C#, Exploring EDM Queries in Greater Depth, VB and C# syntax differences, Anonymous types, Implicitly typed local variables, Implicit and explicit anonymous type creation, Grouping, Naming Properties When Grouping, Chaining Aggregates, Implementing the property-level PropertyChanged and PropertyChanging methods, Implementing the class-level PropertyChanging and PropertyChanged events, Specifying or Excluding Derived Types in Queries, Forcing an ObjectContext to Use Its Own Thread, Setting Up the Project and Code File, Scalar Properties
anonymous types in version 3.0, Anonymous types
auto-implemented properties, Scalar Properties
direct type comparison, Specifying or Excluding Derived Types in Queries
example queries, Exploring EDM Queries in Greater Depth
grouping, Grouping, Naming Properties When Grouping, Chaining Aggregates
combining aggregates in C# LINQ, Chaining Aggregates
INTO clause, specifying group name, Naming Properties When Grouping
implementing PropertyChanged and PropertyChanging events, Implementing the class-level PropertyChanging and PropertyChanged events
implicitly typed local variables, Implicitly typed local variables
lock keyword, Forcing an ObjectContext to Use Its Own Thread
naming anonymous types, Implicit and explicit anonymous type creation
ObjectStateEntry visualizer, Setting Up the Project and Code File
partial method implementation, Implementing the property-level PropertyChanged and PropertyChanging methods
projections, VB and C# syntax differences
cached queries, Filtering based on group properties
caching, Query Plan Caching for Entity SQL, Application cache and session state
application cache, Application cache and session state
query plan caching for Entity SQL, Query Plan Caching for Entity SQL
canonical functions (Entity SQL), Entity SQL canonical functions
cascading deletes, How Did the Entity Data Model Wizard Create the Association?, Deletes and Cascading Deletes, Cascading deletes in the database, Cascading deletes in the EDM, Recommendation: Cascade in both the model and the database, or in neither
in the database, Cascading deletes in the database
in the EDM, Cascading deletes in the EDM
recommendation for use in both EDM and database, or neither, Recommendation: Cascade in both the model and the database, or in neither
chaining methods, Chaining methods
change tracking, Change Tracking, Challenges with Change Tracking Distributed Applications, How ObjectContext Manages Entities, Change Tracking, The insert and update web methods, The IEntityWithChangeTracker Interface
IEntityWithChangeTracker interface, The IEntityWithChangeTracker Interface
problems in distributed applications, Challenges with Change Tracking Distributed Applications
problems in multi-tiered applications, The insert and update web methods
remembering original values and tracking changes, How ObjectContext Manages Entities
Changing/Changed methods, Customizable Methods, The On[Property]Changed and On[Property]Changing Methods, Implementing the property-level PropertyChanged and PropertyChanging methods, The EntityObject.PropertyChanging and EntityObject.PropertyChanged Events, The order of the Changing/Changed events, Event parameters, Implementing the class-level PropertyChanging and PropertyChanged events
class level, The EntityObject.PropertyChanging and EntityObject.PropertyChanged Events, Event parameters, Implementing the class-level PropertyChanging and PropertyChanged events
event parameters, Event parameters
implementing, Implementing the class-level PropertyChanging and PropertyChanged events
order of events, The order of the Changing/Changed events
property level, The On[Property]Changed and On[Property]Changing Methods, Implementing the property-level PropertyChanged and PropertyChanging methods
implementing, Implementing the property-level PropertyChanged and PropertyChanging methods
checksum in data store, concurrency checks on, Concurrency Checking on a Checksum in the Data Store
class constructor, WCF service client application, The class constructor
classes, The Entity in “Entity Framework”, Code Generation from EDM to Classes, Where Did the Context and Classes Come from?, Entity Objects, Entity Objects, Object Services Supports Custom Classes, Partial Classes, Using Your Own Custom ClassesSummary, Mapping Classes to the Entity Data ModelQuerying Using the Custom Classes, Resolving Conflicts Between Custom Classes and Designer-Generated Classes, Querying Using the Custom Classes, Implementing the IPOCO InterfacesWorking with the IPOCO-Enabled Objects, Custom Class Assemblies and Entity Data Model Files, Building a Data Transfer Object to Take the Place of an Entity Object
automatically created from the EDM, Code Generation from EDM to Classes
class diagram for entities (example), The Entity in “Entity Framework”
custom, Object Services Supports Custom Classes, Using Your Own Custom ClassesSummary, Mapping Classes to the Entity Data ModelQuerying Using the Custom Classes, Resolving Conflicts Between Custom Classes and Designer-Generated Classes, Querying Using the Custom Classes, Implementing the IPOCO InterfacesWorking with the IPOCO-Enabled Objects, Custom Class Assemblies and Entity Data Model Files
assemblies and EDM files, Custom Class Assemblies and Entity Data Model Files
conflicts with Designer-generated classes, Resolving Conflicts Between Custom Classes and Designer-Generated Classes
implementing IPOCO interfaces, Implementing the IPOCO InterfacesWorking with the IPOCO-Enabled Objects
mapping to Entity Data Model, Mapping Classes to the Entity Data ModelQuerying Using the Custom Classes
querying with, Querying Using the Custom Classes
support by Object Services, Object Services Supports Custom Classes
entity, Entity Objects, Entity Objects
(see also entity objects)
in LINQ to Entities queries example, Where Did the Context and Classes Come from?
marking as DataContract, Building a Data Transfer Object to Take the Place of an Entity Object
partial classes, Entity Framework and, Partial Classes
client applications, Building a Client That Is Ignorant of the Entity Framework, Building the Client ApplicationThe client-side Customer versus the server-side Customer, Setting up the client project and the proxy to the service, Adding methods to interact with the web service, Designing the form, The client-side Customer versus the server-side Customer, Building the Client to Consume the WCF ServicePeeking under the covers, Editing the configuration for the web service client, Adding functionality to view the reservations, Finishing the form, Adding and deleting the reservations, Adding and deleting the reservations, Running the application and saving your changes, Using the Entity Framework in n-Tier Client-Side Applications, Thinking in Layers, Implementing the Client That Will Use the WCF ServiceTesting It All with a Simple Console Application, Rules for the Client to Follow, Building a Business Layer Between the UI and the Services, What’s in These Business Classes?Calling the Service Operations from the Business Layer, Calling the Service Operations from the Business LayerTesting It All with a Simple Console Application
(see also n-tier client-side applications)
ASMX Web Service client, Building the Client ApplicationThe client-side Customer versus the server-side Customer, Setting up the client project and the proxy to the service, Adding methods to interact with the web service, Designing the form, The client-side Customer versus the server-side Customer
designing form, Designing the form
ignorance of Entity Framework, The client-side Customer versus the server-side Customer
methods to interact with service, Adding methods to interact with the web service
reference to service and proxies, Setting up the client project and the proxy to the service
client for WCF service, Building the Client to Consume the WCF ServicePeeking under the covers, Editing the configuration for the web service client, Adding functionality to view the reservations, Finishing the form, Adding and deleting the reservations, Adding and deleting the reservations, Running the application and saving your changes, Implementing the Client That Will Use the WCF ServiceTesting It All with a Simple Console Application, Rules for the Client to Follow, Building a Business Layer Between the UI and the Services, What’s in These Business Classes?Calling the Service Operations from the Business Layer, Calling the Service Operations from the Business LayerTesting It All with a Simple Console Application
adding and deleting reservations, Adding and deleting the reservations
adding functionality to view reservations, Adding functionality to view the reservations
business layer between UI and services, Building a Business Layer Between the UI and the Services
calling service operations from business layer, Calling the Service Operations from the Business LayerTesting It All with a Simple Console Application
content of business classes, What’s in These Business Classes?Calling the Service Operations from the Business Layer
editng configuration, Editing the configuration for the web service client
finishing the form, Finishing the form
no EntityKey or EntityReference in client, Adding and deleting the reservations
rules for client, Rules for the Client to Follow
running application and saving changes, Running the application and saving your changes
Entity Framework and, Building a Client That Is Ignorant of the Entity Framework
using Entity Framework, basic architecture for, Thinking in Layers
ClientWins, Forcing the User’s Data to the Server (ClientWins), Using ObjectContext.Refresh, Using ClientWins Refresh, Refreshing Collections of Entities
ObjectContext.Refresh method, Using ClientWins Refresh, Refreshing Collections of Entities
refreshing set of entities, Refreshing Collections of Entities
RefreshMode value, Using ObjectContext.Refresh
Code Gallery project, Extensions, Samples, and Solutions from Microsoft, Samples
samples provided by, Samples
code generation, Code Generation from EDM to Classes, Custom Code Generation
custom, Custom Code Generation
default, Code Generation from EDM to Classes
Collection class, IQueryable and IEnumerable versus, ObjectQuery and LINQ to Entities
CollectionChangeAction enumeration, Event arguments
CollectionChangeEventArgs, AssociationChanged event, Event arguments
collections, ObservableCollection object, A few WPF tricks for a more interactive ListBox
ComboBox controls, Binding the ComboBox controls to the ListBox and to the data, Editing Trip Entities and Their Related Data
binding to ListBox and to data in WPF, Binding the ComboBox controls to the ListBox and to the data
SelectionChanged event, Editing Trip Entities and Their Related Data
command execution exceptions, SaveChanges method, SaveChanges Command Execution Exceptions
command trees, Query Processing, From a LINQ to Entities query to a command tree, From Entity SQL and query builder methods to a command tree, How EntityClient turns command trees into store commands
conversion by entity client to store commands, How EntityClient turns command trees into store commands
conversion of Entity SQL and query builder methods to, From Entity SQL and query builder methods to a command tree
query processing from LINQ to Entities query to, From a LINQ to Entities query to a command tree
CommandExecutor class, building (example), Building the CommandExecutor ClassBuilding the CommandExecutor Class
compilation of queries, Reducing the Cost of Query Compilation, The EDM Generator for Precompiled Views (and More), Query Compilation Exceptions, Precompiling a frequently used query
EDM Generator for precompiled views, The EDM Generator for Precompiled Views (and More)
exceptions, Query Compilation Exceptions
precompiling frequently used query, Precompiling a frequently used query
reducing cost of, Reducing the Cost of Query Compilation
compiled queries, Filtering based on group properties
CompiledQuery class, Compile method, LINQ to Entities compiled queries
complex types, Creating Complex Types to Encapsulate Sets of PropertiesRemoving the Complex Types from the Model, Complex Types and the EDM Designer, Defining a Complex Type, Replacing Properties with a Complex Type, Mapping Entities with Complex Types, Complex Types Are Not EntityObjects, Using Complex Types, Complex Types in Data-Binding Scenarios, ASP.NET EntityDataSource, Data Binding Complex Types in ASP.NET Without the EntityDataSourceWindows Forms DataSource and Complex Types, Windows Forms DataSource and Complex Types, Removing the Complex Types from the Model, Getting ComplexType Properties Out of ObjectStateEntry
ComplexObjects rather than EntityObjects, Complex Types Are Not EntityObjects
data binding, Complex Types in Data-Binding Scenarios, ASP.NET EntityDataSource, Data Binding Complex Types in ASP.NET Without the EntityDataSourceWindows Forms DataSource and Complex Types
using EntityDataSource, ASP.NET EntityDataSource
without EntityDataSource, Data Binding Complex Types in ASP.NET Without the EntityDataSourceWindows Forms DataSource and Complex Types
defining, Defining a Complex Type
EDM designer and, Complex Types and the EDM Designer
mapping entities with, Mapping Entities with Complex Types
properties of complex type, getting from ObjectStateEntry, Getting ComplexType Properties Out of ObjectStateEntry
querying, creating, and saving entities with, Using Complex Types
removing from the EDM, Removing the Complex Types from the Model
replacing properties with, Replacing Properties with a Complex Type
Windows Forms DataSource and, Windows Forms DataSource and Complex Types
ComplexObject, Complex Types Are Not EntityObjects
composable queries, Specifying the control variable
composition versus inheritance, Creating New Derived Entities When the Base Entity Already Exists
Conceptual Schema Definition Language, The Three Parts of the Model (see CSDL)
concurrency, Concurrency Management, Optimistic concurrency, ConcurrencyMode, OptimisticConcurrencyException, Exceptions When Multiple Parties Edit Data Concurrently, Handling Concurrency Conflicts, Understanding Optimistic Concurrency Options in the Entity Framework, Using rowversion for Concurrency Checks, Using rowversion for Concurrency Checks, Handling Concurrency Exceptions at a Lower Level, Handling Granular Exceptions Without User Intervention, Handling Multiple Conflicts, Handling Exceptions When Transactions Are Your Own
(see also optimistic concurrency)
checking using rowversion field, Using rowversion for Concurrency Checks
ConcurrencyMode attribute, ConcurrencyMode
exceptions when multiple parties edit data concurrently, Exceptions When Multiple Parties Edit Data Concurrently
handling conflicts in, Handling Concurrency Conflicts
handling exceptions for your transactions, Handling Exceptions When Transactions Are Your Own
handling of low-level exceptions, Handling Concurrency Exceptions at a Lower Level, Handling Granular Exceptions Without User Intervention, Handling Multiple Conflicts
handling multiple conflicts, Handling Multiple Conflicts
handling without user intervention, Handling Granular Exceptions Without User Intervention
optimistic concurrency, Optimistic concurrency
optimistic concurrency options in Entity Framework, Understanding Optimistic Concurrency Options in the Entity Framework
OptimisticConcurrencyException, OptimisticConcurrencyException
ConcurrencyMode property, Determining the Scope of Changes, Flagging a Property for Concurrency Checking, How the Entity Framework Uses the ConcurrencyMode Property, Concurrency Checks and Inherited Types
derived types, Concurrency Checks and Inherited Types
how Entity Framework uses it, How the Entity Framework Uses the ConcurrencyMode Property
conditional mapping, Using Conditional Mapping to Filter Entity MappingsRemoving the conditional mapping from Activity and re-creating the Category property, Creating a Conditional Mapping for the Activity Entity, Testing the Conditional Mapping, Removing the conditional mapping from Activity and re-creating the Category property
creating for an entity, Creating a Conditional Mapping for the Activity Entity
querying, creating, and saving conditionally mapped entities, Testing the Conditional Mapping
removing, Removing the conditional mapping from Activity and re-creating the Category property
ConfigurationManager class, Using the EntityConnectionStringBuilder Class
connection pooling, What About Connection Pooling?
Connection property, ObjectContext, Connection versus Connection.StoreConnection
connection strings, EntityConnection and the Connection String, ObjectContext.Connection, EntityConnectionString Exceptions, Handling Connection String Exceptions, Accessing the Model Files When They Are Not in a Referenced Assembly
ConnectionString to find EDM files in file path, Accessing the Model Files When They Are Not in a Referenced Assembly
EntityConnection and, EntityConnection and the Connection String
EntityConnectionString exceptions, EntityConnectionString Exceptions
handling exceptions in, Handling Connection String Exceptions
specifying EntityConnection string to use for context, ObjectContext.Connection
connections, Making It Real: Connections, Transactions, Performance, and MoreWhat About Connection Pooling?, EntityConnection and Database Connections in the Entity Framework, Manually opening and closing connections, Default behavior 1: Many calls on a single connection, Default behavior 2: Multiple connections, Forcing an explicit connection, Taking Control of How Store Connections Are Disposed, Protecting Data from Connection Piggybacks
disposal of store connections, Taking Control of How Store Connections Are Disposed
EntityConnection and database connections, EntityConnection and Database Connections in the Entity Framework
opening and closing Entity and database connections, Manually opening and closing connections, Default behavior 1: Many calls on a single connection, Default behavior 2: Multiple connections, Forcing an explicit connection
forcing explicit connection, Forcing an explicit connection
manually, Manually opening and closing connections
many calls on single connection, Default behavior 1: Many calls on a single connection
multiple connections, Default behavior 2: Multiple connections
protecting data from connection piggybacks, Protecting Data from Connection Piggybacks
constraints, ReferentialConstraint, How Did the Entity Data Model Wizard Create the Association?, Referential Integrity and Constraints, Constraints that are not checked until they hit the database, Constraints that the Entity Framework checks when SaveChanges is called, Deletes and Cascading Deletes, Model and Mapping Constraints Are Broken: UpdateException, Exceptions Thrown by Broken Constraints in the Database, Deleting from Grids When EntityCollections and Referential Constraints Are InvolvedDeleting child entities in a grid when no referential constraint exists in the CSDL, Deleting children from a grid is easier when the child has a composite key
association with a constraint in CSDL, Deleting children from a grid is easier when the child has a composite key
checked by Entity Framework in calls to SaveChanges, Constraints that the Entity Framework checks when SaveChanges is called
checks deferred to database, Constraints that are not checked until they hit the database
database constraints enforcing referential integrity, cascading deletes and, Deletes and Cascading Deletes
deletions from grids with referential constraints involved, Deleting from Grids When EntityCollections and Referential Constraints Are InvolvedDeleting child entities in a grid when no referential constraint exists in the CSDL
exceptions thrown by broken constraints in database, Exceptions Thrown by Broken Constraints in the Database
model and mapping constraints broken, UpdateException, Model and Mapping Constraints Are Broken: UpdateException
referential integrity and, Referential Integrity and Constraints
ReferentialConstraint element in the SSDL, ReferentialConstraint
context, Where Did the Context and Classes Come from?, Where Did the Context and Classes Come from?, Using your own context, EntityDataSource Context Events
(see also ObjectContext class)
EntityDataSource context events, EntityDataSource Context Events
using your own for EntityDataSource, Using your own context
ContextCreated event, EntityDataSource, EntityDataSource Context Events
ContextCreating event, EntityDataSource, Using your own context, EntityDataSource Context Events
ContextDisposing event, EntityDataSource, EntityDataSource Context Events
control variable, LINQ to Entities Queries, Entity SQL, ObjectQuery’s Query Builder Methods, Specifying the control variable
default alias for, ObjectQuery’s Query Builder Methods
specifying, Specifying the control variable
ControlState, ASP.NET page, EntityDataSource and ViewState
Create factory method, overloading, Overloading Context and Entity Methods
CreateInstance method, Creating a New Entity with CreateInstance
CreateQuery method, Using Include with an ObjectQuery, A Better Understanding of Query Builder Methods, Query Execution with the ToList or ToArray Method
Entity SQL expression as parameter, A Better Understanding of Query Builder Methods
ToList appended to, focing query execution, Query Execution with the ToList or ToArray Method
using Include method with, Using Include with an ObjectQuery
CreateSourceQuery method, enhancing deferred loading, Using CreateSourceQuery to Enhance Deferred Loading
CSDL (Conceptual Schema Definition Language), The Three Parts of the Model, CSDL: The Conceptual SchemaWhere Are the Foreign Keys?, Schema, EntityContainer, EntitySet, EntityType, Associations, AssociationSet, NavigationProperty, Navigation Properties That Return Collections, Where Are the Foreign Keys?, The EDM Designer’s Model Browser, Defining a Complex Type, Constraints that are not checked until they hit the database
associations, Associations
AssociationSet objects, AssociationSet
complex type defined in, Defining a Complex Type
constraints in, Constraints that are not checked until they hit the database
EntityContainer class, EntityContainer
EntitySet class, EntitySet
EntityType data type, EntityType
foreign keys, missing, Where Are the Foreign Keys?
navigation properties returning collections, Navigation Properties That Return Collections
NavigationProperty, NavigationProperty
schema, Schema
viewing in Designer’s Model Browser, The EDM Designer’s Model Browser
CurrentValueRecord.DataRecordInfo, CurrentValueRecord.DataRecordInfo
CurrentValueRecord.SetBoolean, Modifying Values with ObjectStateManager
CurrentValues property, ObjectStateEntry, State Management and ObjectStateEntry, ObjectContext.Attach, CurrentValues and OriginalValues, Reading the OriginalValues and CurrentValues of an ObjectStateEntry, Modifying Values with ObjectStateManager
modifying values with ObjectStateManager, Modifying Values with ObjectStateManager
reading with visualizer tool, Reading the OriginalValues and CurrentValues of an ObjectStateEntry
CurrentValues, ObjectStateEntry, CurrentValues and OriginalValues
reading, CurrentValues and OriginalValues
customization of entities, Customizing EntitiesSummary, Partial Classes, Customizable MethodsUsing PropertyChanged to Calculate Database-Computed Columns Locally, Customizable Event HandlersOther Opportunities for Customization, Custom PropertiesCustom Properties That Perform Calculations on Child Collections, Overloading Context and Entity Methods, Custom Code Generation, Creating Common Methods or Properties for All Entities
creating common methods or properties for all entities, Creating Common Methods or Properties for All Entities
custom code generation, Custom Code Generation
event handlers, Customizable Event HandlersOther Opportunities for Customization
methods, Customizable MethodsUsing PropertyChanged to Calculate Database-Computed Columns Locally
overloading context and entity methods, Overloading Context and Entity Methods
partial classes, Partial Classes
properties, Custom PropertiesCustom Properties That Perform Calculations on Child Collections
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