort entity.

  2. Open the Mapping Details window for Resort, and map the ResortChainOwner and LuxuryResort properties to the appropriate columns in the Lodging table.

When you’re done, the Lodging and Resort types should look as they do in Figure 12-19.

A conditional mapping used to determine which rows from the Lodging table belong in Lodging or its derived entity, Resort

Figure 12-19. A conditional mapping used to determine which rows from the Lodging table belong in Lodging or its derived entity, Resort

Setting a Default Value on the Table Schema

If you try to run code against Lodging at this point, you will encounter a problem. The LuxuryResort field is a Boolean field. In the database, it is non-nullable and has a default value of 0. The EDM Wizard does not bring the default value over to the model’s Store Schema Definition Layer (SSDL). This creates a problem for the Lodging entity. The Lodging entity maps to the Lodging table but does not map the LuxuryResort or ResortChainOwner column because we removed the properties from the Lodging entity. Only the Resort entity maps those fields. Because Lodging does not map those fields, the model will throw a runtime exception telling you that Lodging doesn’t know how to deal with LuxuryResort because it is non-nullable and has no default value. Therefore, it wants to populate it. But because the properties don’t exist in Lodging, the field is not mapped, and therefore the Lodging entity is unable to modify the value.

The only way to correct this is to add the StoreGeneratedPattern attribute manually into the SSDL to let the Entity Framework know that the database will take care of this value. This is especially important if you are creating new Lodging entities and saving them back to the database.


Remember that if you run the Update Model from Database Wizard, this manual modification to the SSDL will be lost and you will need to add it back in manually again.

  1. Open the model in the XML Editor.

  2. Search for LuxuryResort as a quick way to find the Lodging table.

  3. Verify that you are in the SSDL section of the model. You can tell by the property types, which will be database types, such as int, nchar, and bit.

  4. Add StoreGeneratedPattern="Computed" to the LuxuryResort property, as shown in Example 12-5.

Example 12-5. Adding the StoreGeneratedPattern attribute for an unmapped non-nullable field

<EntityType Name="Lodging">
    <PropertyRef Name="LodgingID" />
  <Property Name="LodgingID" Type="int" Nullable="false"
            StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" />
  <Property Name="LodgingName" Type="nchar" Nullable="false"
            MaxLength="50" />
  <Property Name="ContactID" Type="int" Nullable="false" />
  <Property Name="LocationID" Type="int" />
  <Property Name="Resort" Type="bit" Nullable="false" />
  <Property Name="ResortChainOwner" Type="nchar" MaxLength="30" />
  <Property Name="LuxuryResort" Type="bit" Nullable="false" 

Testing the TPH Mapping

The following method will help you see the effect of the TPH mapping. You can query for all lodgings, including any derived types, or for a specific derived type. It’s a little trickier to query for a subset that is not a derived type.

The following queries are executed in unique contexts so that entities that are a result of one query do not merge with entities of another query. In this way, you can more easily see the full impact of each of the various queries:

  1. Add the method in Example 12-6 to the test module.

    Example 12-6. Querying types in a TPH mapping

    Private Sub TPHMap()
      Using context = New BreakAwayEntities
        Dim query = From lodge In context.Lodgings
        Console.WriteLine("All Lodgings Results: " & query.Count.ToString)
      End Using
      Using context = New BreakAwayEntities
        Dim query = From lodge In context.Lodgings.OfType(Of Lodging)()
        Console.WriteLine("NonResort Only Results: " & query.Count.ToString)
      End Using
      Using context = New BreakAwayEntities
        Dim query = From lodge In context.Lodgings.OfType(Of Resort)()
        Console.WriteLine("Resort Only Results: " & query.Count.ToString)
      End Using
    End Sub
    private static void TPHMap()
      using (var context = new BAEntities())
        var query =
            from lodge in context.Lodgings
            select lodge;
        Console.WriteLine("All Lodgings: " + query.Count().ToString());
      using (var context = new BAEntities())
        var query =
            from lodge in context.Lodgings.OfType<Lodging>()
            select lodge;
        Console.WriteLine("NonResort Results: " + query.Count().ToString());
      using (var context = new BAEntities())
        var query =
            from lodge in context.Lodgings.OfType<Resort>()
            select lodge;
        Console.WriteLine("Resort Results: " + query.Count().ToString());
  2. Call the TPHMap method from the module’s Main method.

  3. Run the application.

When you see the output of the console window, you may be surprised that the second query, which you may have expected to return only nonresort lodgings, returned all of the lodgings, regardless of the Resort filter:

All Lodgings Results: 101
NonResort Type Only Results: 101
Resort Type Only Results: 10

Why is this?

Even though you put a condition on Lodging that states Resort=0 (false), Lodging is a base type. No matter what, Lodging will return itself and all types that derive from it. With a simple query it is not easy to say “give me the base type but none of its derived types.” So, even though the condition is there, you’ll continue to receive all of the Lodgings, even with Resort=1.

Abstract Entity Types

If you want an easy way to retrieve nonresort lodgings, you can create a second derived type that inherits from Lodging to retrieve all of the Lodging entities that are not resorts. In this case, the actual Lodging entity would become an abstract type because it will never be instantiated. The Lodging entity itself cannot be instantiated and will never return Lodging entities. Instead, the Lodgings EntitySet will return only those entities that come from its derived types: Resort and NonResort.

Although you performed this task when creating the NonCustomer entity, the following walkthrough will act as a reminder to show you how to turn Lodging into an abstract type and then let you see how the abstract and derived types behave in code:

  1. In the Designer, create another new entity type, name it NonResort, and set its BaseType to Lodging.

  2. Open the Mapping Details window for the NonResort entity.

  3. Map the NonResort entity to the Lodging table. Because no fields are specific to this type, you won’t need to do any field-to-property mapping.

  4. Create a conditional mapping for the Resort property using the = operator and the value 0 for the comparison.

  5. Validate the model using the Designer’s context menu.

    You will see two errors regarding overlapping partitions. This is because the Lodging entity still has the conditional mapping that matches the conditional mapping you just created for NonResort. Because all of the records are now covered by the conditions in NonResort and Resort, you can turn the Lodging entity into an abstract type and remove the conditional mapping.

  6. Open the Mapping Details window for Lodging.

  7. Delete the conditional mapping. Remember that you can do this by selecting <Delete> from the drop-down.

  8. In the Properties window for the Lodging entity change the value of Abstract to True.

    You will get a warning that all function mappings will be removed. This refers to stored procedures, but there are none for this type, and therefore it’s not a problem.

  9. Rebuild the model project.

  10. Open the code module and modify the second query so that it gets NonResort types, as shown in the following code:

    From lodge In context.Lodgings.OfType(Of NonResort)()
    from lodge in context.Lodgings.OfType<NonResort>() select lodge
  1. Run the application again. This time you can see that the derived NonResort type makes it simpler to get that group as a whole:

    All Lodgings Results: 101
    NonResort Type Only Results: 91
    Resort Type Only Results: 10

Which of These Mappings Is Better?

You just saw a demonstration of how TPH inheritance works. If your business rules define that you would never want to get the entire set of types (e.g., all of the lodgings at once), it makes sense to have the abstract class in the model and to use the derived types to interact with the objects. If your business rules define that in many cases you will want to work with all lodgings, regardless of type, using the base type without defining it as an abstract class may be preferable.

Implementing Customizations That Are Not Supported by the EDM Designer

A number of mappings are not supported by the Designer. We will cover some of these in the rest of the chapter. How this impacts your work depends on which unsupported customization you are using. Non-supported features can affect the use of the Designer in the following ways:

  • The feature does not appear in the Designer.

  • The Designer goes into Safe Mode when you attempt to open the model in the Designer. Safe Mode presents a message that indicates the model cannot be opened in the Designer, and displays a link to open the model in XML view.

  • The Mapping Designer goes into Safe Mode, but the CSDL Designer displays.

  • An error is thrown when you attempt to open the model in the Designer.

As we walk through the following mappings, I will indicate how each mapping is handled (or not handled) by the Designer.

Mapping Table per Concrete (TPC) Type Inheritance for Tables with Overlapping Fields

Another scenario where you can use inheritance mapping is when you have database tables with overlapping fields. A classic example of this appears in Figure 12-20, where a copy of the Reservations table was created to store old reservations that are rarely accessed.

Reservations split into two tables in the database

Figure 12-20. Reservations split into two tables in the database

The inheritance implementation used for this mapping is called Table per Concrete Type or TPC inheritance. You can define the inheritance between the two in the Designer, but you will have to manually map the OldReservations entity to its table in the XML.


The OldReservations table does not exist in the BreakAway database. This example is not meant to be implemented in your sample model.

To create the inheritance, you will need to remove all of the overlapping properties from the derived entity. In this case, that means every property. Figure 12-21 displays what the inheritance looks like in the EDM Designer.

Base and derived entities in TPC inheritance mapping

Figure 12-21. Base and derived entities in TPC inheritance mapping

You’ll find that none of the OldReservations table fields are mapped after you make these modifications. You can map the ReservationID field to the ReservationID property, but the rest must be mapped in the XML of the EDMX file.

Example 12-7 shows the mapping. The Reservation EntityTypeMapping contains a mapping for the Reservation entity and another mapping for the derived OldReservationEntity.

Example 12-7. TPC mapping

<EntitySetMapping Name="ReservationSet">
  <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(BreakAwayModel.Reservation)">
    <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Reservations">
      <ScalarProperty Name="ReservationID" ColumnName="ReservationID" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="ReservationDate" ColumnName="ReservationDate" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="ContactID" ColumnName="ContactID" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="EventID" ColumnName="EventID" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="TimeStamp" ColumnName="TimeStamp" />
  <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(BreakAwayModel.OldReservation)">
    <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="OldReservations">
      <ScalarProperty Name="ReservationID" ColumnName="ReservationID" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="ReservationDate" ColumnName="ReservationDate" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="ContactID" ColumnName="ContactID" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="EventID" ColumnName="EventID" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="TimeStamp" ColumnName="TimeStamp" />

With this mapping, you would be able to work with the OldReservations table when you need to. Also with this mapping, you will get the OldReservations anytime you query for Reservation without specifically excluding them. Therefore, you may want to consider turning Reservation into an abstract type and creating another entity to represent current reservations as you did to solve a similar problem with Lodging entities that are not resorts.

Although you can’t see the mapping in the Designer, you will still be able to use the model in the Designer when TPC is implemented.

Creating Complex Types to Encapsulate Sets of Properties

Complex types are a very convenient way of encapsulating a set of properties. You may want to do this when you have properties that are common among entities (e.g., different entities that have properties to contain addresses). You may just want to use a complex type to create a better structure in your entity. Imagine that in your model you had a Contact entity that contained address properties. You may prefer to navigate through the contact with the address fields tucked inside a complex type. Therefore, rather than having all of this to deal with when programming:


you could encapsulate those properties related to the address into a complex type called Address, and then insert Address as a property into the Customer type:


Then, to get at the address information, you can drill further:


What’s really nice is that the complex types are still types, so you can instantiate them and use them outside their parent entity. However, complex types are not EntityObjects, but ComplexObjects. They don’t have EntityKeys and are not contained in their own EntitySet; therefore, they cannot be queried for directly or persisted into the database.

Complex Types and the EDM Designer

Complex types are one of the mapping types that the Designer does not support, but you can still create them manually. As mentioned at the start of this chapter, “not supported by the Designer” can mean different things. In this case, when a complex type is defined in the model, you will not be able to open the model in the Designer. When you try to open it in the Designer, you will get the Designer’s “Safe Mode” display that says the Designer is unable to display the file, but provides a link to open the model in the XML Editor.


The Visual Studio version of the EDM Designer will fully support complex types.

This will be highly inconvenient if you are still in the process of designing your model, but otherwise it should not be a showstopper if you find that you will get a lot of benefit from using complex types.

Defining a Complex Type

You can create the new complex type in the XML Editor by copying the properties from the entity that originally contains them and pasting them into a ComplexType element. ComplexType elements are siblings of EntityType elements.


Because we have a lot more work to do in the Designer after this, you’ll need to unwind these changes at the end of this walkthrough. You will be guided to comment out XML rather than deleting it while you modify the model. At the end of the walkthrough, you will be able to remove the changes and uncomment the original XML.

As an example, you can create an AddressDetail type that encapsulates the specific properties of the Address entity that are part of the mailing address, leaving the AddressType and modified date as scalar properties of Address.

The new complex type would look like Example 12-8.

Example 12-8. A ComplexType defined in the CSDL

<ComplexType Name="AddressDetail">
  <Property Name="Street1" Type="String" MaxLength="50"
            FixedLength="true" />
  <Property Name="Street2" Type="String" MaxLength="50" 
            FixedLength="true" />
  <Property Name="City" Type="String" MaxLength="50" 
            FixedLength="true" />
  <Property Name="StateProvince" Type="String" MaxLength="50" 
            FixedLength="true" />
  <Property Name="CountryRegion" Type="String" MaxLength="50" 
            FixedLength="true" />
  <Property Name="PostalCode" Type="String" MaxLength="20" 
            FixedLength="true" />

As shown in Figure 12-22, the ComplexType element is positioned in the CSDL section as a sibling of the EntityTypes. It is not critical where it is placed relative to other entities.

The ComplexType element positioned as a sibling of the EntityTypes

Figure 12-22. The ComplexType element positioned as a sibling of the EntityTypes

Replacing Properties with a Complex Type

In the Address EntityType, you can now replace those properties with a single property to represent the AddressDetails, as shown in Example 12-9. Note the new Detail property in the address and entities.

Example 12-9. Using a complex type in an entity type

<EntityType Name="Address">
    <PropertyRef Name="addressID" />
  <Property Name="addressID" Type="Int32" Nullable="false" />
  <Property Name="Detail" Type="Self.AddressDetail" Nullable="false" />
  <Property Name="ModifiedDate" Type="DateTime" Nullable="false" />
  <NavigationProperty Name="Contact"
                      FromRole="Address" ToRole="Contact" />


Rather than deleting the properties that are being replaced by the complex type, comment them out in the XML. That way, you can easily undo these changes and open the model in the Designer as you continue to progress through the book.

Mapping Entities with Complex Types

The required change to the mappings is not as complicated as you might think. All you need to do is wrap those properties inside a ComplexProperty tag, as shown in Example 12-10. Note that the name of the ComplexProperty element, Detail, matches the name used for the property in the entities, and that the TypeName attribute points directly to the complex types.

Example 12-10. Mapping the complex type

yyy<EntitySetMapping Name="Address">
 <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(BAModel.Address)">
  <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Address">
   <ScalarProperty Name="addressID" ColumnName="addressID" />
   <ComplexProperty Name="Detail"
     <ScalarProperty Name="Street1" ColumnName="Street1" />
     <ScalarProperty Name="Street2" ColumnName="Street2" />
     <ScalarProperty Name="City" ColumnName="City" />
     <ScalarProperty Name="StateProvince" ColumnName="StateProvince" />
     <ScalarProperty Name="CountryRegion" ColumnName="CountryRegion" />
     <ScalarProperty Name="PostalCode" ColumnName="PostalCode" />
   <ScalarProperty Name="AddressType" ColumnName="AddressType" />
   <ScalarProperty Name="ModifiedDate" ColumnName="ModifiedDate" />

If you are using AddressDetail inside other entities, you will need to map the properties in EntitySetMapping for that entity.

Rebuild the model project so that the projects using it see the changes.

Complex Types Are Not EntityObjects

Looking at the generated class for AddressDetail you will see that it is not an EntityObject, but rather a ComplexObject:

Partial Public Class AddressDetail
  Inherits Global.System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.ComplexObject
public partial class AddressDetail : 

Although you can instantiate and use these types directly in code, they do not have EntityKeys, cannot be queried for directly, and cannot be persisted to the database.

ComplexObject does allow the properties of the ComplexType to be change-tracked along with the other properties of its parent entity, though. You can look further at the generated class and even drill into the System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.ComplexObject class in Visual Studio’s Object Browser or in another tool such as Reflector.

Using Complex Types

The method in Example 12-11 shows the ComplexType in action.

Example 12-11. Querying, creating, and saving entities that contain a complex type

Private Sub ComplexType()
  Using context As New BreakAwayEntities
    Dim contact = (From c In context.Contacts.Include("Addresses") _
                   Take 1).FirstOrDefault
    Dim addDetail as AddressDetail = contact.Addresses(0).Detail
    Console.WriteLine("Street: {0}, City: {1}, State: {2}", _
                      addDetail.Street1, addDetail.City, _
    Dim newAD = New AddressDetail
    With newAD
      .Street1 = "1 Rue Cardinale"
      .City = "Montreal"
      .StateProvince = "Quebec"
    End With
    contact.Addresses(0).Detail = newAD
  End Using
End Sub
private void ComplexType()
  using (var context = new BreakAwayEntities())
    var contact = (from c in context.Contacts.Include("Addresses")
                select c).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
    AddressDetail addDetail = contact.Addresses[0].Detail;
    Console.WriteLine("Street: {0}, City: {1}, State: {2}",
                      addDetail.Street1, addDetail.City, addDetail.StateProvince);
    var newAD = new AddressDetail();
    newAD.Street1 = "1 Rue Cardinale";
    newAD.City = "Montreal";
    newAD.StateProvince = "Quebec";
    contact.Addresses(0).Detail = newAD;

This method first queries the model for a single Contact entity, along with its addresses.

It then extracts the AddressDetail from the first address and displays some of its properties, demonstrating that you can create an instance of the complex type. Next, it instantiates a new AddressDetail, and sets that instance as the Detail property of the first address. Finally, SaveChanges is called, which updates the address information for the contact.

Here is the T-SQL that was executed on the server. You can see that the change tracking does take into account the property values of the complex type:

exec sp_executesql N'update [dbo].[Address]
set [Street1] = @0, [Street2] = null, [City] = @1, [StateProvince] = @2,
    [CountryRegion] = null, [PostalCode] = null
where ([addressID] = @3)',
N'@0 nchar(50),@1 nchar(50),@2 nchar(50),@3 int',@0=N'1 Rue Cardinale',


Trailing blanks have been removed from the SQL statement for readability.

Complex Types in Data-Binding Scenarios

The complex type may not behave the way you would expect it to in data binding. Therefore, the next few pages will take a look at a number of data-binding scenarios.

ASP.NET EntityDataSource

When you use complex types with the EntityDataSource, the EntityDataSource “flattens” the properties within the complex type to make them easily accessible. When configuring the EntityDataSource, you will see the type, but not the properties, as you can see in Figure 12-23. However, when binding controls to the data source, the properties of the complex type appear as though they were simply properties of the parent type. You can see this in the screenshot in Figure 12-24.

The complex type surfaced by the EntityDataSource

Figure 12-23. The complex type surfaced by the EntityDataSource

The complex type properties automatically flattened

Figure 12-24. The complex type properties automatically flattened

This flattening of the properties is a feature of the EntityDataSource, though it will occur only under specific conditions. For details, see the blog post “EntityDataSource: To wrap or not to wrap” by Diego Vega, EntityDataSource program manager at Microsoft (

Data Binding Complex Types in ASP.NET Without the EntityDataSource

When you attempt to perform data binding against query results where complex types are involved and DataSource controls are not, you won’t have such easy access to the properties.

For example, the following code in an ASP.NET page will fail, with a message saying that Address does not contain a property with the name Detail.City:

Dim addresses = context.Addresses.ToList
With DropDownList1
  .DataTextField = "Detail.City"
  .DataValueField = "addressID"
  .DataSource = addresses
End With
var addresses = context.Addresses.ToList();
DropDownList1.DataTextField = "Detail.City";
DropDownList1.DataValueField = "addressID";
DropDownList1.DataSource = addresses;

Attempting a similar binding to a ComboBox in a Windows form will have a different effect. In the following code, the addressID will be displayed in the drop-down list, rather than the ComplexType property that is used for DisplayMember:

Dim addresses = context.Addresses
With ComboBox1
  .DataSource = addresses
  .DisplayMember = "Detail.City"
  .ValueMember = "addressID"
End With
var addresses = context.Addresses;
ComboBox1.DataSource = addresses;
ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "Detail.City";
ComboBox1.ValueMember = "addressID";

Yet, if you were to debug into the results of the query and request the properties from the complex type, you would see that they are definitely available, just not for these data-binding scenarios.

In a Windows form, if you bound the results of a query programmatically, such as in the following code:

Using context = New BAGA.BreakAwayModel.BreakAwayEntities
  Dim addresses = From a In context.Addresses Select a
  Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = addresses
End Using
using (var context = new BAGA.BreakAwayModel.BreakAwayEntities())
  var addresses =
      from a in context.Addresses
      select a;
  this.DataGridView1.DataSource = addresses;

the Detail property would be represented incorrectly as a single column.

You’ll get the same effect even if you create a Windows Forms DataSource and bind to that.

Even if you explicitly bind properties to the columns in this way:

DataGridView1.Columns(1).DataPropertyName = "Detail.Street1"
DataGridView1.Columns[1].DataPropertyName = "Detail.Street1";

the binding will fail, with the columns that result being empty.

So, how can you get at these properties in these scenarios?

Complex types with ASP.NET binding controls

With ASP.NET, you have three paths to follow: list controls, data-bound controls, and templated controls. With each, you will need to take a different route for using a complex type.

List controls

DropDownList is not actually a data-bound control. It is a list web server control. Other controls in the category are ListBox, CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList, and BulletedList.

Instead of returning the objects that contain complex types (which can’t be displayed), your best bet is to use projections to flatten the properties yourself. As an example, here is a LINQ query that returns a list of distinct cities. You can bind this to a drop-down list and, upon selection, query for contacts from the selected city:

Dim uniqueCities = From a In context.Addresses _
                   Select City = a.Detail.City Distinct
With DropDownList1
  .DataSource = uniqueCities
End With
var uniqueCities = 
    (from a in context.Addresses
     select City == a.Detail.City)
DropDownList1.DataSource = uniqueCities;

Data-bound controls

GridView and FormView are bound controls and have the same limitation as list controls. If you are not able to use the EntityDataSource, you will need to do projection to flatten the ComplexType properties. With projection, you lose your ability to do updating, so you may want to consider the EntityDataSource for this scenario. You will have more control over the entities using a business layer, which you will learn to do in Chapter 19.

Templated controls

With templated controls, such as ListView, you can access the ComplexType properties using inline script.

Reverting back to the query:


you can bind directly to the results with the following markup in a ListView (see Example 12-12).

Example 12-12. Formatting the markup of a ListView to display complex type properties

<asp:ListView runat="server" ID="ListView1">
    <table runat="server" id="table1" >
      <tr runat="server" id="itemPlaceholder" ></tr>
    <tr runat="server">
      <td id="Td1" runat="server">
        <%-- Data-bound content. --%>
        <asp:Label ID="NameLabel" runat="server" 
          Text='<%#Eval("Detail.Street1") %>' />
      <td id="Td2" runat="server">
        <%-- Data-bound content. --%>
        <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" 
          Text='<%#Eval("Detail.City") %>' />

Windows Forms DataSource and Complex Types

Like the EntityDataSource, data sources in Windows Forms let you work with entities and their properties that are complex types fairly easily.

Figure 12-25 shows an Object data source created from the revised Address entity.

Windows Forms data source reading complex type properties such as the Detail property of Address

Figure 12-25. Windows Forms data source reading complex type properties such as the Detail property of Address

You can use the complex type in a Windows form, which is displayed and updated along with the rest of the entity. You can see in the simple form shown in Figure 12-26 that the complex type properties blend in as though they were scalar properties of Address.

The AddressDetails complex type being used with a data source in a Windows form

Figure 12-26. The AddressDetails complex type being used with a data source in a Windows form

The code for this form doesn’t make any special accommodation for the Detail property (see Example 12-13).

Example 12-13. Querying for entities with a complex type—which is no different from entities without a complex type

Public Class Form1
  Private _context As BAEntities
  Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    _context = New BAEntities
    Dim query = From a In _context.Addresses Select a
    AddressBindingSource.DataSource = query
  End Sub

  Private Sub AddressBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click _
   (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
   Handles AddressBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
  End Sub

End Class
public partial class Form1 : Form
  BAEntities _context;
  public Form1()

  private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  _context = new BAEntities();
  var query = from a in _context.Addresses select a;
  addressBindingSource.DataSource = query;

  private void addressBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click
   (object sender, EventArgs e)

Removing the Complex Types from the Model

If you have followed along and modified the model, you may want to undo these changes so that you’ll be able to open the model while working through more sample code in this book:

  1. Comment out or delete the ComplexType definition for AddressDetail.

  2. Comment out or delete the Detail property in the Address entity type.

  3. Uncomment the original properties in the Address entity type that you commented out when you began these modifications.

  4. Comment out or delete the ComplexProperty elements in the EntitySetMapping for Addresses so that the ScalarProperty elements that you enclosed go back to their original positions.

You should now be able to open the model in the Designer again.

You may also need to remove or comment out any code that relates to the AddressDetail complex type. The compiler will point them out in the Error List window for you.

Using QueryView to Create Read-Only Entities and Other Specialized Mappings

QueryView is a mapping that allows you to override the default mapping for an entity set and return read-only data. QueryView is something you need to enter manually in the XML, and it belongs in the mapping layer.

A QueryView is a query that is expressed using Entity SQL syntax. However, rather than creating the Entity SQL expression against the conceptual layer of the model, the target of the expression is the store (SSDL) layer. In other words, when you construct the Entity SQL for a QueryView, the query is written against the elements of the SSDL.

In addition to returning read-only entities, another benefit of QueryView is that you can overcome the limitations of conditional mapping. As you saw earlier, conditional mapping lets you filter using =, Is Null, and Is Not Null. Using a QueryView you can filter with a much wider variety of operators, including > and <. However, because QueryView returns read-only data, if you need the entity that results to be updatable, you can still achieve this by mapping stored procedures to the entity that results.

Before using QueryView, you should be aware of the following:

  • QueryView is another mapping that the Designer does not support. Unlike complex types, however, it doesn’t prevent you from opening the model in the Designer. The lack of support in this case means you can only design the query view directly in the XML of the model.

  • If an EntitySet is being mapped with a QueryView, all related EntitySets and AssociationSets must be mapped with QueryViews as well.

    This could get a little trying in the BreakAway model, as every entity is related to at least one other entity through associations. So, you need to plan ahead if you want to take advantage of QueryViews.

    For a nice example of adding QueryViews to a model with TPH inheritance, see the blog post by Danny Simmons, of the Entity Framework team, titled “Mapping Read-only Entities” (

  • Entities returned by QueryView are read-only. If you want the entities that result to be updatable, you can use function mappings to map stored procedures to the entity, as you did earlier in this book with the Payment entity. The next chapter deals with additional stored procedure mappings.

  • In the EntitySetMapping, you need to remove the StorageSetName as well as the property mappings.

  • QueryViews impact other types of mappings in the model. As per the MSDN documentation, you need to pay attention to these scenarios as well:

    • Many-to-many associations

    • Inheritance hierarchies

  • The syntax for writing a QueryView is a subset of the Entity SQL language. Functions are not allowed, which means you can’t do something like create a FullName property by concatenating FirstName and LastName.

    Here are the operators you can use with QueryView:

    Cast, Case, Not, Or, And, IsNull, Equals, NotEquals, LessThan, LessThanOrEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEquals, Project, NewInstance, Filter, Ref, Union, UnionAll, Scan, FullOuterJoin, LeftOuterJoin, InnerJoin, EntityRef

Creating a Simple QueryView

Because of the complexity of the BreakAway model, if you would like to test the QueryView, it would be best to get your first look with a simpler model.

In this exercise, you will be adding a condition to the Contacts EntitySet to make sure all queries will return only customers who were added to the database since January 1, 2007:

  1. Create a new Console Application project with its own model created from the BreakAway database. Use the names QVEntities and QVModel for the connection string and model name. Add the Contact and Customers tables to this model when prompted by the EDM Wizard.

  2. Change the entity and EntitySet names to Contact/Contacts and Customer/Customers. On the latter, watch out for the EntitySet name changing to CustomerSet when you change the entity name.

  3. Save the model and then open it in the XML Editor.

  4. Scroll down to the Mapping Schema Layer (MSL) content section. Comment out or delete everything inside the EntitySetMapping element for Contact.

  5. In place of those elements, add the following QueryView, which will be inside the EntitySetMapping tags:

    <EntitySetMapping Name="Contacts">
         SELECT VALUE QVModel.Contact(c.ContactID,c.FirstName,c.LastName,
         FROM QVModelStoreContainer.Contact as c
         WHERE c.AddDate>= DATETIME'2007-01-1 00:00'

    QVModelStoreContainer is the SSDL’s EntityContainer name that the wizard generated automatically. Just as you need to use the model’s EntityContainer name when constructing regular Entity SQL queries, you need to use the store’s EntityContainer name with the Entity SQL expressions you create for QueryViews.


    Notice that the WHERE parameter uses a DATETIME literal, which you learned about in Chapter 4.

    What’s really nice here is that the Designer is able to validate the syntax of the query, something you can’t get when you write Entity SQL strings in your application.

  6. To test that, remove the as c from the end of the query and build the project.

    The entire EntitySetMapping section will be underlined and in the Error List you will see the following error:

    The query view specified for the EntitySet 'Contact' is not valid.
    The query parser threw the following error : 'c.ContactID' could not be
    resolved in the current scope or context. Make sure that all referenced
    variables are in scope, that required schemas are loaded, and that
    namespaces are referenced correctly., near multipart identifier,
    line 1, column 30.

    The cause of the error is that the c in c.ContactID can’t be identified (i.e., resolved) because you removed the definition of c.


    In some cases, you may have to open the model in the Designer to highlight the QueryView errors.

  7. Replace the as c and rebuild the project. The error message will go away.


A design-time validation bug will cause the entire model in XML view to be underlined as though there is a serious problem. This happens when you have a QueryView in the model and any real errors have been eliminated. The syntax is actually valid and you can ignore the error. The error message in the Error List will read “No mapping transformations were generated for any EntityContainerMapping.” You should be able to disregard this and run your application with no problems.

Testing the QueryView

In the main module of this project, add the following simple code to verify the QueryView:

Using context = New BAModel.BAEntities
      Dim contacts = context.Contacts.ToList
End Using
using (var context = new BAModel.BAEntities())
  var contacts = context.Contacts.ToList();

Set a breakpoint at the end of the Using clause and run the test.

When the debugger stops at the breakpoint, check out the contacts variable in the QuickWatch window. If you drill into the different contacts in the list, you will see only contacts whose AddDate is 1/1/2007 or later.

Deconstructing the QueryView

The order of the projected columns in the preceding example is not random. Since you no longer have any property mappings, the Entity Framework relies on the QueryView to provide the values in the order in which the entity expects.

The following expression is different from those that you have written against the conceptual layer:

SELECT VALUE QVModel.Contact(c.ContactID,c.FirstName,c.LastName,c.Title
FROM QVModelStoreContainer.Contact as c

Using VALUE designates that you will be returning an object, as you have seen before. Following that is a type constructor, similar to what you would use in .NET code.

In fact, you can see this in action if you return to the XML and modify the query, perhaps by removing one of the fields or changing the order. Removing a field will throw an obvious mapping exception at runtime that reads as follows:

The query view specified for the EntitySet 'Contacts' is not valid.
The query parser threw the following error : The type constructor
argument 'ModifiedDate' is missing., near type 'BAModel.Contact'
constructor, line 1, column 29.

Remember that the returned types are read-only. If you modify them and call SaveChanges, no commands will be created to update the database. However, if you explicitly map stored procedures to the entity using function mapping, any changes will be persisted to the database when SaveChanges is called.

The database has stored procedures called InsertContact, UpdateContact, and DeleteContact. If you want to try this out, update the model, adding these three stored procedures, and then create the function mappings as you did in Chapter 6. You can modify the code in the main module to test the change tracking and updates.

QueryView with Inherited Types

One of the rules noted earlier is that if you use a QueryView on an entity that is part of an inheritance hierarchy, you need to have QueryViews for all other entities in that hierarchy.

Let’s add some inheritance into this sample model and see how to set up the QueryViews for base and derived entities:

  1. Define a TPT inheritance between Contact and Customer by right-clicking the Contact entity and selecting Add Inheritance from the context menu. Use the earlier example for help with this task.

    Don’t forget to delete ContactID from Customer now that it is inheriting from Contact. You’ll also need to either change the name of the TimeStamp property in Customer, or just delete it for this sample.

    Because these are the only two entities, the New Inheritance Wizard should default to showing Contact as the base entity and Customers as the derived entity. This is correct.

  2. Close the model and open it in the XML Editor.

  3. Scroll down to the spot where you added the QueryView before.

  4. Comment out the entire EntityTypeMapping section that was created for the Customer entity, including the EntityTypeMapping tags.

  5. Beneath the existing QueryView, add the QueryView shown in Example 12-14 for the Customer type.

    Example 12-14. The Customer QueryView

    <QueryView TypeName="IsTypeOf(QVModel.Customer)">
      SELECT VALUE QVModel.Customer(c.ContactID,c.FirstName,c.LastName,
       cu.CustomerTypeID,cu.InitialDate,  cu.PrimaryDesintation,
      FROM QVModelStoreContainer.Contact as c
      JOIN QVModelStoreContainer.Customers as cu
      ON c.ContactID=cu.ContactID
      WHERE c.AddDate>= DATETIME'2007-01-1 00:00'

    The hierarchy should now be as follows:

    <EntitySetMapping Name="Contacts">
      <QueryView> (the contact query) </QueryView>
      <QueryView (the customer query) </QueryView>

There are a few things to note regarding this new QueryView.

First, the QueryView’s TypeName attribute is specified. This is a requirement. The rule is that the first QueryView must not have a TypeName attribute. A runtime exception will specifically point this out if you break the rule. But all other QueryViews within an EntitySetMapping must have the TypeName attribute. It is the same attribute and value that are used in the regular mapping.

The next point to note is that the query is returning all of the values for the customer record using a JOIN query. Standard mappings need to map only the properties that are in the derived type. But with a QueryView, you need to return properties from the base type. Except for the type constructor, this JOIN query is similar to the JOIN queries you saw in Chapter 4.

When will the Entity Framework use the QueryView for the derived type?

Here is an interesting point. This Customer’s QueryView will be used only when the code explicitly requests Customers—for example, by querying:

TypeOf(Of Customer) 

The default QueryView needs to account for derived types

If you were to run the code that queries for context.Contacts right now, you would get all of the records back, yet they would all be returned as Contact types. Recall the results of a similar TPT query displayed in Figure 12-7, which returned both Contact and Customer types. Why is QueryView not doing the same? The reason is that when querying the base type, only the base type’s QueryView will be used. The Entity Framework does not use the QueryViews for each derived type. Instead, the base QueryView needs to know how to return Contacts and Customers.

Example 12-15 shows the Entity SQL that will accomplish this.


This expression demonstrates a number of operators for Entity SQL that we haven’t covered in previous chapters, as well as patterns that will give you a better understanding of the power of Entity SQL.

Example 12-15. A QueryView that can return a base type or an inherited type

    WHEN (cu.ContactID IS NULL) THEN
  FROM QVModelStoreContainer.Contact as c
  LEFT OUTER JOIN QVModelStoreContainer.Customers as cu
  ON cu.ContactID=c.ContactID
  WHERE c.AddDate>= DATETIME'2007-01-1 00:00'

This query performs an outer join between Contact and Customer, which gives all Contacts regardless of whether there are any Customers.

The CASE statement tests to see whether the Customer exists by evaluating whether Customer.ContactID is null. If it is null, the SELECT is completed with a type constructor for a Contact type. This is the same expression that was used for the first Contact QueryView. If the test for Customer is not null, the SELECT is completed with a type constructor for a Customer type using the same expression you wrote for the Customer’s QueryView.

The query results, therefore, are a collection of Contact and Customer types.

Testing the New QueryView

Now that you have modified the QueryView to account for the inheritance hierarchy, let’s test it out with some code:

  1. In the module, modify the query to return only Customer types:

    Context.Contacts.OfType(Of BAModel.Customer).ToList
  2. Run the application again.

  3. When you hit the breakpoint, check out the results in the QuickWatch window and you will see that they contain Customer types, as shown in Figure 12-27.

The QueryView returning properly typed entities

Figure 12-27. The QueryView returning properly typed entities

Additional Customization Options

There are yet more ways to customize the EDM. This section details some interesting ones to be aware of. In addition, the Entity Framework team created a tool called the Entity Framework Mapping Helper, which is on their Code Gallery site at MSDN. It can give you a good view of the various mappings. See

Mapping Stored Procedures

In addition to the function mapping you used earlier in the book, you can map stored procedures manually using a number of other methods. This includes mapping those that are already in your database and those that you can create directly in the model. We’ll cover these in the next chapter.

Multiple Entity Sets per Type

Multiple Entity Sets per Type (MEST) allows you to contain a single entity in different types, which could allow you to have different views of the same type without using an inheritance model. However, MEST gets tricky pretty quickly when you start to introduce entities that have relationships with other entities. Alex James from the Entity Framework team has a great blog post about MEST and its gotchas in his May 16, 2008, post, “MEST—What is it and how does it work?” (

Self-Referencing Associations

You can find a great example of self-referencing associations in the Northwind database, where employees and their supervisors (who are also employees) are contained in the same table. A field called ReportsTo points back to other employees in the table. When you use the EDM Wizard to create a model from AdventureWorksLT, you will see that an association has been created that links the SupervisorID back to the EmployeeID in the same table. Figure 12-28 shows this association.

An example of a self-referencing association in the Employee entity, which is created from the Employees table in the Northwind database

Figure 12-28. An example of a self-referencing association in the Employee entity, which is created from the Employees table in the Northwind database


This chapter covered a lot of territory under the single topic of advanced EDMs. The real power of the EDM lies in its ability to go beyond the simplistic representation of the database to allow you myriad ways to shape your data model so that it is much better suited to your business and your applications.

Although the Designer supports some of the advanced techniques, you can achieve even more by working directly with the XML. And although the modeling capabilities are very sophisticated, unfortunately the Designer still has some catching up to do in the next version of the Entity Framework, but there’s no reason to miss out on the flexibility of the model.

You can take advantage of these features in far more ways than I discussed here, so don’t stop with this book. Keep your eyes open for blog posts and articles by the many people who are learning more and more about the Entity Framework to expand your understanding.

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