Bruce Tate

A completed book fills a hole on many bookshelves but leaves other holes behind. Thanks to Maggie, my joy and inspiration, for sharing me with a smile. Introducing a new language to the world is demanding. Sharing our home with this metaphorical guest (which led to more than a few corporal guests) is going above and beyond. What can I say besides thank you? Julia and Kayla, it’s been a joy raising you and knowing that you are growing from the two wide-eyed does watching the world change to two tigresses doing the changing. Get ready, world!

Thanks to José and Chris for taking this journey with me; to Francesco for your friendship and companionship; to Brett Wise who has become an extension of me for the great things we want to do in the world. Thanks to JEG2 and Chris K. for being contrarian voices in a world of sameness.

To my mentees, especially Doc, Grace, and Ram (Richard to those who might not know him well), thanks for believing in me and working to be the best people you can. You inspire me.

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