SHOW ERRORS is a SQL*Plus command. It returns information from the USER_ERRORS view, which has the following description:

SQL> desc user_errors
 Name                           Null?    Type
 ------------------------------ -------- ----------------
 NAME                           NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
 TYPE                                    VARCHAR2(12)
 SEQUENCE                       NOT NULL NUMBER
 LINE                           NOT NULL NUMBER
 POSITION                       NOT NULL NUMBER
 TEXT                           NOT NULL VARCHAR2(4000)

You can select compiler error results when not running SQL*Plus by querying this view. The USER_ERRORS view contains errors for objects compiled in your schema. ALL_ERRORS and DBA_ERRORS are other views with wider scope. Refer to Chapter 5 for a complete description of the differences between the USER, ALL, and DBA data dictionary views. The following is a description of the columns.

NAMEThis is the name in the CREATE OR REPLACE clause. This is not the host file. Running the script @MY_HELLO.SQL with a CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE HELLO statement creates the object name HELLO. The data dictionary stores all attributes in upper case.
TYPEThis is FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, PACKAGE, or PACKAGE BODY. There is never an underscore in PACKAGE BODY.
SEQUENCEThis corresponds to the error number relative to the number of errors in the compile.
LINEThis is the list-file line number, which contains the error. This corresponds to the LINE column in USER_SOURCE.
POSITIONThis is the column position of the error.
TEXTThis contains the text of the error. For example: PLS-00302: component 'PUTLINE' must be declared

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