binary serialization, Binary serialization
BindingSource control, Data Binding, Getting the Entity’s Details onto the Form, Entities, BindingSources, and a Very Important Rule, Entities, BindingSources, and a Very Important Rule, Testing the new version of the sample, Allowing the User to Edit the Data, Adding New Customers, From toolbar to BindingSource to context, Adding the code to ensure that new customers are created properly, Adding the code to ensure that new customers are created properly, Editing Trip Entities and Their Related Data
AddingNew event, Adding New Customers, Adding the code to ensure that new customers are created properly
adding flag, Adding the code to ensure that new customers are created properly
coordination of user actions with entities, Editing Trip Entities and Their Related Data
CurrentChanged event, From toolbar to BindingSource to context
DataSource property, Entities, BindingSources, and a Very Important Rule
editing of data in forms, Allowing the User to Edit the Data
EndEdit method, Adding the code to ensure that new customers are created properly
example form with, Testing the new version of the sample
query results bound to, entity updates and, Entities, BindingSources, and a Very Important Rule
blogs and forums for Entity Framework, Blogs, Forums, and Other Resources
BoundField controls, Displaying Data That Comes from EntityReference Navigation Properties, Inserting and updating entities that contain EntityReferences
created when binding control to ObjectDataSource, Inserting and updating entities that contain EntityReferences
bulk processing of commands, ObjectContext.SaveChanges
business layer, Thinking in Layers, Organizing Your Layers, Preventing Non-UI Logic from Leaking into the UI, Why ObjectDataSource?, Understanding Why We Didn’t Use Object Graphs in This Business Layer, Building a Business Layer Between the UI and the Services, What’s in These Business Classes?Calling the Service Operations from the Business Layer, Calling the Service Operations from the Business LayerTesting It All with a Simple Console Application
(see also n-tier client-side applications)
ASP.NET n-tier application, Why ObjectDataSource?, Understanding Why We Didn’t Use Object Graphs in This Business Layer
no use of object graphs in, Understanding Why We Didn’t Use Object Graphs in This Business Layer
n-tier client-side applications, Thinking in Layers, Organizing Your Layers
WCF client application, Building a Business Layer Between the UI and the Services, What’s in These Business Classes?Calling the Service Operations from the Business Layer, Calling the Service Operations from the Business LayerTesting It All with a Simple Console Application
calling service operations from, Calling the Service Operations from the Business LayerTesting It All with a Simple Console Application
contents of business classes, What’s in These Business Classes?Calling the Service Operations from the Business Layer
business logic, Customizing Entities, Organizing Your Layers
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