Chapter 19. Using Your Own Custom Classes

In Chapter 10, you learned how to extend code-generated entity classes using partial classes and methods. However, this still may not provide enough extensibility for you to insert your own business logic. You may have an existing application with existing classes in which you would like to take advantage of the Entity Data Model (EDM) and the Entity Framework APIs. You may feel too limited by the classes that the EDM Designer generates from the model, and prefer to write your own classes to have true business objects that can integrate into the framework. You may even want to have classes that leverage the Entity Framework, but are not bound to it.

You can create custom classes in two ways. The first is to have your objects inherit from EntityObject. This brings along everything you need to have your class integrate with Object Services. The second method is to implement some key interfaces that will allow your objects to take advantage of the state management and relationship management features of Object Services.

In this chapter, you’re going to get a little break from the BreakAway model. The examples here will be against a modified version of Microsoft’s sample database, AdventureWorksLT, which is based on the imaginary AdventureWorks Cycles company. The database contains information for tracking customers, orders, and products. The SQL script for creating this modified version of the database, AdventureWorksSuperLT, is available on the book’s website.

Be aware that in version 1 of the Entity Framework, you cannot completely separate entity classes from the API. You’ll minimally need to implement some interfaces for your classes to work with Object Services. This will be the focus of the second part of this chapter.

Mapping Classes to the Entity Data Model

Regardless of which method you choose to implement custom classes, the classes must fit into the EDM that they support, or vice versa. The EDM Designer’s code generator creates one class for each entity in the model. If you don’t use the generated code, you must supply all of the classes the model expects, including the EntityContainer class, which returns the EntitySets.

If you have preexisting classes, you’ll need to modify the model to make it line up with your classes. Not only should the entity names match up with the class names, but also the properties and their attributes need to be the same as those in your classes.

Mapping Rules for Custom Classes and Their Properties

Each class must do the following:

  • Apply the EdmEntityTypeAttribute attribute to map to the entities in the model. The entity name and namespace must be identified in the attribute.

  • Contain a property to match every scalar and navigation property in the entity.

Each property of each class must use the EdmScalarPropertyAttribute attribute. Use the attributes parameters to note EntityKeys and non-Nullable values.

Inheriting from EntityObject

As stated earlier, one of the ways to create custom classes that will interact with Object Services is to inherit from EntityObject.

The classes that the EDM Wizard generates inherit from EntityObject. By looking closely at the generated code, you can learn what is required when building your own custom classes in this way. As you read through this chapter, you might find it helpful to reference an open file that was generated from an EDM.

Figure 19-1 shows a simple model created from the Customer, SalesOrderHeader, and SalesOrderDetail tables in the AdventureWorksSuperLT database. In the modified database, I removed many of the non-Nullable fields to simplify the example.

A simple model with Customer, Order, and Detail entities

Figure 19-1. A simple model with Customer, Order, and Detail entities

A section of the Order class follows, which will allow you to see how the critical pieces are constructed.

To keep you focused on the changes you need to make to your classes, the only business logic implemented here is to update the Order class’s TotalDue property anytime the SubTotal, Freight, or TaxAmt is changed. TotalDue becomes a read-only property in the class, and in the model the TotalDue property’s Setter property is Internal. Look for the UpdateTotalDue method at the end of the sample.

You’ll want to import these three namespaces to simplify your coding:

  • System.Data

  • System.Data.Objects.DataClasses

  • System.Data.Metadata.Edm

Metadata Attributes

Attributes from the System.Data.Metadata.Edm namespace are used to provide the mapping between your class and the entity in the model. Two attributes that you will need to use throughout your classes:

  • EdmRelationshipAttribute

  • EdmEntityTypeAttribute

EdmRelationshipAttribute is required for each association. The wizard combines all of the EdmRelationshipAttributes at the top of the generated code file. You can put them all together in one class or module as well. Visual Studio creates an AssemblyInfo file for every project. In VB, it’s inside the default My Project folder. In C#, it’s in the Properties folder. This file is a standard place for assembly attributes.

You could also distribute the EdmRelationshipAttributes among their relevant classes, putting them in the file where the class is defined. However, if you go this route, you have a choice to make. Each relationship involves two classes, but you can’t duplicate an assembly attribute in a project. Therefore, you’ll have to pick which of the two classes will contain the attribute. As long as it’s somewhere in the project, the compiler will find it when the project is built.

The EdmRelationshipAttribute attribute shown in Example 19-1 describes the association that exists between Order and Detail.

Example 19-1. Attributes defining model associations

<Assembly: EdmRelationshipAttribute("AWModel", _
    "FK_OrderDetail_Order_SalesOrderID", "Order", _
    RelationshipMultiplicity.One, GetType(Order), "Detail", _
    RelationshipMultiplicity.Many, GetType(Detail))>
[assembly: EdmRelationshipAttribute("AWModel",
  "FK_OrderDetail_Order_SalesOrderID", "Order",
   RelationshipMultiplicity.One, typeof(Order), "Detail",
   RelationshipMultiplicity.Many, typeof(Detail))]

Entity Classes

As shown in Example 19-2, each entity class needs to have the EdmEntityTypeAttribute with the model’s namespace and the name of the entity in the model to which it binds. It also needs to inherit from EntityObject.

Example 19-2. A class inheriting from EntityObject and using an attribute to identify which entity in the model it maps to

<EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName:="AWModel", Name:="Order")> _
Public Class Order
  Inherits EntityObject
[EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName = "AWModel", Name = "Order")]
public class Order : EntityObject

Following that is a list of the local variables. You may have additional variables that are not in the Order entity in the model, but minimally, you need one for each property of the entity—both scalar and navigation properties (see Example 19-3).

Example 19-3. Creating a local variable for each property in the entity

Private _SalesOrderID As Integer
Private _orderDate As Date
Private _shipDate As Date
Private _subTotal As Decimal
Private _taxAmt As Decimal
Private _freight As Decimal
Private _totalDue As Decimal
Private _modifiedDate As Date
Private _customer As Customer
Private _details As Detail
private int _SalesOrderID;
private DateTime _orderDate;
private DateTime _shipDate;
private decimal _subTotal;
private decimal _taxAmt;
private decimal _freight;
private decimal _totalDue;
private DateTime _modifiedDate;
private Customer _customer;
private Detail _details;

Scalar Properties

As you define the properties of your class, the EdmScalarProperty attribute points the property to a property of the entity in the model (see Example 19-4). EdmScalarProperty takes two parameters: EntityKey and IsNullable. The parameters are not required. Because EntityKey defaults to False and IsNullable to True, if your scalar property is Nullable and is not the EntityKey, you can skip this attribute.

In the Order entity, SalesOrderID is an EntityKey and is not Nullable, so those attributes need to be specified, and therefore the property needs this attribute.

Example 19-4. Using the EdmScalarProperty for scalar properties

  <EdmScalarProperty(EntityKeyProperty:=True, IsNullable:=False)> _
   Public Property SalesOrderID() As Integer
      Return _SalesOrderID
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As Integer)
      _SalesOrderID = value
    End Set
  End Property
[EdmScalarProperty(EntityKeyProperty=true, IsNullable=false)]
public int SalesOrderID
    return _SalesOrderID;
    _SalesOrderID = value;

For C#, you should not use auto-implemented properties. For the entity to be change-tracked, you’ll need to report property changes to the object. EntityObject has built-in functionality for that, with the ReportPropertyChanging and ReportPropertyChanged methods. If you want to take advantage of those, you’ll need the set clause, which you won’t have with an auto-implemented property. If, however, you plan to report changes using a different mechanism, the auto-implemented property will suffice, and you won’t need the local variable for the property either.

TaxAmt is a non-Nullable field, so you need to include the IsNullable parameter in the attribute to indicate that the value is false. It also calls the UpdateTotalDue method, which is the only way to set the TotalDue property.

TotalDue is a ReadOnly property. In the database, it’s a calculated field, so the application doesn’t update it. However, in the application, you certainly don’t want to go to the database to have the calculation performed. Each time one of the three properties—TaxAmt, SubTotal, or Freight—changes, UpdateTotalDue will be called and the _totalDue variable will be recalculated. Even though it’s read-only, you’ll need to have the setter for the C# code. See Example 19-5.

Example 19-5. Calling a method in one property that updates a ReadOnly property

<EdmScalarProperty(IsNullable:=False)> _
Public Property TaxAmt() As Decimal
    Return _taxAmt 'could be calculated also
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As Decimal)
    _taxAmt = value
  End Set
End Property

<EdmScalarProperty(IsNullable:=False)> _
  Public ReadOnly Property TotalDue() As Decimal
    Return _totalDue
  End Get
End Property

Private Sub UpdateTotalDue()
  _totalDue = _subTotal + _taxAmt + _freight
End Sub
public decimal TaxAmt
    return _taxAmt; //could be calculated also;
    _taxAmt = value;

public decimal TotalDue
  {  return _totalDue;
    _totalDue = value;
private void UpdateTotalDue()
  _totalDue = _subTotal + _taxAmt + _freight;

The other scalar properties for Order are not listed, as they don’t demonstrate anything new.

Navigation Properties

For navigation properties to take advantage of the Entity Framework, you’ll want to emulate the way the framework’s code generator builds them. Let’s first take a look at the code-generated properties and then you’ll see how to create your own.

Navigation properties get a different attribute:


This attribute needs to know the name of the association as well as the name of the role on the other end. This comes from the properties of the association, which you can see right in the Designer, shown in Figure 19-2.

Finding the name of the association in its Properties window

Figure 19-2. Finding the name of the association in its Properties window

EntityCollection navigation properties

Details is an EntityCollection. To modify the collection you need to call Add, Attach, and Remove, but you never set the property directly. Therefore, the Details property must be Read-Only. Notice that this property does not return a variable, but creates the EntityCollection on the fly using the entity’s RelationshipManager. You may recall working directly with the RelationshipManager in Chapter 15.

Example 19-6 demonstrates how to define the Details navigation property for the Order class.

Example 19-6. Defining a navigation property for an EntityCollection

<EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute("AWModel", _
   "FK_OrderDetail_Order_SalesOrderID", "Detail")> _
Public ReadOnly Property Details() As EntityCollection(Of Detail)
    Return CType(Me, IEntityWithRelationships).RelationshipManager _
                 .GetRelatedCollection(Of Detail) _
           ("FK_OrderDetail_Order_SalesOrderID", "Detail")
  End Get
End Property
   "FK_OrderDetail_Order_SalesOrderID", "Detail")]
public EntityCollection<Detail> Details
    return ((IEntityWithRelationships)this).RelationshipManager
           ("FK_OrderDetail_Order_SalesOrderID", "Detail");

EntityReference navigation properties

If you want to take full advantage of Object Services, you will want not just the navigation property (Customer in this case), but also an EntityReference. Here’s how to construct both of them.


I cheated a little here and stole code from a generated file so that you can see how the navigation properties work by default in the Entity Framework. Your custom classes may already have navigation logic that you don’t want or need to replace.

Customer is a property in the model, so to map back to the model, it uses the EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute.

If you recall the Value property of EntityReference, you will recognize it here. And here is where you can truly see how the EntityReference uses its Value property to supply the value object to the navigation property. In other words, Order.Contact is fulfilled by Order.ContactReference.Value. As you saw in Chapter 17, when you call ContactReference, Object Services uses the RelationshipEntry to find the correct Customer entity to return.

Example 19-7 shows how you can create an EntityReference navigation property in your custom class.

Example 19-7. Defining a navigation property for the value of an EntityReference

<EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute("AWModel", _
         "FK_Order_Customer_CustomerID", "Customer")> _
Public Property Customer() As Customer
    Return CType(Me, IEntityWithRelationships) _
           .RelationshipManager.GetRelatedReference(Of Customer) _
           ("FK_Order_Customer_CustomerID", "Customer").Value
    End Get
  Set(ByVal value As Customer)
    CType(Me, IEntityWithRelationships) _
    .RelationshipManager.GetRelatedReference(Of Customer) _
    ("FK_Order_Customer_CustomerID", "Customer").Value = value
  End Set
End Property
 "FK_SalesOrder_Customer_CustomerID", "Customer")]
public Customer Customer
    return ((IEntityWithRelationships)(this))
            ("AWModel.FK_SalesOrder_Customer_CustomerID", "Customer")
     ("AWModel.FK_SalesOrder_Customer_CustomerID", "Customer").Value
       = value;

The CustomerReference EntityReference does not map back to the model; therefore, it does not need an Edm property attribute. This property gets and sets the EntityReference using the GetRelatedReference and InitializeRelatedReference methods of the RelationshipManager (see Example 19-8).

Example 19-8. Defining a navigation property for an EntityCollection

Public Property CustomerReference() As EntityReference(Of Customer)
    Return CType(Me, IEntityWithRelationships) _
           .RelationshipManager.GetRelatedReference(Of Customer) _
           ("FK_Order_Customer_CustomerID", "Customer")
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As EntityReference(Of Customer))
    If (Not (value) Is Nothing) Then
      CType(Me, IEntityWithRelationships) _
         .RelationshipManager.InitializeRelatedReference(Of Customer) _
         ("FK_Order_Customer_CustomerID", "Customer", value)
    End If
  End Set
End Property
public EntityReference<Customer> CustomerReference
      return ((IEntityWithRelationships)(this))
              ("AWModel.FK_SalesOrder_Customer_CustomerID", "Customer");
    if ((value != null))
       ("AWModel.FK_SalesOrder_Customer_CustomerID", "Customer", value);
 Custom Classes and Graph Serialization

The default code generator adds serialization attributes to the entity classes and their properties. If you are planning to use these objects in services or in other scenarios where serialization is required, you need these attributes in your custom classes.

The first serialization attribute ensures that a class will be included if it is part of a graph that is being serialized with WCF:


The second serialization attribute allows the class to be either XML or binary serialized:


Example 19-9 shows what these look like in the class declaration.

Example 19-9. Making entities serializable for web and WCF services

<DataContractAttribute(IsReference = true), _
 Serializable()> _
Public Partial Class Order
 Inherits EntityObject
[DataContractAttribute(IsReference = true)]
 public partial class Order : EntityObject

As you learned in Chapter 14 when building WCF services, if you want any of the properties to be part of the contract you need to mark them as DataMembers, as shown in Example 19-10.

Example 19-10. Marking entity properties as DataMembers

<EdmScalarProperty(IsNullable:=False), _
 DataMemberAttribute()>  _
Public ReadOnly Property TotalDue() As Decimal

[EdmScalarProperty(IsNullable = false)]
public decimal TotalDue

Mapping the Remaining Entities in the Model

You’ll find that mapping is an all-or-nothing affair. If you have relationships in the model, you will get errors when trying to query the model until you have all of the related entities mapped to classes.

Mapping the EntityContainer

You’ll need to have some way to refer to the EntityContainer and the EntitySets within it so that you can query and update. If you don’t already have a mechanism to do this, the simplest solution is to let the Entity Framework design tools generate the EntityContainer class and then grab that code. You can do this in the Designer or by using the EDM Generator command-line tool.

Resolving Conflicts Between Custom Classes and Designer-Generated Classes

If your custom classes have the same names as any of the entities, they will also have the same names as the default classes the Designer creates. The simplest solution here is to prevent the Designer from generating any classes. You can do this by removing the model’s Custom Tool property, which by default is EntityModelCodeGenerator. This is available in the Properties window when you select the model in your solution.

Querying Using the Custom Classes

Once you have the classes mapped to the model you should be able to perform LINQ to Entities and ObjectQuery queries against the model. You may find that until you have everything properly in place, the debugger will help you find where you need to apply more mappings. Be patient and read the error messages carefully. They generally include all the information you’ll need to fix each problem.

Implementing the IPOCO Interfaces

You may not even want your existing or new classes to inherit from EntityObject. You can still take advantage of the change-tracking and relationship management capabilities in Object Services by applying some key interfaces.

Even with the interfaces, you still need to use the model-mapping attributes, as described in Inheriting from EntityObject.

The three interfaces are as follows:

  • IEntityWithKey

  • IEntityWithChangeTracker

  • IEntityWithRelationships

As the interface names indicate, each gives your custom class the capabilities of the EntityKey, change tracking within the ObjectContext, and relationship management with the ObjectContext.

We’ll use an Order class again as an example.

The IEntityWithKey Interface

IEntityWithKey is an optional interface that allows the ObjectContext to easily identify the EntityKey of your class. Without it, you will have to explicitly provide the EntityKey property for various functions.

To implement this interface you need to do three things. First, implement it in the class declaration, as shown in Example 19-11.

Example 19-11. Implementing the interface in the class declaration

<EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName:="AWModel", Name:="Order")> _
Public Class Order
  Implements IEntityWithKey
[EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName="AWModel", Name="Order")]
public class Order : IEntityWithKey

Next, you need to implement the interface’s EntityKey property. The EntityKey property is not the same as the properties for OrderID or CustomerID in the classes. The value of this property is an actual EntityKey object with one or more KeyValuePairs identifying the name and value of each property that makes up the EntityKey.

This property depends on a class-level variable, _entityKey, which needs to be declared, as shown in Example 19-12.

Example 19-12. Declaring the _entityKey class-level variable

Private _entityKey As EntityKey

Property EntityKey() As EntityKey Implements IEntityWithKey.EntityKey
    Return _entityKey
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As EntityKey)
    _entityKey = value
  End Set
End Property
public EntityKey EntityKey
    return _entityKey;
    _entityKey = value;


If you don’t use EntityKey in your class, any of the work you do with change tracking and relationships will require that you explicitly provide an entity key. The rest of the explanation of the interfaces assumes you are using the IEntityWithKey interface.

The IEntityWithChangeTracker Interface

The IEntityWithChangeTracker interface allows your class to interact with the ObjectStateManager so that you can get change tracking on your object. Implement it in the class declaration along with IEntityWithKey, as shown in Example 19-13.

Example 19-13. Implementing the IEntityWithChangeTracker interface

<EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName:="AWModel", Name:="Order")> _
Public Class Order
Implements IEntityWithKey,IEntityWithChangeTracker
[EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName="AWModel", Name="Order")]
public class Order : IEntityWithKey, IEntityWithChangeTracker

You’ll need to implement this interface’s SetChangeTracker method so that Object Services can associate your objects with the proper ObjectContext, as it is possible to have multiple contexts in memory at the same time (see Example 19-14).

Example 19-14. Implementing the private _changeTracker as IEntityWithChangeTracker

Public Sub SetChangeTracker(ByVal changeTracker _
    As IEntityChangeTracker) _
    Implements IEntityWithChangeTracker.SetChangeTracker
  _changeTracker = changeTracker
End Sub
public void SetChangeTracker(IEntityChangeTracker changeTracker)
  _changeTracker = changeTracker;


If you have any properties that are complex types in the entity, you will need to set the change tracker for those as well. See the Entity Framework documentation for an example.

With the change tracker in place, you’ll need to be sure that it is aware of changes to any properties, including the EntityKey. You can do this by calling the change tracker’s EntityMemberChanged and Changing methods before and after the value is being changed.

Example 19-15 shows the EntityKey property after you have implemented these changes. The code needs to check that the change tracker has been set before calling these methods.

Example 19-15. The EntityKey property after implementing the EntityMemberChanged and Changing methods

Property EntityKey() As EntityKey _
   Implements IEntityWithKey.EntityKey
    Return _entityKey
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As EntityKey)
    If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
      _changeTracker.EntityMemberChanging _
      _entityKey = value
      _changeTracker.EntityMemberChanged _
      _entityKey = value
    End If
  End Set
End Property
public EntityKey EntityKey
    return _entityKey;
    // Set the EntityKey property, if it is not set.
    // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
    if (_changeTracker != null)
       _entityKey = value;
       _entityKey = value;

The scalar properties in your IPOCO class also need to implement the change tracker. Example 19-16 shows OrderDate as an example of how the scalar properties should look.

Example 19-16. OrderDate implementing the change tracker

<EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
Public Property OrderDate() As Date
    Return _orderDate
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As DateTime)
    If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
      _orderDate = value
      _orderDate = value
    End If
  End Set
End Property
[EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
public System.DateTime OrderDate
    return _orderDate;
    if (_changeTracker != null)
      _orderDate = value;
      _orderDate = value;

An EntityState property

Note that because these objects do not inherit from EntityObject, the EntityState property is not readily exposed. A quick peek at the EntityObject.EntityState property in Reflector shows you how to get that into your class. It’s exposed through the change tracker. You can create your own EntityState property on your object in the same way:

Public ReadOnly Property EntityState() As EntityState
    Return _changeTracker.EntityState
  End Get
End Property
public EntityState EntityState
    return _changeTracker.EntityState;

The IEntityWithRelationships Interface

The IEntityWithRelationships interface is necessary only for classes that have any relationships involved. It lets the ObjectContext create and maintain relationships when you have graphs in its cache. The IEntityWithRelationships interface provides the RelationshipManager, which can do its work silently in the background or, as you saw in Chapter 15, can be explicitly coded against.

Add the IEntityWithRelationships interface to the other interfaces in the class declaration, as shown in Example 19-17.

Example 19-17. Implementing the IEntityWithRelationships interface

<EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName:="AWModel", Name:="Order")> _
Public Class Order
  Implements IEntityWithKey, IEntityWithChangeTracker, _
[EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName = "AWModel", Name = "Order")]
  public class Order : IEntityWithKey, IEntityWithChangeTracker,

Then implement its RelationshipManager property, which is ReadOnly (see Example 19-18).

Example 19-18. Enabling the RelationshipManager

Dim _relManager As RelationshipManager

ReadOnly Property RelationshipManager() As RelationshipManager _
    Implements IEntityWithRelationships.RelationshipManager
    If _relManager Is Nothing Then
      _relManager = RelationshipManager.Create(Me)
    End If
    Return _relManager
  End Get
End Property
public RelationshipManager RelationshipManager
    if (_relManager == null)
      _relManager = RelationshipManager.Create(this);
    return _relManager;

Working with the IPOCO-Enabled Objects

With the interfaces in place, querying data should work no differently than with classes that inherit from EntityObject. The code in Example 19-19 calls the custom EntityState property.

Example 19-19. Querying for orders

Using context = New IPOCO_Objects.AWEntities
  Dim ords = context.Orders
    For Each o In ords
      Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", o.OrderDate, o.EntityState)
End Using
using (var context = new IPOCO_Objects.AWEntities())
  var orders = context.Orders;
  foreach (var o in orders)
    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", o.OrderDate, o.EntityState);

Deferred loading also functions correctly because of the IEntityWithRelationships interface, as shown in Example 19-20.

Example 19-20. Navigating relationships and loading related data

Using context = New IPOCO_Objects.AWEntities
  Dim custs = context.Customers _
     .Where(Function(c) c.Orders.Any().ToList
  For Each c In custs
    If c.Orders.Count > 0 Then
    End If
End Using
using (var context = new IPOCO_Objects.AWEntities())
  var custs = context.Customers.Where(c => c.Orders.Any()).ToList();
  foreach (var c in custs)
    if (c.Orders.Count > 0)

Thanks to the IEntityWithChangeTracker and IEntityWithRelationships interfaces, not only do you get the benefit of change tracking and SaveChanges on these custom objects, but also the RelationshipManager is able to automatically build the graphs for you just as it does with POEOs, that is, Plain Old Entity Objects (which is not an official term but one I invented for your entertainment value).

Custom Class Assemblies and Entity Data Model Files

Most likely, you’ll compile your custom classes into their own assembly or assemblies. What happens to the model in this case?

By default, the model files (the .csdl, .msl, and .ssdl files) are embedded into the assembly of the project where the EDMX is contained. And by default, the assembly would normally contain the code-generated classes as well. Even if you have an assembly referenced in a project, .NET will only discover assemblies that your code leads to. Because your application will be using classes in the model’s assembly, System.Reflection can find the assembly and, therefore, the embedded resources as well.

However, when you’re using custom classes, where is your model? If you keep your model in its own project and use the default build method of embedding it into an assembly, the embedded files will not be found. Why? Without an actual class to call in the assembly, the assembly will never be found through the code path, and therefore it will not be considered a referenced assembly. Even if you explicitly loaded the assembly, it still won’t be a referenced assembly.

Accessing the Model Files When They Are Not in a Referenced Assembly

Remember that embedding the model files into their project assembly is an option, but not a requirement. If you change the model’s Metadata Artifact Processing property to Copy to Output Directory, you will have access to the actual files. Now you can place them anywhere in the filesystem, and have the metadata attribute of the connection string point directly to the file path (see Example 19-21).

Example 19-21. A ConnectionString to find the EDM files in the file path

 provider connection string = 'Data Source=MyServer;
                               Initial Catalog=AdventureWorksLT;
                               Integrated Security=True;


Although the default code generation creates entity classes with no business logic, you do have a lot of opportunities to customize entities and add that logic. If you are happy to use the generated classes, you can take advantage of partial classes, partial methods, and a handful of public events to insert your own business logic.

If you need more independence from the generated classes but still want your objects to interact directly with the ObjectContext, you still have a number of options: you can build your own code generator, inherit EntityObject in your own custom classes, or implement the IPOCO interfaces on your objects. The last two options also allow you to use existing classes; though you need to be sure you follow all of the rules for mapping them properly to your model.

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