Part III. Explorations

In this part, you’ll look at some of the directions that you might be interested in exploring further. This is only a small sampling of the range of how designers and artists are using the tools you’ve learned about in this book, but it should give you some good ideas as you begin developing your own interactions.

Chapter 13, Graphics and OpenGL, covers 3D graphics both in Processing and openFrameworks and introduces you to the graphics programming language OpenGL as well as to some additional libraries in oF and Processing for working with 3D graphics. In Chapter 14, Detection and Gestures, you’ll learn about OpenCV and computer vision for openFrameworks and for Processing. Chapter 15, Movement and Location, explores ways of using location and movement for input into your application using GPS, networks, and other tools. Chapter 16, Interfaces and Controls, discusses controls and tools in greater depth and shows you how to integrate other tools and devices into your application to create richer interfaces. In Chapter 17, Spaces and Environments, you’ll learn about how to work with spaces and environments, about some techniques for monitoring environmental data, and about some potential applications for the Arduino in reactive architecture and smart environments.

The last chapter in the book, Chapter 18, Further Resources, points you to some of the other areas of research and exploration that you might find interesting and lists the most relevant texts that have been referenced throughout this book.

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