Wrapping Up

It’s a good time to pause and take stock of what we’ve done. It’s been a busy chapter.

  • We began the chapter by introducing Ecto and announcing our intention to replace the naive implementation in our context with a database-backed Ecto repository.

  • We configured our new database and connected it to OTP, so that Elixir could do the right thing in the event our repository crashes.

  • We created a schema, complete with information about each necessary field.

  • We created a migration, to help us specify our database tables and automate doing and undoing any database changes.

  • We created a changeset so Ecto could efficiently track and manage each change requested by our application.

  • We integrated this change into our application.

We’ve already come a long way, and we’re only a few chapters in. We’re ready to handle some more sophisticated application features. Let’s get rolling. In the next chapter, you’ll use some of these new features to authenticate a user.

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