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abstract types, TPT with Abstract Types, Abstract Entity Types
creating abstract entity types, Abstract Entity Types
TPT inheritance with, TPT with Abstract Types
AcceptAllChanges method, ObjectContext, Transaction Support, Controlling AcceptAllChanges in a transaction
controlling in transactions, Controlling AcceptAllChanges in a transaction
Access database, Access and ODBC
Action property, CollectionChangeEventArgs, Event arguments
Add method, Understanding why Load cannot be called on Added entities, Attach Versus Add
EntityCollection class, Understanding why Load cannot be called on Added entities
ObjectContext or IRelatedEnd, Attach method versus, Attach Versus Add
AddChildtoParentObject method, Calling the AddChildtoParentObject Method
ADO.NET classic queries, performance versus Entity Framework, The Entity Framework and Performance
ADO.NET Data Services, Will Your Client Agree to Your Data Contract?
aggregates, Aggregates with EntityCollections, Aggregates in Entity SQL, Aggregates in LINQ Methods and Query Builder Methods, Chaining Aggregates
chaining in grouping queries, Chaining Aggregates
with EntityCollections, Aggregates with EntityCollections, Aggregates in Entity SQL
in EntitySQL, Aggregates in Entity SQL
in LINQ methods and query builder methods, Aggregates in LINQ Methods and Query Builder Methods
AllowImplicitConversion enum, Function Attributes
anonymous types, Anonymous types, Implicit and explicit anonymous type creation, Navigation to an EntityReference, Shaped results, The GetCustomers method
accessing properties of, Navigation to an EntityReference
implicit and explicit, creation of, Implicit and explicit anonymous type creation
projections of EntityCollection entities, Shaped results
in web services, The GetCustomers method
ANY method, Filtering and Sorting with EntityCollections
ANYELEMENT operator, Entity SQL SET Operators
application cache, Application cache and session state
ApplyPropertyChanges, Why call ApplyPropertyChanges if there were no changes?
calling in WCF service application, Why call ApplyPropertyChanges if there were no changes?
ApplyPropertyChanges method, ObjectContext.ApplyPropertyChanges: A Handy Method for Updating Entities, The path of least resistance
calling in ASMX Web Service, The path of least resistance
ObjectContext class, ObjectContext.ApplyPropertyChanges: A Handy Method for Updating Entities
ASMX Web Services, using Entity Framework, Using Entities with Web and WCF ServicesThe client-side Customer versus the server-side Customer, Building the ASMX ServiceThe path of least resistance, The GetCustomers method, Testing the GetCustomers service operation, Adding a method to return a single customer, Testing the new method, What about interoperability?, The insert and update web methods, The path of least resistance, Building the Client ApplicationThe client-side Customer versus the server-side Customer, Setting up the client project and the proxy to the service, Adding methods to interact with the web service, Designing the form, Adding the New and Save buttons, The client-side Customer versus the server-side Customer
building client application, Building the Client ApplicationThe client-side Customer versus the server-side Customer, Setting up the client project and the proxy to the service, Adding methods to interact with the web service, Designing the form, Adding the New and Save buttons, The client-side Customer versus the server-side Customer
designing the form, Designing the form
ignorance of client of Entity Framework, The client-side Customer versus the server-side Customer
methods to interact with web service, Adding methods to interact with the web service
New and Save buttons for form, Adding the New and Save buttons
setting up project and proxy, Setting up the client project and the proxy to the service
building the service, Building the ASMX ServiceThe path of least resistance, The GetCustomers method, Testing the GetCustomers service operation, Adding a method to return a single customer, Testing the new method, What about interoperability?, The insert and update web methods, The path of least resistance
change tracking across tiers, The path of least resistance
Customers entity with EntityObject schema, Testing the new method
GetCustomer method to return single entity, Adding a method to return a single customer
GetCustomers method, The GetCustomers method
insert and update web methods, The insert and update web methods
interoperability of service, What about interoperability?
testing GetCustomers operation, Testing the GetCustomers service operation
ASP.NET, Working with Hierarchical Data in a Master/Detail FormTesting the Application, Using the Entity Framework in n-Tier ASP.NET ApplicationsSummary, Using the Entity Framework in n-Tier ASP.NET Applications, Understanding How an ObjectContext Fits into the Web Page Life Cycle, Using EntityObjects in Read-Only Web PagesUsing EntityObjects in Read-Only Web Pages, Exploring Options for Updating Entities in an ASP.NET Application, Evaluating ASP.NET’s State Solutions Against the Entity FrameworkApplication cache and session state, Introducing ASP.NET’s ObjectDataSource ControlHow the ObjectDataSource Gets Data into and out of the Data-Binding Controls, Designing Object Provider Classes to Be Used with an ObjectDataSource, Wiring Up the Provider Classes to ObjectDataSource ControlsInserting records with EntityReference properties, Understanding Why We Didn’t Use Object Graphs in This Business Layer
EntityDataSource control, Using the Entity Framework in n-Tier ASP.NET Applications (see EntityDataSource controls)
n-tier applications using Entity Framework, Using the Entity Framework in n-Tier ASP.NET ApplicationsSummary, Understanding How an ObjectContext Fits into the Web Page Life Cycle, Using EntityObjects in Read-Only Web PagesUsing EntityObjects in Read-Only Web Pages, Exploring Options for Updating Entities in an ASP.NET Application, Evaluating ASP.NET’s State Solutions Against the Entity FrameworkApplication cache and session state, Introducing ASP.NET’s ObjectDataSource ControlHow the ObjectDataSource Gets Data into and out of the Data-Binding Controls, Designing Object Provider Classes to Be Used with an ObjectDataSource, Wiring Up the Provider Classes to ObjectDataSource ControlsInserting records with EntityReference properties, Understanding Why We Didn’t Use Object Graphs in This Business Layer
ASP.NET state solutions, Evaluating ASP.NET’s State Solutions Against the Entity FrameworkApplication cache and session state
designing object provider classes for use with ObjectDataSource, Designing Object Provider Classes to Be Used with an ObjectDataSource
EntityObjects in read-only web pages, Using EntityObjects in Read-Only Web PagesUsing EntityObjects in Read-Only Web Pages
how ObjectContext fits into web page life cycle, Understanding How an ObjectContext Fits into the Web Page Life Cycle
not using object graphs in business layer, Understanding Why We Didn’t Use Object Graphs in This Business Layer
ObjectDataSource control, Introducing ASP.NET’s ObjectDataSource ControlHow the ObjectDataSource Gets Data into and out of the Data-Binding Controls
options for updating entities, Exploring Options for Updating Entities in an ASP.NET Application
wiring provider classes to ObjectDataSource, Wiring Up the Provider Classes to ObjectDataSource ControlsInserting records with EntityReference properties
web application with hierarchical data, Working with Hierarchical Data in a Master/Detail FormTesting the Application
assemblies, Building the BreakAwayModel Project, The Impact of Compiling a Project on an EDMX File, Creating a MetadataWorkspace without an EntityConnection, Getting a reference to an assembly, Creating an entity from the assembly, Custom Class Assemblies and Entity Data Model Files, Unpacking the Entity Framework Files
compiled project, schema files embedded in, The Impact of Compiling a Project on an EDMX File
compiling model into, Building the BreakAwayModel Project
creating an entity from referenced assembly, Creating an entity from the assembly
creating MetadataWorkspace from EDM files embedded in assembly file, Creating a MetadataWorkspace without an EntityConnection
Entity Framework, Unpacking the Entity Framework Files
for custom classes, Custom Class Assemblies and Entity Data Model Files
getting a reference to, Getting a reference to an assembly
Assembly.CreateInstance method, Creating EntityObjects Without Entity Classes
AssociationChanged event, The AssociationChanged Event, Event arguments, Deleting child entities in a grid when no referential constraint exists in the CSDL
event arguments, Event arguments
associations, Associations, Association and AssociationSet, Querying Across Associations, Working with Many-to-Many Relationships, Fixing the Impact of the New Inheritance on the Customer’s Associations with Other Entities, Self-Referencing Associations, Creating an association from the new entity, Working with Relationships and Associations, Working with Relationships and Associations, How Did the Entity Data Model Wizard Create the Association?, Navigation Properties Are Not Required, Understanding How Associations Impact the Native Query, GetItems/TryGetItems, Metadata Attributes, Navigation Properties, Deleting children from a grid is easier when the child has a composite key
(see also relationships)
AssociationTypes, GetItems/TryGetItems
attributes defining for EDM, Metadata Attributes
creating for entity created by DefiningQuery, Creating an association from the new entity
creation by EDM Wizard, How Did the Entity Data Model Wizard Create the Association?
in CSDL file, Associations
EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute, Navigation Properties
impact on native queries, Understanding How Associations Impact the Native Query
mapping in response to new inheritance, Fixing the Impact of the New Inheritance on the Customer’s Associations with Other Entities
mapping, many-to-many relationships, Working with Many-to-Many Relationships
navigation properties and, Navigation Properties Are Not Required
querying across, Querying Across Associations
with referential constraint in CSDL, Deleting children from a grid is easier when the child has a composite key
self-referencing, Self-Referencing Associations
in SSDL, Association and AssociationSet
AssociationSetMapping element, AssociationSetMapping
AssociationSets, Associations, Association and AssociationSet, Deconstructing Relationships in the Entity Data Model, Additional Items Created in the Model
naming of, Deconstructing Relationships in the Entity Data Model
SSDL AssociationSet, Association and AssociationSet
Attach method, ObjectContext.Attach, Attach and Remove, Attach Versus Add, Using CreateSourceQuery to Enhance Deferred Loading
ObjectContext and IRelatedEnd, Attach and Remove
ObjectContext class, ObjectContext.Attach
using CreateSourceQuery to create queries for, Using CreateSourceQuery to Enhance Deferred Loading
versus Add method, Attach Versus Add
AttachTo method, ObjectContext, ObjectContext.AttachTo
attributes, Partial Classes, Metadata Attributes
metadata, Metadata Attributes
partial class implementation, rules for, Partial Classes
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