Early Praise for Programming Phoenix 1.4

Programming Phoenix offers a very engaging hands-on approach without compromising depth in content, making it a balanced source of knowledge for beginners and hackers alike. The authors’ credibility comes not only from the fact that they are creators of Elixir and Phoenix, but for their experience in the field designing, building, and scaling big apps—and that completely shows in this book.

João Augusto B.C. Alves
Software Consultant, Plataformatec

Programming Phoenix will provide you with the most in-depth, cutting-edge insights into how to harness the full power of the Phoenix framework. If you want to be the best, learn from the best.

Tetiana Dushenkivska
Creator of ElixirCards, Clever Bunny

I write Elixir for a living, and Programming Phoenix was exactly what I needed. It filled in the sticky details, like how to tie authentication into web applications and channels. It also showed me how to layer services with OTP. The experience of Chris and José makes all of the difference in the world.

Eric Meadows-Jönsson
Elixir Core Team

Phoenix gives you all the tools needed to handle very complex problems in a very elegant way. Programming Phoenix gives you all the tips you need to solve such problems. It’s a must have.

Marcos Ramos
Senior Elixir Developer, Plataformatec

Even if you have no current plans to write a Phoenix web app, you need to read Programming Phoenix. The insights this book gives into Elixir, Erlang, and OTP—their strengths, and the corresponding thoughtful design patterns that went into the Phoenix framework—are invaluable to any developer in the Elixir/Erlang ecosystem.

Mike Binns
Senior Software Engineer, Dockyard
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