14.12 Thematic Takeaways

  • In declarative programming, the programmer specifies what they want to compute, not how to compute it.

  • In logic programming, the programmer specifies a knowledge base of known propositions—axioms declared to be true—from which the system infers new propositions using a deductive apparatus:

    Two expressions. Predicate calculus leads to representing the relevant knowledge. Resolution leads to rule of inference.
  • Propositions in a logic program are purely syntactic, so they have no intrinsic semantics—they can mean whatever the programmer wants them to mean.

  • In Prolog, the programmer specifies a knowledge base of facts and rules as a set of Horn clauses—a canonical representation for propositions—and the system uses resolution to determine the validity of goal propositions issued as queries, which are also represented as Horn clauses.

  • Unlike Prolog, which uses backward chaining, CLIPS uses forward chaining— there is no concept of a goal in CLIPS.

  • There is a mismatch between predicate calculus and Prolog. Some things can be modeled in one but not the other, and vice versa.

  • While Prolog primarily supports a logic/declarative style of programming, it also supports functional and imperative language concepts.

  • The ultimate goal of logic/declarative programming is to make programming entirely an activity of specification—programmers should not have to impart control upon the program. Prolog falls short of the ideal.

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