false keyword, Keywords
FCL (Framework Class Library), Inheritance, Introduction to LINQ, Application Exceptions, Application Exceptions, Registers Window
exception translation, Application Exceptions
inheritance, Inheritance
LINQ support, Introduction to LINQ
tracing support, Registers Window
fencepost errors, Arrays and Collections, Enumerators, Mathematical and Logical Operators
Field table, Metadata
fields, Class Members, this Object, Constants, Singleton, Insert a Code Snippet, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections
arrays as, Arrays and Collections
as class members, Class Members
as data members, this Object
in code snippets, Insert a Code Snippet
object initializers, Singleton
overview, Constants
FIFO (first-in, first-out), Defining a Delegate, System.MulticastDelegate Class
FileIOPermission attribute, Attributes
FileStream class, Unmanaged Resources, Close Method
filtering operators, Equality Operator
(see also )
finalization process, Generations Example, Generations Example, Generations Example, Server GC, Finalizers and virtual functions
garbage collection, Generations Example
memory management, Generations Example, Server GC
unpredictable order, Finalizers and virtual functions
Finalize method, Classes (see )
finalizer threads, Finalizers, Lack of guarantee
finalizers, Server GC, Server GC, Finalizer Considerations, Finalizer Considerations, One finalizer thread
considerations, Finalizer Considerations
defined, Server GC
overview, Server GC
virtual functions, One finalizer thread
finally statement, Sample LINQ Program, Keywords, Try Statements, Finally Statements, IDisposable.Dispose, IDisposable.Dispose, IDisposable.Dispose, Reliable Code
Dispose method, IDisposable.Dispose
exception handling, Sample LINQ Program, Try Statements, Finally Statements
keyword defined, Keywords
using block, IDisposable.Dispose
weak references, Reliable Code
fixed keyword, Keywords, Fixed-Size Buffers
fixed statement, Fixed Statements
fixed-size buffers, Fixed-Size Buffers
Flags attribute, Bitwise Enumeration, Attributes
float type, Primitives, Types
fonts, customizing, IntelliSense
for statement, Selection Statements, Keywords
foreach statement, Iterative Statements, Iterative Statements, Keywords, Array.Clone Method, Generic Collections, IEnumerator<T> Interface
description, Iterative Statements
enumeration support, Generic Collections, IEnumerator<T> Interface
keyword defined, Keywords
polymorphism, Array.Clone Method
foreign keys, Associations
formatted types, Blittable Types
Framework Class Library, Application Exceptions (see )
Function element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
function references, Creating a Delegate, Creating a Delegate, Creating a Delegate, Creating a Delegate, Generics and Delegates
assigning to delegates, Creating a Delegate
contravariance, Creating a Delegate
covariance, Creating a Delegate
invoking, Generics and Delegates
function resolution, Function Overloading
FunctionAttribute class, Namespaces
functions, Fields, Functions, Function Return, Function Overloading, Function Overloading, Visibility, Visibility, Singleton, Singleton, Properties, Error handling, Partial Type, Partial Type, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Array Conversion, Delegates and Events
abstract, Abstract Classes
constructors, Visibility
delegates and, Delegates and Events
destructors, Singleton
function returns, Functions
local variables, Function Overloading
methods, Visibility
nested types, Error handling
object initializers, Singleton
overloading, Function Overloading
overview, Fields
parameters, Function Return, Array Conversion
partial methods, Partial Type
partial types, Partial Type
properties, Properties
fuslogvw.exe tool, Loading Assemblies
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