Sorting Problems

Sorting problems often involve selecting the most appropriate algorithm for a particular situation, or modifying a standard sorting algorithm to give it a new property.

The Best Sorting Algorithm

PROBLEM What’s the best algorithm to use for sorting?

This is a bit of a trick question. The key is not to just respond with “quicksort” (or any other specific sorting algorithm). If you do, your interviewer will likely describe a scenario in which the algorithm you just named is particularly poorly suited and then ask you if you still think that algorithm is the best choice. Don’t get drawn into that trap!

Each sorting algorithm has its strengths and weaknesses, so you need to fully understand the context before you can select the best algorithm for a particular situation. Start by asking the interviewer some questions about the data you are sorting, the requirements for the sort, and the system that will perform the sort. Specifically, you might ask some of these questions:

  • What do we know about the data? Is the data already sorted or mostly sorted? How large are the data sets likely to be? Can there be duplicate key values?
  • What are the requirements for the sort? Do you want to optimize for best-case, worst-case, or average-case performance? Does the sort need to be stable?
  • What do we know about the system? Is the largest data set to be sorted smaller than, the same size as, or larger than available memory?

Sometimes, just asking these questions is enough to illustrate your knowledge of sorting algorithms. (One of the authors started this problem in an interview by asking the question “What can you tell me about the data?” The interviewer responded “Yes, that’s the right answer,” and moved on to a different problem.) More commonly, the interviewer will answer your questions and describe a scenario that points toward one algorithm as a better choice than the others.

PROBLEM A master directory server receives a list of accounts, ordered by user ID, from each of several departmental directory servers. What’s the best approach for this server to create a master list combining all the accounts ordered by user ID?

The naïve approach to this is to concatenate all the sublists and apply a general-purpose sorting algorithm such as quicksort to the combined list, yielding O(n log(n)) running time (where n is the combined size of all the departmental lists).

What do you know about the data that might help you find a more efficient solution? In this case, you know that the sublists are sorted. Can you use this to your advantage? You have several sorted sublists and you need to combine them. This sounds very much like part of a merge sort. In fact, the situation here is like the final stage of a merge sort, after the recursive calls have already sorted the sublists. All that’s left to do is merge the lists. This is only O(n), so it will outperform the naïve approach. What are the limitations of this strategy? The linear running time is great, but it also requires O(n) auxiliary temporary space (in addition to the space required for storing the records in memory) while performing the merge. If that space is available, then this is an excellent solution.

How would you respond if the interviewer told you that memory on the server is tight and it’s not acceptable to use O(n) auxiliary space during the sort? In-place sorting algorithms have minimal requirements for auxiliary storage. If you assume you can get the sublists concatenated without using O(n) auxiliary storage (for example, you might receive them into one large buffer to begin with) then one option is to revert to the naïve method and use an in-place sorting algorithm such as in-place quicksort; you’ll sacrifice some performance, but O(n log(n)) is not that much worse than O(n).

Before you settle on this solution, consider why the merge approach requires additional space. You have each of the sublists in memory, requiring n records of storage. Then you need to allocate a temporary buffer of size n to store the merged result. There doesn’t seem to be any way around the output buffer requirement, but do you actually need to have each of the sublists in memory? The sublists are already sorted, so at each point in the merge you just need the next item from each sublist. Obviously you still need storage for all n account records, but if you merge the sublists as you receive them, you no longer have a requirement for an additional size n buffer. (You probably need a small constant-size buffer for each of the servers sending information, so if there are m departmental servers, additional memory required is O(m); presumably m is much smaller than n.) This is an example of an online algorithm: an algorithm that processes data as it becomes available, rather than requiring all data to be available before starting processing.

The online approach has limitations, too. It requires the merge to be integrated with the communications with the departmental servers, increasing complexity and decreasing modularity. Also, if one of the departmental servers has problems during the process and stops sending data, it stalls the entire operation. Everything has trade-offs, but in an appropriately controlled environment, this could be the best option.

PROBLEM A system that monitors a manufacturing plant maintains a list of serial numbers of every item that has ever failed quality control. During the day, while the plant is operating, new serial numbers are added to the end of the list. Each night, a batch process runs to resort the list. What’s the best sorting algorithm for this?

Each night, only the newly added serial numbers can be out of order because the rest were sorted the previous night. Even the newly added serial numbers are likely partially sorted because serial numbers are usually assigned in order, and the items are likely tested roughly in order. After the plant has been running for more than a few weeks, the number of items added to the list each day will probably be much smaller than the total size of the list.

To summarize, you have a few unsorted items to add to a large sorted list. This sounds like a job for insertion sort! The situation described is close to that for which insertion sort has its best-case O(n) performance. But stop to consider the other properties of insertion sort to see if there are any problems with this choice. Insertion sort is stable and in-place, so no problems there. Worst and average case performance are O(n2) — that could be a problem. In this scenario the number of unsorted items is usually small, in which case you can expect nearly O(n) performance, but if the factory has a bad day and a large number of items fail, you may see closer to O(n2). Ask the interviewer if an occasional sort that runs long can be tolerated in this environment: If so, then insertion sort is your answer; if not, you need to keep looking.

Suppose that worst-case O(n2) is not acceptable. What other options do you have? Instead of looking at your data as a sorted list and some unsorted items to insert, try thinking of it as two lists: a large sorted list and a (usually) small, possibly partially sorted list. Sorted lists can be efficiently merged, so you just need to sort the small (new serials numbers) list and then merge the two of them. Because you’ll do at least some merging, you might choose to sort the small list with a merge sort. What’s the worst-case efficiency of this approach? If the length of the old, sorted list is l and the new, unsorted list is m, then the sort of the new list is O(m log(m)) and the merge is O(l + m). Combined, this is O(l+ m log(m)). This approach does have the drawback that O(l + m) additional memory is needed for the merge. There’s no free lunch.

PROBLEM You need to sort a variety of different kinds of data about which little is known in advance. Data sets will be small enough to fit in memory, but their size may vary widely. What sorting algorithm would you choose?

If you immediately jumped to something like quicksort for the first problem in this series, the current problem is probably what you had in mind. This general case of sorting in which you don’t know much about what you’re sorting is common, so you must be able to solve it efficiently. Just make sure that your problem is actually a general-purpose sorting problem and you’re not missing an opportunity to select a more appropriate special-purpose sorting algorithm.

Optimizing sorting performance across a wide range of potential inputs is the problem faced by programmers who write frameworks and standard libraries, so typically these sort routines are appropriate choices, such as Arrays.sort() in Java. These routines typically employ merge sort (if stability is important) or quicksort (if it isn’t) for most datasets, often switching to insertion sort for very small datasets (typically n less than approximately 10).

For all these problems involving selecting a sorting algorithm, the interviewer’s objective is not actually for you to arrive at any particular solution. Instead, the interviewer wants to see that you recognize that there’s no single sorting algorithm that’s optimal in all situations, that you have some knowledge of what sorting algorithms are available, and that you can apply this knowledge to select appropriate algorithms and intelligently discuss the running time and memory trade-offs between different options.

Stable Selection Sort

PROBLEM Implement a stable version of the selection sort algorithm.

This problem requires that you know what a selection sort is. If you don’t remember, ask the interviewer. Briefly, a selection sort works by repeatedly scanning the not-yet-sorted values to find the lowest key, and then swapping the lowest key into sorted position at the end of the already-sorted values, as described in more detail earlier in this chapter. A typical implementation is:

  // Sort an array using an iterative selection sort.
  public void selectionSort( int[] data ){
      for( int start = 0; start < data.length - 1; ++start ){
          swap( data, start, findMinimumIndex( data, start ) );

You’re asked to make this sort stable. Recall the definition of a stable sort: It is a sort that preserves the input ordering of elements with equal keys. If a1 and a2 are two elements with equal keys, and a1 comes before a2 in the original data set, a1 will always be ahead of a2 after a stable sort.

You may remember that the standard implementation of a selection sort is not stable; even if you don’t, the wording of the problem strongly implies it. It’s easier to create a stable version of the sort if you understand exactly why the preceding implementation is unstable. Try working through a simple example that produces an unstable result: [51, 3, 52, 2]. After the first iteration of the sort, this becomes [2, 3, 52, 51] — already the original ordering of the two equal keys has been lost. It seems that the sort is unstable because of the swapping of keys: When an unsorted key is swapped into the location that the key being sorted came from, information about the position of that unsorted key relative to the other unsorted keys is lost. The net effect of the swapping is that the unsorted keys are shuffled as the sort progresses. If you can eliminate the swapping, you might make the sort stable.

The standard unstable selection sort swaps keys because it’s the easiest, most efficient way to create space for the key being sorted. How might you create space for this key without swapping? If you insert the key being sorted, then the ordering of the unsorted keys remains unchanged. You’ll also need to delete this key from its original location. Remember that you can’t arbitrarily insert or delete elements from an array — you must move the adjacent elements to open or close the space. In this case, you can accomplish the deletion and insertion as part of the same process by moving all the keys between the original location of the key being sorted and its destination one element to the right.

For simplicity, you can continue to implement the algorithm to sort an array of int, understanding (and telling your interviewer) that if you were actually just sorting ints, you couldn’t distinguish between the results of a stable and an unstable sort. Stable and unstable sorts produce different results only when the key is part of a larger record or object, so objects with the same key value are not necessarily identical. An implementation of stable selection sort for an array of int might look like:

// Sort an array using a stable selection sort. 
public void selectionSortStable( int[] data ){
    for( int start = 0; start < data.length - 1; ++start ){
        insert( data, start, findMinimumIndex( data, start ) );

// Insert the data into the array, shifting the array as necessary. 
private void insert( int[] data, int start, int minIndex ){
    if( minIndex > start ){
        int tmp = data[minIndex];
        System.arraycopy( data, start, data, start +1 , minIndex - start);
        data[start] = tmp;

This stable version of selection sort replaces a fast O(1) swap operation with a much slower O(n) array insertion/deletion operation implemented by the System.arraycopy call. You were already performing an O(n) operation (findMinimumIndex) for each key, so adding another O(n) operation doesn’t change the overall runtime complexity — it’s still O(n2) — but because you’ve replaced a fast operation with a much slower one, the actual performance will be worse.

Is there any situation in which it makes sense to use this kind of implementation of stable selection sort? There are other stable sort algorithms that are more efficient than O(n2). One advantage that the original unstable selection sort had over many other sort algorithms is that the total number of moves (swaps) is O(n). In the preceding stable implementation, the array insertion/deletion makes O(n) moves, and this happens once for each of the n keys to be sorted: The total number of moves for this stable selection sort is O(n2). This implementation gains stability at the price of sacrificing the only significant benefit of selection sort, so it’s difficult to imagine a scenario in which it would be useful. How might you maintain O(n) total key moves?

The current implementation executes O(n2) moves because it uses an array, where insertion and deletion are inefficient operations requiring moving O(n) elements. If you used a different data structure where insertion and deletion affect only O(1) elements, then you would regain O(n) total moves. A linked list meets these requirements. The following is an implementation of a stable selection sort using a linked list with O(n) total moves. This implementation also operates on any object implementing Comparable rather than being limited to int:

    public void selectionSortStable( CursorableLinkedList data ){
        CursorableLinkedList.Cursor sortedBoundary = data.cursor(0);
        while( sortedBoundary.hasNext() ){
                    getMinimum( data, sortedBoundary.nextIndex() ) );

    // remove and return the first minimum-value element from data
    // with position greater than start
    private Comparable getMinimum( CursorableLinkedList data, int start ){
        CursorableLinkedList.Cursor unsorted = data.cursor(start);
        CursorableLinkedList.Cursor minPos = data.cursor(start+1);
        Comparable minValue = (Comparable) minPos.previous();

        while( unsorted.hasNext() ){
            if( ((Comparable) minValue ) < 0 ){
                // advance minPos to new minimum value location
                while( minPos.nextIndex() < unsorted.nextIndex() )
                    minValue = (Comparable);
        return minValue;

This implementation uses the Apache Commons Collections CursorableLinkedList class rather than LinkedList from the Java Collections Framework because CurorableLinkedList can maintain the validity of an iterator (cursor) even as the list is modified through other iterators. This capability enables a more efficient implementation of the sort. The implementation could be further optimized if you implemented a custom linked list class that supported copying iterators and moving (rather than just deleting and inserting) elements.

Multi-Key Sort

PROBLEM You have an array of objects, each of which represents an employee:
public class Employee {
public String extension;
public String givenname;
public String surname;
Using a standard library sorting routine, sort the array so it is ordered alphabetically by surname and then by given name as in a company phone book.

To sort the data using a routine from the standard library, you need a comparator: a function that compares two objects. A comparator returns a negative value if the first object is “less than” the second object; zero if the two objects have equal keys; or a positive value if the first object is “greater than” the second.

For this problem, there are two components of the key: The surname and the given name, so the comparator needs to use both of these values. You must order first by surname and then by given name, so the comparator should start by comparing the surnames and then resolve ties by comparing the given names.

In Java, comparators implement the java.util.Comparator interface:

import java.util.Comparator;

// A comparator for Employee instances.
public class EmployeeNameComparator implements Comparator<Employee> {

    public int compare( Employee e1, Employee e2 ){
        // Compare surnames
        int ret = e1.surname.compareToIgnoreCase( e2.surname );

        if( ret == 0 ){ //Compare givennames if surnames are the same
            ret = e1.givenname.compareToIgnoreCase( e2.givenname );
        return ret;

Now it’s just a matter of invoking the Arrays.sort method with the array and the comparator:

public void sortEmployees( Employee[] employees ){
    Arrays.sort( employees, new EmployeeNameComparator() );

The approach shown here of using a comparator that considers both parts of the key in a single sort is the most efficient approach, but there is another alternative. If the sort routine you use is stable (the modified merge sort used by Arrays.sort is), you can achieve the same result by calling the sort routine twice and sorting on one part of the key at a time. For this problem, you would first sort by given name and then make a second call to sort by surname. During the second sort, by the definition of a stable sort, employees with the same surname would retain their relative ordering based on given name, established by the first sort.

Make a Sort Stable

PROBLEM You are working on a platform that has a very fast, hardware-accelerated sort routine. The routine, shakySort(), is not stable, but you need to perform a fast, stable sort. Write code that uses shakySort() to perform a stable sort.

Stability is all about preserving the relative order of elements with equal keys. When the data set being sorted has keys that are equal, an unstable sort is not guaranteed to yield the same result as a stable sort. But what if there are no equal keys? Stability is meaningless in this case, and all sorting algorithms produce the same result. If you can transform the input data to ensure that there are no equal keys in the data set, then it won’t matter that shakySort() isn’t stable.

One approach you might consider is to scan through the data, identify keys with equal values, and then modify the values based on their positions in the input data set so that keys with earlier positions have lower values. Then when you do an unstable sort, the formerly equal keys retain their original relative ordering. Think about how this might be implemented. If the keys have discrete values, then you might have a situation in which there aren’t enough intermediate values available to easily modify the keys. For instance, if you had the integer keys [5, 4, 6, 5] you must modify 4 or 6 in addition to at least one of the 5s. Furthermore the keys likely represent data that may be needed for other purposes. This seems like an overly complicated and undesirable approach.

Because modifying the keys seems undesirable, you need another way to represent information about their original order. What if you added another value and used that as part of the key? You could have a field that represented the relative ordering of each otherwise identical key and compare these values when the main part of the key has the same value. After processing this way, the previous example becomes [51, 4, 6, 52], where subscripts represent the new field. This is a definite improvement, but it’s still somewhat complex: You need to scan the data, using some additional data structure to track what the next number in sequence is for each main key value.

Try to simplify this further. Is it necessary for each repeated key to be ordinally numbered (that is: 1, 2, 3…)? No; You just need earlier occurrences of the key to have lower sequence numbers than later ones. Based on this observation, you can just assign the value for the sequence field based on the element’s starting position: [51, 42, 63, 54]. For repeated keys, this meets the requirement of establishing the relative ordering; for nonrepeated keys you can ignore the sequence number.

With the sequence number as a secondary part of the key, each key is now unique, and the result of an unstable sort using the new expanded key is the same as that of a stable sort on the original key.

Implementation is simpler if you have something concrete to sort: Add a sequence field to the Employee class in the previous problem and sort objects of that class.

You must reinitialize the sequence fields before each sort:

  public void sortEmployeesStable( Employee[] employees ){
      for( int i = 0; i < employees.length; ++i ){
          employees[i].sequence = i;
      shakySort( employees, new EmployeeSequenceComparator() );

You also must create a comparator that uses the sequence number as a tie breaker for otherwise identical keys. For instance, to perform a stable sort by surname:

// A comparator for Employee instances.
public class EmployeeSequenceComparator implements Comparator<Employee> {

    public int compare( Employee e1, Employee e2 ){
        // Compare surname first.
        int ret = e1.surname.compareToIgnoreCase( e2.surname );

        // Ensure stability
        if( ret == 0 ){
            ret = e1.sequence - e2.sequence;

        return ret;

What’s the complexity of making shakySort() stable? Assigning the sequence numbers takes O(n) time, but because no comparison sort can be more efficient than O(n log(n)), the asymptotic running time is not increased ( O(n + n log(n)) = O(n log(n)) ). There’s one sequence number for each element, so this approach requires O(n) additional memory.

Optimized Quicksort

PROBLEM Implement an efficient, in-place version of the quicksort algorithm.

Before you can start on any implementation, you must understand the quicksort algorithm. Briefly, quicksort begins by selecting a pivot value from the elements to be sorted. The remaining elements are then divided into two new lists: one list L containing all the values less than the pivot and another list G containing all the values greater than or equal to the pivot. Then quicksort is recursively called to sort L and G. After these calls return, L, the pivot, and G are concatenated (in that order) to yield the sorted data set. If you didn’t remember at least that much about quicksort, you’d probably have to ask the interviewer to help you get started.

The simplest implementations of quicksort (such as the one earlier in this chapter) allocate new lists (or arrays) for L and G and copy results back from them after the recursive calls return, which is inefficient and requires additional memory. For this problem, you’re asked to write an implementation that avoids this.

The memory allocations that you need to eliminate happen during the partitioning step: when the values are rearranged into L and G. Considering the partitioning, there’s no change in the number of elements, just their position, so it should be possible to store L, the pivot, and G all in the original array. How might you do this?

You need to move elements to one end of the array or the other depending on the list to which they belong. Assume that L is on the left side of the array and G is on the right side of the array. Initially you don’t know what the sizes of L and G are, just that the sum of their sizes is equal to the array. You know the pivot value, so you can determine whether an individual element belongs to L or G. If you scan through the elements left to right, each time you find a value greater than or equal to the pivot, you need to move it to the right, into G. Because, again, you don’t know what the final size of G will be, it makes sense to have G start at the end of the array and grow toward the left. You don’t have any extra space available, so when you move an element to the right into G, you also must move an element to the left to open space. The easiest way to do this is to swap the positions of the element going into G with the element at its destination.

After you swap, the element moving to the left as part of the swap hasn’t been checked yet, so be sure to check it before advancing. In addition to tracking your position as you scan through the array, you also need to track the location of the leftmost element of G as it grows to the left, so you know where to put elements when you swap them into G. When your scan position reaches the leftmost element of G, all the elements greater than or equal to the pivot have been moved into G, so the remaining elements in the left portion of the array constitute L. The array is now partitioned into L and G without using any additional memory. This algorithm can then be recursively applied to both lists.

In summary, this algorithm is:

Select a pivot
Start the current position at the first element
Start the head of G at the last element
While current position < head of G
    If the current element ≤ pivot
        Swap current element with head of G and advance head of G
        Advance current position
Recursively call the routine on the L and G segments of the array

As with any complex procedure that you design, you should test this with a few potentially problematic cases before you code it. Some cases to check include a two-element array and an array with several identical values. When you work through the latter case, you can identify a bug: If all the values in an array are equal, the algorithm never terminates because all the elements are greater than or equal to the pivot, so they all end up in G on each recursive call!

How can you fix this bug? It occurs because G is exactly the same on each successive recursive call. With the current algorithm, G contains all the elements including the pivot (because the pivot is equal to the pivot value). What if you separate the pivot from the rest of G? Then G can never equal the initial array because it’s always at least one element smaller. You need somewhere to store the pivot while you do the partition. One convenient location to keep it out of the way is the end of the array. When you start the procedure, swap the pivot element to the end of the array and then partition the remainder of the array. After partitioning, swap the first element of G with the pivot you had previously stored at the end of the array. Now the pivot is in its correct location with all the smaller elements (in L) on its left; G is everything to the right of the pivot. When you make recursive calls on L and G, the pivot is now excluded, so G decreases in size by at least one on each cycle.

An implementation of this algorithm is as follows:

public void quicksortSwapping( int[] data ){
    quicksortSwapping( data, 0, data.length );

private void quicksortSwapping( int[] data, int start, int len ){

    if( len < 2 ) return; // Nothing to sort!

    int pivotIndex = start + len / 2;     // Use the middle value.
    int pivotValue = data[ pivotIndex ];
    int end = start + len;
    int curr = start;

    // Swap the pivot to the end.

    swap( data, pivotIndex, --end );

    // Partition the rest of the array.

    while( curr < end ){
        if( data[ curr ] < pivotValue ){
        } else {
            swap( data, curr, --end );

    // Swap the pivot back to its final destination.

    swap( data, end, start + len - 1 );

    // Apply the algorithm recursively to each partition.

    int llen = end - start;
    int rlen = len - llen - 1;

    if( llen > 1 ){
        quicksortSwapping( data, start, llen );

    if( rlen > 1 ){
        quicksortSwapping( data, end + 1, rlen );

The version of quicksort you just developed keeps track of two indexes, one on the left and one on the right. The partitions are determined by where the indexes meet. But you’re only comparing values on the left side of the array. Can you compare values on the right as well? Instead of blindly swapping values between left and right, wouldn’t it make sense to swap mismatched pairs of values? In other words, on the left you would swap a value greater than or equal to the pivot for one on the right that is less than or equal to the pivot. This could considerably reduce the total number of swaps.

While you’re at it, you can also make the math a bit simpler by using indexes to mark partition boundaries instead of a starting index and a length. The result is this optimized version of quicksort:

public void quicksortOptimized( int[] data ){
    quicksortOptimized( data, 0, data.length - 1 );

public void quicksortOptimized( int[] data, int left, int right ){
    int pivotValue = data[ ( left + right ) / 2 ];
    int i = left;
    int j = right;

    while( i <= j ){
        // Find leftmost value greater than or equal to the pivot.
        while( data[i] < pivotValue ) i++;

        // Find rightmost value less than or equal to the pivot.
        while( data[j] > pivotValue ) j--;

        // If the values are in the wrong order, swap them.
        if( i <= j ){
            swap( data, i, j );

    // Apply the algorithm to the partitions we made, if any.

    if( left < j ){
        quicksortOptimized( data, left, j );

    if( i < right ){
        quicksortOptimized( data, i, right );

Note that this implementation doesn’t need to explicitly move the pivot as the previous implementation did. Since it compares values at both ends, and values equal to the pivot are swapped into the partition at the other end, there is no case in which all the values end up in one partition. This means that values equal to the pivot may end up in either partition, but the sort is still correct.

This is about as good as quicksort can get! The only other optimization that might be worth considering is to replace the recursive call to quicksort with another sorting algorithm like insertion sort after the partition size falls below a certain threshold.

Pancake Sorting

PROBLEM Imagine you have a stack of n pancakes, each with a different diameter. You also have a pancake flipper. You can insert your flipper into the stack at any point, lift up all the pancakes in the substack above the flipper and flip them over as a unit. In the worst case, how many flips will it take you to sort all the pancakes by size (largest at the bottom) using an optimal algorithm?

At first this seems like a simple sorting problem: You have a set of items to sort and you’d like to optimize the worst-case running time of the sort. A merge sort has worst-case O(n log(n)); this seems like an easy solution.

Any time there’s a solution that seems this simple, it probably isn’t correct. Compare the situation in this problem to the usual problem of sorting. In most sorting problems, you can arbitrarily rearrange or exchange the items to be sorted; here, you’re limited to using flips of a substack.

There’s one other important difference: In analysis of the running time of sort algorithms, you must include the time required to examine each item. In this problem you must optimize the number of flips — in a sense you get to examine the pancakes to determine their locations and plan your strategy for free. After you recognize these differences, it becomes clear that this problem involves more than applying a standard sorting algorithm.

It’s hard to calculate the worst-case number of flips that a sorting algorithm requires without knowing what the algorithm is, so start by trying to devise an algorithm for sorting pancakes. You’re allowed to use only one operation for changing the order of pancakes: the flip. Think about what happens every time you perform a flip. The order of the pancakes above the point you inserted your flipper is reversed, but the order of the pancakes below the flipper remains unchanged. It seems like it may be difficult to maintain pancakes in sorted order near the top of the stack because they keep getting flipped over, so try sorting the stack starting at the bottom.

The largest pancake should end up on the bottom. How can you get it there? Consider three cases for where the largest pancake could start out: on the bottom, somewhere in the middle, or on the top. If the largest pancake starts out on the bottom, then you don’t need to move it. If it’s in the middle, things seem a little complicated — certainly there’s no way to get it to the bottom with a single flip. If you don’t see how to deal with this case right away, put it aside, and come back to it later. What if the largest pancake starts out on the top? Then you could flip the entire stack, moving the pancake from the top to where you want it on the bottom. This also gives you a method for solving the middle case: You just need to first move the largest pancake to the top and then flip it to the bottom. It’s quite simple to move a pancake from somewhere in the middle to the top: Insert the flipper immediately underneath the pancake and do a flip. Combining all this, you see that in the worst case it takes two flips to move the largest pancake to the bottom of the stack.

Because the pancakes at the bottom of the stack are unaffected by flips above them, you can continue sorting from the bottom up using the same procedure. On each cycle, identify the next largest not-yet-sorted pancake, flip it to the top, and then flip the stack above the largest already-sorted pancake to move the current pancake from the top into its sorted position. This would be a worst case of 2n flips.

Can you do better than this? You’ve already worked through sorting the first few pancakes; now think about what happens when you sort the last pancakes. After you’ve sorted the next-to-smallest pancake, all the other pancakes larger than it are in sorted order beneath it. There’s only one position left that the smallest pancake can be in: its sorted location at the top of the stack. If you apply the sorting procedure to the smallest pancake at this point, you just flip it over twice. This wastes two flips without changing anything, so you can skip these flips. The worst case is no more than 2n – 2 flips.

There seems to be room for optimization at the end of the sort, so try backing up one more step to see if you can do any better (assuming that n > 1). After you’ve sorted all but the last two pancakes, you’ve (worst case) performed 2n – 4 flips. There are only two ways the final two pancakes can be arranged at this point. Either they’re already in sorted order and you’re done, or the larger one is above the smaller. In the latter case, you just have to flip the two pancakes. This gives a worst-case total of 2n – 4 + 1 = 2n – 3 flips.

Yet more optimal solutions can be derived, but this is probably as far as anyone would expect you to go in an interview. This problem has an interesting history. Although commonly known as the pancake problem, it’s more formally classified as sorting by prefix reversal and has applications in routing algorithms. Before he disappointed his family and friends by dropping out of Harvard, Bill Gates published a journal article on the problem (Gates, WH and Papadimitriou, CH, “Bounds for Sorting by Prefix Reversal,” Discrete Mathematics:27(1) 47-57, 1979). Gates’ algorithm, which is substantially more complex than what we’ve discussed, stood as the most efficient known solution to the problem for almost 30 years.


Sorting algorithms are selected using criteria such as memory use and stability as well as best, average and worst-case performance. No comparison sort can have better worst-case performance than O(n log(n)).

Selection sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithms, but it is O(n2) in all cases. It requires only O(n) swaps, however, so it is suitable for data sets where copying is very expensive. Insertion sort is efficient when dealing with mostly sorted data sets, where it can have O(n) performance, but average and worst cases are O(n2). Quicksort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that offers O(n log(n)) performance in the best and average cases and O(n2) in the worst case. Merge sort is another divide-and-conquer algorithm that offers O(n log(n)) performance in all cases. It is especially useful for sorting data sets that cannot fit into memory. You can make any sorting algorithm stable by assigning a sequence number to each element and using the sequence number as the tie-breaker in a multikey sort.

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