
Most of this book is written in a collective voice, but acknowledgments are deep and personal things. We’ll speak a little here as a team before expressing some individual gratitude. You’ll notice that of the three of us Chris has the most to say, which is fitting since he is the creator of Phoenix and has been invested in it from the very beginning.

The endeavor of writing a book touches each author in their own way. Writing a beta book means this process often happens in the public eye so each author’s job is made simultaneously more difficult. Criticisms are levied against an unfinished product, but adjustments can be made in real time resulting in a better book and surprising interactions with readers. Thanks to all of our beta readers who waited with patience as Chris released two versions of Phoenix and LiveView.

As a team, we’d like to thank this production crew. It’s been the finest any of us have ever worked with. Potomac Indexing, LLC, handled our indexing, Jasmine Kwityn did our copyedit, and Janet Furlow managed the endless production details.

These contributions were invaluable, but we’d also like to single one out for deeper praise. Jackie Carter is more than an editor. After working with us year after year, the relationship has transcended mere editorial advice. She’s a friend and mentor. This book was trying but your voice shaped it reliably and skillfully.

Our reviewers worked hard to provide excellent feedback, even though the code serving as the foundation for this book was constantly shifting. Of course, we had our formal technical reviews. We’d like to thank Lance Halvorsen, Doug Yun, Marcos Ramos, Elaine Watanabe, Luke Imhoff, Mike Binns, and João Britto for providing excellent feedback.

This book spent a long time in beta; perhaps too long. You will ultimately benefit from that with a better book. The advice and care our beta readers took to fill in errors and make suggestions was fantastic. Finally, thanks to all of the folks who have supported us with reviews, kind words, and meaningful conversations.

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