uint type, Primitives
ulong type, Primitives
unary operators, Verbatim Characters, Boolean operators, Pointer operators, Mathematical and Logical Operators, Implementation, Implementation
Increment/Decrement operators, Implementation
listed, Verbatim Characters
miscellaneous, Pointer operators
overloading, Mathematical and Logical Operators
type operators, Boolean operators
UnaryExpression type, Namespaces
unchecked operator, Pointer operators, Keywords, Operator Overloading
unhandled exceptions, Remote Exceptions
UnhandledExceptionEventArgs class, AppDomain.UnhandledException
Unicode characters, Generic types, Identifiers, CharSet
universally unique identifier (UUID), Explicit Marshaling
unmanaged callbacks, StringBuilder
unmanaged resources, Memory Management, Unmanaged Resources, Unmanaged Resources, Managing Unmanaged Resources
garbage collection, Unmanaged Resources
memory management, Memory Management, Managing Unmanaged Resources
UnmanagedType enumeration, Unmanaged Callbacks
unsafe code, Attributes, The GC Class, The GC Class, Unsafe Code, Unsafe Code, Unsafe Code, Unsafe Keyword, The stackalloc Command, The stackalloc Command, CharSet, CharSet, CharSet, Blittable Types, Directional Attributes, Directional Attributes, StringBuilder, Unmanaged Callbacks, Fixed-Size Buffers, Fixed-Size Buffers, Fixed-Size Buffers
blittable types, CharSet
directional attributes, Directional Attributes
DllImportAttribute type, Attributes, The stackalloc Command, Fixed-Size Buffers
explicit marshaling, Unmanaged Callbacks
fixed-size buffers, Fixed-Size Buffers
formatted types, Blittable Types
Interop marshaler, The stackalloc Command
overview, The GC Class, Unsafe Code
P/Invoke, CharSet (see )
pointers, The GC Class, Unsafe Code, Unsafe Keyword, Fixed-Size Buffers
recommendations, Unsafe Code
StringBuilder type, Directional Attributes
unmanaged callbacks, StringBuilder
unsafe keyword, Keywords, Unsafe Code
unsafe modifier, Classes
user-defined types, Main Entry Point, Blittable Types
Userstring heap, Metadata Heaps
ushort type, Primitives
using directive, Namespaces
using keyword, Keywords
using statement, IDisposable.Dispose
UUID (universally unique identifier), Explicit Marshaling
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